A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL FEBRUARY 2012 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON Women refl ect light of Christ, celebrate ordination BY BONNIE LEBLANC that message several times. Last November Anglican and Lu- Th e Rev. Dr. Eileen Scully of theran clergy women from across the Diocese of Huron was intend- this great country refl ected the ed to be our keynote speaker but light of Christ in as many ways as she was ill and unable to attend. we could, especially in our smil- She did, however, send her notes ing faces and enthusiastic celebra- to Bishop Sue Moxley, of our host tions, as we gathered for the 35th diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince anniversary of the ordination of Edward Island, who spoke for her. women as priests in Canada. More She encouraged us to faithfully than 60 of us gathered in Lunen- live according to our baptismal burg, Nova Scotia, to worship, and ordination covenants, seek- learn, sing, share, give thanks and ing and serving Christ in all per- be inspired. sons, with a particular concern Th e theme “refl ecting the light for social justice and peace; ‘re- of Christ” spoke to the Rev. Laura fl ecting the light of Christ’ in and McCue, a New Brunswick-born through our daily lives. priest who ministers in Sydney, We enjoyed daily workshops Nova Scotia. She wrote the confer- on story telling for the soul, visual ence theme song “We are Meant prayer and equipping clergy. A to Shine” and we sang it with great workshop called Shaping Images joy at our worship services. We led of Self and Others in Women’s dancing in the aisles and shouted Ministry was an exercise in sym- “Sing it again, Laura!” Th e entire bol and image creation with felt congregation was enveloped “in and wool. We even explored ordi- the light.” Th is wonderful song is nation as a scriptural refl ection of now sung in parishes across the using our senses. country. My friend Laura McCue, who Th e Rev. Brenda McKnight wrote the theme song for the con- and I were privileged to attend ference that I mentioned above, the conference from this diocese and I co-led a workshop on music and hear Bishop Elaine Sauer of composition called How to Make the Evangelical Lutheran Church a Joyful Noise. in Canada (Eastern Synod) de- We also participated in sharing liver a life-giving sermon during circles with common questions the Eucharist at St. John’s Church for all the groups. on St. Andrews Day, Nov. 30. Th e Diocese of Huron was rep- She told us that God chose us resented by 11 enthusiastic clergy, not to shape us with a uniform many of whom are of the “new mold, but to use our individual PAUL SHERWOOD generation.” Th ey will host the experiences, personalities, gift s The Rev. Brenda McKnight and the Rev. Bonnie LeBlanc represented the diocese of 40th anniversary of the ordina- and talents to be Christ’s mes- Fredericton at a celebration of the 35th anniversary of the ordination of women as priests tion of women in Huron in 2016, sengers and ministers. She rec- held in Lunenberg, Nova Scotia in November. and extended a warm invitation ognized that our ministries had to us all. Th ey will do very well not always been appreciated, and of us who live out our baptismal encouraging signs of new life and les as hands came up and heads to fi nd a venue as stunning as the acknowledged the courage and covenant every day. Her vision spiritual connection. nodded. “Self-care is important,” town of Lunenburg on the south conviction of the women who for the future is hopeful because At the outset of her sermon she said. “We are women, God shore of Nova Scotia. had paved the way for us. Indeed the Lord reigns. In the church Elaine asked who of us had had chose us for who we are, and ‘how she affi rmed the ministries of she sees Fresh Expressions, a new pedicures in preparation for the beautiful are the feet of those who Th e Rev. Bonnie LeBlanc is priest- clergy and congregations — all generation of women priests, and conference. Th ere were chuck- bring good news.’ She repeated in-charge of the Parish of Andover. Exquisite historic chapel restored, rededicated North America, it is a local archi- ed the parish to initiate a fund- Stonework, roof tectural gem as well as a National raising and restoration project and windows Historic Site. As such it received a several years ago. Frank Wilson, $425,000 restoration grant from who read a lesson in the service, renewed the National Historic Sites of chaired the project that was com- GET THE NEWS FIRST Canada cost-sharing program. pleted in the fall of 2011. Mr. Wil- BY ANA WATTS at http://anglican.nb.ca A parish fundraising campaign son said the federal funding made While you’re there, St. Anne’s Chapel of Ease in down- raised the matching funds neces- the $875,000 project possible. subscribe to E News and get town Fredericton was rededicated sary to ensure this chapel, fi lled Until St. Anne’s was built, the news delivered to your to the Glory of God last fall upon with the spirit, faith and memo- those who wished to sit in a pew in-box each week. Th e Rev. Anthony Kwaw, the completion of a major renovation ries of generations — will live on in church had to rent one. When Rev. Deacon Joyce Perry and project. Regarded as the fi nest for generations yet to come. Bishop John Medley, fi rst bishop Click on the News button at the Archbishop Claude Miller at St. and most signifi cant Gothic Re- Th e chapel’s weathering stone- of the diocese, arrived in Freder- top of the page and choose E Anne’s Chapel rededication. vival church of its size and kind in work, windows and roof prompt- Please see ST. ANNE’S on page 3 News from the drop-down menu 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN FEBRUARY 2012 h i s t o r y f e a t u r e suitability to rule, her public had a decided distaste for mar- image and her ability to guide ried clergy. But as queen she Th e King James Version the country were all questioned wanted and needed a religious – even by supporters. All her settlement. She rebuff ed early ministers of state and the entire parliaments and their attempts of Sacred Scripture house of bishops were her sister to hunt down and kill those Mary’s appointees and thus not of the old religion. Th e Prayer supporters of Anne Boleyn’s Book was reissued and used. If bastard daughter – Anne, who people inclined to the old ways Setting the Stage from their perspective, had would attend once in a while, Th e year 2011 marked the 400th usurped the crown from the or at least or pay fi nes for not anniversary of the publication of legitimate good Queen Cath- doing so, that was enough for the King James Version (KJV) of erine. Among her Protestant stability and national unity. As the Holy Bible. In honour of the minded subjects Elizabeth Elizabeth famously stated – she occasion the Rev. Dr. Ross Hebb, was an unknown quantity. did not want “ windows in(to) rector of the Parish of St. Peter’s What was her religious posi- men’s souls” – outward confor- in Fredericton, off ered an anni- tion? Exiles returning from the mity would do. versary talk on this uniquely in- continent where they had fl ed Many protestant minded fl uential and signifi cant English to escape Mary’s wrath prayed, people were not pleased with translation of Scripture on Dec. urged and attempted to prod this status quo – Edward’s 4, 2011. Th e slightly abridged Elizabeth to move the nation Prayer Books were not suf- text of his presentation will be towards a truer, purer, more fi ciently godly for them – not published in fi ve installments thorough going Protestantism reformed enough. And then beginning with this edition of than achieved under Edward. there were robes, especially the the New Brunswick Anglican. Elizabeth demurred. white surplice and Eucharistic Th e complete text is available Elizabeth wanted peace, vestments. Under Elizabeth on-line at < http://www.stpeter- stability and some degree of they were allowed, indeed, fredericton.nb.ca/ >. uniformity to return to Eng- mandated to be worn. A few land. Th is was impossible clerics resigned, others de- Background and Context without a religious settlement, murred, and still others vented, To set the context for the KJV which was the essential under- ranted and raved against what we need to look at the world be- pinning to even the hope of they termed papistical cos- fore the publication year of 1611. political stability. Elizabeth was tumes. Th ey held prayer meet- What is required is an investiga- clearly a reformed Christian – ings, as distinct from worship tion, in turn, of a death, an es- her father Henry had seen to services, they prophesied and, cape and a show down. First, the that for he had ensured that his as the reign wore on, became death. Queen Elizabeth I died on second daughter was raised in increasingly disenchanted with March 24, 1603. Th e famous and a mildly reformed, protestant Elizabeth’s religious settlement fabled Elizabethan Age came to environment. Elizabeth was, and progressively vocal in their Th e age of Elizabeth I saw England grow in power and prestige, a close – the Faerie Queene was however, like her father, theo- dislike and disdain for the the stability she brought to the country paved the way for the new dead.
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