Jumb. 102. 3077 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF rrHURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1915. WELLINGTON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1915. TENDERS FOR INLAND MAIL-SERVICES FOR 1916 AND 1916-1918. Tenders Jor ln/,and Mail-services Jor 1916 and 1916-18. I 9. Birkenhe&d, Glenfield, Albany, and Dairy Flat (rural delivery), thrice weekly to Dairy Flat; five times General Post Office, I weekly to Glenfield and Albany. (Alternative to No. 9A.,) Wellington, 26th August, 1915. 9A,tt Birkenhead, Glenfield, Albany, and Dairy Flat (rural EALED alternative tenders will be received at, the several delivery; by four-wheeled motor vehicle ; see special S Chief Post-offices in the Dominion until Thursd&y, conditions), thrice weekly to Dairy Fiat : five times the 30th September, 1915, for the convey&nce of m&ils weekly to Glenfield and Albany. (Alternative to No. 9.) between the undermentioned places, for periods of ONE year IO. Cabbage Bay and Port Charles, weekly. and TBBJ:111 years, from the 1st January, 1916. 11. Cambridge and Frankton Junction Railway-staticn (by horse vehicle or motor vehicle, to connect with the POSTAL DISTRICT 01!' AUCKLAND, south-bcund Main Trunk expre~s), five times weekly. 1. Aris, Rira, and Ka.ea.ea, twice weekly. 12. Cambridge, Karapiro, and TaotaorDa (rural delivery, 2. Auckland Chief Post-office, Railway - station, &nd also delivery of correspcndence to settlers' hexes Wharves (by horse vehicles or motor vehicles), as re­ erected at both places), daily. (Alternative to No. I 2A.) quired. 12A,tt Cambridge, Karapiro, and Taotaoroa (rural delivery, 3. Auckland, clearing receivers within a radius of four 1niles by four-wheeled motor vehicle; see special condi­ and a half of Chief Post-office (divided into four areas), tions; also delivery of correspondence into settlers' (by horse vehicles or motor vehicles), thrice daily. boxes erected at both places), daily. (Alternative to 4. Auckland, delivery of letter-carriers' extra bags, as No.12.) required ; also delivery of parcels in city and suburbs 13. Cambridge and Maungatautsri, thrice weekly. (by horse vehicles or motor vehicles), twice daily in city, 14. Cambridge Post.office and Railway-station, as required. daily in suburbs. (NoTE.-Parcels are to be delivered 15. Cambridge and Whitehall (corresprndence to be de­ over area served by Auckland letter-carriers.) livered into settlers' boxes), twice weekly. (Alterna­ 5. Auckland and Whitford (by launch), daily. (Alterna­ tive to No. l 5A..) tive to Nos. 6 and 27.) 15A,tt Cambridge and Whitehall (correspondence to be de­ 6. Auckland and Whitford (by launch), fcur times weekly. livered into settlers' boxes), twice weekly (rural (Alternative to Nos, 5 and 27.) delivery, by four-wheeled motor vehicle; see special 7. * Bickersta.fie Railway.station, Maungaturofo, Rowrnll's, conditions). (Alternative to No. 15.) and Paparoa, twice weekly, with extra trip Maung&­ 16. Coromandel, Amedeo Bay, and Cabbr1ge Bay, weekly. turoto to Bickerstafie. (Alternative to No. 8.) I 7. Coromandel and Tapu (by horse vehicle or motor vehicle), 8.* Bickersta.fie Railway-station, Maungaturcto, Rswsell's, weekly. (Alternative to No. 18.) and Pitparoa, twice weekly; Maungaturcto ,ind 18. Coromandel and Taw (by horse vehicle or motor vehicle), Biokerstaffe (one way only), weekly; Maungaturoto twice weekly. (Alternative to No. 17.) and W aipu, weekly; Pahi and Paparoa, thrice weekly; 19. Drury, Ramarama, and Bombay, twice daily. and Paparoa and Matakohe, weekly. (Altepiative to 20. J!'airburn's, Victoria Valley, and Takahue, thrice weekly. Nos, 7, 55, 80, and 83.) · (Alterp,ative to No, 31.) A 3078 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZET'fE. [No. 102 21, Jj're.nkton Junction Railway-station, Franktcm ,Junction livery), thrice weekly; and Waingaro, Waimai, and Post-office, Hamilton Post-cfficc, Hamilton Railway. Pepepe, twice weekly. station, and Hamilton East, as required. (Contractor 58.*1 Ohaeawai, Ngawha, Kaikohe, and Taheke (rural de­ to carry Postal officers between Hamilt<:n Post-cffice livery), twice weekly. (Alternative to N0s. 37, 39, e.nd Frankton Junction Railway-station, as required, 59, 60, and 61.) and to clear late-fee box at 11 p.m.) 5 9.*1 Ohaeawai, Ngawha, Kaikohe, and Taheke (rural de­ 22. Glenbrook and Waiuku-Pukekohe Read, daily. livery), thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 36, 38, 23. Glen Murray and Woodleigh, twice weekly. 58, 60, aud 61.) 24.. Hamilton, Hamilton East, Tamahere, Pukeroro, and 60.*1 Ohaeawai, Ngawha, Kaikohe, Taheke, and Punakitere Cambridge (rural delivery, by horse vehicle or motor (rural delivery), twice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. vehicle), daily. (Alternative to No. 25.) 37, 39, 58, 59, and 61.) 25.tt Hamilton, Hamilton East, Tama.here, Pukeroro, and 6I.*1 Ohaeawai, Ngawha, Kaikohe, Taheke, and Punakitere Cambridge (rural delivery, by four-wheeled motor (rural delivery), thrice weekly to Taheke; twice weekly vehicle; see special conditions), daily. (Alternative t-0 Punakitere. (Alternative to Nos. 36, 38, 58, 59, to No. 24.) and 60.) 26. Helensville and Parakai, daily ; and Parakai and Park­ 62. Ohaeawai, Waimatc North, Kerikeri, Waipapa, and hurst, twice weekly. Kaeo, weekly. (Alternative to No. 63.) 27. Howick and Whitford, four times weekly. (Alternative 63. Ohaeawai, Waimate North, Waipapa, and Kaeo, weekly. to Nos. 5 and 6.) (Alternative to No. 62.) 28. Huntly, Rotongaro, and Ruawa1·0, twice weekly. 64. Ohaupo, Ngahinapouri, and Tnhikaramea, daily. 29. Kaipara Flats, Streamlands, and Warkworth, four times 65. Ohaupo and Paterangi, daily. weekly. (Alternative to No. 30.) 66. * Okahukura Railway-station, Okahukura Post-office, 30. Kaipara Flats, Streamlands, and Warkworth, daily. Mahirakau, l\fatiere, Nihoniho, and Ohura, daily. (Alternative to No. 29.) 66A. Okaihau and Rangiahua (rural delivery), weekly. 31. Kaitaia, Victoria Valley, and Tako.hue, thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 66n, 67, 68, and 69.) (Alternative to No. 20.) 66B. Okaihau and Rangiahua (rural delivery), twice weekly. 32. Kaitieke and Retaruke, twice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 66A, 67, 68, and 69.) 33. Kaitieke and Retaruke Valley Road (rural delivery), 67. Okaihau, Rangiahua, Umawera, Taikawhana, and Manga­ twice weekly. muka (rural delivery), weekly. ·(Alternative to Noa. 34. Kamo, Ruatangata, Aponga, and Mcengawahinc (rural 66A, 66B, 68, 69, 93A, and 93B.) delivery), twice weekly. 68. Okaihau, Rangiahua, Umawera, Taikawhana, and Manga­ 35. Kaukapakapa and Parakakau (rural delivery), twice muka (rural delivery): twice weekly to Re.ngiahua; weekly. weekly to other offices. (Alternative to Nos. 66A, 66n, 36. *1 Kawakawa or Otiria, Pakaraka, Ohaeawai, Te Ahuahn, 67, 69, 93A, and 93n.) Okaihau, Marangai, Utakura, Maraerca, a.nd Horeke, 69. Okaihau, Rangiahua, Umawera, Taikawhana, and Me.nga, thrice weekly; Ohaeawai to Kawakawa, weekly (on muka (rural delivery), twice weekly. (Alternative to Wednesdays); and Ohaeawai and Ngawha (by horse Nos. 66A, 66n, 67, 68, 93A, and 93n.) vehicle or m,otor vehicle), weekly. (Alternative to 70. Okoroire, along Main Rotorua Road (rural delivery), Nos. 37, 38, 39, 59, and 61.) daily. 37.*1 Kawakawa or Otiria, Pakaraka, Ohaeawai, Te Ahu­ 71, Okoroire and Patetere, daily. alm, Okaihau, Marangai, Utakura, Maracrca, and 72. Okoroire Post-office and Railway-station, as required. Horeke, thrice weekly; and Ohaeawai to Kawakawa 73. Opuawhanga, Helena Bay, and Punarnkn, weekly. (by horse vehicle or motor vehicle), weekly (on Wed­ 74. Otahuhu and East Tamaki, daily. nesdays). (Alternative to Nos. 36, 38, 39, 58, and 60.) 75. Otahuhu Post-office and Railway-station, as required. 38.*1 Kawakawa or Otiria, Pakaraka, Ohaeawai, Te Ahu­ 76. Otorohanga, Otewa, and Tahaia, thrice weekly. (Alter, ahu, Okaihau, Marangai, Utakura, Maraeroa, and native to Nos. 77 and 78.) Horeke, thrice weekly ; Horeke to Kawakawa, weekly 77. Otorohanga, Otewa, and Tahaia, e.nd rural delivery back (on Wednesdays); and Ohaeawai and Ngawha (by to Otorohanga, via Reynolds Junction and Me.nga­ horse vehicle or motor vehicle), weekly. (Alternative whero, thrice weekly. (Alternative to Nos. 76 and 78.) to Nos. 36, 37, 39, 59, and 61.) 78. Otorohanga, Otewa, and Tahaia, and rural delivery back 39.*1 Kawakawa or Otiria, Pakaraka, Ohaeawai, Te Ahn, to Otol'Ohanga via Reynolds Junction and Me.nga, ahu, Okaihau, Marangai, Utakura, Maraeroa, and whero, daily. (Alternative to Nos. 76 and 77.) Horeke, thrice weekly; and Horeke to Kawakawa (by 79. Owhango and Hikimutu Valley (rural delivery), twice horse vehicle or motor vehicle), weekly (on Wednes• weekly. days). (Alternative to Nos. 36, 37, 38, 58, and 60.) 80, Pahi and Paparoa, thrice weekly. (Alternative to 40.t Kawakawa Post-office and Railway-staticn, as required. No. 8.) 41. Kihikihi, Korakonui, and Wharepnhnnga (rural delivery), 81. Pakotai and Cheddar Hills (rural delivery along Okaharau twice weekly. Road and back the Opoutiki-Waima Road), weekly. 42. Kihikihi and Pnkeatua (rural delivery), thrice weekly. 82. Papakura, Whitiki, and Hunua, thrice weekly. 43. Kohukohu, Paponga, and Broad~ood, twice weekly. 83. Puparoa and Matakohe, weekly. (Alternative to No. 8.) 44. Kohukohu and Taikawhana (by launch), weekly. 84. Patumahoe and Waiau P11, thrice weekly. 45. Kuaotunu and Whitianga, twice weekly. 85. Piopio, Mangaotaki, and Haku, twice weekly. (Alter­ 45A. Mairoa, Rimunui, and Waitanguru, twice weekly. native to No. 86.) (Alternative to No. llOA.) 86. Piopio, Mangaotaki, and Haku (rural delivery), twice 46. Mangaohae, Moeatoa, Kiritehere, and Marokopa (rural weekly. (Alternative to No. 85.) delivery), weekly. (Alternative
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