Current News Items About Our Servicemen *•****••******* Cpl. Norton S. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson are expected to arrive in Lowell to spend a 15-day delay-ln- route leave with parents, relatives Price: 7c Per Copy LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY,. OVEMBER 27. 1952 Number 3 and friends. They have been living SuccmMful dc«'r hunten continue at New Braunfels, Texas, while Cpl. to return from the north with their William J. Baldry, 62 Johnson has been stationed at Ran- buck* among whom arc Earl Ev- New Lowell Showboat Signs Erected by Board of Trade dolph Field. He is being trans- ans, Clark Fletcher, and Chief of Gifts Galore As Dies Suddenly Monday Cong. G.R. Ford ferred to Pine Castle, Fla., and his Police Frank L. Stephens. Roy Car- address will be given later. Mrs. William J. Baldry, aged 62, 2793 penter of Saranac who was in the Johnson is the former Helen Kropf, Montcalm Ave., So. Lowell, passed same party as Fletcher alao brought Christmas Hears Reviews Aspects daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert away very suddenly early Monday down a deer, and arrived home the Kropf. morning from a heart attack. Mr. first of the week. Lowell Is Ready Baldry and wife had been in Of New Congress Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schmidt Clare, Lewis and Don Phillip!> Grand Rapids where they had have received a letter from their and Don Phillips, Jr., and Wayn«- Lowell merchants, churchen. been called by the death of a re- Despite the many precedents and «on. Wayne, in which he tells them Marker returned with four deer schools, organizations and individ- lative and were on their way homo singular events which marked this he Mas transferred on Nov. 15 and and a huge bobcat. They were uals are making ready for Christ- when the &ummons came. He be- presidential election as one of the his new address is: Pvt. Wayne most unusual in history, when hunting in the region of Marquette mas -the Merriest and Gladdest came violently ill and stopped a* Schmidt. US55315726. Company I, January 3 rolls "round traditional on Lake Superior. Lewis knocked Christmas ever. Phillips 66 Oil Station at the cor- I55th Inf. Regt.. 31«t Infantry Div,, # t.o.* j procedures will usher in the new one down but lost him. Stores are fast taking on the ner of 1316 and M91 and was g.v- „ ^ Camp Atterbury, Indiana holiday appearance, shelves and Mril c M an(1 iM(a|I |hr Forrest Buck reports seeing lots en first aid, bit passed away ^ j a<lmintotra,lon. of deer but not even one wifh show windows are displaying beau- The Ledger is enjoying a lovely fore a doctor could reach him. ... ^ Christmas card from somewhere horns. tiful merchandise and a trip ! Before Congress convenes on through stores, or even window Surviving are his wife, Irene; january 3i House members-elect, overseas sent by Reginald Smith * * * two sons, Robert W. of Hastings' with a little note saying, "Merry Extensive repairs, remodeling and phopping will give some splendid both Democratic and Republican and Jchn T. of Lowell, a brother, redecorating has been done In the ideas foi gifts and home decora- will meet in their respective party Christmas and a Happy and Pros- Stanley of Detroit and 3 grandchil- perous New Year to you all: also Leonard Studio and makes a much tions. The quality and quantity of conferences to select candidates useful gifts is better than uMiai dren. Mr. Baldry was taken to the thanks for informati< * and !<>cal more convenient and attractive for House offices. A Speaker and this season with prices at a rea- Sullivan Funeral H -me, 1725 Divi- news I get in my Ledger. Of building for the Camera and Gift Clerk of the House. Sergeant at sonable level. sion Ave.. S., where services were Arms. Chaplain. Doorkeeper, and course sometimes it geta delayed shop. held Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. Postmaster of the House will have in the mails hut nevertheless It Is The Sanitary Market has also Lowell endeavors to attract pros- Interment in Pine Hill cemetery. to be elected by the members of still news and most welcome. I been re-deeorated during the week pective shoppers and to help them while they are here. There are no the 83rd Congress. In addition, the would like to be home for Christ- end and Ls all bright and shiny for parking meters to interfere with Horton Trespass Act groups also select their party of- mas but I won't make It this year. the holiday trade. your staying in town as long as ficials. These are the floor leader, Next year though." The new ad- • * * you like. Yci there is plenty of Holds Good as Hunter party whip, assistant whips and drees is SFC Reg Smith 36*94099, We hear a lot about highways available fyee parking space near committee on committees. 7804 Toul Ser. CTR, APO 216-2 and their deterioration these days Loses Deer to Farmer your favorite stores, in the rear, Organize 83rd Congress c/o Postmaster. New York, N. Y. and it la small wonder that the in front, or at the side. Deer hunting customs down here roads are not holding up. When The first roll will be called by Pvt. Orville Slagle, employee of Store Hours in southern Michigan are a little Ralph Roberts. Clerk of the 82nd Superior Furniture ^o. before en- one stops to cunsidcr, the big high- ln 0 nor way construction program of the All Lowell stores will be open differenl than those 'jj ';Congre8s. Nominations will be tering sen-ice, has been sent to them part of the stale. A Pewamo | hv a mcmbn from (.ach twenties, whlcn gave us uioul of evenings the week preceding Germany where he rs driving an hunter found that out last Satur- ^ and thr ent|iv bo<Sy win then the roads we are using today, wac Christmas. Dec. 15 through 23. ambulance in the Medical Co. Hia day. accoiditi). to Conservation Of proceed to u vole. Republicans hav j address Is Pvt. Orvill*" J Slagle aimed at the requirements of that closing Christnyuj eve to enable ail to enjoy the holiday with their fleer Earl Goff. ing the slight edge on the Demo-1USS5247939 APO 800. 557th Med. time, not cf today. own families. Be sun4 to come to Jack Fonger. president of the Lowell Board of Trade and Cary Stiff, chairman of the retail busine?? The P- wamo man was hunting crats in the new Congress, the Re- Amb. Co.. c/o Postmaster, New The obvious, urgent need then Lowell first and really enjoy the committee were happy Friday to see the newly erected entrance signs on M-21. The new. original, and over in the northwest section of publican nominee for Speaker York, N. Y. was for tmptuved »uiface*< on exist- thrill of shopping in comfort. You colorful sign* proclaiming Lowell as the home of the Showboat are the wcrk of "Hal" Votey wh. builds Clinton county. He sighted a nice (probably Joseph Martin of Mass.) ing roads. The idea of re-designing will find everything in village from signs in Traverse City. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Voley of Ada and a neighbor of Cary buck and put a good shot in him. will, no doubt, take the election A new address has been received Stiff. highways to make them adequate the smallest toy to the larger gifts The buck leaped a fence and fell and senior Republ'can. Rep. Dan- for John Richards, as follows: Pvt The signs, built of plywood with the cut out design raircd from the background are visible at for much greater traffic demands for the home. down dead. iel A. d of N. Y. will administer John F. Richards. US55246448. 2nd did not occur to most people, be- night with Scotch light silver against the royal blue enameled background. The Showboat design was Evac. Hospital Med. Det., APO 48. Lighting on the Way As the hunter prepared to go!the oath of office. The newly-in- cause few could foresee the tre- taken from original Mississippi pattern after several months of research work by Mr. Stiff. The Board over the fonce and claim his prize, stalled Speaker will then adminis- c/o Postmaster. New York. N. Y. of Trade has a contract with the manufacturer to have the signs maintained over the years in like-new mendous growth cf car and truck Lowell Light and Power Co. are he was accosted by the owner of ter the oath of office to the en- condition. travel which was ahead. getting the lighting plans ready to the prcperty, who refused to let tire body of members-elect install and early in December the These attractive introductions to Lowell will, according to traffic surveys, have an average of Pomeil Couple Keep Highway construction in that him enter "If? my land, so it's Various organizational resolu- beautiful lighted ceiling over our 5.000 cars a day pass by them with two persons per car. making a daily impression on approximately road-building boom wan planned my buck " said the farmer. The tions will be brought up and voted Golden Anniversary for Hfe expectancies of 15 to 30 Main St. will be in place as will 10.000 people. It Is hoped in the near future that similar signs may be ci cted on US-IC with its T.OOO-car-a-day traffic count and bring the Lowell Showboat to the attention of an average 24 000 farmer had no license, but he upon during the first day or two.
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