VII. ITINERARIES FROM TURIN IN THE PROVINCES OF CUNEO, NOVARA, ALESSANDRIA P iedmont (al IIle fool of mOlmlaillS) - or Subalpin e Regi on , en circled on three sides by th e Alps and th e Appennines , ope n o n th e fourth to Lombardy, beyond the River T icin o - co mprises the/ourp rovince» of Tu rin, Cuneo, Nouara and Atessandria, In th e. vast region (30,000 Kt ; 3.500.000 inhab .), Nature, Art and Hist ory co nte nd in inviting and sa tisfy ing the visit or s, who besides, appreci ate th e co mforts and manifest ations o f mod ern life, th e cu rtesy and culture of the inh abitants , and the development of the industries. Of T urin (lown , em/irons and p rovinc~) we have spoke n in th e p receeding chapters; in thi s we will tra ce so me iti n erari es from the ancient Capital (Turin ) to the chief towns of the other provinces, o f whi ch we note th e most im portant town s , th e Health Resort s, th e most frequented Hydr opathic and Ther m al Establishments and th e la rge Alpine passes. • The iti ne raries in th e t hr ee provinces are dis ti ng uished with progress ive numbers i th e nam es in italic typ e are o f th e most not abl e localit ies. A bbreviation s - K. ~ Kilornet ers of distan ce ; m. = met ers of alti tude ; Inhab. = in habitants; bra• ..,. branch lines of railways and t ramways :It. = itinerary; p. = page oft he guide book . Province of Cuneo. I. Torino-Savigliano-Cuneo-Vievola-Tenda. - K. 8. M OIu alien' (p. 168) ; K. 13: T ro ffarello : bra. Cllien' (p , 165) and bra. Asti (p . 199) - Atessandria (p. 198) - Gen e va (It. 8) ; - K. 29. Ca rmagnola: bra. Bra-B asti a- Ceva (p , 196­ Sav cna (It. 2) ;- K. 38, Ra ccouigi (p . 169) ; - K. 45, Cavalle rma gg iore: bra , Atessandria (p , 198) and bra. Mor etta (It. 3) ;-K . 52 Saviglian o : br a. S atusso (p. 195); - K. 64, Fossano: br a /tIOllduvi (p. ' 96) ; - K . 88, Cuneo (p. 195) : bra. Sa/llZZO (p. 195) ; bra. /tlonduvi- Villanoua (p , 196); bra. Viev ola- Tenda (p, 195). 2. Torino-Bra-Savona. - K. 1- 29 (I t. I); - K. So, Bra : bra. Alessandria and bra.Cavallermaggiore ;- K. 87. Basti a : bra. Mondooi-Cune o (p. 194 and p. '96); K. 101, Ct'Va, bra . Ga ressio-Orm ea (p, 196>; - K. 146, Sav on a,.
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