Bringing the Gospel to the Country Bids Will Be Asked by July For Mochebeuf High School Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ConUnU Copyright by the Catholic Preaa Society, Ine., 1967—Permiaaion to Reproduce. Except on Msgr. Campbell Articlea Otherwiao Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following luuo Announces Date For Construction D^IVERCAJHCXIC Bids w ill be asked by Ibo beginning of July on the new Machebeuf H igh School to be erected REGISTER in Blcs.«5ed Sacrainent Parish, Denver, according to the Rt. Rev. ilonsignor Harold V . Campbell, VOL. Lll. No. 44. THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1957 DENVER, COLORADO m pastor. The new high school is the largest single projea in the Archbishop's High BY ARCHBISHOP Schoob Campaign, and is in­ tended CO provide facilities for Four Newly Ordained Priests the parishes of East Denver. 15 Candidates Blessed Sacrament Parish it­ self has expended $401,856.15 in preparation for the new high Get Temporary Assignments Are Accepted schtxil plant, pointed out Mon- sigooc Campbell, in addition to T o Give Temporary assignments as assistants for the four voung clerics ordained to the priesthood for the Arch­ $20,000 in architect’s fees paid Clergy Retreat For Seminary for out of the parish's contribu­ diocese of Denver this spring have been announced by tions to the Atchbuhop's High Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. The Rev. Leonard S. Alimena Fifteen candidates have Schools Campaign. been accepted by Arch- is named to the Cathedral, Den­ one of the prepared talks to the Deertrail resi­ The expenditure by the parish Official Motor M ission Director u.ing thet vers the Rev. Emmanuel Gabel, dents. This is Father Gieselman’s sixth con­ )i.shop Urban J. Vehr to provides the first unit of the to Holy Ghost Church, Denver; secutive year as motor mission director in the enter St. Thomas’ Semi­ Machebeuf High School plane, a the Rev. Joseph J. Lievecs, to Speaks From 'Soap Box' Archdiocese of Denver. Before coming to St. nary and prepare for the building erea^ about five years Christ the King Chucch, Den­ ■ backdrop, the Rev, Richard Gieselmsn, G.M., Thomas' Seminary, the Vincentian priest siwnt irieathood in the Archdiocese of ver; and the Rev. John F, Slat­ of St. Thomas’ Seminary, motor mission dir«- many years as director of the motor missions )enver. ago, and the property acquired tery to St. Anne’a Church, tor. lUndS on his "soap box" while delivenng in Missouri. Of the candidates, from' the for the sice. Work on acquiring Grand Lake, and missions. The Denver area, four are from Ca­ the property which is the site of appointments are effective thedral High School, four are the new high school began -in Wednesday, July S. ARCHD10CE.se OF DENV ER from Regia College, two are Pathera Gabel, Lievens, and Chancery Office 4 0 0 A t t e n d Inaugural in D eertrail 1948 with the acquisition o from St. Francia de Sales’ High Slattery were ordained to the 1536 Logan Street School, and one from Holy Fam­ four vacant lots m die east side priesthood by Archbishop Vehr Denver 3. Colo. ily High School. SL Joseph’s of Elm Street in the Cathedral Saturday, June 1. Father Alimena was or­ O f M otor M ission Sum m er Series Parish, Fert Collins, supplies Clergy Assignment* two of the other candidates, Confroetors dained at the Pontifical Ckillege A.SSISTANTS and St. .Mary's High School, Need 6 W eeks Josephinum, Worthington, 0., by ( p ro lent) Nearly 400 persona attended ard Gieselman, C.M.. motor mis­ tend Mass except once a week Colorado Springs, and the Ab­ the Apostolic Delegate, Arch­ during the greater part of the Contractors will require about Cathedral. Denver—The Rev. the inaugural of the motor mis­ sion director from St. Thomas’ bey High School. Canon City, bishop Amleto G. Cicognani, on l.eoiiard Alimena sions conducted in the Deertrail Seminary, Denver, snd Law­ year. The community is a mis­ each one. six weeks to study the plans and Hay 25. Holy Gbo«l Church, Denver— area June 3-7 by the Rev. Rich- rence St. Peter, second year sion of St. Anthony of Padua’s The list of candidates, u re­ specifications preparatory to Two more priests will return theologian for the Denver Arch­ Parish, Hugo. Father Robert llie Rev. Emmamtel Cabel leased by the Chancery Office, submitting their bids. Excava­ from Rome in July, making six Chriit the King Church, Den­ diocese. Freudenstein is the pastor in follows: clergy available for assignments tion for the budding wiU begin ver—The Rev. Joseph Lie- This number doss not tell the Hugo. Andrijeaki, Robert E., Bellvue in the archdiocesk Father John vent St. James'Church, complete story of the success The motor mission series Star Route, Fort Collins, St Jo­ this fall, and construction will E. Cotter, ordained Dec. 19. St. Anne's CJiurch. Grand of the mission, however, for will coBtiotto for sia weeks. seph's Parish; from Fort Col­ require two full years. Rt. Rav. Jamaa H. O'NaRl 1963, ia completing his course I.ake, and Mittions — The untold hundreds who were This week the missiooers are lins High School. Bids on the addition to the toward a degree of doctor of Rev, John F. Slattery School Completion listening from their homes, on visiting in Strefburg. In the Bakke, Gerald E., 361 Birch The clergy of the Denver canon taw. Father Leonard G. (Dnvent required to house the The appoinlRienlt are ef- porches, and from stores, heard weeks to come they will be Street, Denver, Christ the King Archdiocese will have their Urban was ordained Dec. 16, feelive Wednetdav, July 3, the words of the missionen Briggsdelc, June 17-21; Parish; from Cathedral High high school faculty will not be 1967 retreat July 15-19 at St 1656, and has been completing 1957. Seen in September though they did not attend in Windsor, Jane 24-28; Eaton, School. taken until later, ^parating chb Thomu’ Seminary, Denver. his course in theology. « I RBAN J. VEHR pereon. Loudspeakers, at­ July 1-6; and Woodland Grant Arthur W.. 731 State project from the large school The conferences will be given (Additional dotaiU on Paga 3) Archbishop of Denver Construction of a four class­ tached to a powerful amplifier, Street, Fort Morgan, St Hel­ by the Rt Rev. Honsignor Park. July 8-12. building will enable many smal­ room school annex, in addition carried the speakers' voices to The seminarians who will ac­ ena’s Parish; from Regis Col­ James H. O’Neill, Brigadier to a garden level church, at St. the four corners of the com­ lege. ler firms to join in the bidding. General (ret), U. S. Army. WSGfi. KOLKA LAUDED James’ Parish, Denver, is ex- company Father Gieselman in munity. the final five weeks are John Handen, Stephen L., 2996 The addition to the convent Monaignor O'Neill, 64. • peeted to be completed by Sep­ Quebec Street, Denver, Cure priest of the Diocese of Hel­ tember. Concrete is to be Intelligent Questions Rse, James Morgan, Raymond will accommodate 22 more nuns, Jones, Leo Kennedy, Richard d’Ars’ Parish; from Cathedral ena, Mont, is a native of Chi­ poured Friday, June 14, for the Encouraging to the mission High School. for a total of 35. Two class­ cago, He attended St Ignatius' Resettlement Program second floor of the three-story ers during their five-day stay Hanifen, and Martin Mclner- rooms will also be provided in ney, all second-year theolo­ Harrison, Andrew A., 1638 College, Loyola University, section. The over-sll cost will in Deertrail was the large num­ Pennsylvania Street, Denver. the addition for the kindergarten Chicago; and St Paul's Semi­ be sbout $400,000.. gians studying for tns Arch­ ber of sincere, intelligent ques­ Cathedral Parish; from Regis and first grade classes. A house nary, St Paul. He was or­ Father William V. Powers, tions submitted. Oftentimes, diocese of Denver. dained in 1915. Of Denver Area 'Best' College. on Eudora Street has been ac­ pastor, said construction is pro­ the question box placed in town The motor mission work is Heffennan, John P., 4640 He joined the Regular Army By Paul H. Hallett Austria. Of the 33,000 Hungar­ ceeding favorably despite the for Ue convenience of the area under the auspices of Monsi­ Sheridan Boulevard, Denver, quired to provide a site for the in 1626 after 11 years’ work NOWHERE IS HUNGAR­ ians who have reached our five-week period of rainy residents is the only contact gnor Gregory Smith, V.G., arch­ Holy Family Parish; from Holy addition. in. the Helena Diocese and IAN resettlement work better shores since November, 18,000 weather. The walls for the the missionen have with their diocesan director of the Propa­ Family School. Plans for the new Machebeuf apeient two tours of duty with organised than it is in Den­ were brought here under church section are complete, audience, and the queries tub- gation of the Faith and is fi­ HupMrt, Donald L., 4650 the Army in the Philippines ver under Monsigiior Elmer J. NCWC auapices. but the contractor will center mitted are a gauge of the re­ nanced principally by .the So­ Pennsylvania Street, Englewood High School, to be ercaed in the and in World War II was with Kolka, This is the judgment of • • • activities on completing the actions of those attending. ciety for the Propagation of All Souls’ Parish; from Regis 1900 block cm Eim Street, have Genera] George Patton's Third Father Sabbaa Kilian, O.F.M., FATHER KILIAN.
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