March 4, 1998 Alberta Hansard 671 Legislative Assembly of Alberta today as chairman of the Standing Committee on Leg. Offices to table the Auditor General's report for the year 1996-1997, which Title: Wednesday, March 4, 1998 1:30 p.m. is pursuant to section 19(4) of the Auditor General Act. All Date: 98/03/04 members of the Assembly received copies at the time it was [The Speaker in the chair] released. head: Prayers THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Mill Creek. THE SPEAKER: Good afternoon. Let us pray. MR. ZWOZDESKY: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to present We give thanks to God for the rich heritage of this province as two tablings, as well, which were initiated by the Liberal Official found in our people. Opposition going back to 1994-95, when the Auditor General We pray that native-born Albertans and those who have come presented two special duty reviews. One of them surrounds the from other places may continue to work together to preserve and Gainers situation, and the other one surrounds the Swan Hills enlarge the precious heritage called Alberta. waste treatment plant. Both of these were very important Amen. initiatives by the Auditor General, and I'm pleased to present all Please be seated. members with copies of those once again. head: Presenting Petitions THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Centre. THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Little Bow. MS BLAKEMAN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today to table MR. McFARLAND: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm pleased to four copies of 58 pieces of correspondence to the Premier asking present today on behalf of the hon. member for the constituency him to act now to protect the Kananaskis and Spray River valleys of Rocky Mountain House a petition containing approximately forever in a wildlife provincial park. 2,500 signatures from concerned citizens of the town of Rocky My second tabling is also four copies of 57 pieces of correspon- Mountain House and surrounding area. The petition indicates the dence to the Premier asking him to please protect the Castle concerns of the community that extend to the additional extended wilderness area now in a wildlife provincial park. care facilities that are needed in the Rocky Mountain House area. MRS. McCLELLAN: Mr. Speaker, I'm pleased to table the head: Tabling Returns and Reports official communiqué of the meetings of federal, provincial, and territorial ministers responsible for seniors. Meetings were held THE SPEAKER: The hon. Minister of Economic Development. in Victoria yesterday. MRS. BLACK: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm pleased to table THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Spruce Grove-Sturgeon- today four copies of the annual report of the Alberta Gaming and St. Albert. Liquor Commission for the year ended March 31, 1997. MRS. SOETAERT: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have four THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Little Bow. different tablings today. One is from Charmaine Blaze, opposed to increased funding to private schools; also another one sent to MR. McFARLAND: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It's again my the MLA for Redwater from Lucille Dubé, very concerned about pleasure to present on behalf of the hon. member for the constitu- the funding for public education; another one from Robert Keith ency of Rocky Mountain House 167 individual letters from in Calgary asking for sufficient funding for public education; and concerned citizens of the town of Rocky Mountain House and a final one from St. Vincent school asking that the funding for surrounding area. The letters speak eloquently on behalf of the Edmonton Catholic schools be protected by provincial legislation. community that additional extended care facilities are needed in Rocky Mountain House. THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Castle Downs. THE SPEAKER: The hon. Official Opposition House Leader. MS PAUL: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It gives me a great deal of pleasure today to table a number of forms that constituents have MR. SAPERS: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. With your permission signed for the elimination or freezing of private school funding. I have two sets of tablings this afternoon. Unfortunately I only have one copy of the first for the Assembly. It's a poster that's THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Gold Bar. being circulated by the students union at the University of Calgary. It says: Is the Cost of Education Holding your Future MR. MacDONALD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise this Hostage? If so, there are little tear off slips to call the minister afternoon to table four copies of a letter from the Labour Coali- of advanced education with his phone number on it. tion on Workers' Compensation addressed to the hon. Minister of Second, Mr. Speaker, there are seven sets of correspondence Labour. This group recommends that any private member's bill that were sent to me or to the whip for the government or the dealing with the Workers' Compensation Act be postponed until Minister of Education all stating their adamant opposition to any the WCB and their stakeholders have completed their benefits further funding for private schools. policy consultation process. Thank you. THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Lac La Biche-St. Paul. THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Glengarry. MR. LANGEVIN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is my pleasure 672 Alberta Hansard March 4, 1998 MR. BONNER: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have two tablings 72 visitors to this Assembly. They consist of 64 grade 6 students today. One is from a Mr. Jim Sylvester, the other from a Wanda from St. Joseph Catholic school in Whitecourt. They're accompa- Soder-Munholland. Both of these tablings are to the Minister of nied by parents, teachers, and a bus driver. They're seated in the Education. Both request that there be no additional funding to members' gallery, and I'd ask them to rise and receive the warm private schools. welcome of this Assembly. THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Mill Woods. THE SPEAKER: The hon. Leader of the Official Opposition. DR. MASSEY: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. With your permission MR. MITCHELL: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have two separate I would file five tablings this afternoon: one, five copies of a introductions. The first is the introduction of a young woman letter from Lowell Leffler and five copies of a letter from Berna who's in the gallery today with her mother, who is Mary Mac- Stewart, both asking that funding for private schools be elimi- Donald, the chief of staff of the Liberal caucus research bureau. nated; five copies of two E-mail messages that were received at Her name is Katie McGreer. Consistent with her mother's PhD our office, opposed to any public funding for private schools; and in political science, Katie is a keen and capable student and a very five copies of coupons that were forwarded to us asking that there clear analyst of politics in this province. I'd ask that she rise and be an end to funding for private schools. receive and the welcome of the Members of the Legislative Thank you. Assembly. Mr. Speaker, Katie is accompanied today by 35 students, THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Calder. teachers, and parents from St. Paul Catholic elementary school. The students are accompanied by teachers Mr. Hook and Miss MR. WHITE: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to table five Bernado as well as by parents Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Jaques. I copies of three documents: one from a B.I. Stewart, another from would ask that they all stand in the gallery and receive our the Alberta Federation of Union Retirees, a Red Deer address, welcome as well. and another from another Red Deer address from a different person, a Connie Barnaby, all actually adamant that funding for THE SPEAKER: The hon. Minister of Agriculture, Food and private schools not be extended. Rural Development. Introduction of Guests MR. STELMACH: Well, thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Strathcona. introduce to you and through you to members of the Assembly, seated in the members' gallery, a good constituent of Vegreville- DR. PANNU: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm pleased to introduce Viking, an excellent community worker, Mr. Gerald Gordey, who to you and to the members of this Assembly a large number of is here to witness the activities of the House. I would ask him to guests from the University of Alberta. These are fourth-year rise and receive the traditional warm welcome of the Assembly. undergraduate students who are enrolled in a seminar called Government and Politics of Alberta. They're accompanied by THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Glenora. their instructor, Dr. David Stewart, a member of the political science department. Dr. Stewart's name appears in today's story MR. SAPERS: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It's my pleasure on on the front page of the Globe referring to one member of this behalf of my colleague from Edmonton-Riverview to introduce a Assembly whose name also appears prominently in the story. group visiting from a school that used to be in the constituency of These guests are seated in the members' gallery. I'll request that Edmonton-Glenora. Today in the gallery we have 22 visitors all of them stand and receive the warm welcome of this Assembly. from the James Gibbons elementary school. The students are accompanied by their teachers, Mrs. Suzanne Kluczny, Mr. Colin THE SPEAKER: The hon. minister of science, research and Campbell, and Mrs. Phyllis Bourgeois. I would ask them to information technology.
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