FOR BETTER SERVICE THE BATTERIES STANDARD DE LUXE 18 Mo. Guarantee 30 Mo. Guarantee PLUS ... THE BATTERY SERVICE PROGRAM FREE e m e r g e n c y battery TROUBLE CALLS WITH TWO-WAY RADIO SERVICE TRUCKS melim 24 HOURS A DAY PHONE 5-9997 CANADA CANADA DRY BOTTLING CO., (HAWAII) LTD. DRY Bev Rivera, Hawaii's hostessr to U. S. Olympic Team \ v m m m 't/jo u are invited to ttend the NEW YEAR S EVE DINNER Entertainment - . 3 auori 3 o r m J ^Jicbeti on da L at ffice 3 ^ecem/>er 15th lij reservation onli KEIKI CHRISTMAS PARTY 1 he Kciki Party lias become tradi­ ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR tional. Dinner will he held at 7:00 p.m. sharp on the evening- of Friday. De­ DECEMBER cember 21. '1 here will lie entertainment, 14—FRIDAY—Cocktail Fashion Show. the arrival of Santa, gifts for all keikis. Cocktails at 5:30 p.m. Show 6:00 to While these parties are for the small 6:45 in Dining Room. Make reserva­ tio n s N O W ! fry. the grownups get as much pleasure 20—THURSDAY—Gam e N ite. Dinner and lun as the keikis out of seeing the 7:30. Games at 8:30 p.m. kiddies’ delight. So, bring vour youngsters 2 1 — FR ID A Y —K e i k i C h r i s t m a s P a r t y Irom one year up. If vou haven’t a keiki, Dinner at 7:00 p.m. 25—TUESDAY—OCC Open House, 4:00 borrow one—bin be sure you make reser­ to 5:30 p.m. Senior members only. vations I\ ADVANCE. Every year it’s a 29—SATURDAY—10:00 a.m., OCC Castle sell out. Call Maxie NOW'! Phone !)-3(>7(>. S w im . Dinner lor Adults: S2.00—Children un­ 31—MONDAY—New Year's Eve Party. F o rm a l. der 12: SI.50. JANUARY 1-CLUB DINING ROOM-BAR- SNACK BAR CLOSED. EVER SEE CHRISTMAS GIFTS WALKING? Call MAXIE—9-3676 for Reservations Well you will il you attend our own HA I I IE WH1 I AKER’S big lashion cocktail part\ on December 1-1, when CHRISTMAS DAY OPEN HOUSE nine ol our loveliest dub members will The annual Open House of the OCC be all wrapped up in the gavest of holi­ will be held 011 Christmas Dav, Decem­ day wear! The show is aimed at the man ber 2f), for senior members and spouse who wants to be a Santa Dear this year, members onlv. The hours, 1:00 to ">:,30 to the light of his lile. He can be sure he’ll p.m. Refreshments and entertainment please when the gift under the tree bears will be presented. Come to the open the label: HATTIE OF HONOLl l . l . house, then stay and have a delicious There are clothes to lounge in, la/e in, Christmas dinner. live in. Clothes to be beautiful in every dav ol the vear, here, or anywhere in the world. There are gift ideas galore, from NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY the most elegant gowns to the merriest ol beach-bag accessories, in prices to fit any Our annual Formal New Year’s Eve Santa’s pocketbook. partv will be held as usual on New Cocktails begin at .’):30, served in din­ Sear’s eve, December 31. Dinner and ing room, lounge or Hau Terrace, with dancing will continue until 1:30 a.m. the show from <> to (>:T> p.m. Hattie’s New Year’s clay. shows are alwavs a sell-out, so you’d be Favors, noisemakers, and entertain­ wise to make table reservations early. ment will be provided. As these parties Men are the special guests this time, but are always a sell-out you are cautioned the lair sex is invited too, ol course! to make your reservations and secure Modeling will be Rac hel Parker, Doro­ vour tickets in advance. Tickets will be thy Harnish, Hetty Long, Dotty Lund- available at the lobby oilice alter Decem­ berg. Ruth Denny, Mary Rae Fearon, ber i:>. Freida kumeilike. Marge Stone, and Bar­ Make up a merry party and join your bara Ackerman. Commentating will be friends in "ringing out the old and Hope Dennis. ringing in the new year” lor "Auld Lang Svne." Our sympathy rocs to the family of Charles E. Rochester, whose death oc­ HAWAIIAN TRUST curred on Wednesday, November 28. Mr. -*■ Investments • Real Estate Rochester was a non-resident member for many years and a great Iriend of the OCC Estate Planning and Waikiki. He was president of the Property Management Hotel Lexington ol New York. Prudential Life Insurance 120S. KING • PH. 5-1941 KNOW YOUR DIRECTORS We asked Jim “Did you participate in sports in college?’’ “No” he answered— “too busy.” "But I edited the engineering maga/inc at Oregon State.” Hilo had 110 glamour lor Jim and he soon moved to Honolulu, where in 1922 he married Miss Henrietta Smith ol an old kamaaina family. I'he results were two boys: John Cline Mann and James B., Junior and the present Mrs. Patricia Dowsett. All are or have been OCC mem­ bers as Jim, Jr. is presently in Hilo managing the Hukilau Hotel. Hobbies—Jim said " 1 1 0 hobbies,” but we know belter. For instance, lie owns and chives the niltiest 19.30 Model A in Ha­ waii. T his little dreamboat is ecpiipjjed with everything and all chromium- plated, slic kly upholstered, lacquered and in tip-top shape. Jim has been offered all sorts ol dough lor I.i/. but it’s his pride and joy. And then, Jim has a home work­ shop—with drills, lathes, saws and what have you. That’s good news for the OCC, for Jim has always been interested in the James B. Mann—your new Director. Club and takes home things to repair and also makes things for the Club and all gratis. He is now cleaning about 25 Oil November 11, the Directors ol the OCX! held <i dinner parly honoring shower heads. He made the koa trays "Jimmy" Mann and announcing his ap­ the waiters use and the koa stand in the lounge which holds straws, matches and pointment as a Director filling the un­ other odds and ends. expired term ol William Ewing who re­ cently resigned. I he Club is indeed lortu- That’s Jim. Recently the CUM) made nate to secure Jimmie’s consent to act, uniforms for the waitresses. Jim thought lor he is a man ol many parts, activities them pilau. He ordered cloth, had meas­ and know how. Hut, let us go 011 and tell urements made and, all at his own ex­ you a little about him. pense, ecpiipped the girls including the lovely aprons embroidered with our em­ On September 25, 1892 a babe was blem. He gets a kic k out of it. born in Portland, Oregon and named by his proud parents, James Bu//ell “Bu//” has been 011 the Buildings and Mann. I’ll bet he was "Bu//” as a kid for Grounds Committee officially or unoffi­ he does bu// around and gets things cially so long he forgets. He headed the done. Building Committee when our new building was erected 1939-1910. He has Alter tegular schooling, he attended Oregon State, where he received his been a Director three or four times— Bachelor ol Science degree majoring in again he forgets how many. And we al­ mechanical engineering. Then to Uni­ most forgot, Jim does business as an en­ versity ol Wisconsin doing postgrad gineer, surveyor, map maker, bluepi inter work in hydraulic engineering. 11 is first and all that sort of tiling with offices in job was in Florida in 19155-15 where he the Dillingham Building. assisted in ch aining a portion ol the Ever­ Yes, the Club is fortunate to have Jim glades. The tropical bug must have bit as a member, as a Director and as a him, lor in February 19 I(> he showed up Mann. Just thought you’d like lo know in Hilo, Hawaii where he worked as a the talents and contributions he brings rodman lor a big buc k and a hall a day. to our very line board. Keiki Christmas Party •> Friday, December 21 For Children from 1 to 100 Years ot Age DINNER: at 7:00 P.M. and a program featuring fine entertainment and the arrival of Santa Claus. MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW! CHILDREN (Under 12) $1.50 - ADULTS $2.00 Call MAXIE for Reservations PHONE 9-3676 OCC OPEN WATER DISTANCE SWIM The traditional swim events (Castle Swim) which were revived successfully and held on Thanksgiving Day in pre­ vious years will be held this year and in the future in late December. This year the date will be December 29, Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. The reason for the later date is be­ cause swimming coaches throughout the island have requested it. Late November events find swimmers untrained and un­ prepared and interferes with the football season. The events will be as follows: 1—Men's Open .........................................2000 vards Men's OCX; .........................................2000 vards 2—Women's Open ................................1">00 vards Women's OCC ..................................1500 yards 3—Hoys'..Open, under 18......................(>00 yards Boys' OCC, under 18......................(i00 yards 4—Girls' Open, Hi and under.............(iOO yards Gil ls' OCX:, 10 and under.............000 yards 3—Girls’ Open, 12 and under.............200 yards Aloha Week water sports winners among girls were, Girls' OCX:, 12 and under............200 vards L to R: Gay Fischbeck, girls' swim, second place, and 0—Hoys’ Open, 12 and under.............200 vards Leilani Lewis, winner of three events.
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