--"-^g*" Thirty-Five Years of KesponsibLe Freedo m' Theatron M^ns Halt During ^tseaf Crisis i The presentation of the show jvrVich Theatroji, the School's drama group, traditionally produces each semester may not be-staged this term.> :~~~T; : : 2tfy* (Eitg Calks* rf'5feta f urk Ai cording to Dr. Irving Greger, '7s^££2&& .Bernard M. Baruch School of Business & Public Administration coordinator of student activities, "Thpatron has problems."^ Vol. LVII,"~No. 4 Tuesday, September 26, 1967. e^-g^g^- 389 By Subscription Only The difficulty arose over out­ standing bills of about $1,400 •w+w-h—Theatren- owes the-Uptowji ^Talks Held for LI. U, business office. Morris Heifer '68, president of Theatron, noted that he would like C. U. N. Y. Considers Purchase his organization to pay back part of the outstanding debt from The­ - Dr. Albert Bowker, chancellor of the City Universit f .announced .Thursday that ne- atron 's $600 accountf=and the $200 gotiations 'for the purchase of Long Island University's Br* oklyn Center have been under loan which Student Council condi­ way "for aver a month. & tionally has offered. It is understood that the Uni­ expected to be \eompleted by De­ versity plans to use the-center as cember 1. He would also like Theatron to Professor Louis Xevy a four year undergraduate college It has been reported that the hold their production in the audi­ Theatron*s Faculty Advisor specializing in business, liberal University is prepared to pay torium and attempt to make it a Building- and Grounds of the School arts and teacher education. L.I.U. $3<L=niillion for the center- financial success which would which also includes three univer- coyer the remainder of the money of about $3,000 of stage equipment The chancellor noted that a final r sity-ewned apartment buildings at that Theatron owes. during the summer of 1966. Last decision on the sale has not been 175 and 191 Willoughby Street an£ semester, Theatron was denied use reached. Mr. Heifer noted, "The admin­ 122 Ashland Place. of the School auditorium for bolt­ Although the Chancellor of istration of this School is attempt­ ing „their sets to 'the floor and •L.I.U., Dr. R. Gordon Hoxie, re­ Sources have reported that Dr4 ing to change the policy of a club using screws which left tHetrge". Henry Heald, former president of fused to publicly acknowledge the and force it to change their policy holes. The theatrical group was the Ford Foundation, in a compre­ transfer talks, he confirmed their by using money as - a weapon." eventually driven use of the stage. hensive study of L.I.U., advised existence at Oa closed meeting of Sources have said that the change [ IJSLTIL—tQ_gr>nso1idafp th*»ir opera- L.I.TJ^s Faculty Senate. in policy involves terminating the tions, primarily for financial rea­ usual B-Tpduction given each term —^he-Brooklyn Center of L.I.U. is Chandell' sons. and replacing, it with a few Forum ~~ located at Flatbush Avenue Exten­ Annound egotiations Long Tsland University consists "theater in the lounge produc­ sion and DeKalb Avenue and in­ - -of—the Brooklyn -Center^ C.W. Post tions":" - . * " TonSe Held dormitory?—a- classroom" "hTriiatiig cludes" the old eleven story Brook­ and an eight story humanities College in Brookville and South­ An open forum on "Cons­ hampton College. Professor Louis Levy (Sub- lyn Paramount Theater building, a and social science hall "which is chairman, Speech), faculty advisor cientious Objection and the The university has had to de­ of Theatron, noted that the group War in Vietnam" will open a pend largely on student tuition for should pay attention to rebuild­ five part dtscussion-lejcture its operating income - due to its ing their ot^niz&pon. series on Thursday at 12x80 endowment of $10 million which is in 4^ ; . .. .. -'_.,-,;. J^. relation to the uniyersitjx: ~ t.i£>pg&kmg: a* the event *«riB l>e UHlllillfHIWIIiifilHlinilflir about the position of conscientious, ^By MARVIN E. SCHBCHTER Elections for eleven vacant Draft Deferments will accept the terms of Council's objection. Student Council seats and one The last chance to file for a Thursday motion which calls for He often finds that students are The Student Council ad­ giving Theatron a—JJrSOO loan under student deferment is this week. not informed as to precisely what journed Thursday after el­ Ticker Association represent- 'he condition that Council estab­ A student must file a new form, this view implies. even hours of lengthy debate ativeovill be held tomorrow lish a "Theatron Board" to check SSS 104, with his local draft board in what was the long-est meet- between 9 and 3:15 in the the theatrical organization's finan­ The forum is sponsored by the in addition to the old form, SSS in Council's history. lobby of the main building-. cial affairs. Christian Association of City Col­ During this tfme Council approv­ Students -must present their 109. Both forms are obtainable in lege, and is open to all students ed jits budget after making con­ Bursar's and Identification Cards the Selective Service Office, 411 Theatron has nad other prob­ and faculty. A discussion period siderable changes. The newly con­ in order to vote in the three con­ S.C. lems in recent years including the will follow the speaker's presenta­ stituted Fees Committee will now tested and two uncontested races. i;;W;i!l!il!!i;i!!l!i!!i:iii:;;;il!lf!!i!!W disposal by the Department of tion. consider the Student Council's bud­ The eight freshmen running in get making whatever changes it the Class of '71 are, George Biel, New Society on Campus- deems necessary. Joel Gazes, Debbe Leichter, Paula A motion co-sponsored by Sandy Rizzo, Jerry Rothman, Ronald Eagon, Marvin Schechter and Scherer, Jay Simcoff and Harvey Baruch's Chinese Form Association Joseph Slater, all in the Class of Weinrab. *68, called for the establishment of The two students running for By DAVE ALPER the one seat in the Class of '70 The newly formed Chinese Student Association of Baruch held tiieir first meeting* The Noting record of Council are Glenn Davis and Barry Wex- Thursday to elect officers and plan for future events. member*- on the Theatron motion ler. The association whose aims are to provide an outlet for the Chinese student at the appears on page 3. The uncontested election in the School where he can partici-" Class of '69 will see Stuart Haber- pate in activities in a com­ a Theatron Board under Student man run on a "yes-noj.' ballot for fortable atmoaf^ere, has ap- Council"- to strictly regulate the one of the three open seats. Don Birnbaum '68 and John proximately fifty members. ^^w-*, financial affairs^ of. Theatron, the Carl Tsang '68 and Roland- TaH-^^^K? School's drama society. In addi­ Meitner '69 will compete for the vacancy on the Ticker Association. ~'6i)r were elected to the office of tion the motion provides for a president and vice president, re­ $200 loan to aid Theatron in the Sandy Alan_^agon is the only student running for one of the spectively. The treasurer elected production of a show this semes­ was Wilbank JL.ee '68 and the sec­ ter. :hree vacant seats in the Class of '68. retaries elected were Fee Gee ''71 The resignations of Pat Morrow and Sandy Leung '71. '68, Steve Ginsberg '69 and Bar­ ;•!•'!:: i;iiiii!;!!ll;!;:l::t:; Ar~com:mittee on activities was bara Lechne'r '71. were announced. formed with a tutoriat^program ^Corresponding Secretary Dave, INCDE X for lower classmen as one of the .""rager and representative \f or the Calendar ir jtf_jEventsjtfJEvt ......... 2 ideas discussed. Other plans are blasts of /68 Dave Levinsky were Chtb News . .1..".. :~~2 to" hold a number of social gather­ lected _ to the. Charity Drives Editorials .". 4- ings. 4/ V-^ littee, which. is responsible Faculty Speaks . U -the ^approval, of various char- .Greek. Way The association's charter fe cur- ififferent ^organizations wish . Supplement S-J to S-4. rently up for^approvalhby Associ- j MEMBERS OF THE newJy formed Chinese Student Assocwttion oT ^«uf_ ^hroofeho&t the - sesnester. v {setters to the Editor .^s . 2 1 ate Dean of Students I>xvi& New- Baruch patiently listen to candidates for -various executive positiona. p^tesanK-th«Selection rules,, ^Planet ...............7. 7 iton. t^: .about zSports . ....;. .... 8 ^^The i juwociatlon hopes to in- pf its existence," noted. Mr. Tsang, Chinese Student Association of .onease^ it«: nieniberahip, snhfamtial* fJEJe\*lso ttegped any, jph«tes^, gto- Baruch to-«t*end-theirijiext meet*, : ? cJoaio#^xiU call. .* Hy:W"tiiuitf atWHtfuitr >eeo»e ^awltre dei^ ;mtereate<i. in J.o ijcLtrag 43>e. ia«- Tiui»iay^at-2^ iff^S. -f -vv- ~'>**«*-.r*'' ,»»• -•-. •v^-^ : '-«i?l>. Pqge Twc THE TICKER Tuesday, September 1*m ;J967 'iwdaA of £v&nl& Date Event Wednesday Boosters—New •••i member reception. j Thursday Young Democrats— Mtty Contend With the exception of -this past year, Senior Class Council has re­ CRC New member recep­ Student Council Scored ^fion^o/tL0^011 ,GamPus Affairs Committee, in its tion mained stagnant throughout their last year. The Class of '67 paved Max Berger P F 402 S.C. To the Editor of The Ticker: sap^wide eo^ff^ ? jester,, announc^djplans for a School- P Boosters—New 12 :he way and. strongly exemplified what a good Senior Class Council Student' Council has a new ex­ ^^^qe^copapetition for two college pop bands Joe Slater P F P School Aide ^* member .reception can accomplish. Artie Ainsberg qp 4S ecutive board under" the leader­ 3g||p^T:hfi^Vei1t has.
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