Sheena Boury, MD; Jeffrey S. Morgeson, MD Dyspnea, pancytopenia, University of Cincinnati/ The Christ Hospital Family Medicine Residency and splenomegaly (Dr. Boury); Residency Faculty (Dr. Morgeson) An extensive initial laboratory assessment, including sheenaboury@hotmail. testing for viral disorders, left the diagnosis unsolved. com The authors reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article. CASE c a 47-year-old man with a history of al- count was 346/mcl. hemoglobin was 5.4 g/dl coholism came to our emergency department and platelet count was 47,000/mcl. (pancy- (eD) with a 3-week history of sore throat and topenia is defined as hemoglobin <13.5 g/dl dry cough. he said that for the past 2 months [males] or 11.6 g/dl [females], platelet count he had experienced worsening shortness of <150,000/mcl, and WBc count <4000/mcl. breath, increasing weakness, and episodes of criteria for severe pancytopenia include an light-headedness. he also said that his gums anc <500/mcl, platelet count <20,000 mcl, occasionally bled when he brushed his teeth. and corrected reticulocyte count <1%.1,2) our patient owned a farm where he was a repeat complete blood count (cBc) exposed to pesticides and fertilizers, but he showed similar results. Basic metabolic panel, reported no contact with sick individuals, new chest x-ray film, and electrocardiogram results medications, or recent travel. The patient had were all normal. a 40 pack-year smoking history, but he had Based on the initial lab work, we ordered quit within the past year. his family history further testing for human immunodeficiency was negative for malignancies or rheumato- virus (HIV), epstein-Barr virus (eBV), cytomeg- logic diseases. alovirus, hepatitis, parvovirus B19, and anti- on physical exam, we noted splenomeg- nuclear antibodies. all results were negative. aly (spleen was approximately 3 cm below B12 and folate levels were low normal, and the costal margin); all other exam findings were reticulocyte count was 2.31%. We admitted within normal limits. the patient for evaluation of his pancytopenia. lab results revealed pancytopenia: the patient’s serum white blood cell (WBc) was ● WHAT ADDITIONAL TESTING 900/mcl, the absolute neutrophil count (anc) WOULD YOU PURSUE AT THIS was 447/mcl, and the absolute lymphocyte POINT? Hospitalist Rounds at jfponline Learn more about these unusual cases of: • infectious endocarditis • acute necrotizing pancreatitis • Stevens-johnson syndrome • and much more Go to jfponline.com and click on “Hospitalist Rounds” in the left-hand navigation bar jfponline.com Vol 60, no 10 | OCToBeR 2011 | The jouRnal of family PracTice 593 We ordered a bone marrow biopsy and pe- bruising and bleeding secondary to severe ripheral smear, which is protocol in a case pancytopenia are also seen in about 25% of such as this. Results showed leukemic and cases.5,6 However, 25% of patients are ini- “hairy” cells. tially asymptomatic and are found to have abnormal lab values during a routine well visit.6 Hairy cell leukemia Hairy cell leukemia is an uncommon chronic B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder.3 It repre- Narrowing in sents 2% of all adult leukemias; the median on a diagnosis age of onset is 52 years, with a male predomi- The etiology of pancytopenia is broad, but nance of 4:1. It is 3 times more common in the diagnostic possibilities (TABLE) narrow Caucasians than in African Americans. There depending on the pathogenesis of a patient’s is still some controversy regarding its cell condition: decreased bone marrow produc- line, and its pathogenesis is still unknown. tion, increased destruction or sequestration Exposures to ionizing radiation, EBV, organic of cells, inherited/congenital, or idiopathic. chemicals, woodworking, and farming have z Testing. After an initial CBC, a second been cited as possible causes.4 CBC should be obtained to confirm the pan- z Symptoms of hairy cell leukemia cytopenia before ordering further tests.1,7 include fatigue, weakness, and weight loss. Such testing includes a peripheral blood Abdominal fullness or discomfort due to smear, a reticulocyte count, serum iron stud- splenomegaly is seen in 25% of cases.5,6 Easy ies, and viral studies such as HIV, EBV, or par- TABLE Is it pancytopenia? The differential3 increased destruction/sequestration Decreased bone marrow production of cells inherited/congenital chemotherapy, radiotherapy liver disease Gaucher disease megaloblastic anemia portal hypertension fanconi’s anemia myelodysplastic syndromes hypersplenism due to myelo- or lymphoproliferative disorders myelofibrosis evan’s syndrome aplastic anemia infection (eg, brucellosis, leishmaniasis) paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria heavy metal poisoning lymphoma with bone marrow infiltration leukemia plasma cell myeloma infection (eg, parvovirus B19, cmV) anorexia nervosa overlap connective tissue disorders (eg, Sle, Ra) aiDS mycobacterial infection; sepsis; acute viral infection (eg, cmV, hiV, eBV) aiDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome; cmV, cytomegalovirus; eBV, epstein-Barr virus; hiV, human immunodeficiency virus; Ra, rheumatoid arthritis; Sle, systemic lupus erythematosus. 594 The jouRnal of family PracTice | OCToBeR 2011 | Vol 60, no 10 dyspnea, pancytopenia, spLenomegaLy vovirus, along with an autoimmune profile interval of 40 months after initial diagnosis.10 and liver function tests.8 A hematology con- This increased risk may be related to im- sult with probable bone marrow aspirate is munosuppression due to hairy cell leukemia also indicated.8 or its treatment. The incidence of a second Diagnosis is made based on clinical find- malignancy occurring before the diagnosis of ings and lab work revealing pancytopenia. A hairy cell leukemia is 10.2%, and concurrent- peripheral smear exhibiting leukemic cells ly with the diagnosis is 2.6%.10 This finding and “hairy” cells suffices to make the diag- suggests some pretreatment predisposition nosis, although bone marrow biopsy—which to cancer; further studies are being carried reveals tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase– out to evaluate this matter. The most com- positive cells on cytochemical staining in mon solid tumors include prostate cancer, 95% of cases3—is often use to corroborate skin cancer, lung cancer, and gastrointestinal the diagnosis. More recently, immunotyping adenocarcinomas.10 using flow cytometry has become the stan- dard for confirming the diagnosis of hairy cell Our patient’s outcome leukemia.3 During our patient’s hospital admission, he received 6 units of packed red blood cells, 3 daily injections of 480 mcg subcutaneous Adjust treatment to symptoms filgrastim for 5 days, and ongoing vitamin and severity of pancytopenia B12 supplementation to assist myeloid re- Hairy cell Indications for treatment include the devel- covery. Upon discharge, his ANC level had leukemia’s opment of one or more the following: ANC increased to 1634/mcL. He began outpa- pathogenesis <1000/mcL with repeat infections; symp- tient treatment with cladribine under the is still unknown, tomatic anemia with hemoglobin <11 g/dL; care of a hematologist. After almost a year but exposures platelet count <100,000/mcL associated with of treatment, our patient is in complete to ionizing bleeding, symptomatic splenomegaly, or ad- remission. JFP radiation, enopathy; or constitutional symptoms.9 Epstein-Barr virus, First-line therapy is with one of the cyto- Correspondence organic Sheena Boury, mD, christ hospital family medicine, 830 toxic agents, either cladribine or pentostatin. Thomas more parkway, edgewood, Ky 41017; sheenaboury@ chemicals, Splenectomy is another effective option, with hotmail.com woodworking, results that last up to 10 years in 50% of cases.9 and farming have Another option is interferon-alpha.10 been cited as practice pointers Before the advent of cytotoxic agents, the possible causes. 4-year survival rate for hairy cell leukemia c obtain a thorough history to aid in nar- was reported as 68%. Today, durable remis- rowing the list of potential causes in pancy- sion is attained for many patients. Even after topenia’s broad differential. relapse, retreatment yields good responses. The 5-year survival rate now is higher than c arrange for a peripheral smear and bone 85%.11 marrow biopsy to confirm the cause of pancytopenia. Close follow-up c Screen any patient with hairy cell leuke- of these patients is key mia for a second primary malignancy. Potential complications of hairy cell leuke- mia include infections, bleeding, anemia, c Base a treatment decision on the pres- splenic rupture, and a second primary malig- ence of symptoms and the severity of the nancy. There is a 2- to 3-fold increased risk of pancytopenia. developing a second malignancy at a median References 1. Ishtiaq O, Baqai HZ, Anwer F, et al. Patterns of pancytopenia approach. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2004;16:8-13. patients in a general medical ward and a proposed diagnostic 2. Wang ES, Berliner N. Hematopoiesis and hematopoietic jfponline.com Vol 60, no 10 | OCToBeR 2011 | The jouRnal of family PracTice 595 Online at failure. In: Andreoli TE, Carpenter CCJ, Griggs RC, eds. 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