I J % • I • I Riley newborns—Where there’s life, there’s hope city to cars for 36 infants from in the sou thee at cor birth to two months of age mt oo tb i third floor of the The unit is divided into three James Whitcomb Riley Hospital areas or modules Modules I and for Children is a brightly lit unit II are eight-bed intensive care flUed with incubators and yal units Module III has 20 pro- low Ringed cribs surrounded by greeeive care beds. I V. stands, wheeling pumps The patients, who generally and ventilators Nurses in white suffer from premature-related and yellow gowns study room problems, cardiac, genetic or tors and hover over criucaily-ill surgical maladies, are referred to premature infanta the unit by a hotline accessible Recently, the Riley Hospital to physicians and nurses all over Newborn Special Care Unit, an the state. The hotline is also 18.3 million addition that has re­ used to request advice about the ceived annual recognition ae a management and care of high model for regional cars of high risk Uhu-s risk infanta, celebrated the 8th Modes of moving patients to anniversary of its opening. Con the hospital include the Rile> tinuing to serve ae e prototype Newborn Intensive Care Mobile for similar centers in other parts Unit. an ambulatory unit with a of the state and the Midwest, special transport team made up the Newborn Unit has the cape Head Nurse Rebecca Burks administers a noon- through the mouth of the baby into his stomach (continued on page 3) time feeding of formula by a plastic tube inserted (Photo by Susen J. Ferrer) Classroom contracts approved IUPUI N*»» Buiiau Electric Co. of Indianapolis for Cavanaugh Hall! Contracts totaling S7.307.846 $646,663 Each was the lowest The estimated time to com­ to build two wings of a new bid in its category plete the first two wings is two classroom building on the years IUPUI campus w e approved This construction, expected to Now designated as Classroom bv the IU trustees last Friday begin immediately, will extend Budding II. the project eventu Tne board acted during a special the four-story School of Busi ally will include a gymnasium on meeting in the Union Building ness School of Public end En the South aide of New York vironmental Affairs'building Street (et the Blake Street inter The general construction con south to New York Street The section) with en overhead walk tract was awarded to Glenroy building, with about 120,000 way connecting it to the con­ Construction Co. of Indianapolis square feet, will house offices struction on the north side of the for S6.216.600. the mechanical and classrooms for the IU street The gymnasium will be contract to Frank E. Irish Co of School of Education (now at 902 the center of the School of Physi Indianapolis for $1,446,782. and N. Meridian Streetl end the IU cal Education (now at 1010 W the electrical contract to Ermco School of Social Work (now in 64th Street! C-C Council internships offered A student internship program schools and departments Department in establishing the with the Indianapolis City- outside Liberal Arts and Politi­ internship was Dr Robert V. County Council will begin this cal Science may apply Kirch ■matter through IUPUI s Poll At-large Council woman Paula Interested students should tical Science Department Parkers, a part-time IUPUI stu­ contact Dr Kirch. Cavanaugh The one-semester internship dent herself, was the program s Hall Room 503 L. 264 7547. or will return three hours of ace chief sponsor as it passed Dr Richard A Fred I and Cava­ demic credit for an average of through the regular legislative naugh Had Room 503 K. 264 eight hours' work with the Coun­ procedures of the Councd Re­ 3855. for further information re­ cil per week Students from presenting the Political Science garding application — M d « Perhaps you have already no­ Nawi.................... .. .paga 2 ticed that the type In today's Shorts................... ...paga 2 Issue la a bit larger than It was Opinion................. paga# 4, 5 Monday. This Innovation was Thg Ltiturg thg result of gye-atrain caused Tlm#t............... pages 6-9 by attempting to decipher the Rally i Duka......... smeller type In dlmly-llt corri­ Pten now for your Spring vocation et scenic Now York Street Can­ Claaaiflads...............paga 11 yon. Donkey trek tours end helicopter rtdee will soon be avsRebie dors. Whatcha think? through the fUPUl Chamber of Commerce. (Photo by Susan J. Farrar) - .................................. J J 2 Sagam ore 1/16/80 /hortz Riteris award planned Present and former IUPUI the award will be determined on endeavors, films, videotapes or students are invited to apply for the basis of contributions to the other creative work products. or nominate other students for Memorial Fund. Deadline for re­ These contributions may also Drop/add. the John M. Riteris Memorial ceipt of applications and have been submitted for credit Award, to be presented at the nominations is Feb. 1. to a university course. Submit a Drop/Add will be held on Friday, Jan. 18, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., School of liberal Arts Awards The kinds of contributions description of projects or the and on Monday, Jan. 21, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This activity will Convocation next Spring. Pre­ which may be considered Include projects themselves to Professor be held in the Cavanaugh-Lecture Hall complex. sented in recognition of "contri- research reports, formal or Mary Mahowald, Department of butioins to the advancement of creative writing, documented ac­ Philosophy, Cavanaugh Hall, medical ethics." the amount of counts of projects, activities or Room 504-C. Baseball... Prof. Kirk examines economy IUPUI Varsity Baseball team will have an important meeting Monday, Jan 21,5 p.m., at the School of Physical Education. Tne IUPUI News Buuau question is how severe the reces­ ing and buying (an indication of schedule will be discussed. Despite unstable economic sion will be. ■pending being the sales re­ conditions and an uncertain The IMEX (Indianapolis Met­ ceipts of Nieman-Marcus which world, Indianapolis area resi­ ropolitan Economic Index) turn­ are reported excellent), suggest­ dents may be able to take com­ ed downward in the first quarter ing that moderate income house­ IVCF meeting... fort in the knowledge that they of 1979 and remained at lower holds may be assuming signifi­ experienced the least percentage levels for the next two quarters. cant debts." Kirk said. This semester s first meeting of the Inter-Varsity Christian increase in their cost of living Fellowship is planned for Friday, Jan. 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the In the past two recessions, the "If recent demand for loans from 1969 to 1977 among 38 IMEX has turned downward reflects unanticipated inventory Union Building. Mezzanine Floor. All interested students are metropolitan areas for which tike invited to attend. three or four quarters before the accumulation, then we could see Bureau of Labor Statistics com­ national recession. unemployment extending piles data, according to prelim­ Indianapolis and Indiana ex­ beyond the automobile and con­ inary reports. perienced a gasoline-related con­ struction industries in the first Among major Midwestern traction in auto and auto-related half of 1980, " he added. Chem seminar... metropolitan areas, Indianapolis activity in the second quarter of It is being speculated that the A chemistry seminar on "Laser Photochemistry—The Synthe­ ranked as one of the largest in 1979. The policy change federal government may take sis and Chemistry of Biradical Derived Peroxides" will be pre­ terms of percentage increases in announced by the Federal Re­ some sort of action in an election sented by University of Cincinnati Professor Marshall Wilson on real per capital personal income serve Board on Oct. 6 raised int­ year if the unemployment rate Friday, Jan. 18, at noon in Krannert Building Room 225,38th from 1969 to 1977. erest rates and is expected to exceeds 7 percent, Kirk obser­ Street Campus. Interested students may attend. Figures developed by Dr. Rob-* slow housing in the first half of ved: "We need to increase pro­ ert J. Kirk of the IUPUI 1980. ductivity and promote capital economics department place the Data on Indianapolis housing formation to reduce inflationary area slightly behind St. Louis permits issued since the Federal pressure." he continued. "This Korea. and ahead of Milwaukee. Nat­ Reserve policy change are not would suggest a tight fiscal poli­ ionally. Houston had the larg­ available, but the local money cy to minimize the government’s "The Art and Cultural Heritage of Korea " will be presented by supply adjusted for inflation demand for loanable funds. the Indiana State Museum Society on Sunday. Jan. 20, at 3 p.m. est real per capita income in­ crease and New York the least. declined in November, which ia "Instead, we may ast a larger in the State Museum auditorium, Planned as a preview to the consistent with the reduction in federal deficit and a tighter traveling Korean exhibit at the Art Institute of CRkeego this Indianapolis’ increase in the growth of the national monetary policy due to internat­ spring, tne lecture program will be presented by Mrs. Frank money per capita personal money supply. ional pressures on the stability Lambertus. Also featured will be a small exhibit of Korean income was slightly below the "Whether we have a severe of the dollar. Although there will costumes, jewelry and art objects. national average. recession depends primarily be hearings in Congress this Looking to the year ahead.
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