Motto: “Education is the culture of character. Culture is the education of the mind.” M. Eminescu “ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA” UNIVERSITY OF IAŞI FACULTATY OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY 20A Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi R O M Â N I A Phone: +40 (232) 201075; Fax: +40 (232) 201474 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.geo.uaic.ro FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY The Publishing House of the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ University of Iaşi 2009 Editor-in-chief: Associate Prof. Adrian GROZAVU, PhD Typing: an. progr. Corneliu Agapi Translation: Anca Viusenco TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Informations about the Faculty 7 Name, Adress, Management 7 Administration, Secretariat 8 General Presentation of the Faculty 9 Regulations 11 Educational Offer 12 Admission/Registration 13 ECTS Coordinator for the Faculty 14 Academic calendar 15 II. The Educational Offer of the Faculty 17 Educational and Professional Objectives 17 Qualifications Granted 17 Criteria for Admittance 19 Acces to Further Study 20 Curricula 20 Specifications Related to Options for the Individual Academic Path 44 Compulsory Subjects for the Gaining of the 120 Credit Points Necessary for the 46 Individual Academic Path Subjects Offered for the Complementary Path 49 Criteria Used by the Faculty for the Academic Path 50 Rules Regarding the Examination and Evaluation 51 Final Exams 52 ECTS Coordinators for Each Department 52 Syllabus for Each Subject of the Curricula 52 Field of Geography – speciality Geography 53 Field of Geography – speciality Tourism Geography 93 Field of Geography – speciality Land Planning 107 Field of Geography – speciality Hydrology and Meteorology 119 Field of Environmental Science – speciality Environmental Geography 131 Field of Geology – speciality Geochemistry 143 Field of Geological Engineering – speciality Geological Engineering 185 Master’s Degree – Tourism and Regional Development 225 Master’s Degree – Natural Risks and Land Planning 245 Master’s Degree – Present Environment and Sustainable Development 267 Master’s Degree – Environmental Geochemistry 281 Master’s Degree – Welling and Environmental Geology 294 III. General Informations for Students 311 Accomodation on Campus 311 5 Cafeteria 312 Medical Assistance 313 Insurance 313 Scholarships and Means of Social Welfare 313 Learning Facilities 314 Grants Abroad 317 Language Courses 318 Facilities for Sports 318 Recreational and Leisure Activities 319 Student Associations 319 The Bureau for Student Affairs 323 Useful Telephone Numbers 323 6 FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY Student Guide – 2009/2010 III... IIINNNFFFOOORRRMMMAAATTTIIIOOONNNSSS AAABBBOOOUUUTTT TTTHHHEEE FFFAAACCCUUULLLTTTYYY I.1. NAME, ADRESS Faculty of Geography and Geology 20A Carol I Blvd, 700505 – Iaşi, Romania Tel.: +40232.20.1075, +40232.20.1074 Fax: +40232.20.1474 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.geo.uaic.ro I.2. FACULTY MANAGEMENT DEAN: Prof. Ovidiu Gabriel IANCU, PhD Phone: 0232 – 201075, E-mail: [email protected] DEPUTY DEAN: Associate Prof. Adrian GROZAVU, PhD Phone: 0232 – 201457, E-mail: [email protected] CHANCELLOR: Prof. Ionel MUNTELE, PhD Phone: 0232 – 201458, E-mail: [email protected] FACULTY COUNCIL Prof. Ovidiu Gabriel IANCU, PhD – Dean Associate Prof. Adrian GROZAVU, PhD – Deputy Dean Prof. Ionel MUNTELE, PhD – Chancellor Prof. Corneliu IAŢU, PhD – Head of the Department of Geography Associate Prof. Nicolae BUZGAR, PhD – Head of the Department of Geology Prof. Octavian GROZA, PhD – Head of the Doctoral School Prof. Eng. Ion IONIŢĂ, PhD Prof. Mihai BRÂNZILĂ, PhD Associate Prof. Eng. Mihai ŞARAMET, PhD Associate Prof. Dan STUMBEA, PhD Associate Prof. Traian GAVRILOAIEI, PhD Associate Prof. Doru-Toader JURAVLE, PhD Associate Prof. Cristian-Vasilică SECU, PhD Associate Prof. Paul ŢIBULEAC, PhD Assistant Prof. George ŢURCĂNAŞU, PhD Teaching Assistant Lucian SFÂCĂ, PhD Teaching Assistant Adrian URSU, PhD Representatives of the students – 6 persons Ec. Cristian PRICOP - guest 7 FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY Student Guide – 2009/2010 ADMNISTRATION ¾ Ec. Cristian PRICOP Head Administrator Phone: 0232– 201499, E-mail:[email protected] (accomodation, scolarships, financial affairs) SECRETARIAT Work schedule: MONDAY – THURSDAY, 13.00 – 15.00 FRIDAY – no schedule Phone : 0232 – 201074; 201075 Fax: 0232-201474 ¾ Eng. Maria REBEGEA Head Secretary [email protected] (doctoral studies, research, admission, Bachelor’s Degree, scholarships) ¾ Atena BULIGA Secretary [email protected] ¾ Iulia Zenaida DĂNILĂ Secretary [email protected] ¾ Mihaela DĂNILĂ Secretary [email protected] ¾ Ana Maria MIHĂIŢĂ Secretary [email protected] ¾ Corneliu AGAPI Programming Analyst [email protected] (student database, SIMS passwords, admission, scholarships, Bachelor’s Degree, statistics, fees) 8 FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY Student Guide – 2009/2010 I.3. GENERAL PRESENTATION OF THE FACULTY In the nearly 150 years of existence of the University of Iasi, the field of geosciences has been represented almost uninterruptedly, while the faculty bore various names, being more extended at times by including specialities from the fields of Biology and History. From 1990, the faculty bears the name of Faculty of Geography and Geology. It is a higher education institution financed by the State, with a complex structure, well-adapted to the demands of the Romanian society, but also open towards Europe. Within the faculty there are both theoretical and technical specializations; as a result, the development strategy has particularities designed to suit each field. The didactic activity within the Faculty of Geography and Geology is organized in cycles of university studies (according to Law 288/2004), divided into fields of study and specializations: -Bachelor studies -Master studies -Doctoral studies The Faculty of Geography and Geology is structured as follows: 1.The Department of Geography: it ensures specialized training in the following areas of Bachelor studies: Geography (long duration full time learning – 3 years) for the following specialities: -Geography -Tourism Geography -Land Planning -Hydrology and Meteorology Environmental Science (long duration full time learning – 3 years) in the speciality: -Environmental Geography 2. The Department of Geology: it ensures specialized training in the following areas of Bachelor studies: Geology (long duration full time learning – 3 years) in the speciality: -Geochemistry Geological Engineering ((long duration full time learning – 4 years) in the speciality: -Geological Engineering The postgraduate studies comprise the following Master’s programmes: Within the Department of Geography; -Natural Hazards and Land Planning -Tourism and Regional Development -Present Environment and Sustainable Development Within the Department of Geology: 9 FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY Student Guide – 2009/2010 -Environmental Geochemistry -Welling and Environmental Geology 3. The Research Department of the Faculty of Geography and Geology: it has its own structure and budget, conducting scientific research in the following fields: Geography, Geology, Environmental Science and Geological Engineering. The activity of the Research Department is focused particularly on the reaching of the scientific and technological objectives established through various national and European Programs for scientific research and development. The Research Department is also in charge of reporting (annually or periodically) the results of the scientific activity conducted within the faculty, including through research grants or through conventions or contracts with other institutions. Three research centres, recognized or approved by the competent authorities, are subordinated to The Research Department: - The University Centre for Human Geography and Land Planning (CUGUAT- TIGRIS) - The University Centre for Physico-Geographical and Pedological Research for a Sustainable Exploitation of Natural Resources (CUCFGPEDRN) - The University Centre for Geochemistry and Determinative Geothermometry (CGGD) The Doctoral School of the Faculty of Geography and Geology (SD-FGG) is included in the Department for Doctoral Studies (DSD) of the Institution Organizing University Doctoral Studies, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi (IOSUD-UAIC), which coordinates its activity. The function of SD-FGG is to plan and organize the doctoral research activity in the fields of Geography, Geology and Environmental Science by coordinating the activity of PhD mentors, PhD candidates and of other categories of academic personnel included in its structure. The aim of SD-FGG is to train specialists in the fields mentioned above so as to reach the standards set by the Bologna Process and those of the National Program for Development, also taking into consideration the criteria of the Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resources. The Faculty of Geography and Geology has amiable relations with prestigious universities of the European Community, from francophone countries (France, Belgium), Anglo-Saxon countries (England, Germany, Switzerland) or countries where Romance languages are spoken (Italy, Spain) or from other regions (Japan, the United States of America etc). Students and teachers from our faculty have had the opportunity of conducting research, gathering information or training themselves abroad for certain periods of time or have benefited from cotutelle PhDs (France) or the possibility of doctoral studies abroad (Japan, the United States, Switzerland, Italy). A great number of opportunities for student and teacher mobility within programmes such as
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