Marwayne Inventory of Historic Places 1.0 Introduction Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 4 2.0 Marwayne Historical Context Paper 7 3.0 List of Historic Places 29 4.0 Draft Statements of Significance 33 5.0 Resource Evaluations 55 6.0 Preventative Measure Recommendations 77 A special thank you to Rebecca Oakes, Community Development Officer with the Marwayne Agricultural Society, for her support and assistance in interviewing local community members and reviewing content; Joanne Horton, CAO at the Village of Marwayne, for her support and assistance in providing site specific information; and Robert Earley for his contributions to research and document preparation. Merinda J. Conley, CET, MRAIC, MAAA (Int.) Community Design Strategies Inc. 1.0 Introduction Marwayne Inventory of Historic Places Introduction The Village of Marwayne was success- quirements for municipal designation Places, a draft Statement of Signifi- ful in making application to Alberta and placement on the Alberta and Cana- cance for each resource, assess- Culture and Community Spirit’s Munici- dian Registers of Historic Places. ment documentation evaluating pal Heritage Partnership Program each resource, and other support- (MHPP) to obtain funding to undertake Project Objectives ing documentation. the Village of Marwayne Municipal The primary objectives of the Village of Heritage Inventory Project. As a re- Marwayne Inventory of Heritage Places Role of the quirement, the municipality must are to undertake the following: Village of Marwayne equally match the MHPP funding con- tribution for the project. Joanne Horton, CAO of the Village of Review the Places of Interest List Marwayne, and Rebecca Oakes, Com- (POIL), provided by the Village of The purpose of the Inventory of Histor- munity Development Officer with the Marwayne, based on the depth of ic Places is to apply provincially struc- Marwayne Agricultural Society, provid- the history available and the tomb- tured criteria to determine the signifi- ed guidance and initial identification of stones from earlier site surveys. cance and integrity of potential historic potential historic places for placement resources in the area. The criteria en- on the municipal inventory. Their en- Select historic resources from the sures that all sites are evaluated equal- gagement involved meetings, material POIL that carry significant history ly and, based on a systematic assess- distribution, correspondence, and the and information, and assess eligibil- ment, results in a collection of infor- review of all documentation provided ity, significance, and integrity of each mation meeting documentation re- by CDS Inc. The Village also invited Sha- site in accordance with evaluation quirements for inclusion on the Alberta ron Kneen, owner of the Old Hospital criteria developed by the Municipal and Canadian Register of Historic Plac- Building, and Hotel owner Cheryle Heritage Partnership Program es. Eikeland to assist with community (MHPP) to determine placement in tours and information gathering. CDS the Village of Marwayne Inventory of The project began on July 15, 2010, Inc. would like to thank Cheryle Historic Places. with completion set for December 31, Eikeland for the valuable historical doc- 2010, aside from project manager revi- umentation she collected for project Prepare a detailed context paper to sions and final edits. The initial phase reference and for the use of her facili- understand the important themes in included the confirmation of the Places ties as temporary workspace. Marwayne’s history including local of Interest List (POIL) with the repre- history, events, and trends that may sentatives from the Village of Mar- contribute to the Village’s heritage. Role of the wayne. Rebecca Oakes, Community Development Officer with the Mar- Village of Marwayne Undertake additional research on wayne Agricultural Society, undertook Project Manager selected historic resources to obtain oral interviews with the local seniors to Rebecca Oakes, the Marwayne Agricul- a greater depth of site history. obtain information over and above tural Society’s Community Develop- what was already collected. The inter- ment Officer, was the designated Pro- Prepare a draft Statement of Signifi- views provided further insight into the ject Manager. Rebecca provided over- cance (SoS) for each historic re- historic resources under evaluation. all support to the team, spoke with source and an assessment review in local seniors, undertook oral inter- accordance with the principles and During the Inventory stage, an evalua- views, arranged for interior photo- practices articulated in Creating a tion and assessment determines their graphs, and provided her detailed re- Future for Alberta’s Historic Places: ability to convey significance and integ- view of the Heritage Inventory docu- Identifying, Evaluating, Managing, rity. Ten (10) potential historic places ment. by the Historic Resources Manage- met assessment criteria and research ment Branch. further undertaken to develop a draft Rebecca Oakes and Joanne Horton Statement of Significance for each his- were instrumental in providing the Provide a final report that includes toric place. This process helps to deter- team access to municipal information, the context paper, a list of historic mine which sites are significant, have mapping, and legal and municipal ad- resources in the Inventory of Historic integrity, and meet the standard re- dresses. 4 Community Design Strategies Inc. Marwayne Inventory of Historic Places 1.0 Introduction Description of Report tain integrity and are therefore poten- The process follows three specific tially eligible for “municipal designa- steps: Content tion.” The report includes a contextual over- 1. Eligibility assessment view of Marwayne’s history, the loca- The Statement of Significance is 2. Significance assessment tions of the ten (10) sites included in in three parts: 3. Integrity assessment the Village of Marwayne Inventory of Historic Places, draft Statements of 1. Description of resource The eligibility assessment determines if Significance for each historic place, and 2. Heritage value the resource is eligible for inclusion on a detailed resource assessment com- 3. Character-defining elements a Municipal Heritage Inventory and for pleted for each site prior to drafting designation as a Municipal Historic the Statement of Significance. The resource description is a brief gen- Resource. It briefly describes the histo- eral statement about what the re- ry and physical attributes of the re- Village of Marwayne source looks like, its size, location, and source, determines if the resource is an any other contributing resources on excluded site and of what type, and Context Paper site, if applicable. whether the resource is a type provid- The Village of Marwayne’s context pa- ing an exception from exclusion. per establishes a framework from The heritage value statement describes which to evaluate Marwayne’s historic the aesthetic, historic, scientific, cultur- Assessing the significance of a resource places. It provides the patterns, al, social, and spiritual importance of requires that the site meet at least one themes, or trends that help explain the the resource, and speaks to the re- of the following criterion of the signifi- significance of a historic place and its source’s significance in past, current, cance criteria: “place” in the overall development of and future generations. the region. The context paper provides A. Theme/Activity/Cultural “a sense of place” by illustrating how Lastly, character-defining elements Practice/Event the community developed and how the identify the most important features of B. Institution/Person historic places included in this invento- the resource that contribute to its her- C. Design/Style/Construction ry connect with the Village’s growth itage value. Such elements consist of a D. Information Potential over time. Reading the context paper description of materials, forms, scale, E. Landmark/Symbolic Value gives one a better understanding of massing, location, uses over time, cul- Marwayne’s environment and back- tural associations, and other significant A context statement for the individual ground prior to reviewing individual associations that add to the value of resource helps to understand why the Statements of Significance. the resource. resource is significant under each crite- rion selected. Similar to Marwayne’s Maps of Historic Places It is important to note that the charac- context paper, the context statement Placed in Inventory ter-defining elements described in explains the role of the resource in The location of the ten (10) historic each Statement of Significance provide relation to the broader historical places included in this inventory are guidance and direction to resource trends while drawing on facts about primarily located in the commercial owners, planners, architects, historical the resource and the community. Next, area and are identified on a map of the societies, and anyone else who may be assessing the resource for its municipal Village of Marwayne shown on page involved in preparing a rehabilitation, significance shows if it exhibits strong 32. restoration, or preservation proposal documented association with one or for the particular historic resource. more of the significance criteria to be eligible. The resource’s context state- Draft Statements of ment helps to develop the Statement Significance Resource Assessments of Significance for that same resource. Upon completion of historic
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