The Rockland Gazette. I azette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON bY ESTABLISHMENT. — —g every facility In Preaaea, Type and Vatariat VO SE & PORTER. to which we are coaataatly making addition., wa ata piepared lo execute with promptneaa aud good atyla 2 I O Main Street. every variety of Job Printing, including^ Town Reports, Catalogues, By-Laws TERMS: Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2.00. grammes, Circulars, Bill H sails, If payment is delayed 6 months, 2.25. Better Heads, Law and Corpor­ If not paid till the close of the year, 2.50. New subscriber are expected to make the first ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills payment in advance. of Lading, Business, Ad­ MS* No paper will be discontinued until ALL AR­ dress and Wedding RE arges are paid, unless at the option of the publish- Cards, Tags, Labels, ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28,1880. &c., V O L U M E 3 5 . N O . 4 8 . PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO Z. POPE VOSE. J. B. PORTER. will receive prompt attention. “ I think you will not tempt me. nt nil you will, I am a perjured wretch. Now land, $1 50. Plymouth Rock, J M Sherer. Rock­ f f l d r g . tlie helm is yours.’ LIST OF PREMIUMS. cupfulls of water, to soak it thoroughly; 2 events,” the maiden replied with biting land, 1st, 81 50; P Armstrong, Rockland, 2d, upfuls of sour milk; 1-2 cup molasses, 1 spoon­ irony. On tho instant Flora started into new AWARDED BY TIIE $1 00. Light Brabma chicks, A C Hamilton, ful salt; two teaspoonsfuls of soda. Cook in H.H.GRIE&CO. The liontenant hit his lips nnd his fists life. Rockland, 1st, $1 50; P Armstrong, 2d, $1 00, steam two hours. Cost G cents.—M rs. Abbie Up Who Died at Azim. were clenched, but he had not the daring “ Lay the yards square!” she cried, at Knox Agriciytural Society. Light Brahma hens, C L Alien, Rooklaad, 1st. Blake, West Camden. Strong and Durable to go further, so he turned away and walked the top of her voice. “ Ease up tlie helm. 81 50; A J ClaTk, Sonin Thomaston, 2d, $1 00. Dark Brahma, A L RanVin, Rockland, 1 50. Brown Bread.—1 quart corn meal; 1 quart BX EDWIN ARNOLD. aft. From that moment the crew looked Let two faithful men take the wheel.” At its Fonrteenth Annual Fnir li‘ld at Rock­ ye meal; 1 pint flour; 1 cup molasses, mix with LOWEST PRICES! upon the maiden with admiration. They These orders were obeyed, nnd ere long land, Oct. 12th, 13th, and 14, 1880. Buff Cochin, P Armstrong, 1 50. Houdan.Mrs CUSTOM MADE lie who dies at Azim sends buttermiik.—Miss H. A. Ma-.sfield, Camden. did not like Wooler. the brig was dashing on liefore tlie wind. E L Kennision, Rock’and, 1 50. Dominique, A This to comfort all his friends. Beef Stock—Best fat cattle, J. T. Tolinaa, G Thomas, Rockland, 1 50. Crevecocur, A C Bnow.v Bread.—3 cups meal; 3 cups of Gra­ It was afternoon when tho brig squared An opening was seen in the rocky coast Thomaston, 1st $4 00; B. Sherer, Rockland, 2d ham flour; 2 cups buttermilk; 2 cups water; I VERY BEST PLACE TO BUY Faithful friends! It lic9,1 know, ahead. Hamilton, 1 50. Silver Dorkin, Mrs J W Thomas away, and ns the wind was light and baf­ “!2 00. Best cow, Wm P Harding, Rockland, 1st Rockland, 1st, 1 50; Ulmer & Butler, Rockland, cup stewed pumpkin; 1-2 cup molasses; 1 spoon­ CLOTHES. Pale and cold and white as snow; fling, she made hut little headway. It ‘ That is Lunga on the quarter,” the $2 50. ful salt; 2 teaspoonfuls of saleralus. Steam three IRON & STEER, Chains and Anchors, Blade by B. F. HALEY, Military Tailor, And ye say, “ Abdallah’s dead 1” 2d, 1 00, Native chicks, A C Hamilton, 1 50. was past four o’clock when she passed maiden said, “ and ahead wo have a dozen Bulls—Native bull, Hiram Brewster, Camden, hours. Cost 8 cents.—Mrs. Abbie Blake, Cam­ Newmarket, N. II. Weeping at the feet and head. Silver Spangled Polish, J H Lane, Rockland,gra­ B L A C K S M IT H S ' Stock and Tools, Eraid, and by that time the wind had died small islands. Hero comes tho Devil's 1st, $3 00. Native, not less than one year old, den. I can see your falling tears; tuity, 1 00. Rose Comb White Dorkins, 0 M Warranted Good in all Respects almost to a calm, but not a pleasant calm. Rock on the starboard bow, and that on the James T Tolman, Tho-paston, 1st, $2 00. Full La npson,Rockland,gratuity, 1 00. Light B-ahma Brcyvn Bread.—1 pint Indian meal; 1 pint CORDAGE and Ship Chandlery, I can hear your sighs and prayers; The heavens had grown dark, the air cold aft is McDougall's Crown. Port a little; blood Ayrshire, Jeremiah Tolman, Rockland, 1st, Yet I smile and whisper this,— chicks, Wm. Melv*a, Rockland, J G'dman, Tbom- rye meal; 1 quart buttermilk, 1-2cup molasses; CARRIAGE BUILDERS’ Supplies, and puffing, and tho night seemed coming steady—so.” 84 00. Full blood Jeraey, 0 Gardiner, Rockland, asion, a id Ulme* & But’er, Rockland, graluities. Splendid Line of “ /am not the thing you kiss: 1-2 tenspoonfiil salt; 2 spoonfuls soda. Steam lst{ $4 00 ; Jacob Ross, Camden, 2d, $3 00. .50 each. Rough and Ready chick, C C Babbidge four hours nnd dry it off in the oven for half an CARRIAGE Trimmers’ and Painters’ Goods, Cease your tears and let it lie: on with the sun yet up. Captain Thornhill The hearts of the men leaped lip, and ordered the taking in of sail and ere long the there seemed to hang for some moments. Full blood Holstein, Thomas B Fernald, Lincoln- Rockland, gratuity, .25. Seabright chicks, Wes­ bou”.—Miss Fanny Lazlle, Ro:kland. It was mice, it is not I.” ille $4 00, SH IP Spikes, Oakum, Paints, brig 'ay under close-reefed topsails and But on went the flying vessel; the heavy ley Fales, Rockland, gratuity, .25. Gu:nea ’ ens AAhite Bread.—1 quart boilel milk; 1-2 cake Sweet friends! what the women lave, FISHERM ENS’ Fittings, UNDERCLOTHING forestny sail. spray actually dashing over the deck from Herds—W J Robbins, Camden, 1st, 00. , C L Allen, Rockland, g-atui y , 100; Ja ics compressed yeast; 2 tablespoonfuls suga” : 1 tea­ For the last sleep of the grave, At sundown the wind came in from the the towering reck—now on this hand, now Full blood Jersey Cows and Heifers— Best Cows, Walden, West Ca.nden, gratuity, .50. Geese, spoonful salt; flour enough to make a st:ff dongb, QUARRYMEX’S Stock and Tools, Powder, etc., AT BLACKINGTOX’S. Is a hut which I am quitting, Geo Smiili, Rockland, 1st, §3 00. 0 G ardner, ! James Walden, 1st. 2 00; Fted Sherer, Rockland southward and westward, and by the time on that—and yet she went safely on. If and raise over night Makes two loaves.—M rs. NAILS, GLASS, Paper, Faints, Is a cage from which at last, Rockland, 2d: $2 00. Three-yea-oM heifer. A! 2d, 100. Ducks, A J Tolman Rockland, 1st, H. Boynton, Rockland. Like a bird, my soul hath passed. night had fairly settled down it blew a gale. she hail gone through such a dubious chan­ McLain,Rockland, 1st, $2 00 ; 0 Gardiner, Rock- 2 00; Reuben Slie”er, Rockland,2d, 1 50. Turk- GUNS, REVOLVERS, Cartridges, etc., Love the inmate, not the room,— Tlie captain tried awhile to keep to the nel, then why should she not pass the rest? land,2d, $1 00. Yearling he’fer , C. S. Whitney, A'-ns.rong, 1st, 2 00; Lucy Crockett Salt R’sixo Bread.—For one loaf scald 1-2 “Linene” Reversible cup of co”n m tal with 1-2 pint mi’k at The wearer, not the garb—tlie plume wind under the three sails ho had loft The men became more easy, lliousrli the hor­ Thomasioe, 1st, ^2 00 ; 0 Gardmcr, 2d, $1 00. Roekland, 2d, 1 00; E L Lovyjoy, Camden, gra­ GALVANIZED Spikes, Kails, Blocks, Row Locks night; in the moaning make batter of 1-2 pint Of the eagle, not the bars on, but the wind was too strong. It rors were as palpable as ever. Tho course Calf, 0 Gardinc", 1st, $1 00. tuity, ,50. Muscovy ducks, J D W’ns’ow, Rock­ Hoop Iron, etc., warm water, one teaspoonful sugar, out of salt; Collar That kept liim from those splendid stars. blew a perfect hurricane, nnd tlie sea of the brig lay through a hissing, rushing, Grade Jersey Cows anil Heifers—Cow, Isaac land, g-aiuiiy, 1 00; Pekin ducks, J Gil nan tumbling surge, witli rocks still on every Orbeton. Rockland, 1st $1 50. Two-year-old, add the meal, when raised m:x; more m:,k if CARPET WEAVERS’ Twine and Warp, began to rise and break over the deck, and Thomas-on, g -atuiiy, .50. Native Ducks, Wm. necessary.—Mrs. E. A. Hrlch, Rockland. Supplied to the Trade at Boston Loving friends! be wise and dry ere long it became evident that one of tho hand. And there stood the fair pilot, her Fred J. Davis. Rockland, 1st. $1 00. Year'ing, Melvin, gra ui.y .50.
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