~ ~~ VOLUME 14, NO. 4 WINTER, 1960 THEY'RE ALL OUT OF STEP A That'saccording to Smith, of course. Actuallyit's Smith who's 'way out of step-all the others know thevalue of readingthe B of M BusinessReview "MYTO 2 YllllOH BAN CAXADIAM ti" from cover to cover. This concise monthly spotlight on the business scene is invaluable in keeping you abreast of Canadianeconomic affairs. Make it a point to read it every month.There's a RANK OF personal cop): available for you-even if your name MONTREAL ic Smith.Just dropa line today to: Business Develop- @uu.ad2 7w %& rnentDepartment. Hank ofMontreal, P.O. Box 6002. Montreal 3. P.Q WORKINGWITH CANADIANS IN EVERYWALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 5D179L U.B.C.ALUMNI CHRONICLE 2 U. B.C. ALUMNICHRONICLE CONTENTS Editor: James A. Bmham, B.A.71 Assistdut Editor: Frmcrs Tucker, B.A.’SO Publishedqu.arterly by the AlumniAssociation AlumniNews of the University of British CoIumbi3, Vancouver, Canada. 4 Homecoming-1 960 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT TheTours Two Presidents EXECUI‘IV€ COMRIITTEE: President,Don- 6 of ovan F. hliller, H.Com.’-!?; past prrident. hlarh Collins, B.A.,B.Com.’34; firstvice-president, 7 Alumnae and Alumni John I. Carson, B.A.’43; secondvice-president, -By Frances Tucker Mrs. Alex u’. Fisher, B.A.’31; third vice-presi- dent, W. C. Gibwn, B.A.’33. R1.k.. \l.ll., 1’h.D.; treasurer, H. FrederickField, B.A., B.Com.’ilO. Members-at-1,arge: Paul S. Plant, B.A.’49; Mrs. P. C. hlacl.aughlin. H.A.’4I: Hen Features B. Trevino, Ll..R.’.59; EmersonH.Gennis, B.Com.’-!X; IliknWright, B.A.’33; TheHon. 12 TheUniversity Library James Sincl;:ir, U.A.Sc.?X. Director. A. H. Sager. B.A.’?,S; a\\i\tant to director. hlrs. W. -A specinlsection to mark the opening of the Walter C. C. Johnstone, B.A.’57; editor,James A. Ban- Koernerwing of theUniversity library. The section, ham, B.A.’5 1. which r~ns fro:^ pages 12 to 21, outlinesthe services DEGREEREPRESENTATIVES: Agriculture, nvailnble in the library. Norman 1.. Elansen. B.S.A.’53: Applied Science. Alex H.Rome, B.A.Sc.’44; Architecture,Clyde Ilowett, B.Arch.’SS: Arts, Vivian C. Vicary, 22 AnotherTriumph for the Thomases B.A.’33; Commerce.Kenneth F. Weaver, H.Com.’49; Education. Paul N. Whitley,B.A. ’22; Forestry.Kingsley F. Harris. H.Conl.’-!7, 24 MoreCollege English B.S.F.’4X; Home Economics, Anne E. Howorth, “By DavidBrock B.H.E.’52: IAW. AllanD. hlcEachern, B.A.’49, LL.B.’SO: Medicine, R. S. Purkis, M.D.’54; The section entitled ”The University“ begins on page 26. Nursing.Margaret Lelyhton, B.N.(McGiIl): AlAclcs on the faculty, student news adthe regular Sports Pharmacy, D. B. Franklin, B.S.P.’52;Physical Szwnnznq will be found in this section. Education,Reid Mitchell, B.P.E.’49, Ed.’55; Science,Joseph Montgomery.H. B.Sc.‘S‘): SocialWork, T. H.Hollick-Kenyon, B.A.’S I. VOLUME 14, NO. 4 B.S.W.’53. ALUhINISENATE APPOINTEES: hathan COVER T. Nemetz, Q.C.. B.A.’34; Norman Hylancl. B.Com.’34;Mark Collins, B.A..B.Com.’34. Ceremonies to mark the opening of the new Walter EX OFFICIO: Branchpresidents; A.M.S. pres- ident, I. David N. Edgar,2nd Law: Students’ C. Koerner wing of the Un- Councilrepresentative; graduating class presi- iversit,>l library ufere held dent, J. DavidA. McCrath, B.A.’60. October 27 in conjunction EDITORIAL, COMMITTEE: Chairman, W. C. with fallcongregation. A Gibson, B.A.’33, MSc., M.D., Ph.D. s p e c i a 1 supplement on Chroniclebusiness and editorial offices: pages 12 to 21 of thisedi- 2.52 BrockHall, U.B.C., Vancouver 8, B.C. tiondescribes the opening Authori-led as second class mail, Post Office ceremony and the services Ikpartment, Ottawa. availai2e in the revised and TheU.R.C. Alumni Chronicle is sentfree enlarged version of the lib- of charge to alumnidonating to theannual ran. giving progr:im and U.B.C. Development Fund. WINTER, 1960 Non-donors ]may receive the magazine by paying a subscription of $3.00 a year. 3 U.B.C. ALUMNICHRONICLE GALA 1960 "Thebest ever." Thatwas the way graduates reacted to theAlumni Association's 1960 Homecoming celebrations held October 28 and 29 in conjunctionwith full congregation. Graduatesgot intellectual stimulation from ;I speech by BritishMuseum director Sir Frank Francis. who came lor an honorary degree. and from three well-attended panel discussions on athletics. Canadian standards of scholarship and the future of universities. Aftera lunch of barbecuedchicken graduates trooped to thestadium where 1.hey saw theThunderb:rdr clefeat Saskatchewan 12-0 in a WesternCanadian Intercollegiate U.B.C. ALUMNI CHRONICLE 4 Cluss of 19-70, the secotad to gruduute us U.B.C. students held Old cumpuign buwer used by U.B.C.’s present chancellor, Dr. their fortieth reunion in the Fuculty Club. Shown left to right A. E. Gruuer,when he ran for prerident of’ students council ubove are: Dr.H. L. Keenleyside,Mrs. (Beth Ahernethy) tcus LI tulking point ut 192i reunion.Above, left to right, Klinck,reunion dinner chuirwomun; Judge Alfred H. J. ure: ArthurLuing, Bert Smith, cluss president;Chuncellor Swencisky, Miss JanetGilley und JudgeHarry Colgun. Mrs. Gruuer, and Professor emeritus F. G. C. Wood, honorury cluss Klinck is the wife of Presidentemeritus Leonurd S. Klinck. president. HOMECOMING Athletic Union football game. Class reunions and the an- nual homecoming ball followcd in the evening. The homecoming committee headed by graduate Barry Baldwinput in months of planningto make it a success. -e Class of 1930 met in UBC’s new Buchunun building for buffet dinner.Reculling student duys are, left to right:Mrs. Mary (McQuarrie)Newcomb, who cume to thereunion from Des Moines, Iowa; Prof. W, Robbins, class president; ,Mrs. Olive (McKeown)Broome, und Prof. Malcolm McGregov. Plutes at the reudy the ludies’ committeewhich plurrned re- Clustered uroundthe 1930 Totem ut reunion in BrockHall uuion for clrss of 1940 prepares to eat. Left to right ure: ure seated, left to right: Mrs. Marnie (McKee) Stewart, dinner Dodie (Hutton) Edmonds, Ruy (Adumson) Armstrong,Biddy chuirwomun; Bern Brynelson, cluss president, and Mrs. Puuline (McNeill)Gaddes, Helen (Hann) Belkin,Rosemury (Collins) (McMurtin)Rantu. Standing ureMrs. Kuy(Milligan) Biller Hope, und Isabel (Stott) Weston. Reunion wus held in “cuf.” and Phil Northcott. 5 U.B.C. ALUMNI CHRONICLE THE TOURS OF TWO PRESIDENTS By ARTHUR SAGER U.B.C. Alumni Director October, November and December were busy months, both onand off campus.Alumni activities at U.B.C.are reported elsewhere in the Chronicle.Here, asummary of events at branch level: EAST Toronto. D. F. Miller,Alumni president, and the director attendeda Sunday evening get-together on October 2 atthe home of Mr.and Mrs. Harry C. Campbell. A very enjoyable evening,thanks to the excellenthosts. John F. Ridingtonwas electedpresident of thebranch and with a new executiveof ”volunteers” is planning a program of future events. Peterborough. Inashort, nine-hour visit, onOctober 3, the directorwas wined, dinedand ent,ertained continuously by thiswell-organized 43-memberbranch. E. 0. “Ted” Baze- ley. retiringpresident, arranged the program-reception, din- ner,evening social-while R. A. “Dick”Hamilton, new presi- dent. carried it through. This included for Mr. and Mrs. Ham- ilton a“seminar” on higher education until train departure at 2:15 a.m. Ottawa. D. Wilson McDuffeestepped in for T. E. “Ted” Jackson,branch president, in arranginga lively meeting of gradsat the University Club on October 4. Don Miller re- ported on Universitydevelopments and Association activities andthis resulted in apreliminary discussion of thealumni Newest hat owned by President N. A. M. MacKenzie role at national level. was presented to him at Williams Lake during recent Montreal. At a very enjoyable luncheon meeting on Octo- tour which took the president to Peace River area also. ber 5 arranged by Vincent Casson (and his efficient secretary), Real10-gallon hat was presented by Mr. and Mrs. the branchwas reactivated under the chairmanship of Lloyd DouglasStevenson, extreme left and right,above. Hobdenand with asteering committee of realvolunteers. U.B.C. graduate Lee Skipp,a Williams Lake lawyer There is no lack of interest in Montrealas Douglas Wright (formerpresident, now inNew York) foundout as a result standsbehind thepresident. Manat right is Mr. of aquestionnaire. A meeting of thesteering committee was Stewart Smith. held onOctober 31 andpreparations are now being madefor a visit by Dr. MacKenzie on December 7. Dr. Hobden is now president, Vincent Casson, secretary. Quesnel. C. Gordon Greenwood,alumni representative and high school principal, filledthe day of October 13 with a Rotaryluncheon, high school visit, informaldinner, public NORTH meeting sponsored by the board of trade and an evening coffee Dr.MacKenzie toured the Peace River and Cariboo in party with alumniand friends. He also arranged transporta- mid-October,arrangements for the trip having been made by tion to WilliamsLake. alumniand friends at the five centres visited. JamesA. Ban- Williams Lake. Thefinal day and evening of thepresi- ham,Chronicle editor, and the directoraccompanied the dent’s tour wasvery much a Stevensons’ party.Doug and president. AnneStevenson arranged a Kiwanis luncheon, meetings with Fort St. John. Everyhour for threeevenings and two highschool teachersand students, informal dinner at their days(Oct. 8-11) wasfilled with events of interest,thanks to homeon the lakefollowed by aconvivial social evening with GordonPaton, his hard-working“committee” and the hospit- alumniand friends. And, finally, on Saturday morning, to able people of thePeace. Receptions, church services, sight- meet campuscommitm.ents, Doug Stevenson drove the party seeing tours, dinner meeting, visits tothe high school-a tight all the way to Vancouver.
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