Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLVII No. 20 October 21, 2016 www.cpp.ph Brutal dispersal EDITORIAL THE COMMUNIST Party of the Philippines (CPP) strongly con- demned the successive violent dispersals of the two consecutive demonstrations led by progressive organizations last October 18 and 19. In a statement, the CPP holds the leadership of the Philippine National Police (PNP), the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Oplan Bayanihan tramples officials of the Duterte govern- ment responsible for the violent on the ceasefire affront against the people's democratic rights to demonstrate and seek redress. That the suc- he Duterte regime must immediately put an end to the re- cessive dispersals were carried out pressive and bellicose military operations under the US-direc- with such viciousness reveals the ted Oplan Bayanihan. It must order the immediate pull-out of deep-seated hostility against the Tall troops of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) from civilian people and patriotic forces of po- communities in the countryside. lice and military officers who Duterte must ensure that all chief negotiator himself and the ordered the dispersals. These of- his troops in the AFP and police defense secretary asserted that no ficers must be immediately identi- follow his policy of friendship with amnesty proclamation will be fied, investigated and put to task. the revolutionary forces. He must signed until the end of peace ne- The National Democratic Front repudiate the policy of suppression gotiations. This goes against the of the Philippines (NDFP) negoti- against the patriotic and demo- spirit of the August agreement ating panel also slammed the bru- cratic forces. that such a proclamation will be tal dispersal, particularly the Only such measures will en- issued to pave the way for the re- protest in front of the US embassy. courage the Communist Party of lease of 434 more political detain- Most likely, there are elements the Philippines (CPP) and New ees. After having suffered in- within the military and police who People's Army (NPA) to further ex- justice, they will now be made to are against the new policy direc- tend the unilateral ceasefire de- go through the eye of the needle to tion of their commander-in-chief claration. The revolutionary forces attain their aspired freedom. and are out to sabotage the ongo- are discouraged from entering a It is disheartening to know ing peace negotiations between ceasefire agreement in the face of that the GRP will not carry out this the Government of the Republic of the GRP's failure to implement measure. It does not help the Philippines (GRP) and the some points of agreement. strengthen the NDFP's trust in the NDFP, it said. Last Wednesday, the GRP's negotiations. follow on page 3 Over the past 60 days since the volutionary forces and the revolu- bassy during the past days. The CPP and GRP issued unilateral tionary government. successive vicious dispersal of their ceasefire declarations, NPA units Contrary to "friendship", armed demonstrations clearly show the have firmly carried out orders to soldiers continue to be deployed at perpetuation of Oplan Bayanihan, hold off all offensives against the the midst of civilian communities in the policy of suppressing the patri- uniformed personnel of the AFP and the countryside. Using various pre- otic and democratic forces and PNP. This is despite the very diffi- texts ("visits", "anti-drugs", "deliv- treating them as enemies of the cult situation arising from continu- ery of service"), fully-armed soldiers state. ing provocative operations of enemy enter the communities to taunt and The persecution of activists armed units under Oplan Bayanihan. instil fear on the people. They carry continues. There are continuing The US-directed Oplan Bayani- out psywar and intelligence opera- cases of arrests in Southern han is the six-year counter-revolu- tions. One by one, activists and their Mindanao, Bicol, Central Luzon and tionary war program of the AFP families are summoned. Local resid- other parts of the county. Two launched in 2011. It aims to defeat ents are compelled to join village peasant leaders were successively the NPA, destroy the CPP and the meetings organized by soldiers for killed in Compostela Valley by democratic and anti-imperialist fear of being accused as NPA sym- armed troops of the AFP. There is mass organizations and suppress pathizers. relentless suppression of peasant their struggles. The AFP committed Contrary to prevailing laws and struggles across the country such left and right violations of human the CARHRIHL, they use barangay as in Nueva Ecija and Palawan. rights in "peace and development" halls, schools, day care centers and To the Filipino people, the con- operations mostly directed against other civilian infrastructures as tinuing repressive and bellicose op- civilians. barracks. They disturb the lives and erations of the AFP under Oplan The AFP's perpetuation of the livelihood of the peasants. Bayanihan despite the ceasefire Oplan Bayanihan is an outright af- The demand to end the Oplan reveals that the old situation re- front to, and tramples on, the spirit Bayanihan was among the principal mains under the Duterte regime in of the simultaneous ceasefires of demands of the protesting peasants, spite of his talk of peace and the CPP and GRP. It completely dis- minority people and other patriotic change. regards the order of GRP President and democratic forces in front of The prevailing ceasefire while Duterte to be friendly with the re- Camp Aguinaldo and the US em- the AFP continues with Oplan Bay- anihan is greatly disadvantageous to the Filipino people, especially for ANG Contents the peasant masses in the coun- tryside and their people's army. To Editorial: Oplan Bayanihan tramples them, it would be better to not have on the ceasefire 1 Vol. XLVII No. 20 | October 21, 2016 the ceasefire if the soldiers will not Brutal dispersal at the US embassy 1 be removed anyway from their Ang Bayan is published in communities and they would not be Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloco, Hiligaynon, 2 anti-mining Lumads killed 3 allowed to fight on equal grounds. Waray and English. The revolutionary forces re- Ang Bayan welcomes Fabella equipment pulled out 4 main open to forging a bilateral contributions in the form of Lakbayan launched 5 ceasefire agreement that will spe- articles and news items. Readers are cify clear guidelines. Towards this, encouraged to send feedback and Panels agree on CASER outline 6 the CPP hopes that Duterte officials recommendations for improving our Duterte's program for the economy 7 will take back their earlier state- newspaper. ments which contravene the agreed Workers against contractualization 8 upon amnesty proclamation to re- lease political detainees. Aspects of friendship with China 9 In order to extend the cease- Factionalism sharpens 10 fire, the CPP and revolutionary forces expect the Duterte regime to Unequal trade relations with US 11 carry out decisive action to make US presidential elections 13 the AFP and PNP follow its policy of friendship and negotiations with Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee the revolutionary forces and its in- of the Communist Party of the Philippines dependent foreign policy. 2 October 2 1 , 2 01 6 ANG BAYAN 2 anti-mining Lumads killed TWO LUMADS were consecutively killed by military shot by an unidentified motorcycle-riding agents in Compostela Valley this October. At the same gunman. He was immediately rushed to time, illegal arrests of progressives using the anti-drugs Montevista District Hospital and war and Oplan Tokhang are on the rise. later transferred to the Davao Last October 13, Joselito "Anoy" Pasaporte was Regional Hospital in Tagum City. shot dead by elements of the 46th IB on his way home to He died the next day. Mabini town. Pasaporte was a member of Panalipdan A week Youth in Compostela Valley. before the The military attempted to cover up the crime by incident, saying that it was in line with Duterte's anti-drug war. Saypan Compostela Valley police chief Senior Supt. Armando de confronted Leon even reported that Pasaporte was 6th in the elements Mabini list of suspected drug pushers. of the Army's 66th Infantry Battalion in a dialogue and Panalipdan and progressive organizations slammed demanded the pullout of soldiers, Karapatan said. the police statement. According to the groups, Pasa- Saypan was listed in the military's publicized order of porte was a member of the youth and students' organiz- battle. ation which aims to protect the environment. His organ- CFA and the local government of Compostela had ization led struggles of indigenous peoples against been vocal against the operations of Agusan Petroleum multinational and foreign mining operations in their and Minerals Corporation (AGPET), a mining subsidiary community. owned by Eduardo Cojuangco. Three days earlier, Jimmy Saypan, secretary general Soldiers have been deployed in the community to of the Compostela Farmers' Association (CFA) was also secure AGPET's mining area. follow on page 4 from page 1 Last October 19, police forces from the Manila Police dissent of the marginalized and the oppressed," said District violently dispersed a rally by national minorities Aba. and patriotic organizations in front of the US embassy in The incident at the US embassy generated criticism Manila. The protest is part of the series of activities of from various organizations and personalities. the Lakbayan ng Pambansang Minorya (Journey of the Aiza Seguerra, National Youth Commission head,, National Minorities) which calls to end military presence tagged as "heartless" the police dispersal of the in their communities and US troops in the country. Police protesting organizations whose calls were legitimate. After the violent attack, minorities and organiza- fired tear gas canisters while a police patrol mobile tions trooped to Manila Police District and held an in- rammed into a row of protesters.
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