News Mosaic Sports Remembering freshman An exclusive interview Men's lax wins 17-16 John R. Williams Jr. with Moby battle with Towson See page A3 Bl Cl An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • on-Profit Org. ~Review Online • THE U.S. Postage Paid www. review. udel. edu Newark, DE REV IE Permit No. 26 Free 250 Student Center • Tuesday Volume 125, Number 45 April 13, 1999 Prevalence of alcohol abuse begins at home partly due to a 1993 Harvard study foc using on someone who uses fairly regularly and vice the drinki ng habits of University of Delaware versa," Bishop sai d. The first of an studems. There is one time in particular during which The study found binge drinking among 62 a child is especiall y impressionable, he said. percent of university students. The Harvard "With family dynamics, it appears whatever eight-part School of Public Health defines binge drinking a student is exposed to in the eighth to lOth as five drinks in a row for males and four for grade seems to correlate pretty hi ghl y to the females. The national average for binge student's use;· Bishop said. "It' s likely when series focusing drinking at all universities during the same time they get older, students will use similar to how reriod was 44 percent. they saw their fami ly use." John Bi shop, assistant vice president for Universi·ty President David P. Roselle on UDswar student life and coordinator for the RWJF grant agreed in an interview with The Review last on campus, said a major influence on students' May. drinking habits is the way their families use "Where there is the most abuse of drinking on hinging alcohol. by children, is in th ose parts of .the country "If alcohol use is pretty regular and obvious, where there is the most abuse of drinking by BY MICHAEL D. BULLARD chances are very good the student will be parents,'' Roselle said. "That should not PART 1: Managing News &litor The abuse of alcohol throughout the surprise anybody.'· He added th at the "culture of alcohol" THE C ULTURE OF ALCOHOL university .community has sparked a five-year Roselle begins at home. _ -<:.r FAMILY LIFE war against binge drinking - a war funded by "It 's just true." he said. "Like father, like • CAMPUS LIFE a non-profit organization. anything being tried,'' he said. "But by the son. " When the university .received a $770,000 eighth grade. there are a number of kids But Roselle said he did not mean to imply PART II: grant in 1996 from the Robert Wood Johnson experimenting." that parents f universi ty st udents are Foundation to combat binge drinking, the battle In addition to family use, Bishop said ALCOHOL ON CAMPUS themselves bin, drinkers. lines were drawn. geographi c location plays a pan in the amount "If your kid comes here and gets blitzed • WHAT Uf> HAS DONE The grant, from a di vision of the Johnson of alcohol students consume. every Thursday through Tuesday night, I don't and Johnson Corp., is pan of a continued effort "There are regions where the general use of • LESSONS LEAR NED think his dad is home doing the same thing," he by the organization to fund programs alcohol is higher than in others," he said. "We said. "I mean to say if kids grow up in a cu lture PART III: addressing major health issues. happen to live in one of the areas where of alcohol , where it is part of everyday li ves, With the implementati on of the grant, many consumption is highest." THE GREEK B ATTLE they are more likely to drink." faculty members have spearheaded research The three regions fo und to contain the • NATIONAL UNIVERSITY DEBATE · Steve Martin, a scientist at the Center for into what factors lead to binge drinking among highest alcohol consumption rates are the Drug and Alcohol Studies, said the criti cal time • NATIONAL CHAPTER DEBATE university students. Northeast, upper Midwest and western when children stan underage drinking is in the • LEGALITIES INVOLVED Although many· universities applied for the metropolitan areas. middle school years. • REACfiON FROM UD CHAPTERS RWJF grant, this university was one of I 0 "In the fifth grade, there's not much of see UD page A5 schools to receive funding. Its selection was Bishop WVUD UD-senior DJs get tries for the boot 1,000 beers BY MELISSA SCOTT SINCLAIR Srudem Affairs Editor A flyer posted on hi s door proclaims BY SUSAN STOCK Swdt.>nt AjfairJ Edimr the existence of his " 1,000 BEER SEMESTER." Its exhortation to "Support Two WVUD disc jockeys are one man's heroic struggle against Robert c laiming censors hip and Wood J ohnson" is accompanied by a prejudice as the reasons t hey picture of a s lack-jawed Ho mer Simpson were removed from their radio chugging back a can of "Duff' beer. shows this year. THE REVIEW/ Bob Weill Un like th e famou s cart oo n s lob, Both sophomore Mike Larry Fishman (left) and Mike Rotkowitz (right) both had however , Greg Knott' s motivation for R otkowitz and senior Larry their late-night radio programs cut by WVUD management. drinking 12,000 o unces of a lcohol this Fishman were abruptly removed Rotkowitz said he was given off in the middle of the broadcast Spring Semester goes beyond "Mmm ... from their late-night shows after the Monday I :30 to 3:30 a.m. in both instances. beer." disputes with the s tati on slot and was dedicated enough to "We were talking to someone "On the one hand, it's a test of myself management. hi s show that he did not mind the on the phone and all the sudden - can I do this?" said the 22-year-o ld Rotkowitz said hi s show, late ho urs. there was dead air - static," he Hono rs Program senior. " It's a kind of " Pholiage and Phungus," was "You' re not getting paid to do said. "They'd rather have dead final hurrah." g rowing-in popularity when he it or get respected," he said. air time than put me on rhe air." More impo rt ant ly, he said , hi s was abruptly removed from the " You do it to provide music for After be ing reinstated , "crusade" is a critici s m of the Robert air. the students and e ntertainment." Rotkowitz said, he was c ut off Wood Johnson Foundation ' s campaign to "The show was moving away Rotkowitz said he was actually the second time when someone in curb binge drinking. He said he believes from music," he said. " Out of s hut dow n twi ce, once about the background, of a call cursed the foundation and the administratio·n nowhere, people started li stening three weeks ago and then again on air. have overstepped their bounds. in. last Monday. "It wasn' t anyone in the studio " It 's a n academic institution, not a THEREVIEW/ BobWeill " It was never dead - the He said his s how 's phones were always ringing and see SENIOR page A9 Greg Knott poses with his "1,000 BEER SEMESTER" tran s missio n was suddenly cut see DJS page A6 people were always calling ... chart on his residence hall room door. Election debate held at UD sponsored by th e .Delaware Undergraduate concern ed wi th traffic reduction and the Three Newark Student Congress, Students Acting for city' s water supply, said he is sti ll strongly Gender Equality and th e League of Women in favo r of the rental cap. He a lso is Voters. considering propos in g to eliminate t he City Council Each candidate on the six-member panel g rand fa th e r c la use, which al lows four had four minutes to di sc uss their platform, unrelated persons to rent a house, o n the 60 seconds to debate with their oppo nent current housi ng ordinance. seats will be filled and a 30-second rebuttal on questions Yet Bausc\er. w ho ow ns 16 rental supplied from the audi ence of stu dent s and properties a nd is running on an open­ Newark residents. government platform, said he disagrees with after today s city­ Most of th e questions asked by the 60 in limiting the number of people to a rental attendance consisted of concerns over the unit because it discriminates agai ns t recent rental cap debate, which, if passed. stude nts who , for example. li ve in the wide elections wou ld limit the number of rental permits Courtyard Apartments on Main Street. issued to 900. ·'There are six resid ent s and on ly two BY APRIL CAPOCHINO Beaver , Bausc her and Heagy, a ll of parking spaces," he said. City News £tlitar whom own rental properties, said th ey were Other issues heavi ly di sc ussed were Six candidates, eager to join or stay on opposed to th e cap. Wampler and C lifton. traffic and th e city ' s water problems. City Co unc il. discussed, debated and who proposed th e rental cap. said they Beaver said he was int erested in making decided their stands on issues concerning agreed wi th it, as did Farrell. Cleveland Avenue four lanes to increase Newark residents and university students ''People d o not wa nt a cap on their traffic flow . Thursday night at the Trabant U ni versity property,'' said Beaver, who is running on a "Traffic is a horrendous problem in the Center.
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