ILIOGRAPHIC ATA SHEETI 1.CONTROL NUMBER 2.SUBJECT CLASSIICATION (695) BIBI.G l A SPN-AAH-318 DDOO-OOOO-G788 3. 11111Y' A ND1) I'BiITI L, (24 0) (Thvt rit iiiamin1 ' ,en istration in the Yemen Arab Republic 4. 111R )N.\I..\I'iL I(ORS (100) (Gab1(), H . W. 5. (:ORPORATE AUTHORS (101) 6. I) CAMENT DATE (10) -17. NUMBER OF PAGES (120) 8. ARC NUMBER (170) 1979 167p. YE354. 5332.GI]15 9. REF;ERENCE ORGANIZATION (130) T)S,,'T AD 10. SI!PI'PLEMIINTARY NOTES (500) t 1. ABSTRACT (950) 12. DESCRIPTORS (920) 13. PROJECT NUMBER (150) Yemen Arab Rep. Budgeting Public administration Government Personnel management 14. CONTRACT NO.(140) 15. CONTRACT Financial management DS/RAD TYPE (140) Local qovernment Taxa ti on 1. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (160) AID 590-7 (10-79) GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC Prepared and published in cooperation with the Office of Rural Development and Development Administration Development Support Bureau U.S. Agency for International Develop.-nt by Richard W. Gable University of California, Davis January, 1979 (Revised, May, 1979) GOVERNMlENT AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE YE.IMEN ARAB REPUBLIC (In partial fulfillment of Contract No. 53-319R-9-47, dated November 11, 1978, issued by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Services, for the Office of Rural and Administrative Development, U. S. Agency for International Development) Richard W. Gable University of California, Davis January, 1979 (Revised, May, 1979) : ! ,+:3 3333 + +..... + 4 !i +:'+++'*3 " ' +:i .!.L i + ++ +i 4J++! .. , 33:y 4333 ~C ar B3.33.-..:3 > + Mr.cber " Heusann Directorl .43e.qv-net andt' A-4nS=tO '.IteYmnAa als of v, ..theeo ' a ,, _________, id based own a al i o, Ym :realitis and develcc>:th.'4 entK''s3 ' , K Sat conclude........... 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'_'.... 3.....33.e+ :3 e3 6 , ''_ + ++? + ; S : ?+i7 + + + ++ +++ 3+++3+3-3+ 3 33.3 ...i ++ ... + :+++ ; + +++ , +: ++ + ++3+ + # + + * * ++' +++*+ + + ;+ 4++4++ +.... * .. + + : ++++++ + . a :++h s 3'++s 4 ~ e o e e.: e +3 : a .e 4 = .+- '+3 ++ +++ +++4 : ++++3 ++: 4464 ++ * + / + + +: : ++ +] 33L + +: ! + + + : 3e :+ + , + + ': 3 , ' : 3 : ++ ' + 3.+ + 33: + ++ 3 3++ 3 -? + : * + = + +++ + * < + : 3+ +++ : +: ++ +e +3 + + + /+P +++ + +++ + *+ +!+ :++ ': + + + + ::+ +k + ? 64: 3 33 * + +;+ + j++'; l [+ + :+ + >+ ++ + ++ ?:# + +;+:+ + + . +* "+' +++7 + + + <4 33 . 33,++ 324+i>3 ;42> 1 4 +++: >++ :++3 + +"++:'+ + j+ :++ + t ++ +:<++ :S 33 3 3 + + + ..3 + ++ + + 4 ++ +"'': ++ 1 + ;;' ++ 33 , 3 +++ +++3 *++++' ' +' ++++ +++*+ s + 3.3333.3-33,333,-33 ++ + . 3' 3-n+:. : , - -- - . ... :+ 33e,-433,.-33.44-3,44+++ .44.+333.33: +, ++:++ 4.3.3 ',<3 . 3. 3. .. + + :3 +:,: : + +,3.3' '3 + ++ ++ +, +:+ + : ++ : , , , 3+] 3 3+ 3 +; +:I3, : ++ +, ++ : !; 33 44++ 33 +: ++;++ + 43-++ # + *+ + :+ # J ++ + 333++++ 333::+ :+: + + .. 3. i '+ : + 5 ' ++ ;++++i S j++++ +:++ +p+ '+ ' +:"+ +3 7 3434 343-433.333433 : + +.6 ' .. + to + '+ + # +<'+ :++ +<+ 333++ 33+ 3333334 43 + + - 333.3+ <3' . '3 33, ,+ + + ++ + + +;++r + + + ;:: ? + 34t:: +,:+ + ++ ++ +; *' + + 3+++3.3 343433.:j + + +3.-36 3+:+: + 34'+7*</ + +++ ......+++ +++ +, + . +. +.'+*:++++ + ,+ :++ 3++ 3343,33 3 34 4<633i .333 . 3, 6 3333.3.33334"4~ 3~33 ]333+33-3333' 4.44,33333333333+ ++ + + +:++ ++++++++ +++++++ 34333+,.+i!+++++ +.4ii+ 33343 333, + '++j 433 +A. ++ +++++ 3 43 333 4+++ 3< *3333343+,3433 3.3333 33 33 34 3 6 - 2 ° -ducazion, Agriculture and .ccal Admin.Listraticn Pius the Zirectors 0"-NT2A and CYDA. 2. Proi2e the C LZ wit. a program .lanniq sta-f chared wit: design and budce-tar rescmcnsib meation of Council decisions with ii-yand for--rch the theirle- .artioiating member ae.ies plus functions indica:ed :elcw (para 6). 3. Establish in each of t-e 10 Governates a multifuncticnal government service center to house the technical personnel for that area from each of 1-he member agencies of the CC.D - a&rd to serve as a base of coordinated technical operation and field service. 4. Staff the center with technical personnel in each fu:nctional eld of serce to the "As and Communities -!us a program ;Ianainc and ccordinaticn staff responsible to the local "evelccment Cordinatinq Ccuncil for t.hat Gcvernate. S. Develcp a human resources develcment lan to be executed by N_'-A to :ra.n th"e technical szaff recuired in each service cen-er In cacmeaa,_-or wiz-th the =ar:.capat _ng agencies n he CC:D - train. would be for technnical cadres as well as for the Program planning staffs - would Include tranc for trainers in each of t= centers to be subsequently charged with traininq program design and. execution for LZC personnel throuchout their Governates. 6. G-Senerate a prioritized development orocram 'or each Gverna-e based on inout from each -dA/Cc-=unizv through the staffs of -he centers and tlirouch the CCLD. 7. Based on this process, .e CCLD seeks and allocates resources (caital and technical personnel) to the Gcvexnate centers and through them to the LwAs. Meanwhile, assist the Central Gcvern.,ent _n stzrengthenina its financial management capaci-ty for develcoment resource zlanning and proqrm. execution, largelv &-rugh -.raining in NA but su .p!emented with direct techi_cal assisoar.ce. arrve am this summary model will become clearer readin.g the Gable study. :However, it is also based on sub- stantial ccmparative analysis o local (rural) development pr= r=ams in Asia, AfLca, atin America and, mos- recenl, Por-uCal Clearly i- recuires considerable " r"o- and -3- .roqr3.ati ex-.-l-ationl. 3ut i has the vIue of oroviding a si..le desi--n . for discussion ou-oses with ycur ission colleagues: -hei: Yemen cunte_-_azts, and other donors. Dr. Gable's nore detailed discussion of alte.-at-ives expands your opticns. of As : have indicated in other correszondence, the Office aura2. :evelccment and Develc.ment Administration is prepared to provide further assistance to you i. elaboratinq a Mission for institutional develcpment and administrative strategy with follow- improvement in the Yemen. We can provide you a consultation as early as the third wee.? in July from on in development Zr. Claude Salem--our Arabic speaking consultant and training. Dr. Salem could work plannLng, administration &f you as lone as two weeks, should you find it useful. with other alternativ-es this timi-ng is not convenient, we can examine of your choice. of this letter and the attached recort are being circu- Copies to cther lated to the Near East Bureau technical offices, -memOers of- the DS/.;A tecnical staff and to our collaborators personnel of the P.ura- Cevelcpment and ?art-iation including will cocerati-e project with Cornell U.iversi-y. We welcome and any that we receive -hat might be use4ul to you reactions along. in consideri--g your program options we will pass been a nleasure to collaborate with you and your fine -t has forward Mission staff in this consultative eff-rt and we lock the dialogue either to explore the strateTydeni to furtherinq work wih you on a Projec- oct.ins f=rther or to begin cation 2oc'.ment or on a Project Paper whenever you are ready. Best .Regards, Eatrlan H. icbcccd, Director Office of RuaL evelo.ment and Development Admzinistraticn Development Support Bureau FO RE,,1O R0 It was my orivilege to ac:omoany Professor Richard 3able during the first week of h's brief three-week recon- naisance mission to the Yemen Arab Reoublic. With visitor accommodations in short sucoly, we had to share a double room in :he Sam C ty Hotel, at that time, Sana's finest.
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