Air quality in the megacity of São Paulo: Evoluon over the last 30 years and future perspec9ves Maria de Fama Andrade Atmospheric Sciences Department Ins)tute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences University of Sao Paulo Outline of the presentation • Geographical informaon • Brazil, Sao Paulo State and Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area • Air Quality characterizaon of MASP (Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo). • Time evolu)on in the last 30 years of regulated pollutants • Results of Previous Studies • New Projects • Average Impacts X individual exposure La9n America and the Caribbean Popula9on • 648,476,231 (in 2017 according to United Naons) • Lan America and the Caribbean populaon is equivalent to 8.62% of the total world populaon. • The populaon density in Lan America and the Caribbean is 32 per Km2 (83 people per mi2). • The total land area is 20,158,154 Km2 (7,783,104 sq. miles) • 79.7 % of the populaon is urban (516,362,188 people in 2017) • The median age in Lan America and the Caribbean is 29.6 years. Worldometers (http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/latin-america-and-the- caribbean-population/) PM2.5 – Particles with diameter less than 2.5 µm Metropolitan Area of São Paulo - MASP MASP= São Paulo city + 38 cities • 20 million inhabitants • 7,2 million vehicles • 2000 significative industrial plants • 8000 km2 Meteorological condions: worst events in winter (dry season with radiave inversions) • • PM2.5 OZONE Main air • Secondary • Contribu)on pollution organic of ethanol problems formaon fuel • Secondary • Contribu)on inorganic of gasohol formaon • Evaporave emissions Characterizaon of the air Pollu)on Problem New Direcons: from biofuels to wood stoves: the modern and ancient air quality challanges in the megacity of São Paulo. Atmos. Environ., 2016 31 % of LDVs use gasohol (75% gasoline +25% ethanol) 2 % use hydrous ethanol (95% Population:~ 20 ethanol +5% water) million inhabitants. 85% light‑duty vehicles (LDVs) 2 MASP (Metropolitan Area: 8511 km 50 % are flex-fuel Area of São Paulo ) (any proportion of Vehicle fleet: 7 gasohol or ethanol) 3% heavy-duty million passenger diesel vehicles and commercial (HDVs) vehicles 2% use diesel (diesel with 8% biofuel) 12% motorcycles • Ethanol represents 55% of the burned fuel. • 50% of the cars have more than 10 years of use. Evolu)on of the average values of CO, PM10, O3, SO2 and NO2 concentraons measured at the CETESB air quality monitoring staons in the MASP, number of vehicles by category (gasohol, ethanol and diesel) and the year of implementaon of the PROCONVE (Program for the Control of Air Pollu)on Emissions by Motor Vehicles phases. Source: Air quality in the megacity of Sao Paulo: evolu)on over the last 30 years and future perspec)ves. Atmos. Environ., 2017 Monthly variaons in selected air pollutants in São Paulo. Data are from the São Paulo Environmental Company CETESB, 2000–2013 Programs for Reduc)on of Emissions by Vehicular Fleet PROCONVE: PROGRAM FOR CONTROLLING THE VEHICULAR EMISSIONS Established in 1983 for light and heavy-duty vehicles PROMOT: PROGRAM FOR CONTROLLING THE EMISSIONS BY MOTORCYCLES Established in 2003 for regulaon of motorcycles emission. Programs to control emissions reduced the AVERAGE concentraon The changing characteristic But s)ll hot spots of s of air concentraon affect pollution in the populaon Sao Paulo MegaCity Populaon exposure due to hot spots of pollu)on, inequality exposure 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Average concentraon 10 of PM10, data from Concentraon ug/m3 5 0 CETESB- Environmental Pinh Inter Cong Mogi Itaim Diad. Agency in 2016 N.S.O Maua Carap. Grajau Mooca Osasco Cer.Ces Marg.Tie S. Amaro Guar.Pim. P.D.Pedro CapaoRed Guar.Paço PM10 Sao Paulo Standard WHO guideline -23.2 60 58 56 54 -23.4 52 PM concentraon in São Paulo Guarulhos-Pimentas 10 Guarulhos-Paço 50 Nossa Senhora do Ó Santana Itaim Paulista 48 Marginal Tietê July 2016 (interpolaon of data CarapicuibaOsasco Pq D Pedro II 46 Cerqueira César Mooca Cidade UniversitáriaPinheiros Ibirapuera 44 Taboão da S erra Congonhas from CETESB staons). São Caetano do Sul 42 -23.6 Santo André - Capuava Santo Amaro Santo André - paço Capão Redondo SBC - Paulicéia Mauá 40 Interlagos Diadema SBC - Centro 38 36 Parelheiros 34 -23.8 32 30 28 26 24 -24 MP10 julho 2016 22 20 -47.2 -47 -46.8 -46.6 -46.4 -46.2 -46 -45.8 Mean annual concentraons of trace elements (in ng/m3) present in the PM2.5 (in µg/ m3). The measurements were performed during different experimental campaigns and at different locaons in the MASP. OC/PM2.5= 0.55 EC/PM2.5= 0.20 Air quality in the megacity of Sao Paulo: evolu)on over the last 30 years and future perspec)ves. Atmos. Environ., 2017 Carbonaceous aerosols in MASP Santos et al., Atmos. Environ, 2016 Pereira et al., ACP, 2017 CARBONACEOUS AEROSOL COMPOSITION IN PM 2.5 • 90 % Vehicular sources EC • 10% Biomass Burning • Secondary Carbon from Vehicles • Primary Organic Carbon OC (Biomass Burning, Vehicular) Source: Vehicular emissions of organic par)culate maer in Sao Paulo, Brazil ACP, 2016. • Importance of gasohol and ethanol for the Volale Organic Compounds emissions Ozone • Iden)ficaon of more reac)ve compounds to ozone formaon • Emission inventory (Evaporave Emissions) Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde Concentraons in MASP • The number of vehicles that can burn ethanol has increased (flex-fuel vehicles) • The concentraon of aldehydes has not increased (the use of ethanol has decreased) Source: Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde measurements in urban atmosphere impacted by the use of ethanol biofuel: Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo Fuel, Nogueira et al., 2015 Tunnel Measurements for evaluaon of vehicular emissions Experiments performed in 2001, 2004, 2011, 2018 Sanchez-Ccoyllo et al., 2006 Mar)ns et al., 2008 Perez-Mar)nez et al., 2015 Brito et al., 2016 Nogueira et al., 2017 2018 etc Sources not properly accounted • Evaporave emissions during refuelling Evaporave Emissions Refuelling Hot Soak • Solvents: pain)ng and industries Emissions Running Losses • Biomass burning Diurnal • Vegetaon residues • Wood, charcoal Exhaust Emissions Vehicular Emissions NOAA HYSPLIT, may 21, 2016 Operational air quality Sao Paulo • Formaon of fine par)cles and radiave and microphysics process • Impact of biofuels use in the formaon of ozone • Transport of pollutants from São Paulo to other areas Vehicular Emissions INventory (VEIN) https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=vein Accepted CO g/h NOx g/h https://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2017-193/ www.lapat.iag.usp.br Modelling of atmospheric aerosols proper)es Primary gases coming mainly from on- road vehicles form between 20 and 30% of new par)cles of total PM2.5 mass Dust and sea salt aerossol contributed between 40 and 50% of the total PM10 mass found in the downtown MASP According to model results, biomass burning on average, accounted for 8-24% (5-15 µg/m3) of MP2.5 and for 3 15-32% (12-26 µg/m ) of O3, suggesng that air polluon levels depend largely on local emissions. Vara-Vela et al., 2017 Impact of using ethanol Or gasohol Ozone Considering the difference of scenario e100 - basecase FROM URBAN SCALE TO LOCAL SCALE University of Twente Netherlands ASTRID – Accessibility, Social Justice and Transport University of Surrey United Kingdom Emission Impacts of Transit- Oriented D evelopment University of São Paulo Strategies Brazil FAPESP Call´s theme of social jusce and policy domain of infrasctruture Cies and built environment Job accessibility restricons and Agglomeraon Disagregaon overlapping inequalies in the city of São Paulo Social Congeson Air polluon inequali)es Map of spatial distribution of the Low Group (<10th percentile) and the High Group (> 90th percentile) of the MHDI values by census tract of the MSP. Route Selection Origin Destination • Time of the payment of the Bus/Subway fare • GPS Localization Source: Laboratório de Geoprocessamento da POLI-USP All modals Route Selection • Time of the payment of the Bus/Subway fare • GPS Localization Bus Subway Car methods Particles that can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract PM2.5 BC microAeth® AE51 Good tracer for primary combustion emissions, especially in diesel-fuelled vehicles. DUSTTRAK II Aerosol Monitor 8530 60 60 BUT JAB -3 -3 50 17±19 µg m 19±19 µg m 50 23±7 µg m-3 24±12 µg m-3 ) -3 ) -3 −3 MP 40 14±9 µg m −3 40 17±46 µg m 2,5 30 30 (μg m (μg m 2.5 2.5 20 20 PM PM 10 10 > 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 4 5 MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP bus car subway bus car subway 60 60 18±18 µg m-3 20±15 µg m-3 35±8 µg m-3 28±15 µg m-3 ITA TUC 50 50 12±20 µg m-3 12±54 µg m-3 ) −3 40 40 30 (μg m 30 2.5 PM 20 20 10 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 4 5 MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP v v bus car subway bus car subway Brand et al., 2018 30 30 12 ± 8 µg m-3 10 ± 4 µg m-3 BUT 9±4 µg m-3 8±3 µg m-3 JAB 25 25 6 ± 2 µg m-3 7±4 µg m-3 ) 20 ) 20 BC −3 −3 15 15 BC (μg m 10 10 BC (μg m 5 5 > > 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP 30 30 bus -3 car -3 subway bus -3 car -3 subway 10±5 µg m 8±2 µg m ITA 13±4 µg m 7±3 µg m TUC 25 25 3±1 µg m-3 6±3 µg m-3 ) 20 20 ) −3 −3 15 15 BC (μg m 10 10 BC (μg m 5 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP MP EP bus car subway bus car subway Brand et al., 2018 15 20 25 30 50 >50 Ca PM2.5 r (µg m−3) results hours Morning rush PM2.5 Concentrations were higher in the center region and sometimes in the west or east regions.
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