THE AL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA. Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the C~llerlra~and Protectorate of Kenya. Vol. XXX.-No. 33. NAIROBI, June 19, 1928. Price 50 Cents. Registered as a Newspaper at the 6. P. 0. P~ibiishedevery Tuesday. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt Notice No. 307- Arrivals, Departures, Appointments . .. 774 Proclamation No. 45-The Diseases of Animais Ordinance . -. .. 775 >, > , 46- 9 7 3 7 > 9 . 776 777 1. ,, 47- ,I ,> >> . ,, 48- j 9 7 > > > . 777 9 1 . ,7 ,, 49- > 9 ,9 >J . .. 778 ?, ,I 50- 9 1 9, > > . 779 Govt. Notice No. 308-The Diseases of Animals Ordinacce . .. 783 ,, ,9 ,, 309-The Public Trustee's Ordinance . .. 784 785 PI ,, ,, 310-The Sugar Ordinance . .. 785 ,7 I) j , 31 1-The Detention Camps Ordinance . -. 786 9 I 9 , ,, 3 12-3 13-The L,egislative Council Ordinance . 786 9 1 t 1 ,, 31 4-Executive Council-Appointment . 787 :, 9 9 , , 315-1 he Reformatory Schools Ordinance . , 9 ,, I* 3i 6-The Courts Ordinance . 787 , 9 J f ,, 317-The Public Travel and Access Roads Ordinance, 1920 . .. 787 787 T J 9 J ,, 318-Non-European Clerical Staff-- Confirmation Examination . ,? J, ,, 31 9-'The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment . 788 9. 9) ,, 320-The Diseases of Plants Prevention Rules, 1927 . 788 General Notices Nos. 624-65 1 .. .. .. 788 GOVERNMENT NOTTCE NO 307. A RRIVA LS . From leave or o g Ieaving o Name. Rank. on 1st aEte o ate of Date of arrival Appointment. ngland. Em barkation. at Kiiindini Justice ). E. R. Stephens Pusine Judge Leave 1 1th May, 1928 9th June, 1928 capt. K F. T. Caldwell Snr. Assistant Gazne W arden do 17th M ay, 1928 * 19t1a M ay, 1928 do E E. K . Dally Police Constable 1st Appointm ent 1 1 th M ay, I 928 do AV iMss .J c. Eh amLpa-imono nt APdomstainl iCstlreartlci vaen dO fTiiceeler grapllist Ldeoa ve l1 70th M ay, 1j 928S * 19th Mdaoy , 192: do J.' s craig Chief Clerk, Police Dept. do 1 1 th M ay, 1928 do R H. w ake-Bawell Principal, Education Dept. do do do H- M artin Sanitary Inspector do do do R .y'. G. Diekson Sanitary Oflicer 1st Appointm ent do do H' H Facev Assistant Engtneer, P. W . D. do do do R - ' - do do do do J . FL. , PAo.w Jnoanlle s do do do do H. Blackwell Assistant Inspector Police ' Leave do do r.?' w Franklin Police Constable do do ' do M- M'agner Assistant lnspector c'f Police 1st Appointment '# 1st June, 1928 ::4th June, 1928 12th June, 19 W - H Bonny Drill Foreman, P. SV D. ' do - 1: ' do do pa. vîd. Law Traveiling lnspector of Accounts Leave 1 1th May, 1928 l I.th M ay, 1928 9th June, 192 Kenya and U ganda Railway E A Giles Assistant Tras c Inspector . Kenya and U ganda Ral?lway T. R Cullen 2nd Engineer, Lake Steamers, ' Kenya and U ganda Railway * Date of leaving Marseilles 'l' Date of leavlng Port Elizabetlz 1: Date of leaving Durban. DEPA RTU RES. Name. Rank. H . M clntyre F'orester, Forest Department Leave M rs. R. E. Taws Czerk, Treasury do A. C. Sprun! Forester, Forest Departnaent do E. J . 'Waddington District Oflicer do D. J. Gray Junior Postmaster do A. Bunkel Sanitary Inspector do C. W . Elliot Assistant Conservator of Forests do Dr. T. H. M'assey Senior M edical Oflicer do H . G . Beverton Assistant lnspector of Police do W . S. Taylor do do D . C. Connor European Constable do D - Nicol Assistant Inspector of Poliee do C. H . Adams Engineer, Governmerzt Press do S. O V. H odge D istrict Officer do J. W . K Pease do do M iss E. B. M'Fishart M atron, M edical Departm ent do M iss M , E. Dalton Typist, Governor's Conference do D. J. H. Kelley Assi.stant Engineer, P. W . D . do M iss G. 1. Powis Postal Clerk and Telegraphist do W . R. Corteen Forem an, Kenya and Uganda Railway do A. G. Tyler Asst. Chief Storekeeper, K . & U. Rly. do A PPOINTM EN TS. Fztszllltztut GOZZIPON J'ENXINGS, to be D istrict Com nzis- TflsxvA x&.xo UIIANOA R-ucwwvs Axo H anBovRs. sioner, Voi, Ukam ba Province, with effeet from 19th PAUL STTJAIa.T ALLEN NEwxoolç, Assistant Superin- M ay, 1928. tendent (Locomotive), to be Acting 'Locomotive Eltxss'.p DotrglzA.s Ewlyuxv, to be District Comm issioner, Running Superintendent, with effect f rom tlle 1st K itui, Ukalnba Province, with afect from 1st J'une) J'unc, 1928. 1928. JOHN IVIIZLIA/I CONDON, Locom otive Inspector, to b a S. 20064/ l /11. zictizlg Assistant Superintendent (Locomotive) , witl) IsAuxrata svlI,sox, to be Aetipg M atron, Europeau effect f rom the 1st J'une, 1928. Hospital, N airobi, M edical D epartment, witb effect I-TAUOL:D M ARTIN, to be Sanitary Inspector for tlle from tlw 9t11 June, 1928. N airobi M unicipal Area) Eastleigll, M utllaiga and S. :0061/S5. T lailfa Ttpurnslzip Areas, and the Nafrobi and K i an) bu ALBER'.P W AIZTEER) to be Acting Secretary to tke Districts, witl'l efeet from 12th June, 1928. Governors' Conference and. to the H igh Commissioner for Transport, in addition to llis duties as Statistician, W . M . LOGAN , with eleet from the 9th June, 1928. /oT Oolonftzà Seczetary. Colony and Protectorate of K enya. tllence westerly by tlle southern bountlary of PROCLAMATION NO. 45. Farm L.O. No. 3540 to its south-western corneri' T1-1E ZIISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE. thenee north-easterly by the north-w estern Lchayier 1,57 oj f/ztr .J' teri8eci Edition, Sccïfo?z 4.) boundary of that portion ancl by part of the north- western boundary of Farm L.O. No. 245/3/14 to the K ayum u R iver ; thence generally westerly by that river up- TITE INTEII,PRETATION AND GENERAL ' stream io its interseetion witla the south-eastern CLAU SES ORDINANCE. boundaries of Farm L.O. No. 3562 ; Lchapi c?- 1 oj i rz(9 .lïl tr,?.ê68 t? J Edit 'Jtl'n,, S6cf io n 13 .) tllenee south-westerly by the south-eastern GovlsitxllEx'r Noztclq No. z3' 1 ol? 1919. boundary of Farm L.O. No. 3562 to its m ost southerly corner ; thenee south-easlerly by part of the north- eastern boundary oî Farm L.O. No. 152 to the north-eastern corner of that portion ; thence south-westerly by the soufh-easfern boundaries of Farms L.O. Nos. 152, 2950/3, 295 0/5/2 /3, 2950/1, 3564 and. 169/R2 to the youth-eazcrn corner of the last portion on the M utigutu lRiver ; tllenee generally zlorth-easterly by that river up-stream to the south-w estern corner of Farm L.O. No. 170/1/2 ; tllenee north-westerly by a straight line to the 14. 1T. BRASSEY-EDW ARDS , m ost southerly corner of Farm L .O. No. 4713 Acting t7/zï:j k'etezinaïy O.fF,c6r. on the K ezlya and Uganda Railway eastern 100 foot zone ) thenee nortllerly and. north-westerly by that zono ko a point due east of the soufh-eastern eorner of Farm L.O. No. 174 ; SCH EDULE . thenee clue west by a straight line aeross the LlAfglxu CLEAN AREA. Kenya and Ugancla Railway eastern and. western l00 foot zones to the south-eastern eorner of Tllfz area bounded as follows : -- Farm L . O . No. 174 ; Cozrlrnetlcsing at the nortll-western eorner of thence south-westerly by the south-eastern Fazwa j'u. 0. No. 241. /2 ; boundary of that portion to its m ost southerly thence easterly by the nortllern boundary of tsorner ; that portion to its north-eastern corner ; tllentze southerly by the eastern boundaries of thence north-westerly by tlae sotzthern bounclary Farms L.O. Nos. 241/2, :4 831, 3700, 3698 and of Farrn L.O. No. 173/2 to its most westerly 3696 to the south-eastern eorner of tlle last corner ; portion of tlte Kqm iti River ; thenee northerly by the generally wegtern tlaenee generally easterly following the Kam iti boundary oi Farm L.O. No. 173/1 to its înter- ltivcr clouzn-stream to tlle north-eastern corner Beclion with the Kenya ançl 'Cgancla Railway of Farnl L . O . No . 137 / 2 ; Nyestern. 100 foot zone; thenc,e southerly by the eastern boundary of thezlce by a straight line due east across the t'hat portion to its soutll-eastern corner on the Kenya and U gancla Railway to the eastern boundary oî the 1O0 foot zone; .1(iu ltlver ; tlaelace westerly by tlle 'Kiu Ttiver up-stream to thenee generally northerly by the boundary of flle north-easterzz corner of Farm L. 0. No. 137/1 ; ihe Kenyft tm cl Uganda Railway eastorn 109 foot tllence south-westerly by the eastern boundary zone up-line to the north-western corner of Farm of tllat portîon to its south-eastern corner on the L.O. No. 237/2/6; Niaro River ; fllenee easterly by the northern boundaries of thenee generally soutll-easterly by the Niaro Farms 1u.O . Nos. 237/2/6 and 237/2/7 to the Rîver down-stream to the north-eastern csornèr north-eastern corner of the latter portion. of Farm L.O. No. 2415/3/14 ; thenee generally northerly by part of the fllezlee soutll-wesferly by tl'le soutlt-eastern western boundary of Farm L.O. No. 3695 and boullclaries of that portion and of Farm L.O.
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