University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-1-1906 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 12-01-1906 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 12-01-1906." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/ 3455 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. vv ,t1 m e mnra in nni pt u iiv ii'. j& i.i' iv ma Th Evening Citizen, In Advance, $3 per year. VOL. 20. NO. 289. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY K VEXING, DECEMBER 1. 1900 Delivered by Carrlere, 60 centt per month. FACTORIES OF .Y 1 HI ON AMERICAN CHILDREN ARE INDUSTRIAL SLAVES THE TOBACCO IS FELT ALL AMAZING FIGURES ON THE GREAT EVIL OF CHILD LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF L4TTLE BOYS AND GIRLS AS YOUNG AS TEN YEARS ARE TOILING TRUST BURNED THEIR BODIES AND BRAINS AWAY SENATOR BEVERIDGE WILL HAVE A TREMENDOUS FIGHT TO PASS THE BILL, BUT OVERJEVAOA ROOSEVELT WILL HELP. Ky.. Mob Entered Princeton. Washington. D. C, Dec. 1. How make the business pay. The conse- Coal Cannot Be Had. Wood many children in the United States quence is Pennsylvania docs not pro- and Destroyed Two Factor tect these Too High. People Burn are held in industrial slavery? This children. Tho remedy Ir suggested by les Valued 5170.000. Is which at a question to which the attention Senator Beverldge lg very simple. He Poles and Ties. of congress is t be directed this would make it illegal for anthracite winter by Senator Albert J. Bev-eridg- coal which theso boys helped to pick YOUNG GIVEUEOTONY of Indiana. over in the breaker houses, to be EARY AND MEET Can the strong arm of the federal shipped from one state to another. VUN government be Interinised to save the Thus Pennsylvania would have to either dispose all Its hard coal AGAINST SHEA children? The senator from Indiana of AT OFFICES HISJIVAl, says that it can. His announcement within its own boundaries, or the lit PRESIDENTS and the plan which ha suggests are tle breaker boys under 14 years the most radical propositions which nge must be taken out cf the bren have been brought before the country ers and sent to school. bt. Louis Grand Jury Indicts Four for many years. The same principle applies Constabulary Surprised Chief Pab children employed, Mexicans on Charge of Crimi- That the. children have not been for exaiDfle, in lo, Wounds His Son and Cap- protected and that the state aulhori- - the cotton mills of Alabaiu or the nal Libel in Regeneration. knitting mills of Massachusetts. Bolb tures Wife and Daughter. these states are flngjijrnt offenders j' against ehihlhood...flu womanhood. DQQQl lxiuisvilks, Dec. 1. A Rpucl.il from The ctji)sui""' uiumeratlo.j in Utoii " OH ii Reno, Nev.. Dec. 1. Unless the PrinoiAon, Kv. ays that the To showed that In AlaUama there were on & I! ill fuel famine of Nevada Is broken Im bacco Mem-merle- or John Steger and 10,913 boys and 5,599 gills to year? of ft mediately suffering and sickness John G. Orr, the latter controlled by - age engaged In gainful occupations to HgttL:JI sad perhaps death will follow in tha the InrpCTial Tihaeco company of the exclusion of schooling and youth- wake of the storm which has raged New York, were destroyed by a fire ful diversion. In aiuiluon to thesi for Hho past two days over southern Madid by a mob cf masked men. The there were 11.081 boys, 5.SU girls, 11 Nevada. Coal cannot be obtained In loss is estimated at $170,000. Tho years of age; also 14.21 boys and Gold field or Tonopah nd wood is too mob, which numbered 3i0 men, enter 7.500 girls, 12 years of age; 13.922 high for use. Ties and telephone ed Princeton botween 1 and 2 o'clock beys and 7,2"8 girls 13 years or .age; poles are lclng burned, but traluload.-- t Eight. 1. 15.058 boys and 7,947 girls 14 years of of wood are being soutu- - seized the town marshal and rushed into disarmed ihtoi. They then went to the ?ge, ad 15,801 boys and 7.799 filrls, 15 ern Nevada. The fuel famine extends frctcrie.3. and quickly applied a torch years of age engaged in gainful occu over the entire state and even In this .Masked men stood guard, permitting pations. , ; city no coal and very little wood can nolxHly to come near uatil the build Another state which is a flagrant be had. ings wero completely enveloped in offender is Georgia. The census re- llames ami help was useless. turns show that in that state lliere ARCTIC EXPLORERS MEET Fight Of Raisers and Trust. A. are 60,870 boys under 14 years of age IN CALL ON PRESIDENT. The Steger' factory is controlled by and 28,748 girls under 14 years of Hge Washington, Dec. 1. Commander the American Snuff company and working, mostly In the cotton mills. Robert E. Peary. - Arctic explorer, Steger H the Princeton agent for the North Carolinn also Indulges In culled on President Roosevelt by ap concern. There were about 150,000 child slavery, employing more than pointment. tody. He was heartuy pounds half its children between 10 and 14 congratulated by the president. Wal- of tobacco in each warehouse years and all was burned. The mob, in ad- of age. There were In that ter Wellman, who hopes to reach the dition to disarming the policeman, state In 1900, 62,445 boys and 25,ol Arctic regions in an airship, was at look charge of the police station and girls employed in gainful occupations. the executive offices when Peary ar waterworks. Even it the fire com- In Indiana ther were 16,101 boys so rived. The two exchanged cordial pany had responded It would; have employed and 2,809 girls. gretings. leen unable to obtain a supply of ties, whose duty it Is to protect them, As one movea west, conditions Im- prove the of GOVERNOR GEO. CURRY water. The work of the mob Is be- have been bribed and corrupted, ap- in matter child labor. lieved be only pears from the cold figures re In the section of the United States SAYS PULAJANISM ENDED. to la furtherance of the which embracing Washing- agitation by the tobacco raisers pose between the unsensational bind- the states from Manila, Dec. 1. A force of the con- against the tobacco trust. The, or ings of the decennial census reports, ton on Jhe north 4t California on tne stabulary tinder command of Major rr coming Col- gtinization. of the fsrmers Is known ai is admitted by census officials that south, and east as far as GILLETTE'S TRIAL FOR IS TO Murphy, surprised the camp of Pablo, the returns are very inadequate and orado and Utah, the proportion of chief of the Pulajanea, Island of the Dark Tobacco Growers' Protective boys association, but it Is not known that that In many localities they have been between 10 and 14 engaged In Htoumus Samar, at daylight yesterday. Eleven gainful occupations is but 7 per cent. Pulajanes were ana any member of that orgeuization was falsified by the influence cf the null KILLING killed the chief's Ji last night's mob. owners and the mine workers; but in The census figures bhow that the GRACE SEE PRESIDENT'S AGREES ITS son and nine others were wounded. si4te.of. such falsification the story lurgeist number of young children and IU Chief Pablo liimself escnped.Jyit.hia. women employed Is HOW BERT YOUNG GETS ' tells Itself. In the cotton wife and daughter were" captured. BACK The worst of the story and the mills. Second to these come the silk The capture of Pablo is considered a 'AT PRESIDENT SHEA. mill operatives. The hosiery BROWN . Doc. 1. evi- clearest evidence that the states and ; matter of but few days. There U Chicago, Sensational 'are knitting many dence was given today in the trial of not doing their duty la found in the mills employ a great now only one other chief at large and fact tha; the women and children, as do the shirt plans have been arranged to capture P. Shea, president . the number of children C'nlns of factories, wco!en glass International Brotherhood of Team-stenr- wlio aie industrial slaves lias been tha mllfr; the or kill him. Governor ueorge Curry, for alleged conspiracy In the growing steadily for the past twenty factories, the paper mills, the leather Ready For Final Arguments. On Account of Japanese Trou- Gravel Train Plowed Into' Pas or Samar, wires that thu breaking p teamster's strike in 1905. The first years. In 1880, when the total num- working factories and the cigar nnd of Pablo's band signalizes the death witness was Albert Young, president ber cf children in the United States tobacco works. Last Link With McCurdy ble With the San Francisco senger Killing and Burning knell of Pulajanism in the Island. of the United Teamsters of America, between 10 and 14 years of age was When Senator Beverldge will be who yesterday entered a plea of i,64!MS3, the number who were work- able to force his legislative remedy Family Is Snapped.
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