3426 Vol. 44, No. 14 / 15 July 2019 / Optics Letters Letter Sub-second quantum cascade laser based infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry 1 1 2 3 ALEXANDER EBNER, ROBERT ZIMMERLEITER, CHRISTOPH COBET, KURT HINGERL, 1, 1 MARKUS BRANDSTETTER, * AND JAKOB KILGUS 1RECENDT—Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing GmbH, Science Park 2, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria 2Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler Universität, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040, Linz, Austria 3Center for Surface and Nanoanalytics, Johannes Kepler Universität, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040, Linz, Austria *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received 1 May 2019; revised 5 June 2019; accepted 5 June 2019; posted 5 June 2019 (Doc. ID 366212); published 3 July 2019 Laser-based infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) is dem- By means of spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), wavelength- onstrated for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, by dependent sample properties are probed. The spectral regions applying a tunable quantum cascade laser (QCL) as a mid- covered by SE span the ultra-violet (UV), visible (VIS) and in- infrared light source. The fast tunability of the employed frared (IR) spectral range. Whereas the UV and VIS regions are QCL, combined with phase-modulated polarization, sensitive to electronic states and excitons, in the IR molecular −1 enabled the acquisition of broadband (900–1204 cm ), vibrations, free-carrier and phonon absorptions are observed. In −1 high-resolution (1cm ) ellipsometry spectra in less contrast to free-carrier absorptions probed in the terahertz than 1 second. A comparison to a conventional Fourier- range [5], fundamental vibration modes occur in the finger- transform spectrometer-based IR ellipsometer resulted in print region, which is part of the mid-infrared (MIR) spectral an improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by a factor of at least range. Therefore, SE in the MIR enables the determination of 290. The ellipsometry setup was finally applied for the real- both chemical composition and, in the case of anisotropy, spa- time monitoring of molecular reorientation during the tial orientation of the investigated structure. However, until re- stretching process of an anisotropic polypropylene film, cently, optical methods in the MIR range had to rely on thermal thereby illustrating the advantage of sub-second time reso- light sources. Such sources feature low brilliance—defined as lution. The developed method exceeds existing instrumenta- photon flux per solid angle and bandwidth—leading to long tion by its fast acquisition and high SNR, which could open integration times and to a significant loss of intensity after large up a set of new applications of SE such as ellipsometric inline path lengths or penetration depths. process monitoring and quality control. © 2019 Optical The advent of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) eventually Society of America brought a unique, spectrally tunable, and high-brilliance MIR https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.44.003426 laser source. Thus, the advantages of lasers could be combined with the ability of broadband emission known from thermal Provided under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement light sources. QCLs are monochromatic sources, but offer a spectral tuning range up to several 100 cm−1 when realized The already well-established measurement technique ellipsom- in external cavity configuration (EC-QCL) [6]. Hence, spectro- etry gained an increasingly important role in various scientific scopic measurements without the need of any monochromator or interferometer became feasible [7]. In comparison to thermal and industrial disciplines resulting in numerous technological 4 and biomedical applications [1]. Ellipsometry is based on the MIR light sources, QCLs offer at least 10 times higher bril- determination of a polarization change due to light–matter in- liance. The provided improvements in signal-to-noise ratio teraction at a sample [2]. This change in polarization can arise (SNR) and sensitivity enable new applications such as transmis- from various processes at the surface or inside the bulk leading sion measurements of liquid solutions beyond the limits of con- to a wide range of measurable sample parameters. As the ventional systems if the characteristic properties of EC-QCLs method relies on the measurement of intensity ratios of polari- are considered [8,9]. Furthermore, the fast tunability of several −1 zation components, including their phase difference, the com- 1000 cm ∕s leads to a major reduction of the acquisition plex refractive index can be obtained directly without any time per spectrum. reference measurements or performing a Kramers–Kronig The advantage of using a high-brilliance QCL for vibra- analysis. Thereby, unique information about the sample such tional circular dichroism measurements has already been shown as chemical composition, as well as dielectric and geometric by Lüdeke et al. [10]. Thereby, the efficiency of QCLs applied properties, can be obtained simultaneously. Additionally, ellips- to a polarization-modulating technique was demonstrated in ometry offers extraordinary sensitivity enabling sub-monolayer spectral regions that are difficult to study due to significant resolution, e.g., in epitaxial thin film growth [3,4]. water absorption. However, the potential high time resolution 0146-9592/19/143426-04 Journal © 2019 Optical Society of America Letter Vol. 44, No. 14 / 15 July 2019 / Optics Letters 3427 could not be exploited, as the application of a chopper (≤0.5cm−1) and precision (≤0.2cm−1), measurements with drastically reduces the available sampling rate. Compared to a spectral resolution below 1cm−1 were feasible. For polariza- dichroism measurements, ellipsometry turns out to be a more tion modulation a ZnSe photo-elastic modulator (PEM) oper- powerful method, as both phase shift and amplitude ratio— ating at 37 kHz (Hinds Instruments PEM-90) was used. The expressed by the ellipsometric parameters Δ and Ψ—are signal was detected with a thermoelectrically cooled mercury recorded simultaneously. Therefore, SE additionally covers di- cadmium telluride (MCT) detector (VIGO System PCI- chroism information and is not limited to anisotropic samples. 4TE-12). In order to split the detected signal into an AC as well The first application of ellipsometry using a QCL was presented as a DC part, a signal extraction unit consisting of a high- by mapping structured surfaces and molecular interactions in pass filter (10 kHz) and a low-pass filter (10 Hz or 2 kHz organic thin films at only two discrete wavelengths [11]. The depending on the acquisition speed) was implemented. For presented results demonstrate a promising outlook in terms of further signal processing, a digital lock-in amplifier (LIA) hyperspectral sample mapping ellipsometry. However, the po- (Anfatec Instruments eLockIn 204) offering multiple signal tential of realizable diffraction-limited spot sizes offered by outputs was used. Finally, the desired signals were recorded QCLs was not exploited, as only a spatial resolution in the by means of a 12 bit high-speed oscilloscope (Teledyne millimeter range was achieved. LeCroy HDO6104A). In our contribution, we present, to the best of our knowl- As indicated in Fig. 1, the vertically polarized QCL radiation edge, the first laser based SE measurements by recording con- −1 −1 was passed through a slightly tilted KBr window to prevent tinuous spectra (900–1204 cm ) with 1cm resolution in back reflections into the laser. In order to avoid interference Δ Ψ sub-second acquisition times (887 ms per , -spectrum). effects at the modulation frequency, the laser beam diameter In order to demonstrate the accuracy of the developed system, was reduced to about 0.6 mm by an aperture before the beam μ anisotropic polypropylene (PP) films of 6 m thickness have passed the 15° tilted PEM. Additionally, to sub-millimeter spot been measured in transmission at normal incidence and were sizes, this configuration allows splitting the first transmitted compared with reference measurements done with a commer- beam from the ones experiencing multiple reflections in the cially available Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectros- optical element of the PEM. The latter were then blocked copy-based rotating compensator ellipsometer. Furthermore, by a razor blade placed directly behind the PEM. After passing the enhanced noise performance of the presented setup com- the sample, the transmitted radiation was analyzed by four suc- pared to the conventional ellipsometer is shown. Finally, the cessively arranged wire grid polarizers before a ZnSe lens fo- spatial reorientation of molecules within a PP film due to cused the beam on the detector chip. The detected intensity an applied tensile force has been observed with the sequential I det was calculated by means of Jones matrices of the respective recording of multiple ellipsometry spectra. This realization of optical elements. In the given configuration with a PEM optical laser based SE measurements opens up new paths and oppor- axis and analyzer, each rotated 45° with respect to the initial tunities for future research in the MIR spectral range. polarization, this leads to The configuration of the developed QCL ellipsometer is illustrated in Fig. 1. The applied EC-QCL (DRS Daylight I det ∼ I 0 I 0J0 δ0 cos 2Ψ → I DC 900 cm−1 1204 cm−1 Solutions Hedgehog) is tunable from to 2I 0J1 δ0 sin 2Ψ sin Δ sin ωM t → I ω (1) (1000 cm−1∕s) while emitting a laser beam with a waist of 2I 0J2 δ0 cos 2Ψ cos 2ωM t → I 2ω, about 2.5 mm in the TEM00 spatial mode (linearly polarized >100:1). In the presented setup the laser was driven in con- after Jacobi–Anger expansion [12]. Here I 0 denotes the tinuous wave mode leading to an extremely narrow spectral intensity provided by the QCL, while δ0 and ωM refer to linewidth of just 3.3 × 10−3 cm−1 and a maximum emission the modulation amplitude and modulator circular frequency, power of 110 mW according to the manufacturer. Combined respectively. The Bessel functions arising due to the expansion −1 with high wavelength repeatability (≤0.1cm ), accuracy are given by J0, J1, and J2.
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