S@ lndion Overseos Bqnk Regionol Office 20'21, Komoroior Soloi, Koncheepulom-631 501, Tomil Nodu P h o n e no.O44'27 2253 60, 27 2231 6 5,27 2231 3 l, 27 23481 1 Emoil I D [email protected] SALE NOTICE (Sole through e'oucllon onlY) Sqle of Assels under the Securltlsollon & Reconslruclion of Flnonclql Assels & Enforcement of Securlty lnteresl Acl,2OO2. l. Whereos M/s. hos bonowed monies from lndlon Overseos Bonk, .. Bronch ogoinsl the mortgoge of lhe immovoble properties more fully described in lhe schedule hereunder ond on upon clossificotion of the occount os NPA, lhe Bqnk hos issued o demond notice under Section l3(2) of the SARFAESI Acl, 2002 (Acf) on --------- colling upon the borrorvers M/s."-"- ond the guoronlors & to poy the omounl due to the Bonk, being Rs. - (mention dues in words) os on-""' (dote) poyoble together with further interest ot conlroctuol rotes ond rests olong with costs, chorges etc till dote of repoyment within 60 doys from the dote of receipt of lhe soid notice. Z. Whereos the borrowers & guoronlors hoving foiled to poy the omount dues in full to the Bonk os colled for in the soid demond notice, lhe Bonk hos token possession of lhe secured ossels more fully described in the schedule hereunder on ------- " under Seclion 13 (a) of the Act with the right to sell the some in "As is where is" ond "As is whol is" bosis under Sectionl3(a) of the Act reod with Rules 8 &9 of the Security interest (Enforcement) Rules ,2002 for reolizotion of Bonk's dues. The dues lo the bonk os on the dole of loking possesslon wos lntimoted os Rs. ----- (menlion dues in words) os on"" (dote) poyoble together with further interesl of controctuol rotes ond rests oiong with costs, chorges etc till dote of repoyment, ofter reckoning repoyments, if ony, since lhe dote mentioned in the demond nolice. 3. Ihe dues of the borrower os on ""(dote of sole notice) works oul lo Rs. (mentlon dues in words) otler reckoning repoyments, if ony, omounling to Rs...... subsequenl to the Bonk issuing demond nolice. 4. The undersigned in exercise of the powers confened under Sec l3(4) of the soid nc1 proposes to reolize the Bonk's dues by sole of the under menlioned proPerties. 5. SCHEDULE Ot PROPERTY(IES) with boundories detoils:. _/a: 7\\A: lndian Overseas Bank REGIONAI OFFICE: 20,21 Kamarajar Street, V\Z Ph:2722 Ka ncheepuram - 631 501 5360, 2722 3165. 2722 3131 . Emait lD: [email protected] Elnctlon S.l. l{otlc. lq [rT?! of Sccwad Ar!.t undc. Eocudtlz.{on and R€con!truc{!on ot Flnenclat ot Securlty lntcrcrt Act, 20u2rcad A.r.t! !nd Enforcenent wlth plwlso to Rrtc 8(61 d the Sccudty NoticB ts h€roby giv6n the puUic m gen6.el lnteTcat (cnforcenent) Rule3 and in padiolar to ho borowea end gurankrs 2002 Physrcal PosseEirm hat h€ bdor monlioned immovaUs prop€rli€s of whidr has beerl hkdr by heAutrorized Mdtgeged Chargod t0 Oficar of lndian Ovelseas Banh he soqlrod crBditor, ho Coostuctive 2LtIJolt lb. recovery he S6qtrod C[oditor $I be coH oll "AS ts 0f BanlCs dues frorn [te bq?o*ts / guarantoE. il{ERE ts' md "AS ls WHATtS' and "ITI{AIEIIER Detaib of Present dues, Name Bofio'rer IIIERE 15" d and QIaIantor, Res€fle ftice, Eamesl Mmey Depcrl etc., arc sr,€tt bdox. ; PROPE t. llE :rttt TYPE LAND & EU LD MA. &rlbb Ob. &rttuy- dtE NG PEpdtu A sq.n shd, Wo, rj, KPrtlh. lq.n E tgl {c7e 3+a0 d28. GSI Ro.d.rdffir Dlc i] lil Ia ilCs mfllr l(,xfiqm dff&E md IX, esd t@i5{t7t Krdr$|eOji[1. Ph Ftd wd t{orl. * 25.10.fr19 04a02000012!0 / acrirI'HEX rft zr2900a tos @o2ta sitRRqrE, wh *iKR-R.Hn s.6o, &r& ra- Rdd. rsr;6a 96q d ll.9a t+85 819 *.MRtHCr 3 430 l60fizflt 22.10.2019 350102000005001 , 0{9, toBA0o0s5s7 MEh Rod, 13.19 as on Glmc[rE,h27oa!7! ItVtd(EU 22.10.m19 raL$SdAFlrt a,tVIffiD XoSX l6drdE6 Giq'ie)sh,l-lrJtnh: X.h RE4 Eh |f6-. h l(a- fidE t5.6? ih5lt(.dqr-lI,Mik orEh*(Et(.r d 2t ao z.il S.IYIII.J iEqfrEilJ,atfi - d h 80 A}'TRUIY sha hr d Ed bI $rr 30.091019 G,5202m07to, ,!talE73 ilrll^Il 3IEE1r2?irteI5 rhr,UrtldEEil toB^0omo fhPIJnE fUErt wb. Khiih Dc. Xot@, Ptd ito.t02. cdr.t ra0, b f,o2o, Ild fot@. Gd.t Sti S.ld, AmC lndt Ng 3&55 95.34 el ldlr il{4 (onarlotrun xdEftryn.Kardllffi Ptd 9.53 r,tErfiEs{rn x bdEnPd.aISe Pod.63t w ess $ragro 502 23.10r0r9 I3t802000001266 CUDUVlllCHEltY, th! ?/Ol@ *.P.K\rr.@d{. I rEl toBA000t3!t ' d trE lrnc U[PK\hG.!fur{, No.aO,f Clutu h4 ruJo,f Rd o{a OqrStc.t nrf m N4r, 55. Nhnd(d rl 21.a2 5+54 rilRcr{ rnu( $. it .LdvfAr. tLhL' VLoG, ilah.bt NE Hd CEa 5.45 l6gEa$2 ruCE Charut - ABilO3 ChrtrC 0&!:m - oihrt a6 dr ?,190:fi100l!00t!S, br 2j2.10.2019 L toBAO662749 d ReGHot d ?, TL l*J(RrEhSrafGffi m Ooor tlotOa }.o.tfl, t*r,r " 111, Vfdeq Mr,SSlalqm Oi.yn, n( u#th az96 79.79 7.9t *t'ARClllflAX stlo, S'frml, Kmacpou O Pruid.r[ R.dIa Slo asfi 2rll902000000t88, 485a02,Ot2 22.10.2019 IOBA@027,O a n..iGf, At tB FT lus aL dr hift nW, h dr d ac, bhd inl cq;d d AT FH Bd !z1a 40..17 +o2 " rrunc,taaK xldtsrm tclxoale2 Xq 1321t ET aa002000qr0lsr, 1t211 B!f, f'Vd br S&,Eil bd 1n, 2.10.2019 lo8^000At/B I ouurYrxatErrl ft! rarort SH Rffohlr I that d lrrd Shd Rrfoh-. S/o. T Rdrhe d Sro. T R$!Er ,{oS. !,bffi gudwaUrry Cddy- P.ll. 499 4t.oo IiIRCHATA'X No.s. \ibdEftri Cotoiv. An ?XZoz. t faF, +10 e/drErdEry, FhaBzOz ol Sdrr a6m tl6ao2aieit d nto201s ?49020@m188' ff.ltu' b4 Ed ildt w Ld. v d wEb, Rd. |lfir6.lc rrBA00027& ItJ(Ud.r. t(,E ild FZ lb ib.td/ial. t Sr!- n 10HrEh6 R€d. 25.83 26.70 fl.EC{d. 1621. h G.od 2.67 tluRo{llr^J( 2|. &!!t u,ta0i.I02 CtqndOOl2 KUdryl(@'.1 !r 600 lE,@ d It asm ?'B0200mOfiSt, E!!t 22.10.2019 tcB^oo027t9 reunrun od by: RS nri-ZEF tt M.R!j!4lJ fr/s \6Lnl Ssr fft*a AI Fis ,rd o,lrd s ffidtot's RC. ild88r3, ECR. K.mtu r0(h by ttt Pr!p.r{d Ua M.ifde 6UII2 i..{, 2r.55 M.6EB, ECR. K-ndrr 603ti2 a 2&00 2.60 If,3IEH{AI gq[h{U (IBo6h.tu T.fj. ELTARA' T** BM 2tiElul000o0l83 4 Ro.4 Ed 30.00.20ts / t Srtltas FJAA0002t22 xrroeurrurrEE kD.lryjq r,-l kD.LqerE!. Srq DidgEi rfrt Sr'o. DdErad r{J&fr,_ Drb.lAkrS-t DhEt@ti 1021 O.ilo.ro. ArE Sdd, ftE;M frS.('dur6 .5.) 50 tc83 t.66 Dtt$[ VIA.,rdtrle h. {.iL. sm t7,Ol tlttg Ed ilo.i5. E& ol57c'a000000!19, rrxotEruril ?,2.10.2019 to8am00157 rrltnr Lfr3c.YoEMtil. Wo, u€t Utr.c.Yoleatrt, AGd. ol thr Wb. A.God. 2$A \tEdh4um sd;r md h 2e , \,L.dhr.lrym foidrqrm 6tid. K{rdr@Eh t a.s8 35.00 3.50 L.sU8HtL 48il 0ttut0@00010, eTacl trSs Snc. 22.10.m19 vs Esh-t,fdl loB^om0t5? OJb, lSlr'll. EmddE StEt fqdrqrh 256 2e@ ?fi *3U8l(. SU! am araat lzD iFl rrl,h v.sA&h+q. ildlt[ Flol 2..10.m1s D"ib.,t3trfi.Emt;Shd wc 0t5?02ut0000919, [rEtaa,m. s.tl lOBAr0000l', il. l(lxotEE 22.10.m1s Utlr I,,ll(aE MiV.MalHdEn, ffh.fren#E tuhobto_ i3, l<andiesrrEn Pq! &.VJIdErda Ro6d. Ro.d. t rJddd - 6:11605. 6?42 Pm. I ITSUtHIL t3.lhd!+rbRdA rDad. bJ BM &8a l7il.t l?!e, WU.Fb.d - GIG0S. 3EIO .cl St d x2.10.fr19 P!@. 2 Doo. Pm.2 aJtt ihl Pha Ed bn rada .l+80 0tt0it000m0$9, ,IB lr.UtlCrrt,St*ffi toBA0000t57 klt4rffiIibrblE hd rtd ' tlol3a, tgfi !i!}hA&i.,tsn!h., lE'97 3oJO a0a t uutl^.r xc ${ i@ffi Dd, l1r 23i Ld ln wl, by: Ro.d. !U. so Itt20200@00259 ta4t,E20 FT '^,ldo 22102015 r&.n.&:nEt Slhl&.ilM p.@l loB^000t53:l ' 0-ih.37+ / U.h Ro.d- h nrundftih'. erlutr Frcd tl2t 1Z7.tO XiKRlaH]{ATa Hdn+ril. qrod{Ooaa 1Zzt llry, d .127, T.blc srH sratfitaao urdd sm d h |ted 22.10.2019 165802@07t200, 6odr Ph qr Pat Ed 6lr!d, llld by No lo8 0001656 I(UIDI^'tf,JT, tl: 2ara 00lt In. B.YasorE e Irl/r&t Sdn u UrtaiE. M..c.8C.1, b.atug slrvry Hot tr45,\&rt'CrBh- S/c tarr.Grc r,ld$ PooF CB. St!.t, 2t.@ 60.6t i 6.0G Iz rurueElX Kmhhq ChMd - Sq, o(io NqS, l/{.tr t Clil Strd Otdrt4, h hc a3 8tB8Ufl rurd.!u, l{dt d ba on 0t600200@il20, Chili.l Am6O t' 23.10.2019 uanf{nt orr ha Ed br Rqi.htrE Hot No.?, toBA0000l60 IlIXDIlfltUtr Hr 2a7! OOSi l.iriumrts0ry.
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