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A recombinant bispecific single-chain antibody, CD19xCD3, induces rapid and highlymphoma-directed cytotoxicity by unstimulated T lymphocytes, Blood 95(6):2098-103 (2000). * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 1 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Figure 1 MAb 5-10 EpCAM-D1-hNG2-CHO EpCAM-D3-hNG2-CHO EpCAM-D1D3-hNG2-CHO EpCAM-D1D2-hNG2-CHO EpCAM-hNG2-CHO EpCAM-CHO Fluorescence intensity U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 2 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Figure 2 0 EpCAM-CHO o EpCAM-D1-hNG2-CHO - - - O EpCAM-D3-hNG2-CHO x EpCAM-D1D3-hNG2-CHO 110- -D EpCAM-D1D2-hNG2-CHO 100 EpCAM-hNG2-CHO 90 80 ess 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 1 0 1 102 dilution of supernatant (%) U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 3 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 4 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Figure 4 human mutated unmutated PSMA rat PSMA rat PSMA La P1 x 2C La W W P2 x 2C La W A P3 x 2C La W A P4 x 12C La W W P5 x 12C La La W D1 X 2C La F-1 D2 X 2C amanmmanummbFluorescence intensity U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 5 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Figure 5 90 80 as pse - - - P1 x 2C 60 Arsyfait ksoal P2 x 2C s 4. M 4 - - - - P3 x 2C S. 50 % / ^ P4 x 12C 1. ? M g 40 27 A P5 x 2C 27 A eam D1 x 12C 30 --Y-42 / M M 20 traig2-1 - ? a o o D2x2C 1. -Negative control 10 -------- 10-1 100 101 102 dilution of supernatant % U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 6 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Figure 6 human mutated unmutaed PSMA rat PSMA rat PSMA C O r P6 X 2C U y n t S D3 x 12C Fluorescence Intensity Figure 7 100 a 90 fi 80 -21 f - 70 fa SS y - - - A D3 x 12C d 60 f M / - - - - P6 X 2C g 50 M A. negative control - 40 A 30 20 10 O 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 dilution of supernatant % U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 7 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Sunod 8eun61-I KOZIX7d U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 8 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Z[9TOiz LTi790Z U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 9 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Anti-FLAG CHO transfected with a mutated human FAPA antigen with murine membrane-distal epitopes CHO transfected With murine FAPA Figure 10 U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 10 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 O O S C -- to U.S. Patent US 9.260,522 B2 U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 12 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Effector T cells: stimulated human CD4/CD56 depleted human PBMC Target cells: CHO transfected with human FAPA E.T ratio: 10:1 FA2OH3HLx2CHL 9 8 FA22A9HL)d2CHL 8.- : RA22C11HL}{2CHL 70 x FA22D8HLd2CHL SO 5 A. 3. 2 -1) 10-8 - 1-8 1-5 10-4 1-3 1-2 1-1 dilution of supernatant Effector T cells: stimulated human CD4/CD56 depleted human PBMC Target cells: CHO transfected with human FAPA E:T ratio: 10:1 g)- 8 FA 19D9HL}d2CHL B x FA22E8HLd2CHL & 70 A 50 " A. 20 ------- 1-I - 10-G 1-5 1-4 - 1-2 1-1 dilution of supernatant Figure 12a U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2016 Sheet 13 of 36 US 9.260,522 B2 Effector T cells: stimulated CD4/CD56 depleted human PBMC Target cells: CHO transfected with a mutated human FAPA antigen with murine membrane-distal epitopes E.T ratio: 10:1 110 1OO 90 8O TO SO SO 40 O o FA22E8HLX2CHL O ------mm O-3 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 dilution of supernatant 6 Effector T cells: stimulated CD4/CD56 depleted human PBMC Target cells: CHO transfected with a mutated human FAPA antigen with murine membrane-distal epitopes E:T ratio: 10:1 110 TF 1OO 5 O 3 O FA2CHL2CHL 10-8 O-7 O-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 dilution of supernatant 6 Figure 12b U.S.
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