LEGAL DEPARTMENT General Offices: Tel: (517) 788-0550 A CMS Energy Company One Energy Plaza Fax: (517) 768-3644 or (517) 788-1682 Jackson, MI 49201 Direct Dial Number: (517) 788-0036 E-mail Address: [email protected] July 27, 2012 By Electronic Filing The following affidavits of publication or electronic tear sheets affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U-16655 By _July 16, 2012. www.consumersenergy.com ELECTRIC ONLY CASE HEARINGS Electronic l& Paperless] MPSC Case No. U-16655 Date Notice Was Published: July 16, 2012 Pre-Hearing Date: July 30, 2012 Ad No. 5341-E Affidavits Due to MKPolack: July 12, 2012 Interventions Due: July 23, 2012 Notice Mailed: July 16, 2012 Court Reporter: Ripka, Boroski Judge: Mark D. Eyster Attorney: Raymond E McQuillan Serve Intervenors From MPSC Case Nos.: U-15805 and U-16543 AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT NEWSPAPER RECEIVED NEWSPAPER RECEIVED CENTRAL REGION NORTHWESTERN REGION Sentinel-Standard - Ionia .................... 7-23-12 The Bay City Times ............................... 7-18-12 Cadillac Evening News ...................... 7-16-12 The Flint Journal... ................................. 7-18-12 Cheboygan Daily Tribune ................... 7-23-12 Midland Daily News .............................. 7-20-12 Ludington Daily News ........................ 7-25-12 Morning Sun-Mt. Pleasant ..................... 7-20-12 Manistee News-Advocate ................... 7-18-12 eTear The Saginaw News ................................ 7-18-12 Petoskey News-Review ...................... 7-16-12 SOUTHERN REGION The Big Rapids Pioneer. ..................... 7-26-12 Herald Palladium-St. Joseph .................. 7-23-12 Traverse City Record-Eagle ............... 7-20-12 eTear Adrian Daily Telegram .......................... 7-16-12 The Grand Haven Tribune .................. 7-27-12 eTear Hillsdale Daily News ............................. 7-23-12 The Holland Sentinel .......................... 7-27-12 Jackson Citizen Patriot .......................... 7-18-12 The Muskegon Chronicle ................... 7-18-12 Monroe Evening News .......................... 7-16-12 The Daily News-Greenville ................ 7-20-12 Kalamazoo Gazette ................................ 7-18-12 The Grand Rapids Press ...................... 7-18-12 Battle Creek Enquirer ............................ 7-17-12 METRO REGION Detroit Free Press eTear The Argus Press-Owosso ....................... 7-18-12 (Western Zone Only) ...................... 7-20-12 The State Journal-Lansing ..................... 7-17-12 affidavit log fonn - electric.docx NOTICE OF HEARING FOR.THE ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS OF CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY CASE NO. U-16655 Consumers Energy Company seeks Michigan Public Service Commission approval to reconcile its renewable energy plan costs for the period of January 1, 2011 through December 31 , 2011. The information below describes how a person may participate in this case. You may call or write Consumers Energy Company, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, Michigan 49201, (800) 477-5050 for a free copy of its application.Any.person may review the documents at the offices of Consumers Energy Company. A public hearing will be held: DATE/TIME: July 30, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. This hearing will be a prehearing conference to set future hearing dates and decide other procedural matters. BEFORE: Administrative Law Judge Mark D. Eyster LOCATION: Michigan Public Service Commission 6545 Mercantile Way, Suite 7 Lansing, Michigan The Mercantile Way building sustained flood damage and remains closed until further notice. Please consult the Michigan Public Service Commission website at www.mlchlgan.gov/mosc for updates on hearing locations or call (517) 241-6060. PARTICIPATION: Any interested person may attend and participate. The hearing site is accessible, including handicapped parking. Persons needing any accommodation to participate should contact the Commission's Executive Secretary at (517) 241-6160 in advance to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance. The Michigan Public Service Commission (Commission) will hold a public hearing to consider Consumers Energy Company's (Consumers Energy) June 29, 2012 application for approval to reconcile its Renewable Energy Plan (REP) costs for the period of January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. Consumers Energy seeks Commission's approval to: a) determine that the Company's 2011 REP reconciliation is reasonable and prudent and meets all relevant requirements under 2008 Public Act 295; b) reconcile the pertinent revenues recorded and the allowance for the nonvolumetrlc revenue recovery mechanism with the amounts actually expensed and projected according to the Company's plan for compliance; c) establish a price per megawatt hour for renewable energy and advanced cleaner energy capacity and for renewable energy and advanced cleaner energy to be recovered through the power supply cost recovery clause of $60.17 per megawatt hour; and d) allow the Company to utilize surplus energy optimizlition credits from 2011 and beyond to offset future renewable energy requirements. All documents filed in this case shall be submitted electronically through the Commission's E-Dockets website at: mlch!gan.gov/mpscedockels. Requirements and instructions for filing can be found in the User Manual on the E-Dockets help page. Documents rna¥ also be submitted, in Word or PDF format, as an attachment to an email sent to: [email protected]. If you require assistance prior to e-filing, contact Commission staff at (517) 241-6180 or by email at: [email protected]. Any person wishing to intervene and become a partY to the case shall electronically file a pemion to intervene with this Commission by July 23, 2012. (Interested persons may elect to file using the traditional paper format.) The proof of service shall indicate service upon Consumers Energy's Legal Department-Regulatory Group, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, Michigan 49201. Any person wishing to make a statement of position without becoming a partY to the case may participate by filing an appearance. To file an appearance, the individual must attend the hearing and advise the presiding administrative law judge of his/her wish to make a statement of position. All information submitted to the Commission in this matter will become public information: available on the Michigan Public Service Commission's website, and subject to disclosure. \ Requests for adjournment must be made pursuant to the Commission's Rules of · Practice and Procedure R 460.17315 and R 460.17335. Requests for further information on adjournment should be directed to (517) 241-6060. A copy of Consumers Energy's application may be reviewed on the Commission's website at: micblgan.gov/mpscedockets. and at the office of Consumers Energy Company, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, MI. For more information on how to participate in a case, you may contact the Commission at the above address or by telephone at (517) 241- ~- . Jurisdiction is pursuant to 1909 PA 106, as amended, MCL 460.551 et seq.; 1919 PA 419, as amended, MCL 460.54 et seq.; 1939 PA 3, as amended, MCL 460.1 et seq.; 1982 PA 304, as amended, MCL 460.6h et seq.; 1969 PA 306, as amended, MCL 24.201 et seq.; 2008 PA 295, MCL 460.1001 et seq., and the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, as amended, 1999 AC, R 460.17101 et seq. 5341-E AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan,) ss County of County of Bay) Dawn Suttorp being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is principal clerk of the MLive Media Group; that Bay City Times is a newspaper published and circulated in the County of Bay, and the attached notice has been duly published in said newspaper on the following dates: July 12, 2012 Customer Name: CONSUMERS ENERGY Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of July A.D. 2012 ____;Folios _I_Times $ 2,862.10 Affidavit$ 0.00 ___Words/Lines $2,862.10 JANICE M. RINGLE.!~ . Notary Public, State of M1ch1g3n County of Kent My Commission Expires: 10/03/ZOF• Acting in the County of ~-"9=1:,~= ......·- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MLIVE MEDIA GROUP IN THE MATTER OF CONSUMERS ENERGY ONE ENERGY PLZ JACKSON MI 49201 Received and filed this 17th day of July A.D. 2012 52 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State ofMichigan,) ss County of County of Genesee) Dawn Suttorp being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is principal clerk of the MLive Media Group; that Flint Journal is a newspaper published and circulated in the County of Genesee, and the attached notice has been duly published in said newspaper on the following dates: ~ ro - -Ol ~ (I) July 12, 2012 ,_q J:q~ QO u --__, u0 Customer Name: ~ -,=> r.4 CONSUMERS ENERGY u ___Foli!,>s_l_Times$ 2,862.10 , STATE OF MICIDGAN Affidavit$ 0.00 My Commission Expires: October 3, 2014 ___Words/Lines $2,862.10 JANICE M. RINGLER Notary Public, State of Michigan County of Kent My Commission Expires: 10/03/2014 Acting in the County of ~r;p--- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MLIVE MEDIA GROUP IN THE MATTER OF CONSUMERS ENERGY ONE ENERGY PLZ JACKSON MI 49201 Received and filed this 17th day of July A.D. 2012 RECEIVED JUL 2 0 ?·:12 CECOLegaJ AFFIDAVIT- PROOF OF PUBLICATION CctSe # /{-//;65.5 STATE OF MICIDGAN COUNTY OF MIDLAND /k # -~:Jt/ -£ being du1y s,worn, disposes and says that I am a representative of Midland Daily News, a daily newspaper published and circu1ated in the County of Midland, and that a notice, of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, has been published in said paper once in each week for / SJ'CCj;i<£ weeks J:_times and that the first publication Se~ thereof was on the ~I!Jday of ,ji,l 2}H2 . and the last publication thereof was ·on tire I(,~ day of \JZ'f 2012. ~&/ /<.t61er / /f day I Joyce Ditten er NOTARY PUBLIC for Midland County-Acting in Midland Co. My commission expire~e Printers fee i/'73 llO JOYCE DITTENBER 8-~-a NOTARY PUBliC, STATE OF MJ Affidavit chg COUNTY OF MIDlAND 7f6'1 ()() N ~.OMMISSION EXPIRES Jun 16, 2017 l?tal Charges '.' '~ii~ oN COUNTY OF \11mes l ) Affidavit of Publication RECEIVED JUL 2 0 2012 STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Isabella CECOLegal County of Gratiot ss.
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