– CARRIAGEWAY, – ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY FOR THE RUMICHACA PASTO DUAL PEDREGAL CATAMBUCO SECTION, UF. 4 AND UF. 5.1, CONCESSION CONTRACT UNDER SCHEME APP NO. 15 OF 2015 Géminis Consultores Ambientales Environmental consultant Chapter 11.2.1. Investment Plan 1% March 2017 San Juan de Pasto, CSH-4-AM-AM-EIA2-GG- 0013-7 ENVIRONMENT EFFECT INVESTIGATION March 2017 Page 0 Environmental Impact Study for the dual carriageway road project Rumichaca - Pasto Ipiales section - Catambuco, UF. 4 And UF. 5.1 concession contract under PPP scheme No. 15 of 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 11.2.1. 1% ..............................................................................................................3 ..................................................................................................................4 INVESTMENT PLAN Objectives ...............................................................................................................................6 Legal framework Scope.........................................................................................................................................6 ..........................................................................................................................7 - -Tangua:...........................................................................................8 Project Location - -Pasto:...................................................................................................8 Functional unit UF 4 Pedregal - influence...............................10 Functional unit UF 5 Tangua ...........................................................................................11 Basins associated with the Al road project area of ........................................................................................12 Hydrographic subzone Guáitara River – ........................................................................................15 Hydrographic subzone Juanambú River - ........................................................................................... 15 Hydrographic Unit Level I Bobo River .........16 Hydrographic Unit Level I Río Pasto. .................................................................................................................................................. 16 Key Features of water sources subject to use by road project activities ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Bobo River ............................................................................................................................17 Chaquita Stream .............................................................................................................................. 18 La Magdalena Stream La Marqueza Stream uptake............................................................................................................................................................ 19 Environmental problems associated with water sources subject matter of the .............................................................................................19 ..................................................................................................... 20 Extension of the agricultural frontier ......................................................................................................................... 21 Extension of the livestock border ............................................................................................................. 22 Landscape degradation ..........................................................23 Slash and burn deforestation Biodiversity loss and alteration of natural ecosystems ...........................26 Activities established in Chapter 3 of Decree 1076 of 2015 and Decree 1900 .............27 of 2006, for investment of economic resources such as 1%investment Projects developed by municipal entities managing water resources Selecting fundable- investment intervention lines as 1% investment– and correspondence with Article of Decree 1076 of 2015 and Decree 1900 of edregal- .................................................................................................. 39 2006, for the Rumichaca Pasto dual carriageway road project, Ipiales Catambuco .41 span, P Catambuco section. ...............................................................................42 Development of activities proposed for selection of intervention areas. Pre- .........................................................44 Estimated amount of investment operative investment recommendation CSH-4-AM-AM-EIA2-GG- 0013-7 ENVIRONMENT EFFECT INVESTIGATION March 2017 Page 1 Environmental Impact Study for the dual carriageway road project Rumichaca - Pasto Ipiales section - Catambuco, UF. 4 And UF. 5.1 concession contract under PPP scheme No. 15 of 2015 ................................45 .....................................................47 Technical Aspects of water sources object of the uptake ................................................................47 Activities proposed to run as 1%investments Development of the proposed activities INDEX OF TABLES ................................................................................................................4 .......................................................................................7 Table Legal framework Table 11.2.1. 2: Information functional units CSH-4-AM-AM-EIA2-GG- 0013-7 ENVIRONMENT EFFECT INVESTIGATION March 2017 Page 2 Environmental Impact Study for the dual carriageway road project Rumichaca - Pasto Ipiales section - Catambuco, UF. 4 And UF. 5.1 concession contract under PPP scheme No. 15 of 2015 11.2.1. 1%INVESTMENT PLAN The using uptaking Colombian law stipulates that any project water directly from watershednatural sources and requiring and environmental license, must invest at least 1% of the project value for the recovery, conservation, preservation and monitoring of the feeding the respective water source. The relevant definition and of greater impact of such investments is proposed from criteria established in light of existing rules for consultation and coordination with the administrations of the municipalities located in the area- of influence of the project. - Nariño The Rumichacainfrastructure Pasto road corridor, Pedregal Catambuco section in the department of includes the construction of a 32,760 km road corridoruptake and associated ZODMES and camps . For implementation and operation of the project, the Concesionaria Vial Unión del Sur S.A.S. hereby requested strips1% on water bodies locatedplan in the abiotic area of influence of the hydrological component for development of2006. industrial and domestic activities. In keeping with the aforesaid, a investment of has been prepared, based on provisions of Article 4 of Decree 1900 of June 12, The activities outlined in the investment plan were formulated from the conditions identified in the characterization of the area of influence of the project, as well as management activities contemplated by the entities responsible for management and regulation of water1% resources in the municipalities related with the project. In this regard, the Investment Plan proposes the following: · - Bobo River La Magdalena Stream La Marqueza Stream Develop protection and recovery activities of the basin and micro basins of the , , , La Chiquita Stream or those directly associated therewith. · isolation activities Bobo River La Magdalena AcquireStream propertiesLa Marqueza for Stream , reforestationbasin ands / or plant- recovery in riparian corridor areasthere andwith. / or intakes of the , , , La Chiquita Stream and micro basins or those directly associated CSH-4-AM-AM-EIA2-GG- 0013-7 ENVIRONMENT EFFECT INVESTIGATION March 2017 Page 3 Environmental Impact Study for the dual carriageway road project Rumichaca - Pasto Ipiales section - Catambuco, UF. 4 And UF. 5.1 concession contract under PPP scheme No. 15 of 2015 · to uptake Offer environmental training to the community associated the basins of the water sources subject of activities including educational institutions and environmental promoters. Legal framework Table Legal framework NORMATIVITY DESCRIPTION On fees for water use, its paragraph stipulates that "Any project that involves in its execution the use of water, taken directly from natural sources, either for human consumption, recreation, irrigation or very, other industrial or agricultural activity shall allocate not less than 1% watershed of the total investment for reco preservation and surveillance of Law 99 of 1993 Article 43 preservationthe that feeds the respective water source. The project environowner must invest this 1% in the works" and actions of recovery, for and conservationand of the basin to be determined in the mental license for the project. In additionthe to the mandatory investment water use in activities aimedwatershed at recovery,To preservation and conservation of the basin, lawexplicit. establishes that the area in which investments must be made is the . watersheds as note that conservation objects are not here made that Article 1 defines follows. "A basin or hydrographic Decree 1729 of August 6, discharges area is understood as the surface water or groundwater 2002 s into
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