CommuniquéAsh Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation Spring 2012 Volume 10 IN THIS ISSUE New York City Anti-Poverty Program Wins Innovations in American Government Award Immersion Learning: HKS Students Study Disaster Recovery in Chile Delegation Explores Alternative Paths for Vietnam’s Future Growth AP Reporter Shares Work Covering Disasters in Southeast Asia Roy Ash presents at the 2003 Ash Center inauguration HKS Indonesia Program Fellow Explores Corruption in Indonesia’s Remembering Roy Ash Private Sector One of Largest Single Donors to HKS Dies at 93 Democracy Seminars Host Preeminent Scholars on Understanding Roy Ash, one of the largest single donors to of the Institute [now Center] is to encourage Democracy’s Challenges Harvard Kennedy School, died on Decem- thoughtful and focused attention to the ber 14, 2011, of complications from Parkin- nature, principles, functioning, and continued 21 Students Receive Support for PAEs son’s disease at his home in Los Angeles. innovation and adaptations essential to a liv- He was 93. ing and effective democracy.” In 2003, Roy and his wife Lila endowed “We are deeply grateful for the support the Roy and Lila Ash Center for Democratic Roy and Lila Ash have provided to the Ash Governance and Innovation at Harvard Center,” said Anthony Saich, director of the Kennedy School. Their gift allowed the Ash Center. “Without their foresight and School to enhance its existing Innovations direction, the Center would never have in Government Program by emphasizing come to fruition as an energetic hub of aca- The Roy and Lila Ash Center for Democratic the connection between innovation and demic scholarship on democracy, bridging Governance and Innovation advances excel- democratic governance. The Ash Center the gap between the ideal of democracy lence and innovation in governance and pub- now devotes much of its resources towards and the imperfect practice of its real-world lic policy through research, education, and understanding the practices and mecha- incarnations around the world.” public discussion. Three major programs sup- nisms required to establish, sustain, and port our mission: the Program on Democratic deepen democracy around the world. A Life of Public Service Governance; the Innovations in Government “We have to consider the concept of Roy Ash dedicated his career to serving the Program; and the Rajawali Foundation democracy fragile and in need of real, con- public good in both business and govern- Institute for Asia. The Ford Foundation is a stant, hands-on care,” said Roy Ash at the ment, as well as through extensive philan- founding donor of the Center. inauguration of the Ash Center. “The purpose thropic endeavors. continued on page 3 In the News metrics, 19.9 percent, or 1.6 million, of the city’s 8.2 million residents are classified as poor. Employers are increasingly making a high school diploma a prerequisite for employment, yet 18 percent of New Yorkers have earned less than a high school diplo- ma and 23 percent have only attained a high school diploma. The Center’s evidence- based literacy, GED, and other employment and training programs offer important opportunities to the city’s low-income work- ers and job seekers. “Poverty is one of the great challenges of our time, and as someone who has spent a great deal of time working on the issues of Ash Center Director Saich presents Deputy Mayor Gibbs, CEO Executive Director White, and Mayor Bloomberg with poverty and social policy, I’m particularly the Innovations in American Government Award pleased that the Center for Economic Opportunity was selected as our Innovations in American Government Award winner,” said David Ellwood, dean of Harvard Center for Economic Opportunity Wins Innovations in American Kennedy School. “The award honors the Center’s efforts to support the working poor Government Award at key transition points—starting school, entering the workforce, and having a family.” New York City’s Center for Economic education, and employment training to move Opportunity (CEO) was announced as the the working poor up the economic ladder.” Evidence-Based Evaluation winner of the Innovations in American Gov- CEO’s commitment to reducing poverty Anti-poverty programs are funded through ernment Award on February 12, 2012. Estab- expands to key policy efforts: as a result CEO’s Innovation Fund—a mix of public and lished by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, of CEO’s work, New York City was the first private moneys—and are subject to rigorous CEO designs, implements, and evaluates jurisdiction in the country to introduce an evaluation to determine their success in unique initiatives that combat urban poverty alternative to the much-criticized federal advancing economic opportunity and curb- among New York City’s low-income work- poverty measure. The new measure of ing poverty among New Yorkers. CEO works ers, at-risk youth, and families with children. poverty for New York City is based on rec- with independent, external evaluators to Over the last five years, CEO has collaborat- ommendations from the National Academy determine program impacts and also regu- ed with 28 city agencies to launch and scale of Sciences. Informed by CEO’s work, the larly releases evaluation reports on program up more than 50 programs and policy initia- U.S. Census Bureau released its first report implementation and impacts to share find- tives in the areas of asset development, on a new Supplemental Poverty Measure ings with providers, policymakers, and other employment and training, and education. for the nation in 2011. stakeholders. The city finds that this evalua- At a policy conference in late March “Time and again New York City eagerly tion process creates an environment of commemorating the program’s five-year tries bold ideas even at the risk of failure— transparency and evidence-based accounta- anniversary, Ash Center Director Anthony and that is precisely why our programs are bility whereby future funding is based on a Saich presented Mayor Bloomberg with a so successful,” said Mayor Bloomberg. program’s successful performance. certificate recognizing CEO’s achievements. “Not only are our results improving the lives CEO is housed within the office of Mayor “Not only is the Center for Economic of New Yorkers, but as the award from Har- Bloomberg and is overseen by Executive Opportunity innovative, it demonstrates a sea vard shows, we are a leading model for the Director Veronica M. White—a structure that change in how a city can unite the disparate nation in the charge to find solutions to centralizes control over two dozen city interests of previously siloed agencies, deeply entrenched challenges.” agencies and fosters more cross-agency funders, providers, and businesses to tackle collaboration for solving key issues related poverty, one of our nation’s major growing Poverty in the Big Apple to poverty. Among the 50 programs for challenges,” said Anthony Saich. “In honor- The Center for Economic Opportunity was which CEO has received high accolades are ing CEO’s efforts as an Innovations in Ameri- established by Mayor Bloomberg in 2006, CUNY ASAP, a community college support can Government Award winner, it is our hope allowing the city to design and test effective program, and the Sector-Focused Career that jurisdictions across the country can ben- programs before and during the economic Centers, a series of sector-based employ- efit from best practices in financial literacy, downturn. According to CEO’s most recent ment and training centers. 2 Communiqué Spring 2012 In the News Programs In Focus: Increasing Gradua- aviation, ground passenger transit, truck continued from cover tion Rates & Improving Employment transportation, and air transportation sup- With only one in five community college stu- port. Once placed, participants continue to In 1953, Ash co-founded Litton Indus- dents in the nation graduating each year work with program staff to prepare for tries, and as both director and president according to the National Center for Educa- career advancement. An independent evalu- until 1972, presided over its growth to a tion Statistics, CEO’s City University of New ation of the Transportation Center found multibillion-dollar business made up of over York Accelerated Study in Associate Pro- that participants had higher employment 100 companies. The company is now grams (CUNY ASAP) model is designed to placement rates, higher hourly wages, and owned by Northrop Grumman. remove barriers to graduation and increase more weekly hours worked than individuals While serving as President Nixon’s chair- graduation rates. The 1,300 CUNY ASAP in a comparison group. In fiscal year 2011, man of the Presidential Advisory Council on students at the city’s six community col- of the 6,718 New Yorkers served by the Executive Organization in 1969, Ash devel- leges benefit from increased interaction with Sector Centers, 2,834 secured employment oped a plan to elevate the former Bureau of faculty and staff through small, cohort- and an additional 394 were able to advance the Budget into a newly created Office of based classes as well as one-on-one involve- within their existing careers. Management and Budget that incorporated ment with academic and career advisors results-oriented leadership and management that play a proactive role throughout the Sharing Best Practices techniques. In 1973, he was appointed the student’s academic career. Students also In July 2010, CEO received an annual $5.7 third director of the Office of Management of receive financial support for tuition, books, million Social Innovation Fund grant from the Budget and continued serving in this posi- and transportation. As a result of these Obama Administration to assist with the repli- tion under President Ford until 1975. In this innovations, CUNY ASAP has doubled its cation of five of its anti-poverty programs in capacity, he oversaw the creation of a num- graduation rate among students in its three- Cleveland, Kansas City, Memphis, Newark, ber of new federal agencies including the year program (53 percent compared to 24 Tulsa, San Antonio, Youngstown, and Environmental Protection Agency.
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