St. Matthew Parish Website: www.stmatthewrc.org Pastoral Staff St. Gregory the Great St. Matthew Our Lady Of Charity 224 Brooklyn Ave. 1123 Eastern Pkwy., 1669 Dean St., Pastor Brooklyn, NY 11213 Brooklyn, NY 11213 Brooklyn, NY 11213 Fr. Frank Black Tel 718- 773-0100 Tel 718- 774-6747 Tel 718- 774-5100 Fax 718- 773-4198 Fax 718- 953-4895 Fax 718- 778-3335 In Residence Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Bishop Guy Sansaricq Mass Schedule: Mass Schedule: Mass Schedule: Priests Mon.– Fri 8:30am; Sat.Vigil-5pm Monday-Friday 7:30am & 9:00am Sunday: Rosary 9:00am Fr. Thaddeus J. Abraham Sunday 11:30am Saturday 8:00am & 8:00pm 9:30am-Praise & Worship Saturday: Reconciliation-7:30 pm 10am-Mass Msgr. Pierre Andre Saturday: Reconciliation-4:00 pm or by appointment Pierre Office Staff: Office Staff Fr. Ralph Theodat Sunday: Secretary: Patricia Romain Secretary: Rosanne Barber Ext.100 English-7:30am & 11:30am D.R.E: Monica Flemmings Office Hours: Spanish 9:30am; Kreyol 1:30pm Deacons Monday-Friday:10am-6pm Office Hours: Office Staff Roy George Monday - Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm Secretary: Sharon Andrews Catholic Cemeteries– Nickie Colon D.R.E.: Gloria Gonzaga 80-01 Metropolitan Ave. Middle Village, NY 11379 Office Hours: Tel:718 – 894-4888 Monday:10:00am-4:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday & Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm Sunday: 9:00am-4:00pm Monday - Saturday- Closed for lunch 1-2 P.M. MAY 30, 2021 ♥ THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: Being True to Our All journeys derive their meaning from their final destina- Real Name tion. The journey of our lives is full of minor chores and ma- In 1939 the poet T. S. Elliot wrote a book of poems called jor events. Even our routine chores derive their meaning from the Old Possums Book of Practical Cats. His poems were their final destination. Changing your baby's diaper, telling taken word for word and transformed by Andrew Lloyd We- your child for the hundredth time to clean up his or her room, ber into a musical play which first appeared in London, then putting up with your spouse's moods, giving up going out with became a hit in New York, where it ran for nineteen your friends so you can spend some extra time as a big brother years. You are probably familiar with the musical: Cats. or big sister, going to work and all that entails, going to school and completing all its tasks, all take their meaning as part of In his poems, T.S. Elliot says that all cats have three names. our journey to the Father. The first name is the name that the people the cat lives with give it. You will notice I did not say the people who own the We are called to the Father in Christ. Jesus Christ is the Word cat. No one ever owns a cat, they just find a way to live with of God Become Flesh. Our Christmas celebration is a cele- the cat the best they can. Anyway, the guests in the cat's bration of His Presence not just among us but as one of home give the cat a name Like Fluffy or Bitsy or Gar- us. He teaches us who the Father is and how we can best field. According to T.S. Elliott, the cat has a name that other serve Him. Jesus teaches us with His life what love really cats know. The cat might be called by the others, McCavity is. Love, true love, is sacrificial, even to death on a the thieving cat, or Mephistopholes, the magical cat, or Old cross. When we journey to the Father through Jesus, we are Deuteronomy, the wise old cat. But, Elliott says, the cat also united to the Tremendous Lover in His eternal sacrifice of has a third name. This is a secret name that reflects all that the himself to the Father. The greatest steps we take in our jour- cat really is. In the poetry, the cat spends all his life contem- ney to God are the steps we take away from our own selfish- plating his real name before God. ness. Christian is our name and our claim. We seek God not through the loss of personality like so many cults, or through T. S. Elliott was not writing about cats. He was writing about attaining a clear state of consciousness like Scientology, or people. In some ways we all can be thought of as having three even through a loss of all thoughts. We don't look for God in names. There is the formal name we receive from our par- some sort of inner energy. We seek God through sacrificial ents. There is the name our friends use. And then, there is that love. We are called to the Father through Jesus Christ, the special name which we receive from God that reflects who we Tremendous Lover. really are. For example, I have a formal name, Monsignor Joseph A. Pellegrino. My second name is the one my friends We are called to the Father through the Son in the Holy call me, Fr. Joe, or Msgr, Joe or Mojo. I have another name, Spirit. We are given the power and the grace to love as God a third name, that I do not thoroughly know. That is the name loves so others might experience the presence of God working that states who I am in my relationship with God. I received in us. We are the vehicles of the Holy Spirit. Our journey to this name from God at my baptism. It expresses my deepest God is not merely a matter of our individual relationship with intimacy with God. This name states in a simple voice the God. We journey to God so that others might join us in the unique reflection of God I was created to bring to the world. I journey that gives meaning to life. We journey to God so oth- was given this name at my baptism. I don’t thoroughly know ers can see Him in us and also be led to His presence. this name. I will have to spend the rest of my life coming to a deeper and deeper knowledge of who I am before God. I will The intimate name we have received is the name that have to spend the rest of my life learning what my name best reflects our unique sharing in the Blessed Trinity. Bap- is. You also have three names. The first is your formal tized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we are name. The second is the one that those who know you called to allow our lives to have meaning by being faithful to use. The third is the name that proclaims to the world your our name. A hundred years from now, a thousand years from unique relationship with God. now, ten thousand years from now, our participation in all the petty wants and desires and ambitions the world has decreed On Trinity Sunday we consider the name of God, Father Son are the marks of a successful person will be forgotten. No one and Spirit. This is more than a theological dogma about will recall if we owned a Rolls and a yacht, or a Hyundai and God. It is also a doctrine about us. It is an expression of who a canoe. But a hundred years from now, a thousand years we are. We are baptized in the name of God. The goal of our from now, ten thousand years from now, the world will still lives is to find the particular, unique expression of God's love enjoy the impact of our lives if we have illuminated the world that we have been empowered to make present in the with our own unique reflection of God. The world will be a world. The goal of our lives is to reveal our most profound better place if we make the journey, approaching the Father name. through the Son with the power of the Holy Spirit. All who are baptized in the name of the Trinity are called to the Father in Christ though the Holy Spirit. We are called to the Father. The journey of our lives is a journey to God. This journey may follow the paths of marriage and parenthood, as many of you have taken. This journey may follow the path of the committed single Christian. The path might be that of religious life or holy orders. BREAD & WINE, CANDLE, BLESSINGS MASS INTENTIONS WEEKLY READINGS ST. MATTHEW: MASS INTENTIONS Sun May 30 Dt 4:32-34,39-40; Rom 8:14-17;Mt 28:16-20 Saturday 8:00pm– Birthday blessings in heaven May 29 Germaine Charles by husband, Francis Mon May 31 Zep 3:14-18or Rom12:9-16 / Lk1: 39-56 Charles & children Tue June 1 Tb 2: 9-14 / Mk12: 13–17 Sunday 7:30am– For the living members of the Wed June 2 Tb 3: 1-11,16-17 / Mk12: 18–27 May 30 Legion of Mary The Most Holy Thu June 3 Tb 6: 10-11;7:1, 9-17,8:4-9 / Mk12: 28–34 9:30am–In loving memory of Emilio Trinity Nicolas Lopez by Milagros Gomez Fri June 4 Tb 11: 5-17 / Mk12: 35–37 11:30am– R.I.P. Zoila & Ken Tannis by Sat June 5 Tb 12: 1, 5-15,20 / Mk12: 38–44 Lystra Tannis & family OUR LADY OF CHARITY: MASS INTENTIONS 1:30pm–Birthday blessings Irmisse Desdunes by mom, Yolette Desdunes BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS: Antonette Holder, Nathan Ford, Brandon Pollydore, Kevon Monday 7:30am– For mothers living & deceased Frame, Raven Lewis, Sherri Williams, Jennifer Brown, May 31 9:00am – Healing of the eye of Monica Catilda Charles, Catherine Llewelyn, Thaddeus Johnson Sr., Carlos Huggins, Lorin Almonte, Joan Mitchell, Genofa Hagley who’s losing vision by Evelyn Brouet, Kimberly Johnson, Malika Jackson, Guadeloupe We pray to the Lord.
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