3,356,570 United States Patent Office Patented Dec. 5, 1967 2 (2) Name: Molar sodium lactate 3,356,570 Formulation: COMPOSTION FOR TREATING SHOCK Harvey R. Butcher, Jr., St. Louis, Mo., assignor to The 85% lactic acid----------------- --------- cc. 400 Trustees of Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., a trustee Sodium hydroxide pellets----------------- gm. - 195 ship of Missouri Phenol red indicator--------------------- mg-- 4 No Drawing. Fied Nov. 27, 1964, Ser. No. 414,420 Freshly distilled water q.S. ----------------cc. 4000 5 Claims. (C. 167-58) pH range 6.8-8.4. The present invention relates to a composition for Procedure: treating shock in animals, including human beings, as 0 Measure 400 cc. 85% lactic acid into wide mouth well as lower animals, and in its specific and preferred Pyrex flask. Add 1000 cc. distilled water and phenol red embodiment it consists of a lactated Ringer's solution indicator (4 mg.). Weigh NaOH pellets, placing con having a pH of about 7.4 to 9.1, which pH is obtained tainer in cold water to prevent container from over-heat normally by the addition of sodium hydroxide. The op ing. Mix with above solution. Bring volume to 4000 cc. timum pH is about 8.2. 5 with distilled water. Boil for 30 minutes. Cool solution, Heretofore, shock has been treated by giving intraven q.s. again to 4000 cc. Filter. Pour into bottles which have ously some solution such as Ringer's solution or lactated Ringer's solution. Such solutions normally have a pH been previously washed and treated. on the acid side. One commercial Ringer's solution has (3) Name: Alkaline lactate ringers, a pH of about 6.5. 20 Formulation: Cc A conventional Ringer's solution is an isotonic solu Concentrated ringers------- - - - - - - - - - - - - M - - - - - 240 tion having approximately the following composition: Molar sodium lactate------------------------- 150 0.7% NaCl; 0.3% KCl; 0.025% CaCl2, and water. A Freshly distilled Water q.S. -------------------- 6000 lactated Ringer's solution includes sodium lactate as well as NaCl so that, for example, 130 milli-equivalents of 25 Procedure: sodium ions exist per liter of solution. Refer to master formula for preparation of parenteral To embody the present invention, an alkaline Ringer's solutions. solution is made by adding a sufficient amount of sodium Mix above concentrated solutions 1 and 2 and filter hydroxide to raise the pH to the range of 7.4 to 9.1 30 through mandler candle. Filtered solution normally and preferably about 8.2 comes through acidic (yellow). Add one drop of 5% An alkaline lactated Ringer's solution suitable for this NaOH solution which will change solution to alkaline invention can be prepared as shown in the following side (salmon pink). Refilter solution. If solution retains example: the proper color it is then packaged and autoclaved. If 35 solution again comes through acidic b (yellow) then one EXAMPLE more drop of 5% NaOH solution is added and solution is then again refiltered. (1) Name: Concentrated ringers The alkaline lactated Ringer's solution of this inven tion can be used by being administered intravenously in Formulation: 40 cases of shock, especially hemorrhagic shock, preferably Sodium chloride (C:P:)------------------ gm-- 75) it appears, with some compatible blood. As the following Potassium chloride (A:R:)--------------- gn. 50 table of experimental results indicates, the use of alkalized Magnesium chloride (A:R:) -------------- gm-- 25 lactated Ringer's solution is as efficacious as the restora Calcium chloride'2H2O (dihydrate).--------gm-- 25 tion to the animal of its shed blood, and a mixture of the Freshly distilled water q.S. ----------------cc 5000 two is best. - Procedure: Color may change from red to yellow; if this occurs, keep boiling. Add strong solution 50% NaOH drop by drop until color changes to salmon pink and remains constant on boiling. Weigh out above ingredients into flask If, too much NaOH is added, solution remains pink all dur Add 3000 cc. water 50 ing boiling period. Add lactic acid 85% drop by drop until Shake until dissolved yellow color appears. Then start adding NaOH to bring Add water q.s. 5000 cc. salmonb This pink rarely color happens. back. - - - THE RESULTS OF TREATING CONTROLLED CANINE HEMORRHAGIC SEHOCK . Modified Wigger's preparation) Method of Treatment No. No. No. Prop. treated dying Sury. SW. (i) Shed blood only---------------------------- 24 12 2 50 (2) Shed blood plus lactated Ringer's solution (pH 8.5) ------------------------------- 9 3 6 .67 (3) Lacated Ringer's solution alone: 2 (pH 8.5)----------------------------------- 20 10 0 50 (pH 6.5)----------------------------------- 7 6 1 .14 (4) Lactated Ringer's solution 2 plus 4 shed blood (pH 8.5)------------------------------- 8 1. 7 .87 (5) Shedblood plus 5% glucose in I2O 3------- 7 6 1. .4 1 Volume lactated Ringer's solution equaled volume of shed blood. Volume of lactated Ringer's solution equaled the plasma plus four times the red blood cell volume removed. 3 Volume 5% glucose in water equaled three times the volume of shed blood. ay 3,356,570 es 4 The use of the present invention on human beings is intravenously in the foregoing manner tends to improve shown by the following table of results from treating restoration of the functional deficit of sodium in the ex burns of 20-85% of human body surface with alkaline tracellular spaces in the body that certain research has Ringer's solution alone: shown to exist after a condition of hemorrhagic and other forms of shock have developed. Thus the alkalized Liters Percent Alkaline Ringer's solution, preferably lactated, not only counter Body Lactated Recovery Renal In acts acidotic conditions, but also is effective in its action Patient Age Surface Ringer's From sufficiency Burned Used First Shock against extracellular sodium deficiency, whatever its 24 Hrs. cause-whether it be hemorrhage, diarrhea, burns, Past Burn O crushed tissues or other injury. It is, therefore, intended to lay especial emphasis upon L. 18 85 18.0 Yes None S. 10 65 6.7 Yes None the prevention of acidosis in animals in state of shock W. 24 30 13.2 Yes None at the time the blood restorative is administered, and D. 25 70 0.4 Yes None W. 2 60 2.9 Yes None especially to do so by addition of an alkalized solution C. 24 75 13.2 Yes None 5 consisting mainly of sodium salts. Finally, it is particu L. 64 40 9.0 Yes None larly emphasized that the best results occur when the D. 57 80 13.3 Yes None material used as the restorative consists of a Ringer's L. 6 65 3.3 Yes None solution, especially a lactated Ringer's solution, with a This patient also received 500ml. compatible blood. None of the other pH of about 7.4 to about 9.1 produced therein by sodium patients received blood or other colloid solutions as therapy for shock. 20 hydroxide. The optimum pH is about 8.2. 2 Days. Various changes and modifications may be made with No plasma, Dextran, or other colloid solutions are in the process of this invention as will be readily apparent necessary to treat burn shock successfully in man, if the to those skilled in the art. Such changes and modifica alkaline lactated Ringer's solution is used in sufficient tions are within the scope and teaching of this invention quantities. It may be noted that the quantities used in 25 as defined by the claims appended hereto. both tables is much greater than the quantities of con What is claimed is: ventional Ringer's solution heretofore used. 1. A composition for use in treating shock in animals: The patients are also treated with appropriate bacterial consisting essentially of a lactated Ringer's solution com control agents to reduce infection. But the shock requires bined with sodium hydroxide in a quantity sufficient to no treatment other than the alkaline. Ringer's solution. 30 raise the pH to from 7.4 to about 9.1, and to provide No solute or other diuretics (i.e., Manitol, Inulin) are a sodium content of about 137 to at least about 146 milli required. equivalents per liter. It is not known with assurance what is the reason for 2. A composition for use in treating shock in animals: the improvement in effectiveness of the material with consisting essentially of a Ringer's solution with a pH of the higher pH. It has been shown that the sodium content 35 about 7.4 to about 9.1 mixed with compatible blood, the of certain commercial Ringer's solutions may run about volume of Ringer's solution being at least about as great 130 or 131 milliequivalents per liter, whereas with the as the volume of blood. composition of the present invention, the sodium content 3. A composition for use in treating shock in animals: may run from about 137 to as high as 146 milli-equiva consisting esentially of a Ringer's solution and sodium lents per liter. 40 hydroxide, the latter in quantity to raise the pH to from Analysis of different products of alkalized lactated about 7.4 to about 9.1, and to provide a sodium content Ringer's solution made by the procedure given above in of about 137 to at least about 146 milliequivalents per comparison with a commercial product is as follows: liter. 4. The composition of claim 1 whereis the pH is raised L.R. MEq/L MEq/L MEq/L pH 45 to about 8.2. Na K Ca 5. The composition of claim 3 wherein the pH is raised to about 8.2. 146 6.1 3.3 7.85 45 6.0 3.2 8.7 References Cited 37 5.6 2.9 8.4 140 5.7 3.3 8.45 Rosenthal, S.: “Wound Shock,' Scientific American 140 5.8 3.3 8.2 50 137 5.45 2.9 8.0 (December 1958), pp.
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