The TIMES CatholicThe Diocese of Columbus’ Information Source July 18, 2021 • 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • Volume 70:21 Inside this issue Eucharistic revival: Bishop Robert Brennan reflects on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ virtual meeting in June and the emphasis on the need for a resurgence in authentic understanding of the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, Page 2 Prepared for ordination: Deacon Eugene Joseph has endured delays on his path to becoming a priest, but he will be ordained for the Diocese of Columbus in Birmingham, England on Thursday, July 22, Page 4 NFP Awareness Week: As the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops-designated Natural Family Planning Week approaches July 25-31, individuals and couples who practice NFP share their stories and the impact it has made on their marriages, Page 8 COMING HOME NETWORK REACHES GLOBAL AUDIENCE FROM ZANESVILLE Pages 10-11 Catholic Times 2 July 18, 2021 Bishop Robert J. Brennan Bishops focus on Eucharistic revival The June 2021 virtual gathering of the United ument, found in the sec- – but that must mean a true conversion of our own States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) tion on the mystery to be mind and heart. captured a great deal of public attention before, lived.) The proposed doc- Related to this proposed document was a great during and after the meeting. This was due in large ument is neither a rebuke discussion led by the Committee on Evangeliza- part to a discussion of a document on the Eucharist nor a step toward a rebuke, tion and Catechesis about a multiyear Eucharistic and the possibility that the document would address as reported in the media, Revival Project. I found this discussion to be very Eucharistic consistency. Regrettably, many of the of any individual or any exciting, particularly because it ties in so well with media reports concerning the drafting of a docu- category of persons. It is part of our work with Real Presence Real Future ment misunderstood or even misrepresented the intended to be a profound here in the Diocese of Columbus. The Conference matter. Some reports denounced the discussion as reflection on a mystery at is proposing over the next three years revival events an attempt by the Bishops of the United States to the heart of our faith: the and reflection on the diocesan level, the parish level deny the reception of the Eucharist to public figures meaning of the Eucharist and the national level intended to reignite our ap- who have dissented from Catholic teaching on the in the life of the Church. It preciation of the real presence of Christ in the Eu- sanctity of life. Others welcomed the prospect of will be a call to all Catholics to deepen their partic- charist. It will provide material and support to some challenging Catholics in public life to stand for the ipation in the mystery of the Lord’s gift to us. If we of the great work already begun here for example sanctity of life. While I would welcome a meaning- are to renew and revive the faith and life of our par- with our 40 Days of Adoration and our upcoming ful conversation on the challenges for Catholics in ishes, then we must begin by dedicating ourselves August 27-28 Eucharistic Gathering. public life, permit me first to address the confusion anew to the Eucharist, “the source and summit” of All of this matters a great deal. When you stop to about the meeting and the very important matters Christian life. Part of that renewal is our self-exam- consider what happens in the encounter of the Eu- decided there. ination of the quality of our response to the Lord’s charist: Jesus Christ gives himself to us – His Body Two significant items on the agenda centered on call. Insofar as the document will speak of Eucha- and Blood – really and truly, you can be nothing less the gift of the Holy Eucharist. ristic consistency, it will address each and every one than amazed. It is so important for us to recapture At the time the Bishops in the United States estab- of us, myself included. that amazement and allow it to transform our lives. lished the five-year strategic plan currently in place, Considering Eucharistic consistency reminds us The reports surrounding the document linked it to we were deeply concerned about the belief and un- of the responsibility of every person who identifies another central concern of all Catholics – the dignity derstanding of the Eucharist among Catholics. The themselves as Catholic to live in accordance with and sanctity of all human life. In the United States, 2019 Pew Research Center poll suggesting that only the truth, goodness and beauty of the Eucharist we the extraordinary number of abortions and even the 30 percent of Mass-going Catholics believe in the celebrate (cf. USCCB Questions and Answers on introduction of infanticide in some states present Real Presence of Jesus Christ – Body, Blood, Soul the US Bishops’ Vote to draft a document on the Catholics and the Catholic Church with very seri- and Divinity – in the Eucharist underscored that Meaning of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church). ous challenges and a clear call to seek justice for the concern. While I am concerned by the Pew study, I Humbled before this most sacred mystery before vulnerable. The Church’s teaching on human life in believe that the results are partly explained by mis- us and cognizant of our own human weakness, we the womb is historic, clear and consistent. From understanding among poorly catechized Catholics seek to approach Jesus in the Eucharist with hearts earliest times, Christians sharply distinguished and an inability to articulate the faith. open to His mercy and grace. We prepare ourselves themselves from surrounding cultures by rejecting The results of our Disciple Maker Index that we before receiving the Eucharist in prayer and reflec- abortion and infanticide. The earliest widely used are using as part of our planning and evangeliza- tion. We keep the Eucharistic fast an hour before documents of Christian teaching and practice after tion process indicate a much greater belief in the receiving. We approach the Lord’s mercy in the the New Testament in the 1st and 2nd centuries, the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist here in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, especially if we are Didache (the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) and Diocese of Columbus. But even here, the patterns aware of being in a state of mortal sin. And, yes, we Letter of Barnabas, condemned both practices, as of Mass attendance and the general approach to the refrain from receiving Holy Communion when, for did early regional and particular Church councils. Holy Eucharist do give cause for great concern. The one reason or another, our communion with Him It is never permissible to intentionally take the experience of the last year with the pandemic and and His Church is disrupted in any way. Our ap- life of a child before or after birth, nor is it permis- the loss of the opportunities to gather for public proach to the awe-inspiring mystery of Holy Com- sible to assist, facilitate, or promote abortion. It is worship make the need for a Eucharistic Revival all munion is never casual but rather humble gratitude distressing that our country, with all its talent and the more important in living out our Catholic faith. and amazement. resources, cannot find a way to protect the lives of One item on the USCCB meeting agenda con- The Church’s teaching on the reception of the Sa- the most vulnerable among us. Even as thousands cerned a request that the bishops who serve as cred Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus of couples eagerly seek to adopt, the rate of abortion members of the Doctrine Committee draft a formal Christ is not meant to be restrictive, exclusive or in some U.S. cities tops 50 percent of live births. statement on the meaning of the Eucharist in the life punitive but rather a profound and constant call to How can it be that one child is awaited and wel- of the Church. An outline of the proposed document continual and deepening conversion. “Lord, I am comed with such joy and anticipation while another presented the Eucharist as a mystery to be believed, not worthy that you should enter under my roof, is discarded? Where is our sense of mercy and com- to be celebrated and to be lived. (The question of but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” “Eucharistic consistency” is part of the larger doc- Indeed, He does “say the word” and we are healed See BISHOPS, Page 3 Front Page photo: Bishop Robert J. Brennan: President & Publisher NETWORK REACHES Doug Bean: Editor ([email protected]) GLOBAL AUDIENCE K. Colston-Woodruff: Graphic Designer Marcus Grodi is the founder of Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 the Coming Home Network based Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. 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