BUI.GE 1111, ~111111. Hl.\f \\ 11 l, BE G I\ " " ro , 01 FREE \ \ 11 11 rHf l'I R(H\,f, O F '\..,-\ .' 1:1. Rt.1:1.~ <H BLA("KHAWI.'. )!OVIES -,1 LFC'H .r> F ROM -l,IST ON P \ C.F I\\ 0 , 1'\\0 T \US 'rlllS Mn1 111 , ~'IL \I W IJ..,1 DE LAUU EI, ,.n fu'>; ro YQ1; EDG:U l FREE JIi i ~ Mmm, f U \ 1 \H,LL m; \ \1111 '1 111, l'~RCIIASE O ~ -""-\ 1111s 8mm. fl).)\1· wn,L BE Gl\ 1 '- 10 \ 'OU , 1x RI f LS OF JiLAC!i:fl \ \\ h G n'E~ 'l'O \ 'OU ''°' 11::s '/U .CCTCO f RO\ ! FREE I lb r 0 .', P H lR TWO. FREE \\ 1111 !Ills Pl Rl'li\'>E OF ,\"- \ \\ l'TH III E l'I J\CUAS•1 OF ,(\,N V I ICII f R E U .~ O F HI ACKIIA \\ I, 1 () the ,t.t1ts of J, ... l'\Ct1 ~.,m .... ~ ~ NJ ' '-1'.l lo nd y Llllll'I; lt EB!,S OF llLACKHAWI\. \1O\ ' IF~ ,H Fl' 11 I) FRO'1 liule :u1 1;?d '"ho. 1 1qn1Jb h1.: tried h urd h.Y Look n[)d 1ct MO\ ms ~t l,"ECn:n F RO\! u~r o" t>A c. 1 rwo. lil,.c a voOd. lit J :\, ::;ci ould, J\l~t Ct)~1k ln'1 -..eLn\ to -.;J t\)' a ut of Utl ,1bl·:-. Thc•11 OJI\!. d riy 1b e kindlt_ 1.,1~r O. PAGE TWO. t. hl Uocl .. ~ tanajn ' \n-'1;t•l ..:Ltlh ~'d the ..l.iUkq \ O~crs M,,n ) ~ !11 l1ln-i h 1t.t1·r JJ1-. J.lld 11lm tol1t!l"'t or~ '"bh :rnJ (H\m 1t . tl:.t)' un the -ch....':tub' ~ynd UCl • J1(1 c or·,Mder t hi ~ Lo hi.' U1..; tPp L·, ,mt:dy o t .ill 0 1 ·it\lhe .1ppean.rnGc \' .. ,~ n'flo"'C TcrrOlch, rinaJ l.S c rue tJ, ..:. llct< ·, a pr l7,> collector~ Hin> wi' h Pear \\ hllc, Jn whkh I .,•t:d ;.i,r~ ll,1 ... ,\'I t'OJ:.lf l ·J. 1unc. whc,1 Jc"ilJ -.; , ,....a.,, tlorn. A IL lhc angeh of r,af'3di-,e ()ut:< n Ol 1h t: St' jtt b,. y nllkc lhC l-ater t:harut r pl.1)'\ Jt's the ton ol t"v l-'.· ,~ ut , ~ore Jt ;').\-~ l\l ~.H) 1 1,u~tcd 1hc1t1~.,:.LH', , Ith the p r-i.;,paration of their -cc.,~ly ,1r "cli.(J har1gu-.· mo~t of the c.3.r ly M"ria.ls wc;re Du:co. ·t Ill} 'Jh."t.:t Uf'I }\ ith '\ ~·m1plc ul .s:irh ,\nO rel:!wl cphoJ,,· each -eon,plctc.._ In it>elf. " J)c:ldly ~1H s. Y-t t it wJ , ti,c t,ift 0 1 the J iul~c;t \..n •t J 1h:H THE FIRST 500-MILE 1,,1art o ut on tftc tOW11. 'I h.-ir rl·nt.:....1 .Model ""I"' t•1.·t, 11 3.S: 1 .3$ of ~ ch <U"'.. n to <..,JU ... ~ ;1n inc;,pkation ft)f -a)l .JnCO. r urninsf' r ~~.rl Ca.\l th~ daughter a jnto an a rRumtnl '\\ itl) J. pH • 1 cement m i't,.r o n J,,1 0-1&9, :1lu,> uf 17:C ·h .'C I 8m m . • on "cal1hy ~ 1<lu"-11 foli-.t , .,j,o desires to panicipat~ Jn J:\'-'DI ANAPOLI S a h eavily trah Ic.·d ~cn1 ntn. r<, _c..L ulJ cfnn..:: u,\.- .,r u-. a cr~c:oum11· ;,, tU(U'tlobilc race:. Tbc. f! U.tc. titJc b 1•rr~Js, 14 -0Z.lli. 1 mrnt is ova, tht·1 r nre <lo1t.·11, of car:, oi 1-hc dJ .. ...­ tbc exclamation b)' tl1l- 'tilfa..in K()C.r.lh!'r; '\Vith the~ SPEEDWAY RACE, h1u1 JnP, ca.r, and J 1· ,d,, r· :!ial ;1H' c o m plck \\ ft"( I-; ~! '\Ve c.an puJK-tw c. the pr\CumaticS!'' l..(1$:•tr K c n nC\.ly anJ hi& -.._1o w C'llrn !\11.· m oi:_b lo 1911 8 10.109. a1>0111 z,,o.fed ~,nm,, ll·Q7~. S5.98 \;vic.h: ncc '. 1 10-iJ , ;1ho11t 42~-r('N 8mm. oa ·'·rt'd~. l•Jf)"I;. 1111s 11n111~ l'lL \I , , JLI.. !l.£ C l\ I'- J O \ Ol[ FREE \\' ll'tr I H ie l'I llC HAS F OF A'-;\' I IIRII, RftL~ OF ULAChHAW~ ,\10\ lh ,,i;,r,E(.;·J t,u f'RO,\l lJSl' I) ', P '\GE l WO. 'l'llE V AGABOND 1vith CUARl..IE CHAPLIN FAMOUS AIR SIEGE ... m ul EDNA P Ull VIANCE WESTERN R AILRO.A DS, A1,' P LOES'J'I TIils 8mm. Fn,)f \ \ (LL, BE 13 9 7-) 903 c:rn:::,,, 'fO YOU THIS 3mm, Fil \ t WILL BE G l\'l-1' TO \OU FREE T flJ Smro. FILM wr~ BE C IYP,N 'l"O YOU Wll'>t TIJ£ P RCH,\,SE OF Al'i\ FEE SIX REELS OF JILACl(UA WI(. \\ ITH THE P l'.JR<.BA~t: OF A..~ MOVIES S£U:CTED HIOM FR££ 'fllREE RU:t.~ OJ' BLACKHAWK 1,1.~T ON PAGE TWO. l'IOVIES Sl' Ll-C TED F ROM \\ ITH THE l'URCHA,SF OF A ' \' Ll.!> f ON PAGE TWO. T' TJIRU REELS OF BLACK~ WK One of the greatest or the <.,'haplin comedies fron, MOVIES SELECTW KROM' U ST o:-,r .PAC£ TWO. The U . S. • Dcpar1mcnt ;;'r txfrnse n1 ~~ • ava.ili\ble the Mutuul pt·rlod WH6-19 l 7) wllh Charlie glvin,; one of his outstanding early performances as the to t ~ authc-nti,.; cumbat f ()()(.tlge f,rom the A ic .ForcG pathetic litt)e trump befriending the i-oung girl v.'bo a. n·hives d l'aling ""ith the campaign of the; Ar mt A ir had been kidnapped ~Y gypsies. T rcmt;ndous hisl0ricaJ scenes or railro:u:Js oC ~i"tty h .m.:c to "'ipc ou t the Roum1nia n oil rCflnin~ center to :llmost seventy years ngo. Shown arc: (1) .fa.st of Ploesti. one o ( the ""'W'i principal st,:,urCc.s ot 110·151, al>out J OO -leet 8mm., 14-ou. $ !).98 Mf il, Northern f> actflc R. R., 1897; (2) Overland a viation fud. Tiic. rc m~ H>fflC SJKCtacula( 5,hots of LtprC$$, N orthern j>adfic ;R. ll,. l900; (3) Shcrmon our bombing mi<..--;io ns, over P locst i which SllC0¢¢<1Cd l lill Tunnel, U nion P acific, 1903; (',) QV(.rJMd Limit. Jn knockins: out this tren,,end0\1S inst:i.ll o.u()n. ed. U nJon )>acific, 1902; (5) Cali(O(nla .Limited, Soma 810-168, aboul 150-1<"1 8mm., 11 ,oz.s. $4.93 Fe 1898; (61 Overland .Mail. Southern I'acJOc, 1891- tht s. ·p_ bdlc,es thls <ecru: was ph0t011Taphcd •bout •~'•J · (7) Sunict L imited, Southern )'aclfic, 1898. $5.93 l<'I VE I hi, ~pocial F REE F1L)1 offtr L< goOd I HI'- $nun. Fil M W ll,L ng RIJ)E lluriJ~ Ulackh;.n~k's Big June.Jul ) ,10 \ iC S:1le C l\ ~"'l' TO YO U o n ortle.r:i. ,,:cchl"d by BlackJ1.awk by Monday, IUG GAlUE :\l\UIAI,S THI~ 8nun, ~'IL\! Wl LL Bi> Att~. 1~. 19(l0. The qunUfi l.ng 8n1m. fi lm~ FREE c;n •,i,:s ro , ou 1mrt h;1s:t'd must l}e from lht' lltlcs listed on KllUGER NATIONAl. P:IJ:t 2 and ma.,. aJJJl l)' onJ.t Qncc again) ( tree ~\ l'I H 'I Ill•. Pl R(' HA!;E OF A '<Y t ~l ms. ·1111: free. film~ to Hhlcb )Ou ~e ~n­ ~JX ltb t .l S OF DLACKHIL~\ K FREE tJUcd under the. fcrin.s o [ tb_is sale. must l,le­ , 1o v11:s St:J..~.(' I 1-;I) FRO\! lHIS Hmm, FIL\1 WHL BK • I PAGL T WO. \\ITH 'JIIE PC,RCHAS P. OF ANY ,elecfcd hy you :.it Che ~nmc time :1" the. r~ r o , c:1v 1, , l o \:Ol' •Jmllifying Fi lms :tf1' p urc h:'1$«1. Tl)h ~p ec:i:tl llllH E Rf.(1,.'l OF BLACKHAWK M O\"IES SF.I.F.CTEJ) F RO~f P R E~ ~ JI ~f olfe.r b erfcctht on rc(ci,,t IJ)' LIS'!' ON l'AGE TWO. 1ou ot 1hil. Rlac.kh;.m k Bulletin "'lo. 99. You with GLORfA SWANSON, WALLACE P:ll po"(-::a i;c on { rte f lJrn.s. \\1111 TH~ l'l R('! ~~ O F ANY BEERY and BOBBY VERNON '-IX R~'l'U> 0 ~ IIIACKII \ WK This 111 1l e Ed1,on o(ftrlna o( 190S has beco one '111b Mn~ ScJ\r.\:ll-l . , .,tone Comedy o! 19 16 , a MOVll'S <,F LH 1• .u •RO~! oJ out rno,t Jhlf'IUlar ti:mm .. su,,.J\,."CI.S c"cr- s.ioce it SIC:Jlt\r on1.~1 Ill~ tlUl ()ilJy l't"l,.'aUSe b ( the fnmpll$ Ll'1' 0'- P \ C: C: TWO. '¥i-".1S Ur!-1-t ouu.Joun~·td by us just a ye.at *,&Q, :Produced r e,~ontt.litic'! wh~ • ppe nr iu it ~ h 11f bc:c~ u~ 1lt ,j.S o comedy for one -Of. Ute early ..FPli t reel" pt o­ m:tny ~\S u is so l} pic,;,,l nt ~1.:nne tt .11 hi.
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