GOVT OF KARNATAKA No:DMGiSG/DVGiQuarry Plan/sandl2}l5-161,-e;tr 6 OFFICE OF THE R.GEOLOGIST, Dept.of Mines & Geology, Mineral, #194811, Opposite Anjaneya Temple, Vidya nagara, Davangere, Date:28.10.2015 E-mail I D:-Sgdavdmg 1 [email protected] To, The Member Secretary SEIAA, Department of Forest, Environment & Ecology 7th Floor, M.S.Building BANGALORE Dear sir, Sub : Approval of 1-0 sand blocks identified in Harpanahalli and Harihar Taluks, Davanagere Dist. Karnataka state. Ref: 1. Director, Dept., of mines & Geology, Bangalore letter No: DM G/QL/D D (MA) /2 0 12-73 / 3812, Dated: 1 B -0 6-2072. 2. Your letter Dated: 21-L0-20Ls In the exercise of the power & conferred read with reference letter (1) of the Director, Department of Mines Geology, Bangalore. I here by approved the quarry plan for the following l-0 sand blocks . HARAPANAHALLI TALUK sl. Block No. Cluster Beside Survey No, Acres Village Surroundings No No. N: Tungabhadra River & Block No:02 S: Tungabhadra River & Chikkabidare Border Opposite To Survey Vattalahalli 1 01 10.13 E: Tungabhadra River & Sy.No: Opposite To No. 317 & 316(PJ (Kadathi) Survey No. 317 & 316(P) W: Tuneabhadra & Ranibennur Taluk Border 1 N: Tungabhadra River Opposite To Survey S: Tungabhadra River & Block No:01 ., Vattalahalli 02 No. 306, 309 & 10.13 E: Tungabhadra River (Kadathi) & Sy.No: Opposite To 310(P) Survey No. 306, 309 & 310(P) W: Tungabhadra & Ranibennur Taluk Border N: Tungabhadra River Opposite to Survey S: Tungabhadra River 3 06 No 4L, 42,43 & 12.00 Nittur E: Tungabhadra River & Sy,No: Opposite to r12(P) Survey No 41-, 42,43 8L 112(P) W: Tuneabhadra & Ranibennur Taluk Border N: Tungabhadra River & Block No:09 Opposite to Survey S: Tungabhadra River & Nittur No 29(PJ, 30, 31 Tavaragundi E: Tungabhadra River & Sy.No: Opposite to &33(P) Survey No 29[P], 30, 31 &33(p) W: Tungabhadra & Ranibennur Taluk Border N: Tungabhadra River Opposite to Survey S: Tungabhadra River & Block No:07 Tavaragundi No 48 & 49(P) E: Tungabhadra River & Sy.No: Opposite to Survey No a8 & 49[P) W: Tungabhadra & Ranibennur Taluk Border N: Tungabhadra River & Block No:10 S: Tungabhadra River & Tavaragundi Opposite to Survey E: Tungabhadra River & Sy.No: Opposire to No 421(PJ, 422(P) Survey No 421(PJ, 422(p) W: Tungabhadra & Ranibennur Taluk Border N: Tungabhadra River S: Tungabhadra River & Block No:09 Opposite to Survey E: Tungabhadra River & Sy.No; Opposite to No 366 Survey No 366 W: Tungabhadra & Ranibennur Taluk Border HARIHARA TATUK N: Tungabhadra River Opposite to Survey No S: Tungabhadra River 73,74,76,77,78,79, Haralapura E: Tungabhadra River & Sy,No: Opposite to 80, B1[P] & 84 Survey No 73, 74,76,77,78,79,80,91[p) & g4 W: Tungabhadra River, Haveri District border N: Tungabhadra River & Block No:D Opposite To Survey No. S: Tungabhadra River Pamenahalli 21(P),22,23 &24(P) E: Tungabhadra River & Sy,No: Opposite To Survey No. 21(P), 22,23 &24(p) W: Tungabhadra River, Haveri District Border N: Tungabhadra River Opposite To Survey No. S: Tungabhadra River & Block No:j.1 Pamenahalli 33 & 34[PJ E: Tungabhadra River & Sy,No: Opposite To Survey No. 33 & 34[p) W: Tungabhadra River, Haveri District Border Yours faithfully Sr. Geologist (Mineral}S oavanger{f Enclosed : 2 copies of approved quarry mining plan ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Of ‘HALAVAGALU SAND BLOCK’ At Halavagalu Village, Harapanahalli Taluk, Davangere Dist 1.0 INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE PROJECT/PROPONENT The proponent has been granted a sand quarry by Notification No. MINE/CR/1/2015-16 dated 05.11.2015 for the quarrying of sand located along River Tungabhadra, to Survey No 421(P) & 422(P) - Halavagalu Village, Harapanahalli Taluk, Davangere District, Karnataka over an extent of 4.86 Ha under the Karnataka Minor Mineral Concession Rules-2013. The estimated project cost is Rs 20 lakhs. It is proposed to produce 30064.5 Tonnes of sand per annum from this lease area for the period of two years of plan period. The sand is replenishable due to sediment inflow. 1 2.0 LOCATION & REVENUE DETAILS OF MINING SITE The mining area is located in the revenue estate of i) Village Halavagalu ii) District Davan gere iii) Survey of India Toposheet 48 N /14 No. in which mining lease/proposed project area falls iv) Latitude Latitude : N 14 0 42 ’ 44.39 ” to N 14 0 43 ’00.10 ” Longitude Longitude:E 75 0 45’ 10.14” toE 750 45’ 28.30” v) Nearest Railway Station Harihara (46 km ) vi) Nearest Airport Bangalore (375 km ) vii) Nearest Highway SH 25 (Harihara - Hospet ) viii) Khasra No. Opposite to Survey No 421(P) & 422(P) – Halavagalu Village, Harapanahalli Taluk, Davangere District, Karnataka The location of the lease area is shown on the administrative / location map enclosed vide plate No -1. The buffer map with 5 km radius showing site location is enclosed vide plate No-1A, where as the Google map with 5 km radius showing site location is enclosed vide plate No-3. 2 3.0 MINING PROCESS 3.1 Sand Mining [ The salient features of sand mining method are: Digging of sand will be done manually and the loading also shall be done manual to the tippers. The mining involve following steps- i. River Bed mining activities do not involve top soil as there is no top soil. ii. Excavation of sand by manual method of mining. iii. Drilling and blasting is not required. 3.2 Working Depth (below ground level) The deposition of sediments occurs in the river bed. During the entire lease period, the quarrying of sand will be carried out up to the depth of 1m from the surface level or upto the ground water level (whatever is less). The ultimate depth of the open cast pits will not exceed 1m below river bed level or ground water table, whichever is less. Under no circumstances it will interfere with the ground water table. 3.3 Details of Machinery (per day) 1 Tippers 5 3.4 Manpower Requirement: The manpower requirement for the proposed project will be around 45 nos. This does not include manpower required for transportation and unloading of sand in trucks but includes the manpower required for loading the vehicles. Table – Details of Manpower requirement Sl. No Particulars No’s 1 Highly Skilled 1 2 Skilled 2 3 Semi-skilled 2 4 Un-skilled 40 Total 45 3 4.0 CONDITIONS OF MINING: • No quarry operations or workings shall be carried out or permitted to be carried out by a mineral concession holder without ensuring safety of river beds, river embankments, roads, railways, bridges, structures and safety of adjoining areas as follows: • No quarrying is permitted within a river bed upto a distance the five times of span of a bridge on upstream and ten times the span of such bridge on downstream of the rivers of 250m on the upstream side and 500m on the downstream side. • No qurarrying is permitted within a distance of 100 meters inside/outside any flood protection embankment (Bundh). (Railway Administration concerned) • Safety distance as per MOEF Guidelines should be minimum 50 meters from highway and 50 meters from any reservoir, tank, canal or other public works such as public roads and buildings or inhabited sites (except with the previous permission in writing of the Government or such other Officer, authorized by it in this behalf) otherwise than in accordance with such instructions, restrictions and conditions either general or special which may be attached to such permission. • The areas which are located adjoining to the village or traditionally used by the villagers shall be left and declared as No Sand Mining area by limiting to 250m length or as decided by Taluka Sand Monitoring Committee. • The said distances shall be measured in the case of a railway, reservoir, drain or canal horizontally from the outer toe of the bank or the outer edge of the cutting, as the case may be, in the case of a bridge, road or highway from the outer edge of the right of way, and in the case of a building horizontally from the plinth thereof. • No quarrying operations or workings shall be carried on or permitted to be carried on by a Mineral Concession Holder up to any point within 7.5 m from the outer periphery of adjoining private/ Government land. • The depth of mining in the river bed shall not exceed 1m depth from surface or ground water level whichever is less, measured from the un-mined bed adjoining ground level. 4 • If width of the river is less than 120m the mining will be restricted within the bed of river. • If the width of the river is more than 120 m, the mining will be restricted after leaving a strip of 30 m wide from the edge of embankment on either side of the river bed. • Sand quarrying shall be restricted to the central 3/4 th width of the river at the centre by leaving a 1/8 th margin of the river width from the river bank all along the river length of the block as Buffer zone. • The mining will not be allowed below the water table. • Benches are formed in accordance with regulation 106 of Metalliferrous Mine Regulations, 1961. The maximum depth of the quarry pit will be 1 m. • The contractors will abide by various provisions laid down under Mines Act, 1952, Mines & Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957, Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, MMR, 1961. • The contractor will also abide by the provisions of all applicable Acts & Rules.
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