JAVOjMTE 8th Year August 13,1979 Number 33 Wheeling - A Big One An all-time, record-breaking engagement was recorded by the Osiris Shrine Temple for its 31st annual circus at Wheeling, W. Va. The show was produced by William Kay, with performances presented on July 29th and 21st at the Wheeling Stadium. Finley Amos, Shrine Publicity Chairman, reports that advance ticket sales were up 30% over that of last year. Bill Kay, circus producer, AID STATION worked the media strong for ten Ralphie's grayish-black fur helped him blend with the rocks on the beach near days prior to the show dates, and Carmel, Calif. Nonetheless, Elizabeth Sherman and several of her friends spot- then the week of the show he had ted the elephant seal, in the same place day after day. Hugo Zacchini, the Sensational "Something obviously was wrong," she recalls. "We kept a lookout, even gave Leighs, the Dubskys and the Gutis him a name. Family, all making TV and radio Somehow he survived for three weeks liquid to offset the effects of dehy- show appearances to push the sale Finally someone called the Marine dration. of tickets. The work involved paid Mammal Center." One of the things they did to Ralphie off with the huge increase in at- A truck soon arrived and Ralphie, was name him Racquel • after discov- tendance. weakened by a skin sloughing dis- ering he was a female. In addition to William Kay, ease, was gently hoisted aboard. On Ttie rescue convinced Elizabeth she producer, the circus staff includ- the return trip. Marc Webber, the wanted to be a part of the Marine center's animal-husbandry specialist (Continued on Page 2) beqan feeding the exhausted seal a (Continued on Page 16) Page 2 August 13,1979 FOR SALE GARY STRONG CIRCUS SAD BUSTER, clown, worked a date CLOWN RODEO MULE - Does 7 by Sally Payne at Orange, Texas, on Aug. 10-11. minute comedy routine, including Gary Strong's Circus came to West- Hoedown Dance and Hind Leg land Mall, a suberb of Louisville, Ky MANZINI, escape artist, will be at Walk. - Very Sweet and Gentle like Manhattan Market in New York on fora June 30-July 4 date. The show her owner Yvette. Aug. 19, Aug. 23, Sept. 2 and Sep. 9. has a three pole, push pole top, with $ 1,500 Finn just sidepples, no quarters. Just prior ROBERT HOCUM, a former front 805 255 8614 to this date, at Campbellsville, Ky. office aide with RBBB, is now in they suffered a blowdown. his second season with the Europa There is no butchering in the seats, as Circus of Sweden, where he does a patrons are permitted to go out into cloud swing act. the midway for concessions during the ... from Paul Nelson intermission. Flo Haley (Gary's fian- RON STINSON, clown with most of I just read M. L. Dupont's column cee) had the concession wagon. the west coast shows, has gone to where it was stated Marjorie and Da- After Louisville he was to play Leban- South America on a two year Mis- vid Hackett were with the original on Junction and Boston, then was go- sionary Program for his church. Nelson Family (risley act). ing back to Campbellsville to play the Just to set the record straight, after date lost due to the blow-down. our family act broke up I formed an We caught the circus on the 4th of act calling it The Young Nelson's. July when he gave three performances That is the act Marjorie was in. • 2,4 and 8 p.m. The program ran one Just in case anyone is interested the hour and 20 minutes. act consisted of Bobby Kay, Harris Gary was the ringmaster and he knows Reynolds, Ruth, Peggy, Marjorie and how to sell the show to the audience. myself. Music was via recordings. Th" program featured: Oscar Firschke with a pony drill; Gary Strong, jugg- ZOLTAN, Jr., bom at Houston, Tex. ling; Chiquita & Pedro, dancing dolls in June to PAM and ZOLTAN FA- BRI, of the Charles Troupe. TEX DREYFUS, of Houston, Texas, (Mrs. Firschke is inside both dolls); writes this is the 50th year he has at- Patti Jean Oliver, western trick riding; RUBEN, Jr., bom at Las Vegas, Nev. tended a performance of the Ring- Gary Strong, rope spinning; Gary Rob- on June 18th, to ELIZABETH and ling-Barnum Circus. erts, clown with 'Tug 0 War'; Intermis- RUBEN SUAREZ, of the Riding sion; Mr. & Mrs. Firschke, liberty act; Suarez Troupe. Patti Jean and 'Wild Bill' educated hor- se routines; Gary Strong with Cora the ENRIQUE, Jr., bom at Los Angeles, WHEELING-A BIG ONE (Cont'd) elephant. Calif., to ROSA and ENRIQUE ed: Patricia Kay, secretary/talent co- SUAREZ, of the Riding Suarez ordinator; Bill Pruyn, musical direc- Miscellaneous Troupe. tor; Bob Hastings, superintendent; All three families are on tour with Bruce Freem, wardrobe, and Bob Members of the Tony Diano Tent the American Continental Circus. Johnson and Jack Healy, promotion- No. 130 CFA, of Columbus, Ohio, re- al directors. cently attended the Columbus Zoo in (The show's program is listed else- a group on July 8th, for a buffet FOR SALE where in today's paper). luncheon and a behind the scenes THE MODEL MAKER (Magazine's tour of the zoo. THE CIRCUS REPORT Is compiled V. G.) - For those interested in ma- and edited by Don Marcks, 525 Oak STEVE ZIMMERMAN king working models -1932 April St., El Cerrlto, Calif. 94530 - Phone: 1933, Jan. April, May, July 1934, 415 -525 - 3332. CALL COLLECT Feb. April, May, July, Aug. one is- SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $15.00 per sue - $8.50 each. CWO/PPd 602- year. Overseas Is $20.00 per year via (408) 373-7825 Surface Mall. 778-0493. AD RATES (per Issue, first come ba- McGINN'S BOOKS & GIFTS sis): Minimum Ad $5.00; Third-Page Candle's Still There $10.00; Half Page $20.00; Full Page 121 North Mt. Vemon $35.00 (Color Is available at $10.00 . R. Lopes Prescott, Arizona - 86301 extra for each color). to JACK HEALY - BOB JOHNSON DOTTIE ROBINSON SHIRLEY STANLEY OF OUR PROMOTIONAL STAFF FOR MAKING OUR FIRST YEAR IN WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA THE ALL TIME RECORD BREAKER. July 20th -21st Wheeling Stadium Wheeling, West Virginia t THANK YOU HUGO ZACCHINI FOR ALL YOUR COOPERATION WITH MEDIA t THANK YOU PATRICIA KAY AND AMANDIS FOR THE SOLID LINE-UP OF ACTS t SPECIAL THANK YOU TO WALKER DICK OF WHEELING FOR HIS HOSPITALITY AND MANY COURTESIES EXTENDED TO ALL OUR PEOPLE AND TO BETTY MONNEY FROM STEUBENVILLE FOR ALL HER HELP AND ASSISTANCE BILL KAY WILLIAM KAY PRODUCTIONS SARASOTA, FLORIDA Page 4 August 13. 1979 CMB Meet Show Dates Aug. 17-19 Baraboo, Wise. Garden-Johnson Circus Century 21 Shows - Blue Unit Aug. 17-19 Reno, Nevada Aug. 16-26 Des Moines, Iowa Carson & Barnes Circus Century 21 Shows - Red Unit Aug. 13 Appleton, Wise. Aug. 16-21 Des Moines, Iowa 14 Waupun James H. Drew Exposition 15 Fond du Lac Aug. 13-18 Wise, Va. 16 Sheboygan 17 Saukville Foley & Burk Shows 18-19 Milwaukee to Aug. 18 Stockton, Calif. Circus Vargas Gutis Family • Comedy Act Aug. 15-16 Ogden, Utah Aug. 13-18 Altamunt, NY 17-19 Salt Lake City Hanna-Barbera Show Tommy Hanneford Circus Aug. 13-27 Monterrey, Mexico to Sep. 12 Middletown, Ohio Hal Haviland - Dogs and Pony Happytime Circus to Oct. 8 Lincoln, NH Aug. 13-16 Stockton, Calif. Kaye Hollywood Elephants Kaye Continental Circus to Sept. 3 Variety Attractions to Aug. 19 Honolulu, Hawaii Lipko's Comedy Chimps Lin Rich Animal Circus to Sep. 3 Sandusky, Ohio Aug. 14-18 Canton, Ohio Los Latinos - Wire Act Make-A-Circus to Aug. 26 Ottawa, Ont. Aug. 13 San Francisco, Calif. Mighty Thomas Shows 17 San Francisco Aug. 16-19 Gordon, Nebr. NOW BOOKING DATES Ringling-Barnum - Blue Unit Sad Buster - Clown 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 603 Aug. 14-15 Tulsa, Okla. Aug. 18-19 Silsbee, Texas 17-19 Wichita, Kans. Hollywood, Calif. - 90028 Sloan's Black & White Minstrels Phon«: Penon-to-Perjon Ringling-Barnum - Red Unit to Sep. 3 San Francisco, Calif. Aug. 15-19 Long Beach, Calif. KEN GRIFFIN afttr 4:30 p.m. Tip Top Shows - Blue Unit Houston (713) 729-7076 Royal Danish Circus Aug. 16-19 Ellsworth, Wise. Aug. 16-19 Cleveland, Ohio Tip Top Shows - Green Unit TNT & Royal Olympic Circus Aug. 16-19 Gays Mill, Wise. FOR SALE Aug. 15-19 Peoria, III. COMPLETE HIGH DIVE ACT-In- Whizzerthe Clown •---MAGIC •--• door and Outdoor Rigging - Alumin- Aug. 14-17 Columbus, Ohio um Pole - Air Bag and Blower. Holveck & Co. - Magic/Illusions Windjammers Unlimited Meet - $1,200.00 - Aug. 15-19 Frankfort, NY Aug. 17-19 Ft. Dodge, Iowa Extra Air Bag and Blower Available Man/ini, Escape Artist - Will sell separately. Aug. 19 New York, NY Great American Circus Contact: JOHN JORDAN Aug. 13 Wanaque, N.J. Bob Reams • Magician 14 Denville 813-355-8241 Aug. 15-19 Merritt Island, Fla 15 And over --•-OTHER DATES---- 16 Mendham Burger's Animal Revue 17 Port Reading to Sep. 9 Grand Island, NY 18 Bayonne 19 Long Branch .^.il M 11 M I'MiMI Mil'l 11 I'M M I I'M 11 M I111 I I II I I I I I'l 111 I I 1111 MM 111111III III 11 I 11 III M'l'I'M'M'I'I'M'.^ HIGH w /«/ it \rn in i // MORTON MERAZ 302 17th STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101 (714) 238 137S BACK AGAIN after my brief hiatus EARL.
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