JULY - SEPTEMBER 2003 (including GST) www netspace nec.au/-navyleag VOLUME 65 NO. 3 $5.45 Wfiustralia \ Mit scum of Flight Frank Getting - gxittejf Sub marine t ISSN 132? b?3X Australia's Leading Naval Magazine Since 1938 9 IIQ£OUUV THE NAVY Iht'Naw l eague of \ustralia FEDERAL COUNCIL Patron in Chief: His Excellency. The Governor General Volume 65 No. 3 President: Graham M Harris. RI D X ice-Presidents: RADM \ J Roberts.*!. AO. DSC. RAN (Rid) John Binl. ( DRI II J I' Adaim. AM. RAN 1R1J1 CAI'I II A Josephs. AM RAN I Rid i Qmwtis lion. Secretary: Rav Corboy. PO Box VW. Ml Waverlcy. Vic 1141 Telephone tO.l) 9XX8 1977. Pax I0.U9MUI 10X1 THE RN TODAY AND TOMORROW NEW sot Til WAI.ES DIVISION B\ Peter Hore Page 3 Patron: Her Ksccllencs. The (t'lU'rmn of New South Wales President: R () Albert. AO. RFD. RD ANZAC FIRES FOR EFFECT llunSeereUrv: JC J Jeppcscn.OAM.RH> UPOBos 1719. Sydney. NSW KM.1 By CMDR Siu Wheeler Page 7 Telephone: i(i2t9212 2144. l ax |02»92.12 K1X.1. VICTORIA DIV ISION AUSTRALIA'S MUSEUM OF FLIGHT Patron: His Excellency. The Governor of Victoria President: J M Wilkin's. RID By Mark Clayton Page 17 lion. Secretary: Ray (nil. PO Box IVII. Bos Hill. Vic 1I2K Tel.phone (0.1) 9XX4 6217. Pax: (Oil 9XX4 44X2 FRANK GETTING - A FORGOTTEN I ni.nl [gill 11" i>ptusnet.Ciini.au SUBMARINER Xlembership Secretarv: LCDR Tom Kilbum MBK. RID. VRI) By Vie Jeffery Page Telephone <0.119560 9927. If) Bos IVII Bos Hill VIC .1128 QUEENSLAND Dl\ ISION AIRCRAFT CARRIERS-A PERSONAL VIEW Patron: His Hxcellencv. The Governor ol Queensland President: I M Praser. CAM B\ Das id Hobbs Page 22 lion. Secrrtars: Adrian Borwick. PO Box 1.1402. George Street Post Shop. Brisbane. Qld 4003 Telephone ((17(126.1 1.119 Regular Features State Branches: Cairns: ACunnccn. PO Bos 1009. Cairns, yid 4X70 From Ihe Crow \ Nesl Page 2 Telephone (071 4054 I IMS Townvvllle: I McDougall. PO Bos I47X. Townssille. yid 4X10 Flash Traffic Page 9 Telephone. Il)7l 4772 45XX Ohserx ations Page 16 Mackas: K Millward. PO Box 5527. yid 4741 Hatch. Match & Despatch Page 28 Telephone |07> 4942 2965. Bundaberg: I Lohsc. PO Bos 5141. Bundaberg West, yid 4h7(l Product Rc\ icu Page 29 Telephone KI7i4I5I 2210. S<iuthport: I V Foot. If) Box 946. Southport. yid 4215 Telephone (07)5512 2447 SOUTH AUSTRALI AN Dl\ ISION I he opinions nr assertions espressed in THE Nil } arr those of Patron: Her Excellency. The Governor of South Australia the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal ( nuncil of the President: Man Preskclt. RID. 15 Sleeps Hill Dnve. Panorama SA 5041 Nivy league nf Xustralia. Ihr Editor of Tilt. VII I, the K \N lion. Secretarv: Miss J EGilt. GPO Box 1521. Adelaide. SA 5001. or Iht' IK'parlmrnl of Defence. I he Kdilor welcomes correspondence, Telephone: (lIXi X272 6415 till photographs and contributions and will assume that In making TASM \NI.\N Dl\ ISION submissions. contributors agree lhat all material ma> he used Patron: His Excellency. The Governor ol Tasmania President: Mrs J M Cooper. 42 Amy Road. Launceston. Tas 725tl free uf charge. edited and amended at the Editor's discretion. Telephone and Pas <II1|6U4 1511 No part of this publication mas he rcpmduccd without Ihe linn. Seeretars: Mr K Hurd. 16 Strahan Road, l aunceston. Tas 7250 permission of the Editor. Telephone 10.1)6144 1191. Slate Branches: l.aunceslnn: Mt A I anhani. 67 llardwick Street, launceston. Tas 7250 Front cover: The RN Trafalgar class SSN HMS TRIUMPH ssith Ihe hps' Telephone: |0.1| 6144 3245. 23 class frigate HMS NORTHUMBERLAND. iRNl I Iverstone: Mr I) Cunningham. P.O. Box Ml. Ulverstone. Tas 7115 Telephone 10116425 2164 Devonport: Mr PO'Lcars. II Tasman Place. Dcvonport. Tas 7110. Telephone (Oil 6424 5064 Burnie: Mr G Davis. 40 Chetrv Street. Bumic. Tas 7.120 Telephone 10.1)6411 4021 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Patron: His Excellency. The Governor of Western Australia President: A H Hewitt. JP The \aiy linn. Secretarv: Mrs Ci Hewitt. 211 -awlcr Road. Altadale. WA 6156. All letters and contributions to: Telephone I OX 19.1.10 .1600. The Office of The Editor State Branches: THE SAIT (•eraldton: Mrs C Jones. 24 Cunningham Street. Geraldton. WA 65 V) Telephone (0X19921 5772 Navs League of Australia \lbanv: Mr G R B Bolt. 24 Karrakatta Road. Frenchman Bav. WA61.10 GPO Box 1719 Telephone lOXi 9X44 4255. FEDERAL AD\ ISORN COUNCIL H-mail to: cditorthcnavy@>hoimail.com F Geoffrey Evans. OBE. VRD. Chainnan Neil Baird. Chairman Baird Publications All Subscription and Membership enquiries to: Win Bolttho. AM The Hon Secretary. Admiral Michael W Hudson. AC. RAN iRtdl Navy League of Australia. NSW Division Vice Admiral David I .each. AC CBE. LVO. RAN iRtdl GPO Box 1719. I achlan Pasne. CEO Australian Shipowners' Aswiation Sydney. NSW. 1043 Vice Admiral Sir Richard Peek. KBK. CB. DSC. RAN (Rldi John Strang. Chairman Strang International Ply I.td Advertising enquiries only to: Mr James Rickards Corporate Members 0419 731 371. e-mail: jamcsto rickards.ncl The Australian Shipowners' Association Deadline for next edition 5 August. 2(1(13 Hawker IX' Haviland Limited Computer Science of Australia Ply I.td Strang International Pts Ltd THE NAVY VOL 65 NO l FROM lilt ( ROWS M SI TESTING TIME AHEAD FOR NAVY number of defence equipment proposals involving ships, aircraft and army material, together with an increase in LEADERS personnel for the latter. The decisions made will determine Alter extensive public consultation in 2(XX) the the attainment or otherwise of the objectives listed in Defence Government produced a comprehensive Defence White 2(XX). Paper (Defence 2000) outlining the needs of the armed forces A possible problem for the Navy is its association with the in the foreseeable future. In the following year and in 2002 United States Navy; links forged during WW II have become terrorist attacks on an unforeseen scale took place in the steadily stronger as a result of equipment purchases (eg. the United States and Indonesia and not unexpectedly the FFGs). shared technical knowledge, joint exercises, training defence situation was reviewed and resulted in Defence courses etc. The RAN has however retained its independence L filiate 2003. and has never been seen as an adjunct of the USN. The update concluded that the principles of Defence 2000 During the past 12 or so months circumstances have remained sound but some "rebalancing" of capability and brought the two Navies even closer together. It would be expenditure would be necessary. The si/e. structure and role most unfortunate if decision makers thought the relationship of the Defence Force was not to be fundamentally changed was so close that, for example, in emergencies USN ships but greater emphasis would be placed on readiness, mobility, could provide the RAN with the capabilities lost when the and the development of new capabilities. guided-missile destroyers were de-commissioned and that the air warfare destroyer project could therefore be postponed An additional factor relevant to defence planning has been indefinitely; the implications for the Navy and the the attack on Iraq by United Stales-led forces including shipbuilding industry scarcely bear thought. elements of the ADF. The ferocity of the attack and speed with which organised resistance collapsed and key areas No matter how close political and military relations are at occupied, surprised many observers. In the course of the war the present time, it should not be forgotten that governments the RAN's diving unit, the Army's special forces and the and administrations change and for the foreseeable future activities of coalition air forces, including the RAAF. nations will continue to consider their own best interests received particular attention and local publicity. before those of allies and friends. These events have taken place at a time when the Government is faced with the need to make a decision on a Geoff Evans HMS INVINCIBLE backgrounded by the 'Rock of Gibraltar'. The Invincible class aircraft carrier has been a good performer for the RN but it docs have its limitations. The RN will soon begin construction on two replacemenl carriers for the three Invinciblcs which address the inadequacies of the Invincible through deck cruiser design. (RN) Peter llore. Associate editor of the UK based magazine WARSHIPS IFR, considers the condition of the British fleet in 2003 and its future ambitions. His article is a summary of a publication produced by WARSHIPS IFR on the RN in The 2003 'King-Hall' Navy 2003 (see product review section) The Royal Navy (RN) is undergoing a period of considerable refits and extensive modernisation - ARK ROYAL transition, and a conscious decision has been made to take emerged from refit in 2001 and is the current fleet flagship. History Conference some risks in order to get where the British fleet thinks it ILLUSTRIOUS entered a two-year refit in October 2002 ought to be in a 10 to 15 year time frame. Any analysis of the and INVINCIBLE is due to re-join the fleet in the northern 'State of the Navy* must begin by looking to the far horizon, hemisphere spring of 2003. All three could therefore be 9 in order to explain the. sometimes painful, changes to be made kept operational until at least 2012. There are only two 'The Navy and the Nation within the next few years. Subject to any significant change in carrier air groups, so these would have to be augmented by the world security situation, the UK government's finances RAF planes to use all three in the carrier role.
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