e:oLe[3 3riq tr({l' V*r3" r\"e I tt t^,1 62 '"r*tf'$,ENd I ehffis AFFIDAVIT Td BE FILED BY THf, CANDIDATE ALoNGWITH NoMINATIoN PAPER BEFORI THE REIT'RNING OFFICER FOR EI,ECTION I TO LOK SABHA (PARLIAMENTARY CONS'I'I'IUENCY) (NA[TE OF THE IIOUSE) FROM KAKINADA PARLIAMI,NT CoNS.I.ITUENCY (NAME oF THtr CoNSTITUENCY) PARI"A l, VANGA GEETHA !'ISWANATHAM wife of KASI VISWANATIIAM, Aged 55 ycars, resident of Df{o.70-7-2l5, Priyrnka Residency, NFCL Road, Kakinada, E.G.District, A.p. (nlention full postal ad&css), a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affinn and state on oath as und&: - >. ierrL .r,t:'lA ' , I t n.dEnr -,.asttrrcfi- flotrrv l]gfl {Pt zszo?83) , ltl ' ' Ganisth\raliSi,Suryaraop€ta I l(Axll:.'.i)\ - 5:13 001 ' Mrk . or-h. i.aaJi (l) I am a candidare setup b) YUYAJANA SIIAMIKA RAITIIU CONGRESS PARTY (,r) Myoanre isenrolled in PITHAPURANI ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY (A\s.mbly Constituenc)' comnris..d $iihin Kakinada Parliamental Constitu€nc.v), ANDHRA PRADESII al ScrialNo 749 in Pan No. l4.l (3) My contact telephone number(s) is/arc 9848018525, 9848367667 and my email id(il'an)') is vangageetha [email protected] ald my social media account(s) (ifany) is /are (i) NIL (i, NrL (iio NrL 4) Details of Permancnl AccountNumber (PAN)* and slatus of Iiling of lncomc Tax return: SI. No. Names PAN The financial year Total income shown in In- for which the last come--l'ax return (in Rupees) for lncome-tax return the last five Financial Years has been filed completed (as on 31st March) I VAr\-CA GEETA ADTPV6TI4E 2018-19 (i) FY l8-19: Rs.l0,l0,0l0/. VISWANATHAM (ii) FY l7-18: Rs.I8,2?,130 (iii) FY l6-17: Rs.5,03,950 (i") FY l5-16: Rs.s,19,206 (v) FY l4-15: Rs.7J9,012 2. VANGA KASI ADIPV86?3K 2018-2019 (i) FY l8-19: Rs.7,25,950 VISWANATHAM (ii) FY I7-18: Rs.7,08,202 (iii) FY 16-17: Rs.6,68,81i0 (iv) FY l5-16: Rs.7.11,76(l (") FY l.l-15: Rs.6,05,760 3. VANGA SATYA AXVPV8500 201,i-20t9 (i) FY l8-19: k.4,40,619 PAVANI A (DAUGHTER) (ii) FY l7-18: Rs. NIL (iii) FY l617: Rs. NIL (iv) FY l5'16: Rs. NIL (, FY l+15: Ri NIL 'b .2 a r,t- s ' ,l,r , E \t*"t ngss\l6qrci-q;i#5 NotJIt is mandatory for PAN holder lo mention PAN and in case ol'no PAN ir should be clearly slated "No PAN allotted". (5) ,,4ending criminal cascs J/ (il I declare that there is ro pending criminal case againsl me. (fick this allernatiye il lhcrc is ho cti linal casc pending against the Candidate ond vtite NOT API'LI('ABL|: apinst alternaliw (ii) helo\a, oR. [ii) The following crinrinal cases are pending againsl me: NOT APPLICABLE Pfthere are pending criminal cases against the candidate, the tick this alternatiee and score olJalrernati|e (i) above, and give details ofoll pending cases in the Table Below) Iable (a) FIR No with name and NIL Nll. NII, address of Police Station concerned (b) Case No. with Name of NIL NII, NIL the Court (c) Section(s) of concerned NIL N . \L Acts/Codes involved [giw ho. ofthe Secliotl, e.g. Section............. Of lPC, etc.) (d) Brief description of NIL NIL l\ll_ offence (e) Whether charges have NIL \ _ \ - been framed (mention YES orNO) lfanswer against (e) NIL NII, Nll. above is YES, then givc the date on which charges were framed (e,) Whether atry Appeal / NIL \ll_ \|L Application for revision has been filed against the ptoceedings [Mention YN or NO) l',, s u ES'.t{ r.rorew dl tm , asrreosl Nr{ guryrlrQ'L Gan6mvan Sl', iaxrHaoe - sss ot. MotiL : 96489 45065 (6) v irscs ol convrctron I declare that I have not been conlictcd li)r any criminal offence. lTickthisalternati|e,i/thccandidotcl$nothcehconrictedqn.lvritcNOT-4PI'L|(ARl-1, againsl alternative (ii) helo\) OR lii) I have been convicted for thc offences mentioned below: NOT APPLICABLE (if the candidate has beeh conyicted, thck lick this aherhatiw and score ojfalternatitc (i) above, and give details in the Tablc belor, lahlr (a) Case No. \lL NIL N (b) Name of the Cou( \II- NIL \ . (c) Section(s) of Acts/Codes in- \ lt. N _ Nll- volved [give no. ofthe Section. e.g. Scction....... oflPC, etc.) (d) Brief description of offence for N[, NIL NIL which convicted (c) Datcs of orders ofconviction N , NIL Nll, (l) Punishment imposed N , NIL L ^"t (c) N . NIL Whether any Appeal has bcen ^-IL filed against conviction order [Mention YES or NO) (h) Ifanswer to (g) above is YES, Nll- NIL \ll. give details and present status of appeal [6A] I have given full and up-to-date information to my political party about all pending criminal cas€s against me and about all cases ofconviction as given in paragraphs (5) and (6). lcandidates lo t'horn lhb Ilern is nol applicdble should clea y write NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN 5(i) ond 6 (i), dbowl l. Dclails should be ertered clearly and lcgibly in IIOLD lcttcrs, 2. D€trils to bc given separately for each case undcr different columrs agaitrst cach item. 3. l)ctails shorld be givetr in revcrse chronolosiral order, i.c., th€ latcst case to be mentiotr€d first and backwards itr the ord€r ofdatcs for thc oth€r cases. d Additional shcct msy bc added if required. --o+ 'l. !.r'u,'ulg\rl I Can didrte is r6poDsible for supplyiDg ell inforretior io comqle5\oYllop,fle Srfrene ' Coun's judgmert io W.P. (C) No.536 of20ll. .<(v6lrinu RAJES'!i lt r, 4 F- noasv*goet r:;, ''t Ganiadvsti St' SurYlrrq$l' \t\'"h|-4, XAKIMDA ' 133 m1' i'lobb : 9a'89 45055 (7) That I givc hcrcin belo\\ the details ofthe asscls (nrovable and i[rmovablc ctc.) ofmlsclf, m1 spouse and all dependents: A. Details of movablc asscts: Note: I - Assets in.ioint name indicating thc cxtcnt ofjoinl ownership uill also have to be giveo. Notc: 2- ln case of deposiL/lnvestment, the dctails including Serial Number. Amount. datc of deposit, the scheme, Name of thc Bank/lnstilution and Branch are to be given Note: l. Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per curent market value in Stock exchange in respect oflisted companies and as per books in case ofnon-listed companies should be given. Note: 4. 'Dependen(' means parents, son(s), daughter(s) ofthe candidatc or spouse and any other person related to be candidate whether bl blood or marriage, who havc no separale means of income and who are dependenl on the candidate for their livelihood. Note: 5. Details including amount is to be given separately in respect ofeach Investmenl Note: 6. Details should include the interest in or ownership ofoffshore assets. Explanatiofl - For the purpose ofthis Form, the expression "offshore assets" includes, details ofall deposits or investments in Foreign banks and any other body or inslitution abroad, and details ofall assels and liabiliries in foreign courtries. Sl.No Description Sell Spouse Daughtcr (i) Cash in hand Rs. 9,00,000L Rs.?,50,000 Rs.3,00,000 (ii) Details of deposit in Bank accounts (FDIls, Term Deposits and all other types of deposits including saving accounts), Dcposits with Financial Institutions, Non-baiking Financial Companies and Cooperative societics and the amount in each such deposit SAVINGS BANK HDFC I}ANK, NIL NIL ACCOUNTS KAKINAI)A Rs.75,000/- State Bank of India, Kakinada 202't1l, t1032 l0l20t 201r9 12281010011002r Rs.4.786/- Rs.2.889/ Rs.14,559/- sBl, Putt, AB, KAKINADA SBI, PI]8, KAKINAI)A Andhra Bank. Kakinada r22{lr0r00l10012 1228t0100t I000-l NtL_ Rs..19.00(r/- Rs.20.48t^ AB, KAKINADA AB, XAKINAI)A \\^,b ,Ll3Jq t.orAFY al86 r.i, r -,, G.nilmva S1., S{rYlraoPcia KAXTMOA. $:i mr. obL : 90489 45056 O8(.. KAKINAT)A 522050241l6 N lr- SBI, NlAlh- ROAI) Rs.t 5.000/- Rs.{,8701 ( iii) I)ctails of investmenl in llonds. NII, \ . t dcbcnturcs/ shares and units in companies/ Mutual linds and others and the amounl- (tr) Details of investrnent NII, \[- \Il_ in NSS, Posral Saving Insurance policies and investmenl in any Financial instmmenls in Posl olfice or Insurance Company and the amount LIC Polic), 80018921 I Rs.20,00,000/- N , NII- ING VYSYA 02388395 N , Its.l,00,000/- NIL MET LIFE INSURANCIJ j-l L N - Rs.2,25,000L 2047045t (\) Personal loanV \II- N..II- h-IL advance given to any person or entity including firm. company. Trust etc. ard other receivables from debtors and the amount (vi) Motor VehicleV QUALIS CBZ llcro Honda Activa AircraflV Yachtvships (Details AP5 AD 999 Honda Rs.50,0001 Swifi 2009 of Make, registration number 2002 APs I IO5 BR Rs.2,50,000/- etc. year of purchase and Rs.l0 LaklB 20t2 amourrt) Rs.65,000 (vii) Jewellery, bullion and Gold : 1200 gms Gold : 200 gms Gold : 750 gms valuable thing(s) (give details ol Rs.12.50 Lrkhs Rs.2.00l,akhs Rs.10.00lrkhs weight and value) 1500 gms. 250 gms 900 gms. Rs.18.00 Lakhs Rs.3.00 Lakhs Rs.18.00 Lrkhs (viiD Any other assets such as value NIL NL NI- of claims / interest (ix) Gmss Total Va.lue Rs.70,83,662l- Rs.l,l,53J73/- Rs.34J9,559/- B.
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