The Inventory of the Leslie Waller Collection #218 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Rf6TRIC.j J~l) Box ff 1 WILL THE REAL TOULOUSE-L.A.UTREC PIF.ASE STJ\l'ID UP? folder// l: original ms. db.ap. 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21 t.c. with holo. corr. 56(. folder 7~✓, 2: t.c.c. of first copy 397 (. folder ff 3: final t. c. as sent to printer some b.olo. corr. 410,,(. Box ff 2 folder ~~ h: K original ms with original title A lJODR TO NOTHING and. later title THE PASTURE OF TRIUMPH t. c . with profuse holo. corr, 119 (. THE BANKER :folder ff 5: early chapters includ.ing 3 tmused ones deleted from :final ms. t.c. with holo. corr. 212.f. folder ff 6: 12 chapters t.c,c. and t.c. with profuse holo, corT, 337} . Box# 3 THE BA.NEER entire ms t. c. editor I s marlrn and some holo. corr. folder ff 7: pp 1 - )Jr73 li-81/. first part Box I/ !.i. THE BANKER entire ms t.c. editor's marks and some holo. corr. folder ff 8: pp l1.7l1. - 921 TBE COUNTRY BOY ·X· microfilm (->:• in letter 21 Feb 1966 LW said the microfilm was of rns. of TBE BANKER) Waller, Leslie Addenda 10/66 Box~ OVERDRIVE "Short novel for retarded late-teen readers to be published by Holt, 1967n j Typescript with holograph corrections. 110 • A BOOK TO BEGIN ON ELECTRICITY Holt 1963. // Typescript with printer's marks. 36..-fo 11 Labelled "Retyped ms - ready for composition o Tapes of interviews with Leslie Waller. 1. Radio interview WINS. Interviewer Marray Burnett. About: TD BANKER. Aug 13, 1963. 2. Radio interview WRFM & network. Interviewer Caspar Citron. About: THE BANKER. Aug. 13, 1963, 3. Radio interview WCBS. Interviewer Ted Steele. About: THE BANKER. Aug. 20, 1963. 4. Radio interview WOR. Interviewer Barry Farber. About: THE BANKER. Aug. 14, 1963. 5. TV interview WNYC-TV. Interviewer Caspar Citron. About: WILL THE REAL TOULOUSE LAUTREC PLEASE STAND UP? and misoellaneilWI. subjects. Oct. 1965 6. Radio interview WRFM and coast to coast network. Intervieweri-Caspar Citron • .About: WILL THE REAL TOULOUSE LAUTREC PLEASE STAND 111?? Photographs of Leslie Waller Each with holograph note. 1. Age 6, 2. Age 12. J. Age 19 in USAAF Waller, Les lie A:ldenckL Box =tf~""­ I. Miscellaneous: 1. 10 reels of tape recordings of Wand radio interviews, re: The Healers 2. 18 reels of tape recora_ings from anonymous M, D. in Tue Healers, with actual names, dates, Box f"/6, II. Printed 1'/Eterial: 1. Reviews: 87 newsp. & mag. clippings 2. 4 ms.gazines with articles by L. W. SoM l Wf< /) ff'f,D3. Newspapers edited by L. W. before W. VT. II: WilllGn:College Press, Air-0-JY:Sch, Polar Tech.; Approx. 1~55 pages. Box /fJ1 III, Correspondence 1941~-65 1. 92 TLS,38 ALS to L. W.; including 21~ ALS from children, and mostly re: early war books Box Iii IV. 1'/Enus cripts 1. American Inventions, children's book, typescript with many holograph revisions, 36 pp. i?o x 7 2. The Healers, by Anonymous M. D., original manuscript, typescript with many holograph revisions, 273 pp. Evx Io 3. The Healers, c&1;rbon typescript, 392 pp. ~-. The Healers, types c . with marry holo. 1, 3 08 pp. <3Dk 1/ i~erial for Tue Healers: 18 pp. typesc. notes; 25 pp. holograph notes; 23 newsp. & mag. clippings Box #ti 6. "The Hypnotist," typescripts. story, 16 p. 7. "The Moebius Band," types. synopsis for TV show, 11 pp.; 11 The Moebius Band," types. s • s . , 15 pages • 8. 11 The Corn Iv.19,iden, 11 typesc. s . s., 32 pages. 9. "Colloquy, 11 types. s. story, 28 pgs. 10. "More Deadly, 11 types. outline 3 pag-es; short story, carbon-typesc., 6 pages, 11, "The JY.19,n with the Scar, 11 types c • short st., 22 pages; carbon copy. 12. "Everybody has a Gun, " typesc. s. st., 17 pages; carbon copy. 13. "The Dead of Winter, 11 typesc. short story, 26 pgs; carbon copy. 1l~. "Room for Rent, 11 types . s . s • 20 pp.; carbon copy. 15. 11 The Lot fell upon Poor Jonah, 11 typesc. s. s., 27 pgs. 16. "Love from Johnny, 11 typesc. s. s., 15 pp. 17. "No for an Answer,'' novelette synopsis, typescript, 5 pgs, 18. "On a Darkling Plain," types. s. s., 14 pp, 19. "The Great Thanksgiving Plot, 11 ty-pes. s . s • , 20 pp. 20. "A Friend in Need," types. s. s., 6 pp. 21. 11Eleven, 11 types. s. s., 5 pp. 22. "The Best of It," types. s. s., 6 pp. 23 . "The Boy on the Bed, 11 first draft types. s. s. with many holograph revisions and author's autograph~ 24. "Belinda and the Ballots, types. s s. 17 pgs; carbon copy 25. "Age of Dissent, II carbon~ypesc; s. s .,22 p. II 26. "A Dozen Lemons, typesc. s. s. J 4 p. 27. "Where No Birds Sing, " types. s. s . , 20 p. 28. "'Ihe Wild Ending, " types. s • s . , 11 p. 29. "The Water Cure," types., s. s., 17 p. 3 0. "Too Good for Him, ''. types. s . s . , 1~ pp. 31. "Times Square," types. s. s., 28 pp. 32, "Rainy Season," types. s. s., 12 pp. J0 >q~ 33. "Snapshot," types. s, s., 16 pp. - 7 34, "Tne Subway Rider," types. s. s., 17 pg. 3 5. .M:1,rie JYAud, children I s bk,, types . , 13 pp. 36. Script for WPIX "Shari and Her Friends," 2 newsp. clippings; TIS to Shari from Dr. H.B. Gilbert; 12 pg. types.; l pg. halo. notes. 37. ''Take Life Easy," types. synopsis, 20 pg. 38, 14-page untitled typescript TV play. 39, "The Ritual of the Dead," types, TV play, 15 pgs; carbon copy. 1~o. "Dark Decision," types. TV play, and carbon copy, 33 pgs. ( each one); 41. "The Age of Dissent," types. ·:e.'w. play, 35 pgs; 2 copies of 29 pages; 42. "Dead of Winter, 11 types. T. V. play, 25 pg. ~-3. Outline of play "Proceed at Own Risk," typesc. 4 pg. 44 • Outline of play "No for An Answer!' types. 5 pg. 45. Outline for T. V. show) types. 12 pgs. includes AI.S from L, W. to Jay Garon 46. 11Doctor Noah) " types, T. V. play with many holograph revisions; 20 pgs . ; with TLS memo from L. W. to Jay Garon 47. Outline T, V. drama) "Hazard; 11 types. 2 pgs. 48, "The Ten Buck Fortune, 11 't. 'V-. play) carbon types., 23 pp. 49. 11 Mister Roberts, " types. condensation of screenplay) 34 pages. 50. "A Yan in the Kitchen)" synopsis of novelette, types.) 10 pgs; t. V. play) carbon typescript) 46 pgs,; t. V. play) typesc. with many holo. revisions, 24 pgs; synopsis of novelette>types. with many holo. revisions) 10 pgs.; partial TV play manuscript) carbon typescript) 3 4- pgs. holo. notes, 3 pgs. 51, 1N series: ideas, typesc.) 55 pages. 52. "Night," TV drama, types. 17 pgs.; 17 pgs. holograph notes. 53, "When I Pass On," synopsis) types., 6 pg. 54. Untitled TV drama, types., 27 pgs. 55. Untitled children I s book) types.) 48 pgs. 56. Untitled novel, 5 chapters, typescript, 54 pgs.; carbon copy, 54 pgs .; 2nd manuscript, typesc. with many holo. revisions, 67 pp. 57. College Thesis on Dashiell HarMaett, types.) 120 pgs.; 4 newsp. clippings,195 pgs. holo, notes. &:>x. 12, 58, Number One, ty-pes., 90 pgs.; 6 newsp. clippings; 4 pgs. holograph notes, :f1ak )"{ 59. The American Language, children's book, carbon typescript, 48 pgs; 13 newsp. & mag. clippings; Galleys. 60. Electricity, children's book, types,, 1~8 pgs.; carbon copy; 3 pgs. holo. notes; 21 newsp. clippings; Dust Jacket 61. The Invj.sible Woman, novel, types., 163 pgs, 62. The American J.i7lag, ch~~ ., typesc., 33 p,; 10 newsp. clippings; 6 pgs, holo. notes 63 . Series of children's books: Air and Water, 32 types. pgs. Energy, 41 types, pgs. Plants, 29 types. pgs, Animals, 32 types. pgs. R --- 61.t The Posture of Triumph, novel, types, 107 pgs. 1./Q)(_ 15 · · 65. 'l'irne, child book, types., 33 pgs.; 2nd manuscript, typesc., 29 pgs,; 3rd manuscript, typesc., 29 pgs.; Partial Galleys; 9 newsp. clippings 66. Photo Finish, novel, typescript, 93 pgs. Jdi-en'.s Weather, chi. book, types., 45 pp.; 2nd manu, typesc. wHh many hoJ_ograph revisions, ~.6 pp.; copy of book; Galleys; ~. magazines with L, W. story 11 Tae Restless Ones 11 68. Jl/.aterial on banking: 4 magazines; "Correspondent Banking System Survey, " types., 21 pgs.; Chapter 1 of untitled manu., carbon typescr., 6 pages ·U,tlil 1('66a) NUMBERS, children's book, typescript, 39 pp; 2nd manuscript, typescript, 36 pp. 66b) THE OLD WEST, Children's book, partial manuscript, ty-_pescript 9 pp. 66c) GEOBRAPHY, Children's book, typescript, 31 pp. carbon copy; galleys ~X. / b 69. College short stories,@ typescr. 79 pages; ~'String Book, 11 of newsp. and mag, clippings, l8 pages. 70. College papers, typesc.,@ l33 pages. ldren5I 71. American Inventions, ch t bk.; 1st manusc., typescript, 27 pages; 2nd manusc., ty-pescript, 24 pages; 3rd rn.anusc., typescript, l8 pages; 4th manusc,, carbon typescript, 42 pages; 24 sheets hol. notes; 52 newsp. clippings; 2 TLS to L, W. from Holt, R & Winston. Box "2.- 31. Phoenix Island, typesc., 268 pages; rewrites, typesc. 58 pages. 2. But Not lfJUrder,typesc. 220 pages; rewrites, types, 5 pages 3, The Bed She M;i.de, carbontypesc., 223 pp.; 2ndmanu. ·------typesc., 137 pages; rewrites, typesc., 22 pages. Galleys 4.
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