ES/ESH-53 KY/ERWM-18 PADUCAH GASEOUS DIFFUSION PLANT ANNUAL SITE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT FOR 1993 Project director F. C. Kornegay Project coordinator D. C. West Technical coordinator V. W. Jones Coordinating editor C. M. Horak Date Published: October 1994 Prepared by Environmental, Safety, and Health Compliance and Environmental Management staffs MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6285 and the Environmental Management Associate Division Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. Box 1410 Paducah, Kentucky 42001 for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 and MARTIN MARIETTA UTELITY SERVICES, INC. for the UNITED STATES ENRICHMENT CORPORATION under contract No. DE-AC05-76OR00001 ?\~ DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Department of Energy Oak Ridge Operations P.O. Box 2001 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 — October 11, 1994 Distribution PADUCAH ANNUAL SITE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1993 Enclosed for your information is a copy of the Paducah Annual Site Environmental Report for 1993. This report includes the results from on-site and off-site environmental monitoring activities, describes actions to comply with environmental regulations, and discusses the overall environmental impacts of Department of Energy (DOE) activities on the surrounding area. This report is prepared annually for distribution to the public; news media; and local, state, and federal agencies. The report was prepared for the DOE by our contractor Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. (Energy Systems). This years report is somewhat different than previous reports. An attempt was made to streamline the document and provide more summary information. The detailed data has been incorporated into a separate report. Likewise, a summary "pamphlet" is available this year. Its purpose is to convey key environmental monitoring information to those without a technical background. Comments on this report are welcome. All comments will be considered during the writing of the next report. There is a comment sheet and mailing address at the end of the report. The monitoring data and subsequent data analyses have been collected and performed in accordance with controlled operating procedures. Likewise, both DOE and Energy Systems personnel have reviewed this document for accuracy. To the best of my knowledge, this report accurately summarizes and discusses the results of the 1993 environmental monitoring program. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact David Tidwell at 502-441-6807 or James Donnelly at 615-574-6260. Sincerely. J. C. Hodges, Site Manager Paducah Site Office Enclosure Distribution -2- October 11, 1994 cc w/enclosure: R. C. Sleeman. EW-91 D. Tidwell. EF-22 E. W. Gillespie. EF-21 P. J. Gross. SE-31 R. Natoli. EH-22. HQ/FORS (5 copies) R. Sharma, NE-47. HQ/GTN Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Annual Site Environmental Report Summary for 1993 (ES/ESH-54, KY/ERWM-19) Comment Sheet This summary is the first such document published in addition to the annual site environmental report (ASER). The writers and production staff welcome comments, all of which will be considered during the writing of the next report summary. Please fill out this sheet and fax it to 615-574-6965 or mail it to the following address: PGDP ASER Editorial Office P.O. Box 2008 Mail Stop 6146 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6146 Keep my name on the PGDP ASER Summary mailing list. Add my name to the PGDP ASER Summary mailing list. .Remove my name from the PGDP ASER Summary mailing list. Comments: Name Organization Address City, State Zip Code Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Annual Site Environmental Report for 1993 (ES/ESH-53, KY/ERWM-18) Comment Sheet The annual site environmental report (ASER) is undergoing a transition to a more concise, single- volume format. The writers and production staff welcome comments, all of which will be considered during the writing of the next report. Please fill out this sheet and fax it to 615-574-6965 or mail it to the following address: PGDP ASER Editorial Office P.O. Box 2008 Mail Stop 6146 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6146 Keep my name on the PGDP ASER mailing list. Add my name to the PGDP ASER mailing list. _Remove my name from the PGDP ASER mailing list. Comments: Name Organization Address City, State Zip Code Contents Page List of Figures vii List of Tables xi Acronyms and Abbreviations xiii 1. Site and Operations Overview 1-1 Introduction 1-1 Description of Site Locale 1-2 Location 1-2 Climate 1-2 Water Resources 1-2 Geology and Hydrology 1-3 Ecological Resources 1-3 Vegetation 1-3 Wildlife 1-4 Description of Site Operations and Facilities 1-4 2. Environmental Compliance 2-1 Introduction 2-1 Compliance Activities 2-1 RCRA 2-1 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) 2-3 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) 2-3 Federal Facilities Compliance Act (FFCAct) 2-6 Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) 2-7 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 2-7 Other Environmental Acts 2-8 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) 2-10 Clean Water Act (CWA) 2-10 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 2-10 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 2-12 Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) 2-12 Clean Air Act (CAA) 2-13 Kentucky/DOE Agreement in Principle (AIP) 2-15 DOE Order Compliance 2-15 Assessments 2-17 Environmental Permits 2-19 Air Permit 2-19 RCRA Permits 2-19 KPDES Permits 2-19 Issues 2-20 PCB Sediment Sampling Project 2-20 Oil Sheen Summary 2-20 Uranium-Contaminated PCB Waste Storage 2-20 Moratorium on Off-Site Shipment of Waste 2-20 Uranium Hexafluoride Cylinder Program 2-20 iii Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant 3. Environmental Program Information 3-1 Public Affairs Programs 3-1 Neighborhood Council 3-1 Information Bulletins/Fact Sheets/Public Briefings 3-1 Environmental Advisory Committee 3-2 Earth Day 3-2 School Participation 3-2 Awareness Programs 3-2 Public/Media Contacts 3-2 Waste Minimization/Pollution Prevention (WMPP) Program 3-2 Program Objectives 3-2 Program Organization 3-3 Program Implementation 3-3 1993 Program Plan 3-3 Long-Term Program Strategy 3-4 Environmental Training Program 3-5 4. Radiological Effluent Monitoring 4-1 Introduction 4-1 Airborne Effluents 4-1 Applicable Regulations 4-1 Monitoring Program 4-2 Liquid Effluents 4-4 Applicable Regulations 4-4 Monitoring Program 4-5 Monitoring Results 4-6 5. Radiological Environmental Surveillance 5-1 Ambient Air 5-1 Surveillance Program 5-1 Surveillance Results 5-2 Meteorological Monitoring 5-2 External Gamma Radiation Monitoring 5-3 TLD Monitoring Program 5-4 Surface Water 5-5 Sediment 5-6 Surveillance Program 5-6 Surveillance Results 5-8 Soil 5-8 Surveillance Program 5-11 Surveillance Results 5-11 Food Crops 5-11 Terrestrial Wildlife 5-12 6. Dose 6-1 Introduction 6-1 Terminology/Internal Dose Factors 6-1 Waterborne Radionuclides 6-3 Direct Radiation 6-3 Contaminated Sediment in Little Bayou Creek 6-4 Ingestion of Terrestrial Foodstuffs 6-4 Airborne Radionuclides 6-4 Conclusions 6-5 iv Annual Site Environmental Report 7. Nonradiological Effluent Monitoring 7-1 Introduction 7-1 Airborne Effluents 7-1 Applicable Regulations 7-1 Monitoring Program 7-2 Liquid Effluents 7-2 Applicable Regulations 7-2 Monitoring Program 7-3 Monitoring Results 7-3 • 8. Nonradiological Environmental Surveillance 8-1 Ambient Air 8-1 Surveillance Program 8-1 Surveillance Results 8-2 Surface Water 8-3 Surveillance Results 8-3 Sediment 8-4 Surveillance Program 8-5 Surveillance Results 8-6 Soil 8-6 Surveillance Program 8-6 Surveillance Results 8-6 Vegetation 8-7 Terrestrial Wildlife and Fish 8-7 9. Groundwater 9-1 Introduction 9-1 Groundwater Hydrology 9-1 Geologic and Hydrogeologic Setting 9-9 Uses of Groundwater in the Vicinity 9-10 Groundwater Monitoring Program 9-11 Groundwater Monitoring 9-11 Hydrogeologic Services 9-13 Applicable Monitoring Standards 9-14 Operable Units 9-14 WAGs 9-14 Groundwater Integrator Unit 9-17 Groundwater Monitoring Results 9-21 UST Results 9-21 RCRA C-404 Results 9-21 C-746-S and C-746-T Landfill Results 9-23 ACO Results 9-25 Background Monitoring Results 9-25 DNAPL Results 9-26 Exit Pathway Results 9-26 10. Quality Assurance 10-1 Introduction 10-1 Field Sampling and Monitoring 10-1 Basic Concepts and Practices 10-1 Analytical QA 10-3 Internal QC 10-3 External QC 10-4 Independent QC 10-4 Data Management 10-5 v Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Appendix A: Radiation A-l Appendix B: Chemical Release Data B-l Appendix C: Radionuclide and Chemical
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