Appeal Made For National Fund THE JEWISH I-IERALD VOL. XIII, No. 13 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1938 5 CENTS THE COPY Bond Opens Drive for Formation of -German Bloc to Advance Nazi Ideas -1. Center Players Will Present Kuhn Seeks Political "Squaring . The Circle" Tues. Night Unit to Achieve Aim The Center Flayers will present I the play "Squaring the Circle" at i Campaign Apparently the P1antations Auditorium Tues- , Directed by Berlin day evening, May 17. Although this j play, from the pen of Valentine ' New York:-Fresh from a trip to Kataev, was first produced eight Berlin, Fritz Kuhn, leader of the years ago, it is still a "sell-out" in German-American Bund and so­ Moscow, Leningrad, and other lead­ called American Fuehrer, has laun­ ing Russian cities. In America, of ched an open drive for formation course, it enjoyed a successf.ul run of a German bloc to advance Nazi on Broad:wav, where it was adver- aims in the United States, it wa 1 tised under the slogan. '':'he Laugh disclosed today. (Continued on page 6) In a statement of principles in the Deutscher Weckruf, official pa­ per of the Bund, Kuhn called on Bund members to "oppose all athei­ N. ¥. Welfare Board Secretary stic teachings, the abuse of reli­ flower Day, Sunday, gious liberty, J ewish Marxism, la­ th bor movement preaching class ha­ Marks Silver Jubilee ~ ~:fress R. I. you Rally tred, international rackets of high , The R. I. J ewish Youth Federat- , his address. Speakers in the panel fina,nce and racial intermixture be­ Y p · 1 U d ' ion, formed a short ~ime ago to 1discussion include members from tween Aryans and non-Aryans." oung eop e rge I promote co-operation among Jew- six organizations representative of Launching of the apparently Ber­ to Participate I ish youth g~oups, will hold its first [ the thirteen youth groups now mem- lin-directed campaign coincided ' rally on Sunday, May 15 at 8 o'clock bers of the Federation. These with a legal attack on the Bund A meeting was h eld this week at at the Jewish Cornmunity Center. speakers are David Korb, president by the Disabled War Veterans of the home of Mrs. Samuel Michael- The Federation offers this rally as of Masada; Claire Ernstof, president WAL'rER ADLER Chairman America, which resulted in war­ son, chairman of the J ewish Na- a call to all youth groups interested of Providence Junior Hadassah; I­ rants being issued for the arrest of tional Fund Silver Jubilee Flower in vital J ewish problems. srael Zuckroff, chancellor of Ben all six officials of Camp Siegfried,. Day, to complete arrangements for Ezekial J. Londow, field secretary Ami Fraternity; Justin P arvey, a Nazi summer camp at Yaphank, the celebration on Sunday. of the N. Y. J ewish Welfare Board chairman of Temple Beth-El Youth Bisgyer Sees Peril L. I . Flower stations are as follows: and an experienced leader of youth Forum; and Isadore Paisner, Tern­ Kuhn's statement, printed in Ger-­ Home of Mrs. h'erman Swartz, 29 groups, w ill be the guest speaker. pie Emanu-El Youth People's Lea­ In Dictatorships man on the front page of the Deut­ Elmway street, with Mrs. Swartz He will treat the subject, "How gue. Washington_:_Maurice Bisgyer told ', scher Weckruf, said in part: "The and Mrs. J . Semenoff in charge, re- can Jewish Youth in America Bei,t Following the panel, there will be the B'nai B'rith convention that a building of a German bloc is the ,presenting Providence Chapter of. Protect . its Vital Interests?'.' in its growing danger to Jews is seen in fundamental work of the Bund that · h h of Mrs San11uel · a sym"""'ium and social hour for all Hadassa ; ome • -. more general aspects. ,,.,., "a steady expansion of the areas means flatly the conscious rejection Michaelson, 154 Lancaster Street; A panel discussion on particular present. Samuel Kessler, will be the of dictatorship and a corresponding (Continued on page 5) home of Mrs. S. H. Ernstof, i46 phases of this subject will follow chairman for the evening. contraction of the areas of democ- Sumter Street, Miss Claire Ernstof racy." in charge, representing Junior Ha­ Bisgyer, executive secretary of Renew Demand for dassah. Scathing Attack On Albert Einstein the organization, said it has 60,689 Home of Mrs. Max J . Richter, 60 members, compared with 35,328 five Jewish Army Unit Eaton Street, Miss Ruth Richter in Made by Chicago Newspaper years ago. charge; Ahavath Sholom Synago- Dr. A. L. Sachar of Champaign, Jerusalem-It is essential that gue, Jacob Waid in charge; Sons of Chicago-In a recent issue of the pated in a Communist Congress in Ill., director of Hillet Foundation Jewish units of a military character Zion Synagogue, Mr. Smith and Chicago Tribune in the section de- 1929. on University campuses, declared: be created to help fight terrorism, Samuel Michaelson in charge; Tern- voted to the "Voice of the People," The Tribune so enthusiastically "Economic competition alwa.ys Isaac Ben Zvi, president of the Vaad pie Beth-El, Mr. and Mrs. Henry a Jetter appeared written by a cer- endorsed Mr. Stevenson's attack up­ brings some difficulty for minority Leumi, declared at the session o­ Burt and Philip V . Marcus in tain George Stevenson, with a sea- on the greatest man of science in groups. Jewish youth will be most pening the Assefat Hanivcharim, charge; South Providence Hebrew thing attack upon Albert Einstein. the world today that it wrote an affected after 1940. Jewish Representative Assembly. Institute, 139 Chester Avenue, Mr. The substance of Mr. Stevenson's editorial sustaining Mr. Stevenson's The special session, which is be­ and Mrs. Harry Chaet and Max Jetter revealed his intense opposi- assertions. YIDDISH PAPERS ing devoted to finances and taxa­ Abrams in charge; Sons of J acob / tion lo President Roosevelt's plan In reference to this charge, Prof. Montreal-Five hundred copies of tion, heard a report of the acti­ Synagogue, Douglas Avenue, Getzel to aid Jewish victims of Naziism in Einstein issued the following state­ the Toronto Kampf and New York vities of the Vaad Leumi since the Zaidman and Irving Zaidman in I Austria and Germany._ i:re declared ment: "I never was in Russia and Freiheit, Yiddish communist papers, last session. In the discussion of the charge. Ithat none of these v1ct1ms should never participated in any party con- were seized here by the authorities need for enlarging th e defense pow­ A special appeal was sent this be admitted to this countr~, saying gress. It will be interesting to know acting under the Quebec padlock er of the Yishuv, Mr. Ben Zvi de­ scribed the resistance of the Ylshuv week to young men and women to that they are all commumsts. In · th t th' 11 . 't' 11 in law, in a raid on a local distribut­ participate in the Flower Day Col- this connection h e referred to the a 15 e, iru Ia Y spread ing' agency. Material for an article as heroic and gave suppoi:t to the lections, and to be at the stations eminent scientist, Professor Ein- Germany, is now being repeated on Anti-Semitism was also con­ J ewish Agency's demand for the at 9 o'clock, Sunday morning, at stein, claiming that he h ad parti- from those sources.' fiscated. formation of J ewish defense units. which time districts will be assig- ned. i To Hold Services Sun. Kuhn Back Reports Arrange Culture Festival at Temple Emanuel F~~ne:~~: :!:~i=~o~:~: late Bernard M. Goldowsky, pro­ minent local Zionist and civic work­ German Jews 'Happy' Rabbi Rubenovitz Kadimah Choral er, will be held on Sunday after­ New York - Returning from a noon, 3 o'clock, at the Jewish Or­ seven weeks' visit to Germany and To Be Guest Speaker Society to Sing phanage on Summit avenue. This event is being sponsored Austria during which he said he On Friday night, May 20 , a J ew­ gnition of his work as a leader in jointly by the Bernard M. Goldow­ didn't meet Hitler or any other Na­ ish Culture Festival will be held at sponsoring Swedish Culture in A­ sky Club of Young Judaea and the zi government official Che also den­ Temple Emanu-El in celebration of merica, h e was last year knighted R. I. Council of Young Judaea, with ied meeting Fascist leaders in the completion of ten years of Jew­ by the King of Sweden and he is the' co-operation of t he Zionist Dis­ France and Belgium), Fritz Kuhn, ish Adult Education. This Festival, one of the few Americans to be a trict and the Directors of the J ew­ national fuehrer of the German-A­ sponsored by the Institute of J ew ­ Knight of the Order of Vasa. ish Orphanage. Morris Block is merican Bund, delivered himself of ish Studies and established in Sep­ Dr. Israel M. Goldman, who has chairman, with Miss Harriet Win­ a pronouncement in which he said, tember 1928, is completing· ten years directed the Institute of Jewish Stu­ among other things: nerman as secretary. of its activities. dies for the last ten years, will The Jews in Germany are per­ Rabbi Herman H. Rubenovitz, speak on the program; and Mrs. fectly happy under Hitler; in his Dean of New England Rabbis and Nathan Temkin, chairman, will Beth-Israel Sisterhood talks with J ews everywhere in Ger­ Rabbi of Temple Mishkan Tefila, bring greetings. many he was told to tell the Jews Boston, will be principal speaker.
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