DECEMBER 2010 LATEST MORE USE OF SUTLER SHOP PUBLICATION OUR FACILITIES VOLUNTEER Director Brendan Mackie and A few years ago when we were THANKS his mother Laura Lee have co- designing our headquarters at Proceeds from our Sutler Shop authored a publication that is #33 Staff Lane, one of the fea- sales generate a significant part of the Arcadia Images of tures we wanted to include was portion of our annual revenue, America series. Their book is space that could be used by other and without them, the Society titled “Fort Delaware” and con- organizations or individuals as a would be in serious financial sists of a brief description of way of serving the community as trouble. It’s as plain as that. the Fort and dozens of archival well as our membership. For the past 50 plus years we photographs representing many Throughout the past year we have been able to operate the hours of research of our own have been pleased to host meet- Shop with the unselfish help collection as well as other ings of the Military Heritage of members of the Society, sources, which Brendan Foundation Board of Directors as who donate their time to staff scanned digitally. He and they planned the creation of a the Shop. Many, many thanks Laura then composed appropri- Military Museum in Burton Hall, to the following persons who ate descriptive captions for our neighbor to the north. The gave their time during the past each photograph. The book Foundation also used our large season. contains a wealth of informa- meeting room on June 6th for a Carolyn Raniszweski, Edie tion and is well worth the price lecture seminar. The Delaware Mahoney, Don Sholl, Kay of $21.99. Copies are available Heritage Commission made Keenan, Barbara Citron, Bob in the Sutler Shop during the good use of our facility to hold a Stark,, Ed Fielding, Hugh Sim- season, or may be ordered via planning meeting for the upcom- mons, Brendan Mackie Tom our website or by calling the ing 150th Anniversary of the Smith, Jennifer Robelen and office. They can be mailed for start of the Civil War. Bill Robelen. an addition shipping and han- In order to make our facilities If you have never tried it, dling fee of $3.25, and if you more useful, our Fundraising working in the Shop is a de- request, the authors will auto- Committee is in the process of lightful experience. It’s an ex- graph your copy. This book purchasing an LCD projector. cellent chance to interact with will make a valuable addition to Visitors can bring a lap top with our many visitors, and it is your own library and can be an a Power Point presentation easy. Martha Bennett is more excellent gift. Order one now. and use the projector to make than happy to provide a thor- their program easily visible to a WINE TASTING ough orientation and will stay large group. After a successful event this with you until you are comfort- past May, a second wine tast- able. Please give this contribu- ing fundraiser will be held at HAPPY HOLIDAYS tion of your time some serious Deerfield Wines on Saturday, The Officers and Directors consideration. We need all the December 11th. What a great extend to each of you their help we can get, and you will way to make early Christmas sincerest best wishes for a be playing an important part in gift purchases. joyous Holiday Season and a the business of the Society. safe, healthy and Happy New It’s also good public relations! Year for 2011. STAFF LANE PAVED DESCENDENT OUTREACH Visitors to our headquarters at 33 CERTIFICATE EFFORTS CONTINUE Staff Lane as well as State Park PROGRAM CONTINUES Our outreach program is an employees, Military Heritage Our Descendent Certificate Pro- important part of our mission Foundation visitors and Gover- gram continues to be a success. to promote Fort Delaware as nor Bacon employees will no Since May we have added five well as the Society. Through longer have to thread the obsta- persons to the program, bringing this activity, many new people the total-to-date to forty. We are contacted and made aware cle course of pot holes that made 60th ANNUAL driving on Staff Lane a chal- attribute this continued response of the Fort’s role in history and lenge. Our sincere thanks to Rep- to the LUNCHEON page on our web site the research resources the So- resentative Bruce Ennis who re- whichThe Fortpromotes Delaware it and Societyincludes ciety offers. Director Dan sponded to a request from the anheld Application its 60th FormAnniversary which canat Cashin presented a series of Society and used part of his Road bethe downloaded Annual Luncheonand sent to onthe seminars for the third time at Repair Fund in the amount of Society.March 7, 2010For aat $25 the donation,Christi- an all-day encampment at $14,486 to have the repair work participantsana Hilton. receiveOriginally a handsome sched- Manor College near Jenkin- completed late this past summer. Certificateuled for February confirming 7, thethe eventances- town, PA. He and Director tor’shad name,to be postponedrank and dates due ofto ser- a Hugh Simmons staffed an in- vicemajor or snowimprisonment storm that at dumped the Fort formation table, distributing ANNUAL LUNCHEON and25 inchesa personal of the letterwhite ofstuff thanks on Society handouts at a two-day Invitations to our 61st Annual fromnorthern our DelawarePresident. the These day be-Cer- annual Civil War event at Luncheon will be mailed to all tificatesfore. In makehis opening an excellent remarks, gift Neshaminy Park in PA. Dan members around the first of the forPresident children Bill as Robelen a reminder made itof dressed as a rebel POW when year, but it’s not too early to theirclear heritage that his and promise family history.made he spoke at Marshallton Park. when he was first elected Jayne McCormick, David mark your calendars for Sunday, February 6, 2011. If you have President in 1984 that it would Price, Sally Kuntz and Rich attended in the past, you know not snowFUND the RAISINGday of the meet- Hoffman staffed an informa- what an exciting event this is. If ing wasACTIVITIES still valid, despite the tion table at Newark (DE) you have never attended, you Pleasefact that note most the roadsbrief articlewere im- on Night on June 6th. For the will be impressed with the occa- Pagepassable 1 concerningand parking the lots wine had third consecutive year, the So- sion. This time, instead of a sin- tastingnot been events cleared. that have The pro-fea- ciety was represented at New- gle guest speaker, members of ducedtured extraGuest income Speaker for wasthe So-be ark Community Day, an all- the Reedy Point Players of Dela- ciety.David Rickman,The Dairy Publications/ Queen in day event on the campus of the ware City will present three short Newark,Exhibits Coordinatorsponsored afor Fortthe U of D on September 19th. plays about Civil War subjects. DelawareDivision ofSociety Parks day & onRecrea- June Well over one hundred organi- It promises to be a different and 17,tion. during David which is a talenteda percentage artist zations set up booths, and over most enjoyable experience. ofin theirhis own gross right sales and went presented to the 1000 local citizens attended Society.an excellent Board Power members Point Edie as- this popular event. Thanks to Once more for the past 25 years, Mahoney,sisted talk aboutDavid Max Price Neugas, and the generosity of Jayne the event will be held at the Jaynea Confederate McCormick POW worked who was to- McCormick, the Society was Christiana Hilton Inn where Del. getherimprisoned with atLaura Fort LeeDelaware (State protected from the sun by a Rt. 1 intersects Route 4. We Parkafter Staff)the Battle and ofKim Gettysburg Johnson large tent-type shelter. Jayne, hope to see you there. (Parksin 1863. office While in Dover) there, heto madewrite Hugh Simmons, David Price aa grantnumber to ofthe beautiful Delaware and Com- de- and Sally Kuntz spent the day DIGITAL RECORD OF munitytailed sketches Fund to ofsupport the Fort a pro-and greeting visitors. Edie Ma- ARTIFACTS gram to underwrite the cost for honey and Bill Robelen partici- Directors Tom Smith and Bren- school children to visit the pated in a ceremony at Mt. Sa- dan Mackie have begun taking Fort, who could not otherwise lem Methodist Church in digital photographs of our collec- afford the per person fee. The Rockford Park on May 30th tions to supplement our written program also includes an edu- honoring Admiral Samuel Du- archival records. cational segment to increase Pont and other Civil War dead the value of their visit. from Delaware. Society Activities May to October 2010 Wine Tasting Fund Raiser Scout Jamboree at Fort DuPont State Park Edie’s Food Stand at Kidsfest Descendant’s Behind the Scenes Tour A Satisfied Sutler Shop Customer Sutler Shop Close Up Crew Fort Delaware Society P.O. Box 553 Delaware City, DE 19706 SUTLER SHOP NEEDS TIDBITS MORE TIDBITS YOUR HELP Director Hugh Simmons is our Thanks to the generosity of our Net proceeds from sales in our newest Life Member, bringing members, the Emerson Wilson Sutler Shop are the single largest the total to 111. The Military Memorial Library continues to source of revenue for the Society. Heritage Foundation held its sec- expand. The end of the season It is a major job to staff the shop, ond Annual Weekend event Octo- was marked by our packing up but when spread out among lots ber 23 & 24. The Society staffed unsold merchandise in the Shop of volunteers, it does not repre- an information table encouraging and returning it to our office to be sent a huge investment of time visitors to tour our headquarters.
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