- TuTSTTTSU EIGHTEEN PAGES - DAILY EAST OliEGONIAN, FEtfDLETON, OREGON, CATCTIDAY EVENING, MAZICS 19, 1021.- - PAC2 rfess Up or Easter GENUINELY GOOD QUALITY at a surprisingly low price is what you will get in our prin Suits FOR MEN. ' ". This year's authentic Spring styles in BLOCKS V . HAND TAltORED, ALL WOOL SUITS. These Viz a. ....!.' I A Our trim looking modern women either a Ulueher oxford with Us per- nnrl henver are the favorite colors." It ' - I 'With their short skirts have need to formed wing tip or a tullor made is esse ntial that a spat should fit beautiful models include a wide range of choice in look to their footwear these days when pump. , beautifully.. There aroaam seen the Is very In evUlenee. "boot-top- In new call H do much Wheth- Now let us consider' mlladi's boots " styles, a color p; er costume demand a smartly tail- for drcKs occasions. There ure so ed illume gray. A pair of frogs at the the newest designs and colors. Prices from r ored tfleot ur ft Jllor. dressy ty many from which to choose. One top aro highly considered for a neat there' are shoe In abundance froml. clever slipper J built of black satin finish to an otherwise severely simple which to choose. t or onxe calf, with a nobbly little affair that the spat should always be. We gre Jed to Infer ,lht low cut tongue fittlnf over the Instep, with a One musn't forget colrfrs In shoe jhoes are "An" In fact you almost neat title strap sliding under so as to styles. "Colors" are "in" gsay and would argue In An- $22.50 $35.00 have to with a man to get hold the tongue smoothly place. lie very popular. to brown suedes wilt him to veil you high boots. And there other slipper has an anklette that but- Tan calf and brown kid are also good. Is a perfectly fascinating array of tons and a strap that buttons. Three There are new and Intrlguejns shades i- -' anil laced and mannish shoe little mit-out- a grace the triangle of ' of Itu.isian leather. With grey stock- Itylea. And a speoiul department for ooze calf (on black kid) whero the in- sold between $45 W ings to mutch, gray shoes especially The same grade of suits formerly porta, and still another where spats step utrup buttons. Another dressy will be seen very often this season, ofid have It oil own way. And a lit- llttlo boot Is possessed of four closely their In ail sorts of slyfyi of footwear. andS75. ; ' 1 Inter In the season, Rood old fitting straps over the Ins. p. ThcSc arc :.s' tle white are hoes will come Into their own. made possible because of tho Inset of ' And as for colors, sport shoes indeed resplendent in color th's year. Stylo In are full of Inter, elastic on either side. still" umes, especially the eating- - noveltiea. Home of them but- Thoro are smart novelties In slip- Jinny sport scost will of ex- ton, noirie of tliem buckle. A pretty pers In New York, offctt 1 to the well-dress- tailored effects need shoes In two woman, for evening wear. actly the right style to complete their k oiford tan show rait a ilrap usually of effect high on (he Instep, each strap One Is a black velvet pump with a smartness. The tip Is the t be, to protect wrth Ha smart little buckle. Anohnr green velvet covered Louis heel, and dark leather as It should there are LADIES' WHITE SHOES Hi rap a largo flaring green velvet tongue the wMlto leather, and then low shoe ha a double which arrangements fasten with a single button. Still an- with the cleverest posjjblo rhlnestone all sorts of Interesting on of the oxford. Tho dark a'hew Iorti art? in moderate other Ima two trnp laced through a buckle. Another pretty conceit Is a the rest in is usually perforated, and Is pricing. W'c take a great rlcnsnrc ' grey slipper lea' her i cres atrap, much as inndnlii aro laced. and blue suede. This has to mi mk-I- a bright selection of icw - Into pbiee. All two straps the Instep and .one used to cover the heel. Once In a while Each of three tuitions an styles in tilMX'H. oxfords, pomps, strap ties. of these romfortalde, sensible boots over the ankle.of Each strap has a one sees a smart model that has. while leather lllgll of low u' XV, Cu- snappy little cut-ou- t, all Its own. Still all white toe, the darker have reasonable heels Louis continuing ban and Military, making nn Instant another dainty stylo is in black satin forms a saddle strap, to the Irftl $2.45 $4.25 r . appeal to tho woman who enjoys walk- with a black kid diamond tip and a heel. ing. small collar of the same material. Its White low-c- shoes will appear In us presume stie Is wearlntc a siilkle strap Is bouncT with tho kifl, time for the summer season with" plain It ef- slightly munn'h emit. making'a popular Utile shoe. oxfords, plain tongue and pump canvas and buck. , Bhe would naturally choose for this A word or two about spats. Faun fects in both 7 Yott can demand bt -- fi . jijai 1 1 ,0--vr the finest of leathers. WHEN PEOPLE DESIRE developed by master shoe makers, working with expert pre- cision, striving-ahvay- s for the .', Each year seems to fcrlng out love- the brim. Wide pink sashes would tie Before It 1e forgotten, let us mcn-thl- a the, folks, apum of pflik or blue k better way, lier new fashions for little lovely llttlo think about baby's a cunning :-- - cloth- chambrav.- This aua.'nt little garment X dis- time was when plain, durable emu..i ror ine wnuo com...mere was an to produce shoes of ing was all that was granted to young-ters.,.Th- Is pleated front and back into a mere 01 oe style, they wore seasonably emoroiiereu uoooei ciepe nine bl,m of vke tui!y completely - tinctive In with a over srJloh,) embroidery invariably come because HVi dressed, cool in summer, warm frill of Irish crochet lace covered with cross they here, the at prices within - your I j U i winter was all that mattered, no mat- the top. t in color's. It does not fasten under the name can safely be their guide. But our . l V ' ' ter how uly. these sensible clothes ap- For the tot' who Is nnVlgatng by I arms at all, but the back und front are reach. peared. ,. means of the frog system In other tied together with straight sash ends store is also resplendid with the smaller ?' 1 i words, crawling are many little ,' That time has passed. Artists and there under each arm. This smart gifts, and they are so reasonably priced "aiigners are not content to spend all style of rompers from which to apron would serve beautifully either p A as to win your admiration. their fcenutiful Ideas on grown-u- ap- choose. practical little affair, was a to cover nn old dress nnd brighten It ir parel. They now devote some of their combination of smock snd bloomers, or to protect a new one. i oost charming conceptions to the both of black siUeen with the edges Among the organdies the designers' We pnmilso t nlwa.vn faithfully r of the charm of lots' dresses, bound with lavender and stitched huvo certainly presented. us with the 'No Gift Lacks the Quality meet tiu-x- ' (Icnuunts, wlmlii-- It be a o delicate clfln beauy of with black. It sounds rather dark, most beautiful little frocks, all shoe the tiny tut. or the mure rug-g- el that the fr r - childhood may not loan Its natural sot-Ifn- g. but then the I. tt to one could scrub with ribbons and sashes, ruffle We guarantee each article and we arr nienils-- of tin- family. , iuli-yimi- ot sen-slb- lo around on the floor, to Its heart's con- - The st?rc Is yours, c have , There rq still plenty and pleating. In organdies, there winning friends each day with our policy garments, piny clothes, .school tcirtand look as well at the eifcl of the t no ,,mi,,t tnat' ,he wa;rJ..ie qualities to liMH-- t tlw rtMiuiwmeitts uf m - fig- s wear Am,- as at the beginning. There are of of one price and that price in plain shoo stiav worthy of 1'niilli-tini'- sup-lr- t. ircflwwthat will endure. hard and of youth, its delicacy and charm, finds ' tfiey care-ufl- y course rompers In every combination ' every cmvciiinuv tor imr not ge to piece- Now are its moKt dainty expression. And as If ures. V of cotton crepes, ehnmbriiys nnd ging- ciinifort has Ixvn Hppcstimst In our designed and constructed so that to accentuate these qualities, the could possibly wirh. mimls. .ttiat von have apism-ciatc- hcy combine utility will) boaity and hams that one le- our organdie frock ure N-r- Among the new little school modes of the efforts lias ity ymir lost their pristine ugliness. dresses gion. All sort of conceits are worked coming to a for daughter are mime Interesting and I Nowadays motheis are out whereby to add to the translucent chil- smart designs. Twit of these hml each better understanding of dressing film of mnterlal. One fragile white Is plain a plain round neckline into which the dren., Jl llttlo girl whose face, affirir has floweia of colored organdie Is al- was gathered, with plain ana whose hair ts straight not dress little appllqued about it with butonholed all school days in sleeves.
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