Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1942 168 Paint Supplies URNARD, PORTER i REMINGTOIT W. C. Remington Artists' Materials R. J. Fowler Distributors Lowe Bros. Paints Drawing Supplies See Page 56 Spray Equipment 9-11-13 N. WATER ST. Phone Main 8140 Bujors' Guide BYRNES CACCIAGLIA Caesser Walter L (Mary A) meats and gro 861 Jay h —^Virginia L camera wkr r 308 Winchester —Ferdlnando r 69 TlUa 309 Edgemere dr Gr —Wm elk r 21 Meiiden —Luigi (Eugenia) b 20 Costas Cafarclli Antonio (Jennie) restr 473 Qlnton at N h —& Son (Danl F Bjrmes) clolhcs pressers and clnrs Cacciato Anna B married Saml J Milltello 135 Hand 4421 Lake ar —Dlcgo (Rose) Isb b 274 1st —Harry bartndr r 135 Hand Byms Motor Eipress, John Turner mgr 57 Dcwey av —Jack r 64 2d —Jas bartndr 473 Clinton av N r 135 Hand Byron Ella M wld Chas W h 196 ParseUs av —Nancy M. r 64 2d —^Ross A (Rose M) mach opr 1160 University av b —Frank J, K Pk r 1064 Clinton ar N —Peter J fileetji r S74 1st 36 Portage —Mary nld Jas r 40 Oaknian Cacciola Carmelo (Jane M) watchmn b 96 Scran- Caferelll Biagio (Antoinette) b 416 Sdo tom Caffaro Clarence C butcher 900 Maple r 31 Honest C A B T Transportation Co. Lyman H Francke br mgr Cacelto Concetta r 165 Ist Cafferty Marlon elk 1447 StPaul r 2210 Spenceipcrt trucking 63 Curlew „ . —Frank (Jennie) b 165 lat rd Od Wtr C I T Corp, Harrle P Flynn br mgr 154 East at rm Caceel Dominic J (Frances M) h 168 Lyell av Caffcry Delia A tchr Sch 30 r 58 Rugby av —John (Mary) cbauf b 354 Bay —Bdw J, K Pk r 35 Day pi C and'c Food Market (Jos Cambria, Thoa Contiguglla) —Jos (Josephine) elk h 143 Aekerman —^Frank (Mary) elk b 297 Reynolds —Llbby Mrs slswmn 120 Main E r 1340 Clifford —G Walter elk 33 Exchange r 35 Day pi C & D Warehouse Corp inc NY '28 Mrs Irene L Costick Cacbiccl Anthony (Ubtay) h 57 Niagara —Geo H (Clinton Theatre) 957 Clinton av S and pres Arthur L MarUn sec-treas 67 Wuehouse Cacia Anthony R r 102 Walnut plmbr 53 Rugby av b do CAM Forwarding Co (Norman G Klelsley) 283 —Domlnlck J (Carmel) baker b 102 Walnut —Helen A r 369 Gregory Oak —Jos (Margt) lab h 645 Broad W -Helen M dk 40 West av r 368 Selye tcr C & S Plating St Mfg Co (Edwin Oowley) 36 Blch- —Rose M r 645 Broad W —John M (Flora L) buyer 66 East av b 368 Selye Qond Cadavere Gcnnaro ((Pristine) h 806 Portland av ter Cabelka Bobt tailor 328 Main B nn 327 Cadby Wm Ian b 3 Lyell av —^Lobelia Mrs r 110 Depew CaWc Albert (Minnie L) h 23 New York CaddeU Blcbd died Apr 19, 1041 —^Marion E r 58 Rugby av . , —Arthur ni^t watchmn h 3 N Wash Cadden Jack publisher Bocb and Vicinity Labor and —Mary Mrs (Evelyn's Cottage) 2301 Culver rd r 317 —Arthur J wood wkr 569 Lyell ar r 40 Bway Labor Herald 16 State rm 505 b 380 Landing rd Cascade pi Irond —(Uarence (Myra H) Delco r 84 Murrw Br —Boy W (Norlne B) elk h 369 Gregory Bdw F (Mary T) (National Fence Co) 24 Fence and —Boy W Jr r 369 Gregory T-pres Bocb Pipe & Fence (k)ip 306 BuUalo rd b Cade Edith elk r 13 Darrow —^Theresa C wld Fronds B h 35 Day pi —Evelyn bkpr 1326 Clinton av N r 13 Darrow Callrey Geo (Margt B) h 47 Ketchum 61 Dakota —Gladys maid r 13 Daiiow —Edw B (Joan A) stock elk 1099 Jay r 144 Alex —Sarah optical wkr r 469 Bwoy —^Lawrence macb opr r 13 Darrow Cage Wm (Mabel) lab b 393 Clarissa ander —Leonard (Ada) pntr h 13 Darrow Fred W (Marietta W) depy sheriff Monroe (hiunty CadlUae Gorage, Gustave J Swltzer mgr 36 Cortland Caglano John P r 146 3d 180 Ei^nge b 46 Saronnah Cagle Lucy U Mrs sec 45 Glasgow b 241 M^man —Jas F (Millie H> USA r 74 Bronson ar Cagnazzo Anna L tel opr 244 Plymouth av S r 21 Cadillac and LaSalle Motor Cars Norrla , —Maude M Mrs b 74 Bronson av The Valley Cadillac Corp distributcn 333 East av —Myrtle J hostess r 74 Bronson as —Anthony (Eleanor L) bkpr r 12 Etbd —^Nelson elec wkr r 49 Koebl . tel Stone 320—For further Information see page —Frank P (Clara B) pnU h 21 Norrla Cable Ernest U (Gladys F A) pnlr and dec 80 Qulney 4 Buyers' Gulda —Maria J sten r 21 Norrls Cadle Geo S (Mlna A) sta eng b 515 South av Cagnina Angelo (Mariana) b 47 Concord h do —Mlna alteration dept 210 Main E r 515 South av —Geo B died Oct 30, 1040 —Jos J (Carrie) shoe mkr 250 N Goodman h 393 —NelUe wld Ctaaa L b 267 Oxford Centrd pk —Jos optical wkr b 12 Peek —NoeUe F married Ernest Swart —Mildred M buyer 253 Main E r 71 Keeler —^Tarlton J (Butb M) cbauf r 793 StPaul Cagnlno Arcangdo fa 10 Philander —dlolUe D see 131 Main E rm 201 r 80 Qulney Cadman Albert L (Ella N) h 772 Jefferson av —Jos (Josephine) lab b 12 Bltz —Portia M demonstrator 250 Main B r 12 Peck —Bertba seamstress r 5i Wbltmore Cabin A Eileen dk 343 SWte r 2 Kcnmore —Sidney Boy studt r 80 Qulney —Geo W died Dec 17, 1940 —Amanda K wld Frank B b 1230 Sourt av Cable-Wiedemer Inc —Lillian L b 140 Pearl —Arlington M (Ellz C) slsmn 444 Hudson av b at Cadmus BeU 8 dlr rellglaus edue (Cortland) r 33 Victor Inc in^l35 George M WIedemer pres William J Vlck pk B —Arthur E pntr r 293 Hawley h laa Cable treas dettric refrlBeratlon, refrigerator deal- —Bernard L (Ethel M> formn 89 East av b 123 Odo- en, hotel and restaurant supplies and equipment —^Bell S wld Wm h 473 Lake View pk 197-213 Central av tel Main 6868 —Emma B wld Wm H b 33 Vlck pk B Dial rd ^Wm J (Mildred M) treas Cable-Wledemer Inc 197- —^Harold Ir, slsmn 59 Halsteod r 101 Holloway rd —Betty N atudt r 135 Wooden Br 213 Central av h 71 Keeler —Jean B sec Strong Memorial Hosp r 33 Viek pk B ■—Bridget wld Bernard h 1508 Clifford at Cabrese Jos P r 83 Lime -Catherine B maid r 334 MtUope av Cadogan John B (Estelle) elk PO b 126 Cbeswell way —Danl dk 26 Exchange r at Plttsford Coccamlse Anthony (Frances) nurserymn h 220 Penn- Br sylvanift —Dennla M (Ethel I) mason 48 Bauscta h 834 MtHope Cadoret Wm H (Grazlella M) managing dlr Monroe av -Anthony (Lena) sbtmtlwkr 7 Wangman b do Amusement Inc 63 East av rm 10 b 161 Crosman —Chas W (Margt P) medical examiner 70 Exchange —Ellz wld Dennis ta 633 Melgs rm 401 and phys 141 Portland av h 22 Uigblond tor —Ellen A nurse r 254 Ruby av Cadwallader Jean r 193 Park av —Ellen C assembler r 2 Kenmore pkwy Cadwell Carl (Margt) rprmn NYC h 195 Avenue D —Oms W ir, atudt r 22 Highland pkwy —^Emma B camera wkr b 38 Emerson —Henry W (Eliz A) lab b 17 Clarendon —Ethel M married Ernest (kirdwell —Crusa B hat wkr r 830 North —Minnie elk r 135 Sdo —Domlnlck lob r 830 Nortb —H V r 50 Chestnut . Cady see Keady —Harry J (Ruth) dectn 89 East av b 192 Kietlite —Domlnlck H (Mary A) (Burkbalter's Market) 393 —Alf mach r 67 Post av Exebange b 225 Onetda a? —Andrew J photo engvr 149 Andrews r 90 Hardison ^as B (Ethel E) pntr h 73 Soum —^BUa A nurse aide r 7 Wangman rd Irond —^Eug blpr r 830 Nortb —Bertba M tchr Sch 8 b 15 (hilver pkwy —Jas P (Mildred R) tchr (Brighten) h 1214 FtA —Fianeesca (Mrs Giovanni) died June 8, 1940 —Cbaa B (Mary T) optical wkr fa 448 Cottage av _ , —^Fnmk (Mamie) b 28 Hempel —Jas P (Agnes T) eollr h 646 8 Goodman —Cbaa B Jr, USA r 448 Cottage —John J r 146 .Wotmore pk —Qeroldine L see 34 State rm 102 r 7 Wangman —Clifford S (Ethel 0) alsmn h 368 Lake View pk —Giovanni b 7 Wangman —Dorothy M wld Frank W Jr b 719 Park av —Jos P b 135 Wooden —Harold atudt r 7 Wangman —Edmund b 165 S Fltzhu^ —dos P (Ema B) shipper r 172 Staler —^Uoraee (Louisa) tar layer b 830 Nortb —Kathryn sec StronberS'Carlson r 1698 East av —Edw K (Dorothy B) brakemn B&O h 195 Normandy —Kathryn B bkpr h 468 CllnUn av B —John (Teresa) mach h 209 Lineoln av —John, USA r 7 Wangman —Lillian M waitress lola Sanatorium r no —Jos (Lyric Amusement and Novelty Supply Co) 127 —Emma A Mrs tchr Sch 43 r at Spencerport —Louis pntr r 23 Depew __ N Water and cigars 700 Clinton av N r 830 —Francis L (Butb A) oateo 250 Dartmouth h do —Lucy (Mrs Sylvester) died Sept 28, 1940 Nortb —Frank W atudt t 719 Park av —Margt T packer 1237 Main B r 160 Merwln av —Georglna Mrs restr wkr r 1105 University av —^Marie A super 343 State r 2 Kenmore —Jos P (Bose M) barber 513 Thurston rd b at (UiUi —Guy 1 elk 316 Education bldg r 5 Van —^Mory A died Dee 7, 1940 —Jos 8 dentist 244 Smith r 220 Pennsylvania av —Harriet L musn r 204 Earl —Mary F r 135 Wooden —Josephine F osst r 220 Pennsylvania av —^Helen C Mrs tel opr 95 N Fitsbu^ r 45 Beach —Merlon B entertainer r 1508 „ —Lawrence N «iok 86 Main W r 220 Pennsylvania av —Henry alsran h 860 Main E —^Mlchl J (Mar^ B) mech's blpr 267 State b 3 Kcn- —Louis nurserymn r 220 Pennsylvania av —Jas W (Mabel R) cook h 19 Peorl mrra —Slafie H osst r 220 Pennsylvania av —Jas W (Martha 0) toolmkr ta 204 Earl -Non L wld Danl P b 101 Devon rd —Mlebl cigars r 880 North —Kenneth C set-up ran r 601 Culver rd —Nora r 1971 Lake av ^ —Nathaniel cook Hotel Boeh r 220 Pennsylvania av —Leonard Ins agt 16 Main B rm 702 r 29 Orland rd —Rita M td opr 95 N Fltzbugh ' 135 WJoden —Pearl matiicd AUrert Levatlno Irond —Bobt B day elk 253 Alexander r 136 Wooden —'Rose married Anthony Prlvatera —^Leroy r 22 S Union —Simon (Margt M) lab b 186 Folrgate —Saml A (Mary A) dentist 2 King b 511 WeUington —Llla see r 189 Lake av —Stephen H r 334 HtHope ov a —Moxlne, EK Co r 486 Lake a; —Sylvester pntr r 49 Adams —^Wm C studt r 22 Highland pkwy —Raymond trockmn BAG r 360 West av —Thos F (Marion A) camera wkr b 165 Falrgate Caecamo Frank (Mary) gro 471 Central pk b 84 Btb —Riehd B (Ella M) box mkr b 268 Anderson av —Thos H lathe opr r 2 Kenmore —Man wld Vlnccmo b 487b Central pk —Stanley H (Butb B) eng 89 East av b 64 Ingle- —^Wm B stereotyper Aqueduct bldg r 588 Melgs —8 Edmund barber 88 N Fltzhugta h 4871 Central wood dr —Wm F dk Leblgb r 21 Rosewood ter pk —^Vivian elk 1150 Univeialty av r 251 Part av —^Wm H (Jeannatte)

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