The Citizen-Powered Community Newspaper WESTLAKE | BAY VILLAGE 5.9 • 30 APRIL 2013 FREE FREE TO READ! FREE TO WRITE! SUBMIT YOUR STORY ONLINE BY MAY 10 Community News & Views Written by the Citizens of Westlake & Bay Village • Join in at www.wbvobserver.com Bob Parry retires Ohio Rose crowned ‘Legally Addicted’ Play focuses on adolescent prescription drug abuse arents, here’s an oppor- tunity to bring your child Pto an eye-opening, edu- cational play called “Legally LL Addicted” to learn about the DE N realities and consequences of E W adolescent prescription drug LL nny DE use, and use this as a great N E W springboard to talk to your children openly and hon- nny PHOTO BY DE BY PHOTO estly. Sponsored by Recovery Kelsey Higgins expresses her surprise with Ashley Speaker, left, and Colleen Resources with support from Gallagher, right, after being crowned the 2013 Ohio Rose at LaCentre on April 19. the Westshore Youth Leaders PHOTO BY DE BY PHOTO Bob Parry at his retirement reception April 19. and BAY Matters, the play will by Kathy Luengo education major graduating in May be performed on May 8, 7 p.m., For 26 years, planning he highlight of a festive eve- from Ohio University. She is active in at the Bay High School audito- ning on April 19 celebrating the her sorority, student senate, works as rium. The program is geared for director shaped Westlake T finest attributes of young women a facilities assistant for the university’s parents and students in seventh of Irish heritage worldwide occurred recreation center, fashion stylist and through 12th grades. by Tara Wendell when Kelsey Higgins of Springboro teaches Irish dance. Higgins is an avid The reason this event is arren Buffett once said, “Someone’s sit- was crowned as the 2013 Ohio Rose by supporter of Locks of Love. She was very important for you to attend ting in the shade today because some- 2012 Ohio Rose Ashley Speaker. Hig- among a group of Ohio University vol- is supported by a brand new Wone planted a tree a long time ago.” It’s gins’ achievement is the first step in a unteers in New Orleans to assist res- study from The Partnership at unlikely Buffett was thinking of Bob Parry when year-long reign that will be punctuated toration in the aftermath of Hurricane Drugfree.org and the MetLife praising that second “someone,” but the com- with travel and celebrity appearances. Katrina. Foundation, along with alarm- parison is fitting, literally and figuratively. Members of the 2013 “Rose Court” cre- Higgins travels to Portlaoise, Ire- ing trends we’re seeing here in Current and future generations have Parry ated a very tight field of competition. land, in late May to participate in the our local community. One quar- to thank not only for the abundance of trees They are: Mary Clare Cooper of Euclid, International Rose of Tralee Festival’s ter of teens say they have mis- lining Westlake’s streets and developments, but Kathleen Drescher of Rocky River, Col- Regional Finals. There she will join used or abused a prescription also the transformation of the city from a quiet leen Gallagher of Fairview Park and fellow Roses from Ireland, Great Britain, drug at least once, a 33 percent farming community to a bustling destination Alannah McCarthy of Akron. North America, Europe and elsewhere. increase over the last five years! for residents and businesses. » See PARRY, page 8 Kelsey Higgins is a language arts » See ROSE, page 6 » See ADDICTED, page 2 League of Women Voters Walk, bike, run the streets of Bay this summer! by Jacquie Mayer Families or individuals can register forum spotlights Westshore he second annual Tour De Bay will online at bit.ly/11qmM2W OR print a reg- be held this summer from May 25 to istration form at facebook.com/tourdebay. Council of Governments TSept. 2 (Memorial Day weekend to Registration cost for families is $20 for a T-shirt Labor Day weekend). Participants will have all and pledge, $15 for pledge only. For individu- by Conda Boyd first event explored collaboration with summer long to walk, run or bike every street als it is $20 for a T-shirt and pledge, $10 for n April 16, the League of the county, this forum took a close look in Bay Village while tracking their progress on pledge only. (Please note on registration form Women Voters-Cuyahoga Area at collaboration among cities, specifi- a map of Bay streets (provided). Proceeds are that checks for T-shirt registration and checks Ohosted a lively discussion on cally members of the Westshore Coun- to benefit the Bay Village Education Founda- for Pledge Only are to be made out differently.) regionalization among Westlake Mayor cil of Governments (WCOG). tion, a non-profit organization that supports Registration deadline for T-shirts is Dennis Clough, Lakewood Mayor Mike WCOG was formed in 1971 by innovative projects in Bay Village schools. The Monday, May 6. Maps and shirts will be dis- Summers, Westshore Council of Gov- six communities – Bay Village, Fair- Tour is a great opportunity to see all of Bay tributed at the May in Bay 5K on Saturday, ernments fiscal officer Steve Presley, view Park, Lakewood, North Olmsted, while enjoying a healthy summer activity on May 25. Pledge registration will remain open and 65 citizens, local officials and Rocky River and Westlake – “to foster your own or with the whole family! throughout May. safety forces mem- cooperation between municipalities bers. This was the in all areas of municipal service.” second of three LWV Funding for 2013 is $330,000, with 10 Learn how to write for the Observer voter education percent shared equally and 90 percent Wednesday, May 8 • 7 p.m. • Bay Village Library forums on region- based on population and valuation. SEE DETAILS, PAGE 16 alization. While the » See FORUM, page 4 2 WESTLAKE | BAY VILLAGE OBSERVER • 30 APRIL 2013 The Herb Guild Ice cream social VIllaGE BICYCLE COOPERatIVE has two events and dance Bike co-op volunteers needed by Jennifer Smillie tion on the ground floor of the Bay planned for May party May 7 at Community House, 303 Cahoon Road, illage Bicycle Cooperative is during the following times: Tuesdays he Herb Guild’s May meeting will Westerly School seeking volunteers to help and Wednesdays, 4-7 p.m.; Thursdays, be held Thursday, May 9, 10 a.m., V part out bicycles for their 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 5-8 p.m. We will Tat the Bay Community House, 303 by Jacquie Mayer usable parts in preparation for their be open most Saturdays; check our Cahoon Road. The Herb Guild members grand opening. Anyone interested is calendar for those hours at www.vil- will begin with a general business meet- ay Village Education Founda- welcome to stop by their new loca- lagebicycle.org. ing followed by opening up our Rose Hill tion trustees are preparing Herb Garden for the season which is Bto scoop and serve delicious directly beside the Community House. Mitchell’s ice cream at the upcoming For more information about the meet- Westerly Art Show / Dance Party on ing, please call 440-899-0773. Tuesday, May 7, at 6 p.m. Prices are: Annual Compeer Day is May 5 The Herb Guild is planning a Spring $2.50 for a plain scoop; $3.00 for one Tea event for Friday, May 31, 2-4 p.m. at topping; $3.50 for two toppings; and at Westlake Porter Library Bay Village’s Rose Hill Garden Gazebo in $4.00 for three or more toppings. This Cahoon Park. The Spring Tea is part of year, the featured Mitchell’s ice cream by Denise Ayres indoor games and musical entertain- The Herb Guild’s 35th anniversary year- flavors will be: chocolate, vanilla, ment! Exercise your brain by develop- long celebration. Please come enjoy a mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, n Sunday, May 5, at 2 p.m., the ing your personal strategy in order to lovely spring afternoon beside the rose cookies and cream and raspberry Compeer Program at Far West get a “hole in one” playing mini-golf or garden and across from Lake Erie sip- sorbet. Westerly Elementary School OCenter will hold our fifth Annual sinking a toss in the target of the corn ping tea and enjoying delicate refresh- is located at 30301 Wolf Road. Compeer Day at Westlake Porter Public hole toss game. Relax your brain waves ments. The Guild wishes to introduce Profits from the ice cream social Library. Since 2008, Library Director by enjoying acoustic music and songs new members and welcome those who go to the Bay Village Education Foun- Andrew Mangels has offered to host the performed by young talented musicians are interested in learning more about dation, a non-profit organization Annual Compeer Day in May, Mental Ray Flanagan (of Ray Flanagan and the herbs, The Herb Guild Community Proj- dedicated to supporting, promoting Health Awareness Month. The Compeer Authorities Band), Dave Deitke and ect, our Herb Garden at Rose Hill near and funding programs created by Program is a mental health recovery pro- Savanna-Rae Fahoum. Check out infor- the Gazebo, and our guild itself. Looking students, faculty and staff of the Bay gram serving Cuyahoga County and is mation on how the Compeer Program forward to seeing you in May. For more Village Public Schools that are not located at Far West Center on the St. John serves to promote individual mental information about the Spring Tea, please funded by tax dollars. For more infor- Medical Center Health Campus in West- health and recovery with the friendship call 440-937-4240.
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