What is a good way of figuring out a problem? Since people started using computers, lots of so far, most of the people who think about this stuff look people get paid to think about ways to figure out only at the size of the problem. first: it must be so simple and clear that we can explain it to problems. that's what i'm doing. today we a computer. (Or a Human. That's not so different.) understand that some problems are hard, and but some of us feel that you can think more clearly about others are pretty easy. problems when you not only look at their size, but at some second: it must be fast enough so that it is done before other things as well. Sometimes, this way of thinking even hard problems and lunch. (Or before the sun burns out. that's not so different.) I want to help us becoming better at talking about helps us to come up with better ways to figure out problems! what makes a problem hard. (explained using only the ten hundred how to figure them out words people use most often) two other people and myself have come up with a way to finish the game for all five-letter words — as long as you are forced to visit only around ten words. or maybe twenty. so We word-visiting Letter changing game found out that the number of words all-in-all was not so important. instead, what makes the problem hard is how many you are forced to visit. we can even find the shortest such path! usury this is a word game played with the twenty-two words of two letters. gassy cedar funky steal goats shops biddy bible bibbs bhoys bhang bezel bevel beths betel betas bests bergs beret bents besot beset jingo beaky beaks beady beads beach bazar bayou bayed bawls baulk bauds batty baton batik baths bathe bates being beige begun bairn bails bahts baggy bagel badly badge baddy bacon backs babes babel azure barge barfy barfs bares avian avert avers avast avant aquae aptly apsos apses apron apply apple aport apnea apish aping aorta anvil antsy apian aphis bided aleph acri aleck alder album alarm alack ajuga aitch aisle airer aired aioli aimer aimed ailed aides ambit alway alums acted acres acorn acnes acned acked acing acids achoo aches ached abyss agate agars agape again abase abaft aback abaci abaca yearn yawls d yarns yards yanks yahoo yacht xylem xored xerox xenon writs write wrist wurst wryly beano wipes wiper wiped winos winks wings winey wines wined windy winds winch wince wilts wills worth worst worse barer am We are forced to visit wanly waltz walls walks wales waled waker waive waits waist wails waifs wager wharf whale wetly wests we have to voted vomit volts voile voila actin verge verbs venue vents vends venal veldt velds velar veiny veals vaunt vault veins veils an unsee unsay unrig unpin unpeg unmet unlit unjam unity units unite union unify unhit unhip vague vacuo vacua after begot as tweed tweak twats twang twain tuxes tutus tutti tutor tusky tusks turps turns umbel ultra ulnas ulnar tipsy trues truer trued truck truce these two words as baits years touts tours tough touch totty totes toter totem toted toric torch torah total torus start here titre title tithe titer titan tiros tires tired tippy tints tinny tings tinge tines toons tools tonic welts altos unset these therm there thens theme their theft thees thaws seest tenth thats thanx thank ticks tibia tiara thyme tense tenor tenon tenet aquas tansy tanks tangy tangs tango tamps tames tamer suing tents tamed talcs takes taker talus talon super sunup sunny sully sulky sulks sulfa suits steak sugar suety suets suers suede swipe swing swine ulcer worry avail or well (the order does wired tweet stock stoat stoas stoae stirs stint stink sting roids stead stilt still stile strut strum strop strip bider spoke spoil split splay splat spivs spitz spits slomo spire spiny stays sorry steam spite spiky spike spiff spelt spell speed thwap ox taped sours soupy soups sound souls sorts sorta sluts sorer soppy sooty soots sooth bared at alert wanta smell smear smart small slyly slyer shout sized slush slurs slurp slunk snore snoot snoop snook uvula hi skews skein skeet skate sizes sizer sloop sixth sixes situs slobs strew slogs sissy sisal sirup silly sills silky not matter) toves supes shrub shrew shred shove sixty short shorn sores sloes shore shoot shoos shook voids afoul beans actor shard shape shank shalt shaky shako shake shahs shags shiny shins shine shims paced tongs zowie scale shale shots seeth seeps smelt scaly roods sabre sabra scalp scald scads shall scabs sayer saute sauna saucy sawer savvy versa titty sable saber rutty rusty rusts russe rivet seers saxes rusks ruses pouts rupee runty sappy saner sandy seeks swims begin rondo romps rolls roles roily roils rural rogue roger royal rower rowed rowdy altho baize smite river riven rived welsh stogy skids sacks rests resin resew reset resay resaw raver rerun suite rente renew rends reran repro specs yeast unsex razer razed rayon rayed rawly rawer raves rives raven ravel raved ratty ratio redox redly redip snood thunk racer raced rabid rabbi quoth quote quota quoit quoin quits range randy rands ranch silks my quell queer queen theta spoof pubic pubes psych pssst psoas pseud prank psalm prove proud prosy pryer pruta stave ukase autos preps preen prays prawn prats prate quays poxes poxed power pours prize privy prism quasi rowan on arbor wirer prams polos polly polls polka shiki shrug rooks plume plumb plugs pluck ploys plows plots pears plops plonk utter world aargh piker piing pigmy piggy piety pieta plays playa plats plate piers pecan piece picot plasm twerp taper piano phyla photo pests pesto pesos ramps sands oh bides algae pubis peers peeps peens peels peeks pedal pecks peaty peats pease olden strep bards if souse share parch paras pappy paper papas panty pants pansy patty patsy patio paths tones of retch pacts packs paces pacer slits shill go wants opals oozes oozed oodle onset onion papal oncet oared okras okays omits olive beard press obese obeah oaths oaten oasis oases nylon nutty nutsy ogles ogler ogled polis redid snobs voice afore towed noses nosed north norms jelly untie nitro niter nisei nippy ninny oaken ninja nines nimbi seedy swill acute verse scans pards muted musty musts music never nests nervy nerve muser murky murks trove wells beget musta ninth mulct lupus mujik mores morel moray pates prise eaten modal moats mixup mixes mixer mixed mitts mitre miter misty minas nerts rival stoic razes metre metes meter meted metal merse mites merry merit mercy mined minds mince alter baked yecch opens lying lycra lotto luvya mayst mayor maxis mavis lutes luted lusty mauls tends pa lured lurch mulch lulus lulls lulab noose pesky speck no the rule is that you plump louse louis lotus luxes lotta lotsa lossy loses loser lorry lores quash roves udder works in thews skied sadly model litre litho lithe lites liter lists lisps lisle lofts loess lodge auric arced smile races legos legit later leggy leggo linen lined limps limos legal frees lefty lefts lodes limns signs stats leech leave leads leach lazes mimic often rally spook lathe latex lasts lasso lases laser lased larks ledge lamed plash thump it pikes obeys metro label kyrie latch kulak kudzu kudos larva krone krona lames lamer zooks twice kneed knead knave knack lambs klutz salvo utero barbs can change only one bidet wires rooky pucks keens keels kebob kebab kazoo kapok kales kaiak kayak slips tapes shuck lemon joker ivied joked joist joint joins johns joeys jocks jives kayos junco jumpy jumps locus moral ozone polio stray algal wards peeve nitty itchy issue islet isles irony jerks jenny jells afoot so retro input inode inner inlet jived hyper ichor inlay toner vogue begat south shark laths ideas ideal items icons icing icily hyped hying icier pater recut seeds towel suras lymph hosed horsy horse horny horns horde hoppy hopes hoper humid hulls hullo hones honer holon lamas lucre letter at a time. So hiker nerfs snits trout altar we have to bears adage prest pared hears hoard hoagy hives hiver hived hitch hires prior up me smirk scant heard heaps hiked highs hides heals hayed havoc heady heads gutta honed hider ritzy swigs verso toads muter lousy ivies hanks hangs handy hands halve halts halos halma halls gloom hated hatch hasty jello lazed welds gronk gutty gusty noons shift is baker razor plums guest guess guava guard guano grunt gruff gutsy matzo wordy auras skier mogul idiom grand grams grook groks groin grain gasps grail graft grogs quart tench tzars "IS" to "IN" is fine, but stoke opera goeth grabs goyim goose goopy goony holly jumbo perms spear end here yella until safer labia golem golds going gofer goest goers godly limit mimer rover zooey we spool glans gland glads glade gizmo gives gales gloss glory gloms offer racks pilaf gigas gifts furor gouty gibes sigma state thumb uteri ma lived keeps gates gated gigue gaper gaols gases plant supra ardor wised thick rooms fusee fused furze furry giddy furls funny funks gaped galas gaits fryer gusts hulky locos banns tapir obits flaws fruit froze hayer klunk rakes "IS" to "WE" is not. hoses frets fresh fours focus focal freer freed flora moots twigs micas lemur foils foggy fowls fount fogey flute flags frump oxlip salve straw toned vodka sower pudgy hanky flesh floss flops globs haste biers algin gator fleet flees fovea fleck fleas flats flyby flush found inker lakes poles afire began sharp pekoe jokes hoars fires firer groom femur fiord finny flack flabs fjord lucky shuns fills filet files filer flays epact fazes filed recur sedgy snips swift slink wares tower roofs nixed lynch feral fenny fends feint feign faxes nerdy amble retry prexy
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