WEDNESDAY WILL BE RALLY-SMOKER «FORDHAMDAY"IN IN GYMNASIUM THE BRONX THE TONIGHT New York, N. Y., November 22,1935 No. 7 Harvester Smoker FORDHAM CELEBRATES BRONX WEEK Capacity Crowd Tonight Features At Third Lecture Football Forum Co-operntes With Manhattan, Hunter, Mount St. Vincent's, New York University, Webb Academy and New York Merchant Marine Academy By Fr. Lonergan Dooley, Crowley, Stevens and The Borough Beautiful is literally Former Ram Stars Time Schedule of Mite Box Returns 'The Menace of Communism'* "going collegiate" and Fordham 1B Held to Be Atheism Will Speak Tonight's Smoker helping it along. Yesterday the high- Fall Off Sharply ly publicized Bronx University Week And Materialism Pep, personality and pertinent point- Roger Durand, '36, Harvester began by an official proclamation ol The Mite Box returns for No- era on the Fordham-N. Y. U. game will Club President, and co-chairman A capacity audience of more than one Borough President James J. Lyons, vember show a sharp drop of permeate the College Gymnasium to- of tonight's Smoker-Rally, has re- thousand people heard Fr. William I. about twenty-one dollars from last night when the _________ leased to The RAM, the following "to focus public attention on the out- Lonergan, S.J., Associate Editor ot annual Football - program and time-schedule for standing educational facilities that ar month's total. The collections this "America," in his Rally and this evening's entertainment. The offered by the excellent educational month amounted to seventy-nine third Fall Confer- £- Smoker spon- Fordham Band will open the eve- institutions located in tho Bronx, so dollars and thirteen cents, which ence address last ?* ning's activities at 8:15 sharp Sunday in the Uni- i- sored by the that the public may bettor know why is seventy-one dollars short of the Harvester Club with a medley of collegiate airs. versity Chapel on The Band will be followed at 8:30 it is termed 'The Borough of Univer- school'-'quot<&"6f" this total the the topic, "The gets under way. 1 The evening's by "Radio's Visible Personali- sities." Senior- Class/contrlbuted seven- Menace of Commu- ties," from 9:00 to 9:30 by two nism." The Very program in- Wednesday has been designated teen " doiiarsv'and >" seventy • five cludes satellites boxing bouts, from 9:30 to 9:35 Rev. Aloysius J. by Bud McFarland, tap dancer, "Fordham Day" and an extensive pro- Hogan, S.J., Presi- of the athletic, gram has been arranged by the recep The Juniors,'compiled a total theatrical and accompanied by Rex McGaugh, dent of the Univer- and at 9:40 by Dick Meehan, hu- tlon committee, of which Edward Gil- ot twenty-four-dollars and five sity, presided and campus firma- leran, secretary to Father Aloysius J. ment and prom- morous commentator. For the fol- cents, the highest contribution. celebrated Benedic- lowing hour the program will con- Hogan, S.J,, is chairman. Last night at tion after the lec- ises to be an en- Junior "A" made the highest in- joyable and me- sist of Larry Rellly, "Entertainer the opening exercises, presided over by ture. Extraordinaire," two more box- Mayor LaGuardia, Fordham was repre- dividual donation with a total of "Profoundly ma- morable affair. ing bouts and Regina Bayne, Fr. Lonergan, S.J. The rally will sented by the Glee Club, which particl six dollars and twenty-nine cents. terialistic in its ex- "It's Home Or feature a Football Forum conducted by "The Musical Maid of Song." The pated In the "Carnival of Song" with O£ the twenty-two dollars and planation of the Eddie Dooley, famous newspaper and high-spot of the evening, the the glee clubs of the six other Bronx thirty-six cents contributed by the universe, Communism is avowedly radio commentator and All-America Fordham Football Forum, featur- Institutions, New York University, Freshman Class, Freshman B. S. atheistic," Father Lonergan declared. quarterback at Dartmouth. Mr. Dooley ing Eddie Dooley, Jim Crowley Manhattan, Hunter and Mount St. Vin- "B" gave four dollars and nlnety- "Irreligion automatically begets Im- will Interview Mai Stevens and Jim and Mai Stevens will go on at cent Colleges, Webb Academy and the morality and immorality is a prelude 10:40 and will be followed by the flve cents, while Freshman B. S. to decay," he continued. "World his- Crowley, both of whom should have New York State Merchant Marine "A" became the second highest a good deal of "inside dope" on Thanks- Introduction of former Fordham tory is fruitful in sad examples. athletic stars. The bill will be. Academy. contributor of this class with two It was moral degeneracy that blotted giving's game. Then Ram athletes of dollars and eighty cents. former years, Including Ed Dunowski, rounded out by Lewis Dayton, On "Fordham Day," the campus will out the glory that was Assyria and Jltn Murphy, Lester Borden, Tony Sa- magician, from 10:50 to 11:10, be the scene ot much activity. Father The Sophomore Classes con- Babylon and Egypt and Greece and rausky, Johnny Del Isola and Johnny and a team of acrobats. Hogan and the Borough President wil tributed fifteen dollars and thirty- Rome. Every government depends for Murphy, will speak briefly. This caval- formally open the day's proceedings seven cents. its survival less on its material wealth cade of luminaries of the sporting world with an inspection tour of the newest and prosperity than it does on the vir- will also Introduce to Fordham men campus unit, the Senior Building, ac- tue and moral rectitude of its citi- Dick Meehan, A. A. U. basketball of- MIMES OFFERS PRIZES companied by other Borough officials SENIOR TREASURY TO zenry." ficial, a noted humorist, who will be FOR POSTERS ON PLAY and noted educators. Then a specially BE USED FOR MAROON In view of President Roosevelt's followed by Jack Coffcy delegated group ot undergraduates wli: "hands off" reply to the Knights of serve as guides for the remainder of Columbus' query on the attitude of our The amateur boxing bouts which Today marks the beginning of the William T. Farley, president of the Mimes and Mummers Poster Contest, the tour. Among the points of interest, Senior Class, has announced that government toward the Mexican situa- were so well received last year will be which will be thrown open to the gen- tion, which has been made public since repeated tonight, four bouts having Open to all students, the contest offers the 1936 issue of the Maroon will re- eral public, are the Seismograph Build ceive monetary support from the treas the address, Father Lonergan's next" re- been scheduled under the auspices of three prizes for posters having the ing, where Father Joseph Lynch will mark seems almost prophetic. "The the Catholic Boys' Club. forthcoming varsity production, "The ury of the class. The senior officers at lecture briefly and informally upon the a recent meeting voted to continue this Communists, would, if they could, give The Entertainment Committee has Wolves," as their subject. The best workings of the famous earthquake us the same atheistic educational sys- definitely secured seven acts from the poster will be awarded six tickets to custom of past years. The money thus recorder, and the Chemistry Building contributed will eventually reduce the tem that flourishes in Soviet Russia theatrical world and promises several the play. The second and third prizes where Father Joseph Muenzen will and that they are now forcing on our last minute surprise features. Larry cost of the Year Book for each senior. will be four and two tickets respec- briefly speak. At the Biology Museum The photography edito rln a short Catholic brethren south ot the Rio Rellly, monologist; Reginia Bayne, tively. Father Joseph Assmuth will exhibit Grande where in the spirit of Com- versatile musician; Bud McFarland, talk to members of the senior class re- Due on or before Friday, November several of Its interesting scientific in- minded tbe students that the contract munism a Godless government, enjoy- youthful dance sensation, and Lewis struments. An organ recital and an ing incidentally the favor of our own Dayton, prestidigitator, are among 22, the entries may be left at the switch- with the White Studios, photographers address by Father George D. Bull, for the Maroon, will expire next Tues- Washington Administration, demands those who will appear. board or with Mr. Francis J. Finger- S.J. on "The Function of the Catholic that the Mexican child entering the hut, S.J., the Assistant Moderator. The day. In the future those students who A midget radio sot will be offered as College" in the chapel will constitute have not had their pictures taken will classroom In the morning must salute I a door prize and the winners of both judges will be Fr. Glen E. Walsh, S.J. the closing exercises of "Fordham his teacher, who has pledged herself to Moderator of the Mimes and Mummers, be obliged to go to the White Studios, j this and of the raffle conducted by the Day," 520 Fifth avenue, for them and, besides atheism, with the blasphemous greet- Harvester Club will be announced dur- Mr. Fingerhut, and Joseph G. Katin ing, "Good morning, teacher; there is '3G. Further details have been posted on Fordham has not, however, limited the regular charge of one dollar, will ing Die course of the evening. The first Its participation to Us own particular have to pay a late fee of auother dollar. no God," prize in this raffle is a pair of tickets to the bulletin board. day. Tomorrow night, over station Citing the "divine right to rule" j the Army-Navy game, with tratisporta- given to the state by God, the speaker WOR, the double-quartet will sing ALUMNUS ELECTED ' ticm, and a pair of Fordham-N.
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