Head Office , Jodhpur Government of Rajasthan Ground Water Department New Power House Road Jodhpur Phone

Head Office , Jodhpur Government of Rajasthan Ground Water Department New Power House Road Jodhpur Phone

Government of Rajasthan Ground Water Department New Power House Road Jodhpur Phone : 0291-2432765 Fax : 0291-2631295 Email : [email protected] Contact Details S.N. Name of Office / Unit Area of Jurisdiction Name of officer Incharge STD Residence office No. Fax No. Mobile No. Email code No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Head office , Jodhpur 1 Chief Engineer Rajasthan Suraj Bhan Singh 0291 2432765 2631295 - 8094260511 [email protected] 2 Senior Account Officer Rajasthan Umesh.Chand. Khinvsara 0291 2431540 2631295 - 9414418134 [email protected] Supdt. Engineer & T.A-I to 3 Rajasthan Sunil Sharma 0291 2432765 2631295 - 94143959561 [email protected] C.E. Supdt. Hydrogologist & T.A. - 4 Rajasthan K.M. Mathur 0291 2433705 2631295 2641044 9413252492 [email protected] II to C.E. Jodhpur, Barmer, Pali, Jalore, Sirohi, Jaisalmer, Nagaur, 5 Senior Geophysicist Kripa Shankar Pathak 0291 2432765 2631295 - 9828370733 [email protected] Bikaner, Ganganagar, Hanumangarh, Churu Jodhpur, Barmer, Pali, Jalore, 6 Junior Geophysicist Naresh Bhatia 0291 2432765 2631295 - 9314605887 [email protected] Sirohi 7 AAO - I Rajasthan Mohan Lal Prajapat 0291 2431540 2631295 - [email protected] 8 Personel Secretary to CE - Mukesh Kumar Sharma 0291 2432765 2631295 - 9001734273 [email protected] O. S. Cum Assistant 9 Rajasthan 0291 2621121 2631295 - [email protected] Administrative Officer Superintending Central Store & Central 10 H.R.Bhatt 0291 2431942 - - 9785769772 [email protected] Engineer(C/S) Jodhpur Workshop Jodhpur Executive Engineer (C/S), 11 Central Store Jodhpur Rajesh Sharma 0291 2431942 - - 9314711991 [email protected] Jodhpur Contact Details S.N. Name of Office / Unit Area of Jurisdiction Name of officer Incharge STD Residence office No. Fax No. Mobile No. Email code No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Executive Engineer (C/W), 12 Central Workshop Jodhpur Rajesh Sharma 0291 2431499 - - 9314711991 [email protected] Jodhpur Senior Hydrogeologist 13 Rajasthan R.K.Bansiwal 0291 2431967 - 2545060 9414448619 [email protected] (DSPC), Jodhpur Executive Engineer (Civil), 14 Rajasthan Kishan Singh (Addl. Charge) 0291 2432462 - 2706715 8505054777 [email protected] Jodhpur Assistan Engineer (Civil), 15 Rajasthan Kishan Singh - - - - 9602017955 [email protected] Jodhpur Contact Details S.N. Name of Office / Unit Area of Jurisdiction Name of officer Incharge STD Residence office No. Fax No. Mobile No. Email code No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Superintending Engineer Circle - Jaipur Jaipur, Alwar, Bharatpur, Superintending Engineer, 16 Bikaner, Sikar, Jhunjhunu, R.K.Mishra 0141 2710532 2710532 - 9829047260 [email protected] Jaipur Churu Superintending Engineer 17 Jaipur M.K. Gupta 0141 2710532 2710532 9413303430 [email protected] (HQ) `Jaipur Superintending 18 Jaipur V.N. Bhave 0141 2710532 2710532 9413186975 Hydrogeologist, Mukesh Rathore (Addl 19 Executive Engineer, Jaipur Jaipur, Sikar, Jhunjhunu 0141 2710467 2710467 - 9414605246 [email protected] charge) Mukesh Vasinav (Addl 20 Assistant Engineer (CIVil) Jaipur 0141 2710467 2710467 - 8107427570 [email protected] charge) TA to XEN Jaipur 21 Assistant Engineer, Jaipur Jaipur Manish Kumar Meena 0141 2710467 2710467 - 7689013648 [email protected] 22 Assistant Engineer,Sikar Sikar Mahendra Kumar Sabal 01572 257077 - - 8302654987 [email protected] Assistant Engineer, 23 Jhunjhunu Amit Chahar 01592 232903 - - 9782437288 - Jhunjhunu Manish Kumar Meena 24 Executive Engineer, Alwar Alwar, Bharatpur,Dhaulpur 0144 2370005 2370005 - 7689013648 [email protected] (Addl. Charge) 25 Assistant Engineer, Alwar Alwar Rakesh Kumar Gujar 0144 2370005 2370005 - 9636428397 [email protected] Assistant Engineer, 26 Bhartpur Vikas Kumar - - - - 9928438009 - Bharatpur 27 Executive Engineer, Bikaner Bikaner, Churu Mukesh Rathore 0151 2970056 - - 9414605246 [email protected] Assistant Engineer - I, 28 Bikaner Manoj Mathur 0151 2970056 - - 9413013106 [email protected] Bikaner Assistant Engineer - II, 29 Bikaner Gomati Vishnoi 0151 2970056 - - 7073269240 [email protected] Bikaner Rajendra Kumar (Addl 30 Assistant Engineer, Churu Churu 01562 250401 - - 9928678587 [email protected] Charge) Contact Details S.N. Name of Office / Unit Area of Jurisdiction Name of officer Incharge STD Residence office No. Fax No. Mobile No. Email code No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Superintending Engineer Circle - Jodhpur Superintending Engineer , Jodhpur, Barmer, Jaisalmer, [email protected] , 31 N.K.Meena 0291 2431593 - 2713696 9414266316 Jodhpur Nagaur, Pali,Jalore [email protected] Rajesh Kumar Sharma (Add. 32 Executive Engineer , Jodhpur Jodhpur, Nagaur 0291 2433243 - - 9314711991 [email protected] Charge) TA to Excecutive Engineer, Harish Mathur (Add. 33 Jodhpur - - - - 9414291144 - Jodhpur Charge) Assistant Engineer - I, 34 Jodhpur Gajendra Mundel - - - - 8473894355 [email protected] Jodhpur Assistant Engineer II, 35 Jodhpur Chandra Shekhar Mathur - - - - 9413576765 [email protected] Jodhpur Ridhkaran Godara (Addl. 36 Assistant Engineer, Nagaur Nagaur 01582 240858 - - 9413577599 [email protected] Charge) Ramesh Mathur (Addl 37 Executive Engineer , Barmer Barmer, Jaisalmer 02982 220408 - - 9460426092 exengwdbmr@yahoo. com Charge) TA to Executive Engineer, Ramesh Mathur (Addl. 38 Barmer 02982 220408 - - 9460426092 - Barmer Charge) Assistant Engineer - I, Ramesh Mathur (Addl. 39 Barmer 02982 220408 - - 9460426092 [email protected] Barmer Charge) Assistant Engineer - II, 40 Barmer Ramesh Mathur 02982 220408 - - 9460426092 - Barmer 41 Assistant Engineer, Jaisalmer Jaisalmer Rakesh Kumar 02992 255525 - - 9461333210 [email protected] 42 Executive Engineer , Pali Pali, Jalore Major Singh (Addl Charge) 02932 257664 - - 9636978745 [email protected] 43 Assistant Engineer, Pali Pali Major Singh (Addl Charge) 02932 257664 - - 9636978745 [email protected] 44 Assistant Engineer, Jalore Jalore Major Singh 02973 222279 - - 9636978745 [email protected] Contact Details S.N. Name of Office / Unit Area of Jurisdiction Name of officer Incharge STD Residence office No. Fax No. Mobile No. Email code No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Superintending Engineer Circle - Udaipur Udaipur, Dungarpur, [email protected], Superintending Engineer, Banswara, Pratapgarh, [email protected] 45 Anil Garg 0294 2441488 - - 9460482123 Udaipur Chittorgarh, Bhilwara, Rajsamand, Rajmer, Kota, Udaipur, Bhilwara, Sudhir Kaushal (Addl 46 Executive Engineer,Udaipur 0294 2441488 - - 9460572463 [email protected] Chittorgarh, Rajsamand, Charge) Executive Engineer, Pratapgarh Sumant Sharma (Addl 47 Dungarpur, Banswara 02964 232376 - - 7597174929 [email protected] Dungarpur Charge) Kota, JhJalawar, Bara, Bundi, Balram Meena (Addl 48 Executive Engineer, Kota 0744 2387519 - - 8432424526 [email protected] Ajmer Charge) 49 Assistant Engineer, Udaipur Udaipur Sumant Sharma 0294 2441488 - - 7597174929 [email protected] Assistant Engineer, 50 Chittorgarh Sumant Sharma 02972 241222 - - 7597174929 [email protected] Chittorgarh Madan Singh Ranawat 51 Assistant Engineer, Bhilwara Bhilwara - - - - 9414021336 - (Addl charge) Assistant Engineer, 52 Dungarpur, Banswara Durga shanker swami 02964 232376 - - 9983417220 [email protected] Dungarpur Assistant Engineer, Rajesh Kumar Dasora (Addl 53 Banswara 02962 242848 - - 9414645299 [email protected] Banswara charge) 54 Assistant Engineer, Kota Kota, Baran, Bundi, Ajmer Balram Meena 0744 2387519 - - 8432424526 [email protected] 55 Assistant Engineer, Jhalawar Jhalawar Balram Meena 07432 232684 - - 8432424526 [email protected] 56 Assistant Engineer, Ajmer Ajmer Ashok Singh Tanwar 0145 2627491 - - 9462584266 - Contact Details S.N. Name of Office / Unit Area of Jurisdiction Name of officer Incharge STD Residence office No. Fax No. Mobile No. Email code No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Superintending Hydrogeologist Circle - Bikaner Senior Hydrogeologist, Panna Lal Gehlot (Addl. 57 Bikaner - - - - 9414430957 [email protected] Bikaner Charge) Incharge Hydrogeologist, 58 Churu Laxman Singh Rathore - - - - 9462361304 [email protected] Churu Incharge Hydrogeologist, Sri 59 Sri Ganganagar Barkat Ali( Addl. Charge) - - - - 9602245022 - Ganganagar Contact Details S.N. Name of Office / Unit Area of Jurisdiction Name of officer Incharge STD Residence office No. Fax No. Mobile No. Email code No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Superintending Hydrogeologist Circle - Jaipur Jaipur, Tonk, Dausa, Sawai Madhopur, Karauli, Sikar, Superintending 60 Jhunjhunu, Kota, Baran, Gopal Prasad Sharma 0141 2710280 2710280 - 9829931393 [email protected] Hydrogeologst, Jaipur Jhalawar, Alwar, Bharatpur, Dholpur Senior Hydrogeologist and 61 as above Anoop Kumar Thareja 0141 2710280 2710280 - 9460387937 [email protected] TA to SHG Senior Hydrogeologist (SHG 62 as above Ashutosh Srivastav 0141 2710280 2710280 - 9461473354 [email protected] office) 63 Senior Geophysicist Jaipur & Udaipur SHG Circle Dr Vinay Bhardwaj(Adl. Char) 0141 2710280 2710280 - 9414060815 [email protected] Senior Hydrogeologist, 64 Alwar, Bharatpur, Dhaolpur Niranjan mathur 0144 2346139 2346139 - 9414850002 [email protected] Alwar 65 Junior Geophysicist, Alwar Alwar - 0144 2346139 2346139 - - - Jaipur, Tonk, Dausa, Sawai Senior Hydrogeologist , seniorhydrogeologistjpr 66 Madhopur, Karauli, Sikar, Dr Vinay Bhardwaj 0141 2710572 - - 9414060815 Jaipur @gmail.com Jhunjhunu seniorhydrogeologistjpr 67 Junior Hydrogeologist Jaipur Vivek kumar Meena

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