WW^!^ m^*m ^^^immmmfm^^mm^ mmmmmmmmam mmmmmmmmmmmm Rockets blast Stevenson in girls softball, CI , .__nefi*vn WMf'flMfftT'VfoPffiaiWfl' Putting you In touch Thursday wtth your work} April 22,1999 Serving^heWe^U U-y '•', .'J4 Ni-VWH 92 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN • 74 PAGES • http://observer-occcntric.com Sr>[ \rt F <v; C- \'s O IMS MMMTOWB C<«tm»tmUwM Mrtwvrk, tae. work bids STATT PHOTO BT Ttm HAWUT A musical: The John OK'd Glenn Theatrical Guild . performs George M, • By this summer, nine Cohan*s "Give My Wayne-Westland elemen­ Regards to Broadway," at tary buildings will be undergoing remodeling : 7 p.m. today through Sat­ and renovations. urday,/M BY HEATHfiR NEEDHAM STAFF WRITER The Wayne-Westland COMMUNITY LIFE board •> of education' Monday approved spending $2.7 million Heavenly hobby: It might of its bond money to be small insize,butt7ie Father tod ton: Son David Smith Jr. and father David Smith Sr. in a greenhouse at Clyde make improvements to 15 members of the Great Smith and Sons Greenhouse and Farm Market in Westland, five elementary schools. That means by this summer, nine Lakes Chapter of the elementary buildings will be undergo­ Angels Collectors Club of ing remodeling and renovations, said Charlotte Sherman, Wayne-Westland America Have alot-^nthu- ^Community Schools' assistant superuv siasm about their favorite tendent for general administration. pastime, collecting angels 1Busines1 s is blooming Hoover, Schweitzer, Kettering, Jef­ ','. ' •'•, HiP '..'• ^-^^^^j^^^^^»^^^^»J^^ I n i i j ^M^^^^III+IHIMIIIWI •••' • i «••• •" •••;».• j ill I i|ii^ihw»^^pJ»ll^>^iii^ww^^M^^^3PC ferson-Barns and Lincoln elemeritaries in all shapes, sizes and will receive repairs beginning this sum­ styles,/Bl mer. Some improvements included in em^ofgi^mg Monday's biovawards include new win­ dows, new heating/cooling systems, AT HOME BTBirBSONDKAjACHMAN new carpeting/flooring, plumbing and . STATT WMlftJ laminates. The biggest ticket item is window Artist at work: Here's your In 183< St«pb<© Smith took a trip replacements, which will range from chance to watch an Old dowtt, to* Krtia^pwpa^lH^/Nw-TbT^'.'-. $51,600 to $413,850. Ml hawaHijaJfJ on ooma farmland. • All classroom work is expected to be World craft, as\a furni* i^lli^^^ara'laUrir;. the Smith finished during the summer months to ture artist decorates minimize the interruption to students, * -• 1 pieces at a store this Greenhouse an-.••-....d Farm . Market^ . - in ~~ ' Please see SCHOOLS, A2 weehend./DS .^i^^,y::y\-:;^^y^yy'-'yX-^ 'y:- ^^^^•\^:i^ifi^^^-Xis^ Auction action: A guide to Smith S^.^ CiydeVBon and a giwt- great-grandson of Stephen*;said, Council says this year's Channel 56 adding that he waa bora on the prop- auction is inside,/D__ - Trty rather than in a hoapjtai. ^ :r *I uaed.to farm with iny dad; -no Smith, 69, said. In those days the family farmed 250 acres. • :• ENTERTAINMENT :j[ Cly^Sroithrdietf in 1984. .;.:';•. But even befcre his death, the fain-. living center Puppets; Having their . ily started using greenhousea and • cutting back on what was growing in. BY HEATHER NEEDHAM own theater is a dream the fields*' ^'-''y'-yy'"1 .•''; STAFF WRITER come true for Puppet Arty "\- The switch to greenhouses gave The Westland City Council Monday the family more control oyer the auc- voted 5-2 against approving the site a troupe of professional ; ._ procewrZteeZo/^ 4»ii8< of each growing season, accord­ hasworkedfar Clyde Smith and Sons for30yeafyan4 Sue plan for an assisted living center. puppeteers. /El ing to David Smith Sr. ''''•yy--'.:. ^h The 52,449-square-foot, one-story So the family tradition continues fiailrnarkofW^silandtW building proposed by Hearthstone asSmith'schildren/are activei in $hV yeiti% transplant young pfa Knotts(left) of would have been located on the west busineaa^'David Jr., Barbara arid REAL ESTATE fedjbrdy newly Hired, aAdKathyEvans of:Ganto%inheir first side of Merriman, south of Cherry Hill. It would have been used as a 133-beil C*WU*fflp3 senior assisted living center. Neophyte home buyers: Council members voting against the Running the gauntlet for measure were Justine Barns, Charles "Trav" Griffin, Richard LeBlanc, the first time./Fl Sharon Scott and Sandra Cicirelli. The supporters were Glenn Anderson and Charles Pickering. INDEX LeBlanc said he thought the project was "pushed through" and was uncom­ • Obituaries A4 fortable with many aspects of it. "We have similar properties in West- • Classified Index F5 land that havelbeen endorsed and Real Estate F5 approved," LeBlanc said. "This parcel Crossword G2 has the potential for higher and better use." Job* G5 One such better use would be com­ Home & Service H8 mercial use, because the property is surrounded by commercially zoned Automotive J2 land, he said. • Opinion A12-18 The building's dimensions were • Calendar »4 another problem in LeBlanc's mind. A Trucking produce: Clyde Smith (behind door) 290-foot wide building sitting on rough­ • Sport* CI iitid workers pose>for a picture inthel9$0& ly five acres makes it "too deep and too • Real Estate *K \iAX$^h photo includes Clyde AlsopictUrMisljw wide," he said. "The project is very Smith and his father, WiUidm Smith: from the truckiivhen he was 8 or 9[years old. tight on this piece of property." < Please see CENTER, A2 •£ n.iiiirrii HOW TO REACH US Job fair Saturday families and individuals to turn off their TV sets for seven days. .... Newsroom: 7 WW-fcUM Job seekers and employers will have a chance to National TV-Tumoff Week, which begins today get together in Westland on Saturday, April 24. ,. PLACES & FACES aild runs through April 28, focuses not on the quali­ NewsroomFax: 734-501-727¾ The Westland Chamber of Commerce annual Jobs Earned: .t|HwtiniMi# •••hotiifcoiww.wrt ty of TV programming but on the excessive quantity and Careers Fair will be held 10 am, to 6 p.m. at fair between 1-3 p.m. of television that most Americans watch and the lost ,* .- Nightilhe/Sports: 734-fS3-2104 the Westland Shopping Center. Attendees can stop at the chamber booth the day opportunities to read, converse, participate, think, Reader Comment Line:. 734-183-2042 This is the third year for the event, which drew of the fair and pick up a map of the employer loca­ create and do. Classified Advertising: 7344*14900 .more than 2,000 job seekers last year. The entire tions and visit the interview tips table located near­ "The purpose of the TV-Turnoff Week is to take an Display Advertising: T*4-Stl-2300 mall willbe filled with more than 70 tables for by. extended break from this medium which so controls employers to meet job seekers. \ . Home Delivery :TM-M1-0900 Job seekers who fill out a survey will be entered in our lives," said Jolee Kempf, children's librarian. All types of businesses will be in attendance a drawing for n $250 gift certificate to Westland According to Nielsen Media Research, the average including: retail, manufacturing, engineering, tech­ Shopping Center. American watches almost four hours of TV a day nical, professional, sales, marketing, health care, which amounts to two months non-stop per year and trades, financial, office/clerical and organizational. can total nine years of non-stop watching by the . The major sponsor is the Observer & Eccentric time a person is 65. Newspapers. WYCD Young Country will be sponsor­ TV-Tumoff week "We are encouraging children and adults to do ing radio advertising. Linda Lee, Young Country The- William P. Faust Public Library of Westland things like read, walk, bicycle, work on a puzzle or radio personality, will make an appearance at the will join others nationwide to encourage millions of write a letter," Kempf said. 6 63174 10011 mamm HMM Piip Wl TtoObnrctr A EceemtridTmmDAXAPML 22,1999 '«'. WEtlUND ACHIEVERS itian waives exam in rape case {Item* for the Achievere column fy for the dean's list, full-time should be MubmUttdto the Wtet- students must have a grade BYRKNtxSKOGUMJ • Later, SIM testHM, aH four m%n MXitalfy Later, he added: "There will lamd Observer, 36261 School- point average of at least 3.5 on a STAttWRTrt* never be an allegation that my ctaft, Livonia, Michigan 48150 4.0 scale with no grade less than *§uuti*4 tm, e«d that all but Hartmayar client had..any sexual relations RyantCorey, 22, of Westlfind,. ofc'cdn be e-mailed to bjaeh^ •-•a:*>:^-: -,-"•:• punchad har and thrairtaiiad har Itfa. with this lady ,.rShe gets paid to the fourth defendant facing crim­ pirP»t?w^rsjBiw^ af^BFa aaajvaji ,MH^a^vajwva^w iiav piiwt ndit%0e.homec0mm.net inal sexual conduct charges in have sex. To my knowledge, one % The University of Michigan- SV-s- -'-'-^-^/-:•:.."'.'."'•'• ";,',:•.•; V;'-^' the rape of a Detroit woman at a person paid her/ Mr; Hartmey­ jCreightoa University student Dearborn has named the fall er.* '•;'•'*'•• q*nemh KakaxUpudi of West- 1998 dean's list in the College of Livonia house in March, waived identified prostitute, testified at that all but Hartmeyer punched Arts, Sciences and Letters his preliminary hearing Tues­ Crystal Smith, who said she is lind has been named to the ^he April 13 preliminary hearing her- and threatened her life. the mother of Corey's 4-year>old dean's honor roil for academic including Westland residents: day, for Hartmeyer and Michaud that The victim was waiting to tesy achievement during the 1998 fall Andrew Raisanen, a senior He was bound over by 16th three of the defendants sexually tify at Corey's preliminary hear­ daughter, had arrived at court stenuester. Full-time students majoring in mathematics; District Court Judge Robert B. assaulted and punched her at a ing Tuesday.
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