VOLUME 47, ISSUE 22 THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 2014 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG !"#$"%%$&'("#) ;=75?/A=;7;>A5 PROPOSED STATE $"*!+,-%.%/#0"%%%1 THE BEST OF BUDGET LEAKED 2013 Students to Vote on Fee A preliminary report for Gov. Jerry Brown’s 2014–15 budget shows increased funding for the UC system, Increase This Quarter but funding falls short of the UC Regents’ request. Here is the proposed budget, broken down by the numbers: $263.1 REQUESTED BY UC REGENTS $120.9 FUNDING SHORTFALL $142.2 FUNDS PROVIDED IN “The Wolf of Wall Street” BUDGET may not stand up against “Gravity.” Read up on the Guardian’s choices for best songs, albums and movies of 2013. ALL 2334356.%%%%/783%%%9 FIGURES IN MILLIONS 2:7;%%%23<=3%%%2>?:>58%%%@A= A&C%%%(,D"$%%%E,C%%!("%%%-"F%%%G"#C ,D+-+,-.%%%/#0"%%%J :AB3%%%?;756 $F+HH+-0%%%(,$!$%%%I#$!%%%H""! $D,C!$.%%%/#0"%%%KL PHOTO BY JOSEPH HO/GUARDIAN FILE A proposed $52 hike on student fees could help pay for FORECAST new transportation options and increase financial aid. 10.8% Increase in total proposed state fund- MN%%8#'C+"II#%%@I"+$*(H#-%%!"#$%&'!()**'+&$("& ing for Calif. higher education from 2013–14 to 2014–15 academic year .S. Council’s proposed transportation fee ref- ments in mass transit and alternative transportation, THURSDAY FRIDAY erendum, which would add a $52 quarterly while the other 29 percent will go to financial aid, as 11.6% H 63 L 44 H 73 L 49 student fee to cover transportation services mandated by a statewide return-to-aid policy. Awill finally be voted on by students Week 8 of Winter “We’ll be leading a big education campaign this Percentage of total proposed 2014–15 Quarter 2014. quarter to make sure folks understand this isn’t state budget dedicated to higher The text of the referendum will be sent to students an out-of-the-blue referendum charging students education Week 4 of winter quarter and will be sent again no money,” A.S. President Andy Buselt said. “As long as later than two weeks prior to the election dates. The we’re doing our education campaign and students are SATURDAY SUNDAY referendum specifies that 71 percent of the fee will be informed that this is based off of a survey, I expect a 9% H 73 L 47 H 73 L 48 allocated to Transportation Services and a Student Percentage of total proposed 2014–15 Transportation Advisory Committee for improve- See REFERENDUM, page 3 state budget dedicated to state prisons and correctional facilities VERBATIM 7O763B>O%%%7@@7>=? ?75%%%6>38A !If you’re a coach Carol Padden Named Latest Poll: Faulconer Up looking to pick up a couple extra New Vice Chancellor EDI on Alvarez by One Point W’s over the course of a season, it’s MN%%B"P#I#%%-""I#P#-!#-%% work to apply strategic campuswide The election to elect a new mayor will be held Feb. 11. plans for faculty equity and diversity. sound advice to keep invest- ,"+!'-.$(%& “I’m looking forward to con- MN%%4#C"-%%;,%%/0)**'+12("& election, and this is a great way to ing in the players you have. UCSD professor of communi- tinuing the work that Linda Greene introduce themselves to the gazillions - Rachel Uda cation Carol Padden was named began,” Padden said. “With the assis- A recent 10News/UT-San Diego of voters who didn’t come out Nov. Interim Vice Chancellor for Equity, tance of the excellent staff in the poll shows that Kevin Faulconer and 19,” Erie said. PLAY IT AS IT LAYS Diversity and Inclusion on Jan. 6, VC-EDI office, we will continue to David Alvarez are neck and neck, with The runoff election was sched- SPORTS, PAGE 12 following the departure of previous play a role in UC San Diego’s efforts Faulconer possessing 47 percent of the uled as a result of the special election VC-EDI Linda S. Greene on Dec. 31. to be an engine of opportunity for vote and Alvarez taking 46 percent. that took place on November 2013 to Greene’s departure was our community.” With less than five weeks before the replace disgraced mayor Bob Filner. announced on Dec. 6, returning Padden will also work alongside runoff election on Feb. 11, the two Faulconer led with 43.6 percent, fol- INSIDE to her position as Evjue-Bascom Student Affairs to promote diversity candidates are busy earning money lowed by Alvarez with 25.6 percent Professor of Law at University of awareness and will work to convert and gaining supporters for their cam- of the votes. UCSD political science New Business ................. 3 Wisconsin-Madison after acting as the Raza Resource Centro student paigns. professor of practice Nathan Fletcher A Year in Review ............. 7 UCSD’s first ever VC-EDI for nearly center — involved in supporting UCSD political scientist Steven came in third with 24.3 percent of one year. and providing resources for UCSD’s Erie told UT-San Diego that the close supporters while former San Diego Best of 2013 ................... 8 Administrators in the Office of Chicano and Latino population — race between the two candidates led city attorney Michael Aguirre placed Sudoku ......................... 10 the Chancellor and Office of the into a Campus Community Center. them to agree on having six debates. fourth, with 4.44 percent. Executive Vice Chancellor for “You’ve got two city councilmen Faulconer and Alvarez will face Sports ........................... 12 &")."&!'3)#'3%#()3( who each represent a portion of town Academic Affairs appointed Padden H"P#I#%%%-""I#P#-!#-%%%%4#""5)6)783!.9".8' in hopes of continuing Greene’s competing citywide in a low-turnout See MAYOR, page 3 L THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 2014 | WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG 532? !"##$%&'($)*+')$,(By Irene Chiang Laira Martin Editor in Chief Zev Hurwitz Managing Editor Allie Kiekhofer Deputy Managing Editor Mekala Neelakantan News Editor Aleksandra Konstantinovic Associate News Editor Lauren Koa Opinion Editor Kelvin Noronha Associate Opinion Editor Rachel Uda Sports Editor Stacey Chien Features Editor Vincent Pham Lifestyle Editor -.%&/(!-%0./,(By Eunice Ho Jacqueline Kim A&E Editor Brian Monroe Photo Editor Taylor Sanderson Associate Photo Editor Amber Shroyer Design Editor Zoë McCracken Associate Design Editor Jenny Park Art Editor Jeffrey Lau Associate Art Editor Rachel Huang Claire Yee Associate Copy Editors Philip Jia Web Editor Madeline Mann Training & Development Page Layout Dorothy Van, Flavia Salvadori, Tao Tao Copy Readers Clara Chao, Rosina Garcia, Andrew Huang, Susan Shamoon Editorial Assistants =3?37=O: Rita Eritsland, Shelby Newallis Business Manager Emily Ku UCSD Ranks in Top Five for U.S. Research Spending Advertising Director Noelle Batema MN%%%7--#%%%/#CP(&C$!% ences, which account for more than be affected by budget spending caps 2011 to fiscal 2012 as well. Advertising Design half of all R&D at universities and over the next decade. While seques- According to the U-T San Diego, Alfredo H. Vilano, Jr. /0:;;'+&$("& A.S. Graphic Studio colleges,” Brown said in the UCSD tration still left a significant total of UCSD officials said funding might UCSD ranked fifth among top News Center press release. research funding this year, the total have reached $1 billion if federal The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by UCSD students U.S. universities in federal research UCSD spent more than UC San was down from the 2012 level. More agencies had not reduced the num- and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, and development expenditures for Francisco and UCLA in the survey, reductions could well lie ahead.” ber and size of grants. without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2014, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible the 2012 fiscal year according to the which ranked in sixth and eighth According to NSF statistics, Brown said that the university for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent National Science Foundation, spend- place, respectively. total higher education federal R&D has taken active steps against this. the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian ing a grand total of $1.074 billion on According to Lynn Reaser, an expenditures increased by 5 percent “We have compensated for a por- is funded by advertising. Laira!s “Takin! a Dump! Playlist. related expenses. economist at Point Loma Nazarene each year from fiscal 2009 to fiscal tion of this reduction by writing General Editorial: According to Vice Chancellor for University, while UCSD’s success in 2011. The decline in expenditures more grants,” Brown told the U-T [email protected] Research Sandra A. Brown, UCSD attracting federal funds serves as an from fiscal 2011 to fiscal 2012 repre- San Diego. “Our faculty members News: [email protected] Opinion: [email protected] has ranked in the top 10 U.S. univer- asset to the San Diego community, it sents the first period of decline since are working harder and seeking and Sports: [email protected] sities in such expenditures for over a can also pose some difficulties. fiscal 1974. obtaining more funding from non- Features: [email protected] Lifestyle: [email protected] decade, as recorded by the National “The reliance of UCSD and our Life sciences expenditures federal sources so that the net reduc- A&E: [email protected] Photo: [email protected] Science Foundation. The fiscal 2012 region on research dollars also points decreased from $37.3 billion in fiscal tions are much smaller than at other Design: [email protected] data show a 6.4 percent increase in to vulnerabilities,” Reaser said to the 2011 to $37.2 billion in fiscal 2012.
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