Annual Report 2015 - 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016 Editorial Board MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH Chairman Rahuri - 413: Dr. 722, Sharad Dist. Gadakh Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) Directorwww.mpkv.ac.in of Extension Education Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri Members : Dr. Ashok Pharande Dean, Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Sharad Gadakh Director of Research Er. Vijay Kote Comptroller Er. Milind Dhoke University Engineer Compiled by : Dr. Pandit Kharde, Officer Incharge, Communication Centre Dr. Sachin Sadaphal, Assistant Professor, Communication Centre Dr. Sangram Kale, Assistant Professor, Directorate of Research Shri. Adinath Andhale, SRA, Office of Dean, F/A Shri. Sunil Rajmane, Agri. Assistant, Communication Centre Publisher : Shri. Mohan Wagh Registrar, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra (India) MPKV / Extn. Pub./ No. 2353/ 2020 Annual Report 2018- 2019 Annual Report 2015 - 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL2018 - REPORT2019 2015 - 2016 Annual Report 2015 - 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016 MAHATMAMAHATMA PHULE PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH VIDYAPEETH RahuriRahuri - -413 413 722, 722, Dist.Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) (Maharashtra) www.mpkv.ac.in www.mpkv.ac.in MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH Rahuri - 413 722, Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) www.mpkv.ac.in Annual Report 2018- 2019 Annual Report 2015 - 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016 MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH Rahuri - 413 722, Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) www.mpkv.ac.in Annual Report 2018- 2019 Annual Report 2015 - 2016 Dr. K. P. Viswanatha Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri-413 722, Dist.Ahmednagar Dr. K. P. Viswanatha Vice Chancellor Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri - 413 722, Dist - AhmednagarFOREWORD The Annual Report of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri for 2018-2019 recounts the yearlong activities and programmes in the fields of Education, Research, Extension, Administration, Civil works, Accounts and the superb achievements of students in various competitiveFOREWORD examinations and the accomplishments of the faculty, scientists and employees. Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth was established on March 29, 1968. The university is celebrating its goldenThe Annual jubilee Report year in of this Mahatma financial Phule year. Krishi With Vidyapeeth,50 years of long Rahuri journey, for 2015-2016 the university recounts has themade year significant contributionslong activities in the and area programmes of Agricultural in the fiEducation, elds of Education, Research Researchand Extension and Extension. Education It to is servethe result the of farmers of the Westerndedicated Maharashtra, efforts of the in faculty, particular, scientists, and Maharashtra, offi cials, employees, in general. workers It is the and result students of dedicated of this effortsUniversity. of the faculty, scientists,Introduction officials, of new academicemployees, programmes, workers and projects students and of schemesthis University. and construction of new buildings, new publications and new administrative decisions and resolutions went hand in hand with the progress of the His Excellency Hon’ble Governer of Maharashtra and the Chancellor of the University, Hon’ble Minister for University despite several odds. His Excellency Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra and the Chancellor Agriculture and Pro-Chancellor of the University, the Director General of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, of the University, Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture and Pro-Chancellor of the University, the Director New Delhi andGeneral the Executive of Indian Council Council Members of Agricultural of the University Research, immensely New Delhi supportedand Members the effortsof the Executiveand the entire Council University is gratefulof the toUniversity them for immenselytheir support, supported guidance our and efforts. help from We expresstime to time.our sincere gratitude for their support, In respectguidance of education, and help during from the time year to time. 4848 students have successfully completed the Undergraduate, Post-Graduate andDuring Ph. D. the degree year, thereprogrammes. were 13 JRFNearly and 32104 SRF studentsat the Post of Graduate university Institute, have receivedMahatma differentPhule Krishi scholarships duringVidyapeeth, the year. Rahuri. Besides A majoritytheir academic of the excellence,students secured students scholarships achieved distinctionfrom various in theagencies. extra andBesides co-curricular activities.their academic Many studentsexcellence, of the students University achieved have distinction joined the inGovernment the extra and Services co-curricular through activities. MPSC and Many a good number studentsof students of thehave University joined the have Private joined Sector. the GovernmentA few of them Services have opted through for self-employment.MPSC and a good number of Research studentswork carried have joinedout through the Private various Sector. departments, A few of themresearchAnnual have Reportprojects opted 2015 for - and2016 self-employment. schemes in the university contributed to eightResearch new varieties work of carried crops, oneout farmthrough implement various anddepartments, 47 technologies research for theprojects benefit and of schemesthe farmers. in the Seeds and graftsuniversity of various contributed field crops to andnew plantation varieties ofcrops crops, wer farme produced implements and made and technologiesavailable to the for farmers.the bene fi t of the Mahatma Phulefarmers. Krishi Seeds Vidyapeeth, and grafts Rahuri of various has beenfi eld thecrops most and credible plantation source crops of informationwere produced and and farm made advisory available for the farmers ofto the region.farmers. Therefore, lakhs of farmers visit the Central Campus and other Colleges and Research Stations. The facultyMahatma and the Phule scientists Krishi of Vidyapeeth,the university Rahuri guide is them in the through forefront the for laboratories farm advisory and demonstrateto the farmers the of the technologies generatedregion. Therefore, by the university thousandsANNUAL for oftheir farmers socio-economic visited REPORT the benefit.Central CampusUniversity and is otherimplementing Colleges innovativeand Research extension programmesStations. likeThe Farmersfaculty andFIRST the scientistsof2015 RKVY of -and the2016 ICAR,University Kisan guide Aadhar them Sammelan, through the Technology fi eld demonstrations, week etc. in MPKV jurisdictiongroup discussions, for effective publications transfer and of laboratoriestechnology. regardingUnder the technologies concept of cleangenerated and greenby the university, University for a massive tree plantationtheir socio-economic programme bene Vanmohotsavfi t. The response -2018 ofand the Krishidin farmers iswas quite organized encouraging on 2nd and July, satisfactory. 2018. More than one lakh treesThe saplings Annual were Report planted and in all the the jurisdiction efforts of the of Mahatmathe university Phule in Krishi this financial Vidyapeeth, year. Rahuri are dedicated The Annualto Reportthe farmers and all and the the efforts rural ofcommunity the entire ofMahatma Western Phule Maharashtra. Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri are dedicated to the farmers and the rural community. ( (K.P.K. P. Viswanatha) Viswanatha) MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH Rahuri - 413 722, Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) www.mpkv.ac.in Annual Report 2018- 2019 Annual Report 2015 - 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016 MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH Rahuri - 413 722, Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) www.mpkv.ac.in Annual Report 2018- 2019 INDEX Sl. No. Contents Page No. 1. Salient Achievements 1 1.1 Education 1 1.2 Research 9 1.3 Extension Education 9 2. Education 10 3. Research 21 4. Extension Education 32 5. Major Events 47 6. Awards 108 7. Human Resource 110 7.1 Executive Officers 110 7.2 Executive Council Members 110 7.3 Academic Council Members 113 Annual Report 2015 - 2016 7.4 Academic Officers 116 7.5 Academic Staff / Heads of Departments 117 7.6 Other Officers 118 7.7 University ManpowerANNUAL REPORT 119 8. Campus Development Activities2015 - 2016 124 9. Financial Status of University 133 MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH Rahuri - 413 722, Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) www.mpkv.ac.in Annual Report 2018- 2019 Annual Report 2015 - 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016 MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH Rahuri - 413 722, Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) www.mpkv.ac.in Annual Report 2018- 2019 1. Salient Achievements of Agriculture, Pune, Dhule, Kolhapur, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri Karad, Nandurbar, Muktainagar and Halgaon established on 29th March, 1968 has been a center of Dr. Annasaheb Shinde College of Agricultural human resource development to meet the growing Engineering & Technology, Rahuri and College of demands of the state as well as the nation for trained Horticulture, Pune. The intake capacity of students man power specialized in Agriculture. This is one of in constituent undergraduate colleges is 844. the four Agricultural universities in the state with 2. Post Graduate level education is imparted by Post its jurisdiction spread over Western Maharashtra Graduate Institute, Rahuri in central campus along covering 10 districts, viz., Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara, with College of Agriculture Pune, Dhule and Solapur, Pune, Ahmednagar, Nasik, Dhule, Jalgaon and Kolhapur and Dr. Annasaheb Shinde College of Nandurabar. Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Rahuri. The unique feature of this University's jurisdiction is The total strength of PG students under various
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