Astronomical Science VLT/FORS Surveys of Wolf-Rayet Stars beyond the Local Group: Type Ib/c Supernova Progenitors? Paul A. Crowther, Lucy J. Hadfield unless hydrogen-rich material is mixed external galaxies. Notably, narrowband (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom) downwards from the outer zones. interference filter techniques have been independently developed by Moffat and Once the core hydrogen is exhausted, the Massey that permit their detection from Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars are the chemical- star leaves the main sequence and be- their strong emission lines at He II λ 4686 ly evolved descendents of O stars, comes a blue supergiant, and ultimately a (WN stars) and C III λ 4650 (WC stars) such that they trace massive star forma- red supergiant (RSG) for stars with initial with respect to their nearby continuum. tion. Here we present results of recent mass up to perhaps 20–30 MA. Observa- Such techniques have been applied to VLT/FORS surveys of WR stars in near - tionally, there is an absence of luminous regions of the Milky Way disc, the Magel- by spiral and irregular galaxies and RSGs, known as the Humphreys-David- lanic Clouds and other Local Group gal- consider individual WR stars as progen- son limit, such that initially more massive axies. itors of Type Ib/c core-collapse super- stars circumvent the RSG phase, pass novae. Young massive clusters hosting through a Luminous Blue Variable stage, It is well established that the absolute large WR populations may be used as before ending their life as Wolf-Rayet number of WR stars and their subtype templates for high-redshift Lyman break (WR) stars, exhibiting either the products distribution are metallicity dependent. galaxies. of core-H burning (WN subtypes) or sub- N(WR)/N(O) ~ 0.15 in the relatively metal- sequent core-He burning (WC, WO sub- rich Solar Neighbourhood, yet N(WR)/ types). N(O) ~ 0.01 in the metal-deficient SMC on Massive stellar evolution the basis of only 12 WR stars versus Consequently, the prime candidates for ~ 1000 O stars (Crowther 2007). This ob- Massive stars form in star clusters with- core-collapse SN are RSG and WR stars servational dependence follows since in star-forming galaxies, pollute the in- for H-rich (Type II) and H-poor (Type Ib/c) the hydrogen-rich envelope of O stars are terstellar medium, inject energy and mo- cases, respectively. Indeed, within the more easily removed at high metallicity. mentum via powerful stellar winds and past few years a direct connection has O-type stars possess strong winds that core-collapse supernovae (SNe). The de- been established between certain Type Ic are driven by metallic lines (primarily CNO tection of massive stars within Lyman- SNe and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), and Fe-peak elements), for which the break galaxies at high redshift, either di- supporting the collapsar model in which empirical dependence upon metallicity Z · rectly via their UV continua and indirect ly the GRB results from the death throes of is M ∝ Z 0.8 for stars between SMC via ionised H II regions provides some of a rapidly rotating WR star. and Milky Way metallicities (Mokiem et al. the most stringent constraints upon their 2007). physical properties. Relative to lower-mass stars, the evolu- tion of high-mass stars is complicated by Attempts have been made with 4-m The Initial Mass Function favours the for- (a) the metallicity dependence of their ra- telescopes to extend the interference fil- mation of low- and intermediate-mass diatively line-driven stellar winds, produc- ter technique to star-forming galaxies stars with respect to high-mass stars, for ing weaker winds at low metallicity, and beyond the Local Group, although this which the boundary is conventionally (b) their initial rotational velocities, provid- proved to be challenging (e.g. Testor and set at 8 MA – the division between stars ing rotationally induced mixing within their Schild 1993). The advent of efficient multi- ultimately forming a CO white dwarf or interiors. It is only within the past decade object spectrographs such as FORS1/2 an iron core, the latter subsequently un- that allowance for both effects have been at the Very Large Telescope has permit- dergoing a core-collapse SNe. Spectro- considered within evolutionary models, ted surveys of WR populations in galaxies scopically, stars with initial masses of most recently implemented into spectral at distances beyond 2 Mpc (Table 1). An 8–20 MA are B-type dwarfs on the main synthesis models (Vazquez et al. 2007). example of our FORS1 imaging approach sequence, or O-type dwarfs at higher is presented in Figure 1 for the barred initial mass. Such high-mass stars pos- spiral galaxy NGC 1313 (see also the cov- sess convective cores, and radiative Surveys of Wolf-Rayet stars in star-form- erpage of the current Messenger). The envelopes, a situation reversed in the Sun ing spiral galaxies boxed region 60 × 60 arcsec in size with- and other low-mass stars. Although there in NGC 1313 hosts in excess of twen- is energy transport from the convective WR stars exhibit a unique, broad emis- ty WR stars, most of which are within a and radiative regions, only the convective sion line spectral appearance which pro- large giant H II region. Overall, the suc- core participates in nuclear reactions, vides the basis for their detection in cess rate of identifying WR stars from Galaxy D (Mpc) log (O/H)+12 N (O7V) N(WN) N(WC) Reference Table 1: Summary of southern star- NGC 300 1.9 8.6: 800 ≥ 16 ~ 15: Schild et al. 2003; Crowther et al. 2007 forming galaxies whose WR pop- ulations have been surveyed with NGC 1313 4.1 8.2 6 500 ≥ 51: ~ 33: Hadfield and Crowther 2007 FORS1/2 to date. The O star contents M83 4.5 9.0? 40000 ≥ 470 ≥ 560 Hadfield et al. 2005 are based upon a SFR for an assumed NGC 3125 11.5 8.4 3600 200 40 Hadfield and Crowther 2006 O7 V Lyman continuum flux of 1049 per second, omitting regions excluded from our WR surveys, i.e. the outer disc of NGC 300 and the nuclear star- burst of M83. The Messenger 129 – September 2007 53 Astronomical Science Crowther P. A. and Hadfield L. J., VLT/FORS Surveys of WR Stars beyond the LG 2005). This observational trend led to suggestions that early-type WC stars are richer in carbon than late-type WC stars. However, quantitative analysis of WC subtypes allowing for radiative transfer effects do not support a subtype de- pendence of elemental abundances in WC stars. In contrast, Crowther et al. (2002) pro- posed that late spectral types follow in metal-rich environments, and early types at low metallicity due to metallicity de- pendent WR winds. Indeed, WO stars (extreme WC early-types) are preferen- tially seen at low metallicity. Consequent- ly, the representative WC subtype of a galaxy permits an estimate of its metallic- ity. Metal-poor WR stars possess harder Lyman continuum ionising flux distribu- tions than high metallicity counterparts, in agreement with the association of neb- ular He II λ 4686 with low-metallicity WR stars (e.g. Hadfield and Crowther 2007). Evolutionary models for the Wolf-Rayet stage have typically assumed metallicity independent mass-loss rates, which both observational and theoretical evidence now challenges. The metallicity depend- ence of WN winds appears to be similar to O stars, with a somewhat weaker de- pendence for WC stars due to their high carbon and oxygen abundances, of rele- vance to the observed ratio of WC to WN stars predicted by evolutionary models (Eldridge and Vink 2006). One related topic involves the search B Net HeII Net Hα for Wolf-Rayet stars in close binary sys- tems with neutron-star or black-hole Figure 1: The upper panel shows a composite the Solar Neighbourhood. In contrast, companions. Such systems represent a FORS1 image of NGC 1313 (ESO Press Photo WN stars exceed WC stars by a factor of natural, though rare, end state for close 43a/06) showing a 60 × 60 arcsec box, for which the lower panels show FORS1 images of broadband B, ~ 5 and ~ 10 for the LMC and SMC, re- binary evolution, for which Cyg X-3 in the continuum subtracted He II 4686 (excesses are spectively (Crowther 2007). At low metal- Milky Way has been the sole example shown in white), continuum subtracted Ha, from left- licity the reduced WR population and up until recently. The combination of high to-right. the relative dominance of WN subtypes spatial resolution X-ray surveys plus our most likely results from the metallicity de- WR surveys of nearby galaxies has in- our FORS surveys is high. For the case pendence of winds from their evolution- creased this number to three, IC 10 X-1 in of NGC 1313 we have identified 94 can- ary precursors. Consequently, only the the northern sky, and NGC 300 X-1 in the didate WR stars, for which a subset most massive single stars reach the WR south, both of which are probable WR of 83 % have been spectroscopically ob- phase in metal-poor environments. plus black-hole systems (e.g. Crowther et served. Within this subset, 90 % of the al. 2007). sources have been spectroscopically Not all WR subtypes are observed in all confirmed as WR stars, as indicated in environments. Early-type WN and WC Figure 2 (Hadfield and Crowther 2007). subtypes dominate in metal-poor galax- ies, such as the SMC, while late WC stars Regarding WN and WC subtype distribu- are more common at super-Solar met- tions, similar numbers are observed in allicities, such as M83 (Hadfield et al.
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