Village of Gilberts Village Hall: 87 Galligan Road, Gilberts, Illinois 60136 Ph. 847-428-2861 Fax: 847-428-2955 www.villageofgilberts.com VILLAGE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, February 18, 2020 - 7:00 p.m. - Village Hall Board Room ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL / ESTABLISH QUORUM 3. PUBLIC COMMENT* 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. A Motion to approve Minutes from the February 4, 2020 Village Board Meeting B. A Motion to approve Bills & Payroll dated February 18, 2020 C. A Motion to approve the January 2020 Treasurer’s Report D. A Motion to approve Resolution 04-2020, a Resolution Approving the CY2020 Recreational Programming Agreement with the Golden Corridor Family YMCA 5. ITEMS FOR APPROVAL A. A Motion to approve Resolution 05-2020, a Resolution Accepting a Side Letter Agreement in Response to Public Act 101-0027, the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (CRTA) Between the Village of Gilberts and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Gilberts Police, Chapter #423 B. A Motion to approve Resolution 06-2020, a Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve Contracts with the Lowest Cost Electricity Provider for a Period Up to 36 Months 6. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION A. Presentation and Discussion of the Plan Commission’s Recommendation Regarding a Request to Rezone the Property Located at 825 Tyrrell Road (PIN 03-31-101-00) from the R- 1 and C-1 Zoning Districts to the I-1 Zoning District and for a Special Use Permit to Operate a Golf Driving Range and Refreshment Stand on the Property. 7. STAFF REPORTS 8. TRUSTEES’ REPORTS 9. PRESIDENTS’ REPORT A. Recognition of Pubic Works Coordinator John Swedberg’s Retirement 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION* 11. ADJOURNMENT *Executive Session Information A portion of the meeting will be closed to the Public, effective immediately as Permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2( c ) (1) to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Village, and as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c ) (11) to discuss litigation against, affecting, or on behalf of the Village which has been filed and is pending in a court or administrative tribunal of which is imminent and as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2( c) (21) to review and approve closed session minutes and as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2 (c ) 2 Collective negotiating matters. *Public Comment Policy Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Public Comments portion of the Village Board Meeting will be acknowledged by the Village President. All remarks are to be addressed to the Village President and Board of Trustees as a whole, not to any specific person(s). To ensure that everyone who wishes to speak has the opportunity to do so, please limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Village President. If you have written comments, please provide a copy to the Village President. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue. During Public Comments, the Village President, Trustees and Staff will listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. The Village President or Trustees may ask questions to better understand your concern, suggestion or request. Please direct any personnel concerns to the Village Administrator before or after the meeting. The Village of Gilberts complies with the Americans Disabilities Act (ADA). For accessibility Assistance, please contact the Village Clerk at the Village Hall, telephone number is 847-428- 2861”. Assistive services will be provided upon request. Village of Gilberts Village Hall 87 Galligan Road, Gilberts, Illinois 60136 Ph. 847-428-2861 Fax: 847-428-2955 www.villageofgilberts.com Memorandum TO: President Zirk and the Village Board of Trustees CC: Brian Bourdeau, Village Administrator FROM: Taunya Fischer, Finance Director DATE: February 12, 2020 SUBJECT: January 31, 2020 Treasurer’s Report Here is a brief snapshot of the Village’s Budget vs. Actual as of Jan. 31, 2020 for the General and Water Funds. % BDGT General Fund Budget Actual Used Revenues 4,377,213.00 3,657,673.42 84% Expenses 4,319,187.00 2,986,223.79 69% Net of Rev & Exp 894,854.00 671,449.63 % BDGT Water Fund Budget Actual Used Revenues 2,248,200.00 1,401,742.69 62% Expenses 1,988,741.00 934,660.78 47% Net of Rev & Exp 259,459.00 467,081.91 The percent of fiscal year completed for this report is 75%. Over all of our funds revenues are at 85% and expenditures are at 66%. Should our revenues continue on this trajectory we will close out the year higher than anticipated. Additionally, if expenditures continue their current course, we will end the fiscal year lower than budgeted. Also included in this Jan. 31, 2020 report are: Revenue and Expense Budget vs. 01/31/20 YTD chart Summary – All Funds report Detail – All Funds report Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Respectfully submitted, Taunya Fischer Finance Director Village of Gilberts Revenues vs. Expenses 2020 Budget vs. YTD 01/31/2020 9,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 AXISTITLE 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 - REVENUES - EXPENSES - REVENUES - EXPENSES - REVENUES - ALL EXPENSES - ALL GENERAL GENERAL WATER WATER FUNDS FUNDS FY 2020 BUDGET 4,377,213.00 4,319,187.00 2,248,200.00 1,988,741.00 8,809,650.00 7,708,566.00 YTD 01/31/2020 3,657,673.42 2,986,223.79 1,401,742.69 934,660.78 7,497,607.41 5,122,963.17 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR GILBERTS VILLAGE PERIOD ENDING 01/31/2020 - SUMMARY % Fiscal Year Completed: 75.41 ACTIVITY FOR 2019-20 YTD BALANCE MONTH AVAILABLE % BDGT GL NUMBER BUDGET 01/31/2020 01/31/2020 BALANCE USED Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND: TOTAL REVENUES 4,377,213.00 3,657,673.42 281,793.66 719,539.58 84 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,319,187.00 2,986,223.79 260,637.80 1,332,963.21 69 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 58,026.00 671,449.63 21,155.86 (613,423.63) Fund 11 - COMMUNITY DAYS: TOTAL REVENUES 44,500.00 43,737.44 - 762.56 98 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 43,070.00 49,204.77 (900.00) (6,134.77) 114 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 1,430.00 (5,467.33) 900.00 6,897.33 Fund 12 - ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND: TOTAL REVENUES 404,000.00 212,157.25 24,325.36 191,842.75 53 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 230,800.00 230,800.00 - - 100 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 173,200.00 (18,642.75) 24,325.36 191,842.75 Fund 20 - WATER SYSTEM: TOTAL REVENUES 2,248,200.00 1,401,742.69 111,629.99 846,457.31 62 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,988,741.00 934,660.78 86,175.08 1,054,080.22 47 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 259,459.00 467,081.91 25,454.91 (207,622.91) Fund 30 - MFT: TOTAL REVENUES 572,698.00 203,639.76 31,414.56 369,058.24 36 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 509,368.00 273,201.97 30,137.54 236,166.03 54 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 63,330.00 (69,562.21) 1,277.02 132,892.21 Fund 31 - PERFORMANCE BOND: TOTAL REVENUES 3,500.00 2,850.80 262.82 649.20 81 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - 0 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 3,500.00 2,850.80 262.82 649.20 Fund 34 - TIF#1 CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT: TOTAL REVENUES 57,900.00 148,475.48 94.79 (90,575.48) 256 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 0 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 56,900.00 148,475.48 94.79 (91,575.48) Fund 35 - TIF#2 HIGGINS ROAD IND. PARK: TOTAL REVENUES 660,820.00 755,955.84 158.56 (95,135.84) 114 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 594,500.00 616,779.00 9,424.00 (22,279.00) 104 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 66,320.00 139,176.84 (9,265.44) (72,856.84) Fund 40 - DRUG FORFEITURE PD ACCOUNT: TOTAL REVENUES 30.00 374.95 - (344.95) 1250 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - 0 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 30.00 374.95 - (344.95) Fund 43 - POLICE PENSION FUND: TOTAL REVENUES 440,789.00 1,070,999.78 3,260.96 (630,210.78) 243 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 21,900.00 32,092.86 11,133.51 (10,192.86) 147 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 418,889.00 1,038,906.92 (7,872.55) (620,017.92) TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS 8,809,650.00 7,497,607.41 452,940.70 1,312,042.59 85 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 7,708,566.00 5,122,963.17 396,607.93 2,585,602.83 66 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 1,101,084.00 2,374,644.24 56,332.77 (1,273,560.24) Page 1 of 1 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR GILBERTS VILLAGE PERIOD ENDING 01/31/2020 - DETAIL % Fiscal Year Completed: 75.41 ACTIVITY FOR 2019-20 YTD BALANCE MONTH AVAILABLE % BDGT GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUDGET 01/31/2020 01/31/2020 BALANCE USED Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND Revenues Dept 00 - GENERAL FUND Account Type: Revenue 01-00-3010 PROPERTY TAX 1,187,918.00 1,185,265.30 - 2,652.70 100 01-00-3020 PERSONAL PROPERTY REPL TAX 300.00 309.76 55.52 (9.76) 103 01-00-3030 TAX-SALES 275,000.00 227,598.99 27,911.75 47,401.01 83 01-00-3040 TAX-STATE INCOME 620,000.00 561,653.60 62,952.27 58,346.40 91 01-00-3041 STATE LOCAL USE TAX 180,000.00 168,561.09 22,105.68 11,438.91 94 01-00-3050 TAX-ROAD AND BRIDGE 7,100.00 - - 7,100.00 0 01-00-3060 LICENSE-LIQUOR 15,500.00 14,600.00 - 900.00 94 01-00-3090 PULLTABS & JAR GAMES TAX - 930.26 - (930.26) 100 01-00-3100 FEE-BUSINESS REGISTRATION 3,400.00 4,656.00 - (1,256.00) 137 01-00-3110 FEE-CABLE FRANCHISE 75,000.00 62,910.77 13,564.23 12,089.23 84 01-00-3140 UTIL TAX-ELECTRIC 181,000.00 141,723.11 15,210.44 39,276.89 78 01-00-3150 ULT TAX-GAS 80,000.00 60,523.30 11,920.87 19,476.70 76 01-00-3160 CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION 10,000.00 7,820.00 620.00 2,180.00 78 01-00-3180 ULIT TAX-COMMUNICATIONS 140,000.00 74,340.13 8,093.57 65,659.87 53 01-00-3210 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 1,000.00 7,624.48 (1,669.64) (6,624.48) 762 01-00-3211 PLANNED USE OF FUND RESERVES 220,500.00
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