PARTY PROGRAMME 2015–2019 SVP – the party for Switzerland Publication data Party programme of the Swiss People’s Party 2015 – 2019 No. of copies: 70,000 Picture sources: Belmundo AG, Compagnia Rossini, Dreamstime, Ex-Press AG, Fotolia LLC, Goal AG, ImagePoint AG, iStockphoto, KEYSTONE AG, Marcus Gyger, Markus Hutter, Stefan Marthaler, REDOG, Remo Nägeli, Stadler Rail AG, VSMR SVP Schweiz, Generalsekretariat, Postfach 8252, 3001 Bern [email protected], www.svp.ch PARTY PROGRAMME 2015–2019 Contents 4 Our agenda 8 Preserve Swiss pillars of success 10 Foreign policy 16 Finances, taxes and levies 22 Switzerland as a workplace 26 Property 30 Policy on foreigners 36 Asylum policy 42 Security 46 Army 50 Education 54 Social security system 58 Health care 62 Agriculture 66 Transport 70 Energy 74 Environment 78 Media 82 Sport 86 Cultural policy 90 Religion 94 The individual, family and society 4 Our agenda for a free, independent and sovereign Switzerland – overview FOREIGN POLICY POLICY ON FOREIGNERS Independence and self-determination Limit immigration The SVP advocates the preservation of an independent and neutral Switzerland has always offered a generous but controlled welcome to Switzerland. The sale of Swiss sovereignty and self-determination by foreign workers, and provided them with job prospects. In various the political elite must be stopped. Therefore, our country must no votes, the Swiss electorate has demonstrated that it wishes controlled longer be insidiously integrated into international structures such as immigration, with clear rules that apply to all. Anyone who comes to the EU. On the basis of neutrality, the SVP commits to a credible pol- Switzerland is required to obey the local laws, integrate and earn their icy of good offices, mediation and humanitarian aid. own living. Our focus: Our focus: The SVP is opposed to The SVP demands the consistent implementation of the «Stop gradual accession to the EU mass immigration» constitutional article (with respect to quotas and priority given to Swiss nationals), which has been endorsed I DECIDE FOR The SVP has launched the by the electorate, in order to considerably reduce immigration popular initiative «Swiss MYSELF! law instead of foreign The SVP calls for the reintroduction of border controls to prevent judges (self-determination illegal immigrants from entering the country initiative)» The SVP demands that public development aid be IMMIGRATION linked to repatriation agree- SHOULD ALSO BE KEPT ments for asylum seekers IN MODERATION. through their country of origin 5 Our agenda for a free, independent and sovereign Switzerland – overview SECURITY FINANCES, TAXES AND LEVIES Punish criminals instead of coddling them More for small businesses, less for the state At one time, Switzerland was one of the safest countries on earth. Re- The state keeps growing and growing. Federal government spending laxed policy, inconsistent implementation of existing laws and open- has doubled since 1990. The public sector is taking on more and more ing the borders through joining the Schengen area have resulted in tasks. Since there is a lack of political willingness to get a grip on the our country ranking today in Europe among the countries with a high spending explosion, taxes, levies and fees are being raised. The bill is rate of crime. However, Switzerland must not become an El Dorado being footed primarily by small businesses. This dynamic must ulti- for criminals. A policy with effective sentences and consistent imple- mately be broken because the prosperity of the whole country is de- mentation must be finally enforced. pendent on a healthy small business sector. Every Swiss franc spent must first be worked for. Our focus: The SVP calls for the consistent enforce- ment of the depor- tation of criminal foreigners AND LESS AND LESS IS LEFT FOR ME. The SVP calls for the consistent enforce- ment of the depor- tation of criminal foreigners The SVP calls for the consistent enforce- ment of the depor- tation of criminal foreigners 6 Our agenda for a free, independent and sovereign Switzerland – overview PROPERTY ARMY Against expropriation, for the protectionof privacy Security for our country and its people The guarantee of private property is one of the most important tasks Security is an indispensable requirement for freedom, independence of a free and democratic state. The SVP supports the freedom of citi- and prosperity. A reliable militia army guarantees this security even zens to dispose of physical and intellectual property acquired by them. in times of crisis, and is the tailored solution for the needs of Switzer- This includes the state leaving its citizens with as much money as pos- land. Security is not something that can be taken for granted. Today, sible in their wallets for them to freely dispose of. In our times, it is there are armed conflicts raging just a few flight hours away from us. also becoming more and more important that the privacy of citizens Terrorist attacks can happen at any time and any place. We are obli- be defended. The details of citizens’ lives must not be laid bare. gated to provide the necessary resources for our army and national defence in future as well, so that the country and its people are able to live in security and freedom. WHAT IS MINE BELONGS TO ME! 7 Our agenda for a free, independent and sovereign Switzerland – overview AGRICULTURE TRANSPORT In support of domestic production Smoothly flowing traffic without obstacles The SVP is committed to productive agriculture that provides the A needs-based, well-developed and well-maintained transport infra- population with healthy foods produced near to where they are sold. structure is an important prerequisite for prosperity and free develop- Farming families must earn a reasonable income for the important ment. The limited funds available for infrastructure should be used services they provide on behalf of the general public. The planning se- efficiently and without ideology. Roads must not be neglected in fa- curity and innovativeness of an entrepreneurial agricultural sector is vour of the rail network, as has often been the case in recent decades. to be reinforced. What is more, excessive ecologisation is to be scaled Each carrier should receive the funds it generates. Redistribution, down to a reasonable level, with cultivated agricultural land being pre- cross-subsidisation and misappropriation must be halted, together served in return. with daylight robbery of car drivers through new and ever-increasing duties, charges and fines. FIGHT AGAINST I STILL LIKE SWISS THE ONSLAUGHT PRODUCTS BEST. OF FINES! 8 PRESERVE SWISS PILLARS OF SUCCESS Preserve Swiss pillars of success As a small, naturally poor country, and referendums. Th ey regularly infringe our neutrality by taking posi- Switzerland has evolved from once tions on international confl icts and pushing to join the UN Security being the poorhouse of Europe to Council. In this way, they bring war to their own country. Th e other par- ties ignore federalism by taking more and more decisions away from the become one of the most successful cantons and municipalities to Bern, to the detriment of our children, our and prosperous countries of the families and our schools. world. Switzerland essentially owes this to its special form of state em- Independence at risk Th e pillars of state enshrined in the Federal Constitution have brought bodying the pillars of independence, direct democracy, Switzerland an openness to the world that is exemplary. At the same time, neutrality and federalism. All of these make Switzer- Switzerland has maintained its independence and not acquiesced to any land a unique special case. ey are the guarantee for external infl uences. Th e maintenance of this independence is nothing freedom and welfare. It was only thanks to these pillars short of the purpose of the state of Switzerland. Th e seven federal council- lors and all elected representatives have taken an oath or solemn under- of success that our country was able to achieve and taking to preserve this. Yet, the SVP is the only party that consistently maintain its place in the world as an economic leader, champions the pillar of success of independence, which guarantees us and it is only thanks to these pillars that freedom and freedom and welfare. Th e Federal Council, parliamentary majority and welfare are preserved. is is the only way to place fo- administration do the opposite: they insidiously promote accession to the EU. Th ey talk about «framework agreements» or «institutional ties», but cus on citizens – not on politicians and civil servants. mean adopting foreign laws and the decisions of foreign judges. Attacks on the pillars on which our state is built Direct democracy is being undermined All other parties, with the exception of the SVP, are pulling in the opposite Th e right of our citizens to co-determination is an exception worldwide. direction. Th ey are undermining and destroying these pillars on which Since 1848, Switzerland has held more votes and elections than all the oth- our state is built. Th ey are pushing Switzerland towards foreign rule, par- er countries in the world combined. Th e Swiss have more opportunities to ticularly to EU accession, and they want foreign laws and foreign judges, vote in a single year than the British, for example, have in their entire which will cause Switzerland to lose its independence. Th ey are progres- lifetime. Th anks to direct democracy, our focus is on our citizens. Th ey sively doing away with direct democracy by failing to implement the re- not only have the ability to elect their public authorities, they are also able sults of decisions made by the people. Th e other parties accord foreign to decide on factual issues. Th is prevents politicians from making deci- laws greater respect than Swiss laws and want to thwart popular initiatives sions over the heads of citizens.
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